Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 30: Ceril Tusin Orgatorph

Chapter 30: Ceril Tusin Orgatorph

Did they say she was fourteen years old? For sure, she was a striking beauty even though her face was still childish.

Her finely haired but slightly thick eyebrows fitted really well with her fierce eyes, and her thick red eyeliner that seemed to be her only makeup was acting as a clear pointer on her white face. I could easily guess that shed become a fierce-looking beauty if she continued growing up like this. Would her height be a bit shorter than Asileye?

But more important than that, she was real bold for someone who broke down two of someone elses doors. Even more so, she had kicked them so hard that her long and fluffy skirt fluttered a while even long after the door had opened.


Come to think of it, someone elses doors wasnt quite the right phrase since this was her house in the first place. Anyway, the girl whod introduced herself as Ceril Tusin Orgatorph while showing an amazingly gutsy face to a total stranger didnt stop at just those oddities and tilted her head and continued her words.

Who are you?

Unlike the maid at the back who was asking with her face just why was I sitting like that in the bathroom, Ceril crossed her arms as if saying those sorts of things were merely trivial and demanded my introduction.

Even just by that, it looked definite that she was a really fucking unusual human. Was this the power of puberty? Or was the race called geniuses all simply like this? Was this why Sir Ekav had exhaled that deep a sigh while worrying about his daughter?

Countless questions spouted up, but there was something that boiled fiercer than that.

I couldnt tell what that was at first, but when that thing that had instantly taken form settled inside me, I nearly spat out a deep exclamation.

That was indignation.

Thats right! The instant Id heard her self-introduction, I could only violently tremble like a one-line extra who had his sole line stolen! She dared make that kind of a self-introduction in front of Eldmia Egga?

In the end, I immediately jumped up from where Id sat and boldly crossed my arms as I looked down at her and spoke.

I am Eldmia Egga!

There was a weirdo standing in a bathtub of someone elses guest room bathroom and boldly shouting while feeling rivalry towards a girl a head shorter than him.

But that weirdo was me.

The moment my sense of shame was abruptly about to soar higher than indignation, the girls thick bold-font eyebrows twitched. I didnt miss the sudden flare of emotion sparkling like flame within her minutely shaking violet eyes.

I could tell just by that.

This bastard, she was feeling the same discomfort that I was!

You the guest father said to have brought?

You the girl said to be Sir Ekavs daughter?

Something something was happening.

We werent even aiming for it, but even the things we were asking each other were the same. Even just by that, we could tell the discomfort we felt towards each other precipitously skyrocket.

Because same for her and same for me, we were staring right at each other as our faces rotted to displeasure, so it was impossible not to know it.


The moment even our final shouts ultimately came out the same, Id realized the truth. And because of that, I could clearly tell that the girl had realized it, too.

That the sky had no need for two suns. The two of us, whod been only glaring at each others glares within the taunt tension, with no point of asking whom first, jumped like predators to rip each others throats.

Today one sun would fall to the ground!

Where this?

Orgatorph House reception room.

I who?

The fallen sun. Eldmia Egga the loser.

Id admit up to abruptly starting a petty ego-driven fight from feeling too much similarity between our actions, but ultimately, beating up a fourteen-year old brat for that stupid a reason was absolutely unacceptable.

In the end, I had to get lavishly beaten up until a bunch of maids ran in and stopped Ceril. When I had laboriously blocked those beatings, this time Id gotten my hair pulled apart. Id really wondered if all my hair would get plucked out. But seemingly having slept for longer than Id thought, the situation finally ended thanks to Sir Ekav whod returned home not long after, and we were immediately dragged over to the reception room.

To be precise, it was correct that both of us were dragged over to the reception room, but the only one standing and getting scolded was Ceril, and I was merely sitting leisurely and listening in on the father and daughters conversation.

Cause I, who didnt do anything but get beaten up, was completely guilt-free!

I just dont understand what you mean.

A haggard look was moving over Sir Ekavs face that hadnt lost its tidiness even during the six days of marching and standing guard.

Thinking about it again, it was understandable. It wasnt like I was the one who asked him to take me with him, and he was the one to make me the offer and bring me along when Id accepted it, so a lot of thoughts mustve gone through his head when his daughter had abruptly beat up that kid.

There cant be two suns under the sky, father.

Shockingly, those werent words coming out of my mouth but Cerils mouth. At this point our thoughts were similar beyond a chilling degree to a simply divine level.

If there was a difference, then it would be that my actual age was over 30 years old and that girl was 14 years-old. Anyway, it looked like the parts Sir Ekav had headaches over also included that kind of rashness and nonsensical idea of hers. Taking a guess from my perspective that merely didnt show it but had the same idea as her, I thought that she might simply have a bit high self-esteem, but there wasnt a way to tell right now.

Huuh could you please do something about that rash personality of yours?

At Sir Ekavs deep sigh and words, I reflexively recalled the words Lagnis had said back at the camp in Ogwen and shriveled up together with Ceril.

Im sorry, father (sir).

We once again glared at each other from even my apology that unconsciously popped out of me being the same, but because we also knew that we had to slip past this situation, that standoff didnt last long. Because it literally was a split second of an instant, Sir Ekav didnt quite notice it and merely flustered at the fact that I apologized too.

Haahhm? Oh no, you dont have to apologize for anything.

In the end, starting with Ceril whod apologized to me at the end of the half-forced chiding, Sir Ekav began introducing me to the houses members for real. Obviously all the normal people and I were able to cheerfully exchange greetings without any particular adverse reaction, and that was also the same with Sir Ekavs wife and the madam of the house, Madam Laviel.

Only that Ceril was uniquely problematic. That girl with a shocking rate of synchronization with me and who was like my doppelganger with just her gender and outer appearances different. Eh? Then I guess that wouldnt make her my doppelganger.

Anyway, I was controlling myself for now since there was something more important, but soon, I would once again wage the battle for the sun.

Even so, that is a bit

For now, the priority was persuading Sir Ekav. Coolly and cleanly ignoring Ceril who was quietly sitting next to him like a doll with its strings cut off and merely glaring at me, I continued my words.

I cant possibly ask for even sirs teachings while excusing myself as an unfamiliar guest on Sir Ekavs grace. I would like sir to please hire me as a servant.

I do think that your resolve is truly admirable for someone of a young age like you, but hiring you, who is both the marquis benefactor and friend, as our houses servant is hm

After finishing up all the introductions, right now I was switching the subject this way and that while chatting for a moment with Sir Ekav and tirelessly persuading him to write me an employment contract.

It was a passionate self-promotion to earn a job.

The very instant Id first brought up the topic, Sir Ekav had absolutely naturally refused and tried to simultaneously treat me as a guest and care for both my needs and even my education.

But the things I needed werent something like those. What was more important were the knowledge and the experience to live on by myself even without an all-around support. There of course were also many things I could learn simply through education, but there were far more that I could learn because of this moment and opportunity.

In that sense, Sir Ekavs mansion was simply perfect as a new workplace. Since it was a nobles mansion, even its wages were high, and I could also clearly learn the perspective that commoners saw nobles through and its reverse perspective, too.

Most of all, the thing called education Sir Ekav would provide was simply pointless knowledge for commoners like me when it wasnt even my lifes goal to become a knight.

In the first place, there wouldnt be many occasions to use the things I could learn from here when I begin living as a wandering adventurer later on, so rather than intentionally allocating time to pointless education like rote and cram education, it was far more beneficial to work as a servant and only lightly understand things like manners and traditions, and instead allocate time to developing working knacks and learning the general common sense of how the world worked.

And that wasnt all. In my case I could even participate in the trainings of the houses knights as much as Id want. This was something that ordinarily was only possible by starting from a squire and working multiple years.

To think I could work if I didnt need training, and get out of work when I did need to train! It almost looked like the impossibly perfect workplace of gods.

Most of all, I was certain that there also would definitely be many things Id never know if I wasnt at a mansion like this.

It was a grand house with Tusin of all things in its name. They were nobles on a rank so different that it was questionable if I couldve even taken a single look at them in my entire life if not for the unbelievable relationships and ties that had led me here.

There were too many chances for learning overflowing everywhere for me to simply stay as a guest. Maybe otherwise for someone else, but I was a brat that absolutely couldnt let that sight slide.

It really wouldnt be proper of me to refuse any further if you ask that much. Alright. But I will be clearly conveying this matter to the marquis.

Smiling as if he really couldnt understand me, Sir Ekav ultimately accepted. In the end, my attitude that didnt contend with comfort and my sincerely delivered speech focused on wanting various experiences had won him over.

Thank you very much for accepting my unreasonable request, sir.

Do tell me anytime if you happen to change your mind.

Naturally, there wouldnt be such a thing. That was, so long as I didnt give up on my revenge and decide to turn back home.

TL note: 2/4 for the month of March.

0/4 for the Month of April.

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