Academy’s Second Seat

Chapter 28: Midterm Camp (5)

Chapter 28: Midterm Camp (5)

As Rudy grasped Rie's hand tightly, they dashed forward, pursued by the others.


Luna was taken aback by the sight.

If they ran away like that, she and Locke would have a chance to survive.

However, Rudy and Rie would be in even greater danger.

If the number of targets decreased from four to two, the assassins would have fewer people to worry about.

"We have to help...!"

As Luna tried to run in the direction Rudy and Rie had fled, Locke blocked her path.

Luna glared at Locke, her expression fierce.


"We're heading elsewhere."

Locke's words were met with Luna extending her hand.

Directly aiming for Locke's head.

"If you obstruct me, there will be consequences."

She was resolute, her lips tightly pressed together as she stared Locke down.

However, her hands were trembling.


And fear.

Her eyes reflected a mixture of emotions.

"Luna Railer."

Despite the dire circumstances, Locke remained calm.

Luna couldn't comprehend Locke's behavior.

How could he remain so composed in such a situation?

Even though they'd only spent a few days together, weren't they comrades?

As she thought that, her emotions intensified.

"Move. Rudy and Rie are being chased right now."


Locke sighed as he looked at the yelling Luna.

"Everything has unfolded exactly as Rudy Astria anticipated."


"Rudy Astria predicted this would happen and made arrangements."

Luna frowned.

What was he talking about now?

As Luna pondered this, Locke provided further explanation.

"Rudy Astria foresaw this situation and tasked me with something. There's something we must do."

"Do... what?"

Locke didn't offer a separate response; instead, he began walking.

Luna followed him, asking:

"What is it that we need to do?"

As Luna asked, Locke briefly turned his head and replied:

"We're going to help Evan."


Raei Translations



Gasping for breath, I clung to Rie's hand as we sprinted onward.

Branches and grass obstructed our path, but we employed magic to clear them, maintaining our speed.

I could hear the sound of pursuit from behind.

However, it seemed like their numbers had decreased somewhat.

The darkness of the forest made it difficult for them to accurately locate us.

But there was one person, a lone figure, who relentlessly pursued us.

It was likely Andrei.

And the sound of his footsteps drew nearer and nearer.

We had to run faster.

"Huff... huff..."

Yet Rie was reaching her limit.

As a wizard, physical training was a luxury, and stamina naturally suffered as a result.

"Rie, hold on just a little longer."

No matter how agonizing it was, she had to endure.

We couldn't afford to stop running.

Unlike when Evan fled with Rie, the area wasn't restricted by the game.

We didn't have to fight like they did; we could simply run.

We had to take advantage of that.

With that in mind, we pressed forward.

The current circumstances were not a game governed by fixed rules; this was reality.

As Rie's steps gradually slowed, I could feel our pursuer getting closer.

Footsteps pounding the ground.

"...He's closing in."

Swiftly, I turned around and extended my hand behind us.

"Wind Blaster!"

A powerful gust erupted from my outstretched hand, parting the grass in its wake.

And there, at the other end, stood the person we had initially encountered.


With a single stroke, he cleaved through my magic once again.

Andrei propelled himself off the ground, sprinting toward us.

Observing this, Rie exhaled with effort and called out.


At Rie's command, multiple gusts of wind homed in on Andrei.

He halted momentarily, slashing away the winds rushing toward him.

Seizing the opportunity, I raised my hand skyward.

"Wind Blaster!"


A fierce gust of wind raged, rustling the surrounding foliage as countless leaves descended like a shower.

Those leaves provided ample cover, obscuring our figures.

"Rie, keep running!"


Struggling to regain her breath, Rie followed me once more.

But her forced sprint would not last long.

"Haah... Haah... I can't... run anymore..."

Rie came to a halt, gasping for air.

I grasped Rie's shoulder and spoke.

"Rie, you can't stop. Just a little bit more."

"You go. They're after me anyway. I'll Haa try something, so you go."

Rie collapsed onto the ground as she spoke.

She had reached her limit.

Her breaths were shallow, making it even difficult for her to speak.

This was not a situation that could be overcome through sheer willpower or any other means.


I turned my back on Rie as I spoke.

"Get on."


"Hurry up and get on my back. We don't have much time."

Blocking their view earlier bought us some time, but they would catch up soon.

We had to run as fast as possible.

"Hey, we'll both die like this. You should run and get help."

Rie's voice remained calm, her fists clenched tightly.

However, her tightly clenched fists were trembling.

She was scared too.

To resist assassins in her exhausted state was nonsensical.

She knew it, and yet she still said it.

For my sake.

How could I abandon her like this?

I had no intention of giving up. Strengthening my resolve, I approached Rie.

"Hey... what... what are you...!"

I forcefully grasped Rie's arm and lifted her onto my back.

"Don't try to be a hero. Save that performance for the academy. Just listen to me now."

"Let... me go. We'll both die if you do this..."

Rie struggled to free herself from my back, but she lacked the strength to do so.

I held Rie, who was now on my back, firmly.

"I won't let you die."


"I won't abandon you and run away. Never. We'll both survive. Trust me."

For a moment, Rie gazed at me with a bewildered expression.

Then she bit her lower lip hard.

"If you die... I really won't forgive you."

I wasn't entirely sure how she wouldn't forgive me if I were dead, but there was no time for hesitation.

Rie tightly held onto me.

The strength in her embrace felt like trust.

It felt like she believed in me.

With Rie on my back, I resumed running.

"Huff... huff..."

After running for about ten minutes, my stamina began to wane.

I regretted not working on my physical fitness while practicing magic.

"I should start exercising once this is over"

Fortunately, I had a plan...

I slowly came to a halt.

As I stopped, Rie spoke with a panicked voice.

As I came to a stop, Rie's voice sounded startled.

"Ru... Rudy?"

I surveyed our surroundings.

"Rudy, we haven't reached the center yet..."

"I know."

I acknowledged Rie's words while continuing to assess our environment.

This seemed about right.

"Rie, we need to hold out now."


"Just 5 minutes. We only have to hold out for approximately 5 minutes."

"What are you talking about?"

They're coming.

"Wind Blaster!"

I used magic behind me before I had a chance to answer Rie's question.



A figure was sent flying by the force of my magic.

"Uh... Sylph!"

Rie stopped questioning and joined the fight.

"Wind Blaster!"

"Sylph! Push them back! Wind Cutter!"

Back to back, we stood against the assassins.

However, we were merely buying time.

After several clashes, the assassins' movements gradually came to a halt.


I employed magic to illuminate our surroundings, revealing the assassins lurking in the shadows.

We were surrounded.

Numerous figures became visible, their count exceeding ten.

And among them, Andrei stepped forward.

"It seems it's all over now."

He removed his mask, revealing a smirk.

"Why are you weak wizards running around like this? It would be easier if you simply died."

Andrei drew his sword and approached us.

I threw a question his way.

"Where did Garwel go?"


Andrei furrowed his brow.

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought that Garwel guy would be here too, but I don't see him. Is there a problem?"

I spoke teasingly.

Andrei emitted a strong killing intent in response.

Naturally, he remained on guard.

There was no way I should know that Garwel was a rebel.

My question was meant to cause confusion.

As I anticipated, Andrei, who was approaching us, stopped and threw a question.

"Who the hell are you?"

Without hesitation, I dangled another piece of bait.

"Or perhaps, did he betray you? Maybe he's aiming for your throats?"

I grinned maliciously.

The provocation hit its mark.

A vein in the shape of a cross bulged on Andrei's forehead.

"It seems unnecessary for someone like you, who will soon die, to know."

"Is that so? Aren't you curious about how Yeniel survived and returned after failing in the assassination?"


Andrei gritted his teeth and glared at me.

He must have had concerns in his mind as well.

A mixture of lies and truth.

He didn't have the luxury to distinguish between them right now.

It just got under his skin.


Rie tugged at my sleeve, her expression filled with worry.

I gave her a faint, reassuring smile.

"I wonder what Yeniel and Garwel are up to now?"

"Ha... Kill him."

Rather than extracting information from me, Andrei opted to kill me.

He charged toward me.

It was a good choice.

Killing me quickly and then searching for those two would be a better decision than trying to extract information from me.

I watched Andrei approach.

Yet, I remained motionless.

His sword couldn't reach me.

Because she had already arrived.

I once had a thought.

What would happen if a second-year student interfered with the dangers faced by first-year students?

What if she, the top student in her grade and the student council president, stepped in?

The conclusion was simple.

The balance would collapse.

Someone descended rapidly, tearing through the foliage above us.

With her red hair fluttering, she came down from above.

It was Astina.


With the momentum from her descent, she goomba stomped on Andrei.

Astina's foot connected precisely with Andrei's back, sending him crashing into the ground.

Blood spurted from his mouth.


Astina triumphantly stepped on Andrei and taunted him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

She extended her hand toward the sky.

Then, she turned her head slightly to glance at me.

"Rudy Astria, you did well."

Astina's mana surged.

Surrounding leaves trembled, and gentle winds gathered around Astina's hand.

The area trembled due to the massive movement of mana.

Astina's magic.

Her magic surpassed the capability of all these individuals combined.


The mana amassing in her hand expanded forcefully around her.






Leaves littered the ground, while even the slender trees snapped in half.

No ordinary person could withstand such immense power.

Everyone, except us, crumbled to the ground.

Astina's overwhelming strength.

These fools stood no chance against her.

Andrei might be strong, but he was someone who needed time to win against Evan.

No matter how many troops they had, they were mere pawns.

Confronting Astina head-on, victory was an impossibility, let alone being caught off-guard as she descended from the sky.

Astina after crushing the surroundings and looked at us.

A bright, smiling face.

With a playful grin, she said,

"Am I late?"

Returning Astina's smile, I responded.

"You've arrived right on time."


Uhmm I might've added some goomba to Astina's stomp.. I couldn't resist

4/4 Enjoy the chappy!

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