Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 343

[Episode 109, Final Chapter (4)]

The Imperial Imperial Army appeared with the advent of the World's Best Sword.


It was a battlefield filled with extreme tension.

When everything was thought to be over, unexpected hope caused sighs of relief to flow from the mouths of many people.

It was no exception for anyone.


Song Jwa-baek grumbled at his younger brother Song Woo-hyeon’s words.

“Damn you son of a bitch. “They show up when the time is right and attract attention.”

Even as he says this, his face is full of relief.

If this guy hadn't appeared, everyone would have lost their jobs in this world at the hands of monsters.

Sima Ying said as she supported her father.

“father. Confucius was alive.”

“okay. I see.”

At her words, Sama Chak, the Wolak Sword, stood up and raised the corner of his mouth.

It was the son-in-law who was so displeased.

But at this moment, I couldn't help but feel glad and admit one fact.

“.......Your insight is better than this father’s.”


At those words, Sima Ying smiled, showing her teeth.

There was another person who was excited and overflowing with emotions like this: his biological father, Jin Seong-baek, the lord of the peerless castle, the heartless wind god.

‘Are you watching?'

The son she protected became the hope of martial arts.

I was so proud and satisfied to see everyone cheering and admiring me.


Haeakcheon just laughed.

I can't believe that the kid who tried to negotiate with me has grown so much.

I had a different feeling than anyone else.

‘Ho Jong-dae... I think you and I are very lucky. He is the teacher of such a great guy.'

I miss my rival who passed away first.

What would it be like if you really raised a disciple together with him?

I just snort at the strange thought.

“joy. “You were worried for no reason.”

Baek Hye-hyang stumbled and stood up.

Humans are truly amazing beings.

In my despair, I felt like everything would fall apart, but with his appearance, I felt like I could now do anything.

I didn't even feel the pain of my injury.


Baek Hye-hyang shouted to the cheering church members.

“What are you doing? “Sweep out the little creatures!”


The members of the Blood Cult who responded to her command all rushed towards the monsters.

Their morale was revived and their spirit was like that of a hundred warriors.

Naturally, this will to fight spread to everyone.

“Don’t miss the chance! “All warriors of the Wulin Federation, advance!”


In response to the shouts of Vice Lord Yeolwangpae and Jin Gyun, the members of the Jeong faction also fired their new weapons at the monsters.

Their fighting spirit seemed to have soared to the sky, and there was no longer any fear in their eyes.

“Are you planning on watching? Corsair!”

“Advance! Waaaaaaa!!!”

The peerless warriors also shouted and advanced as they were outmatched.

General Lee Yeon, commander-in-chief of the Imperial Regular Army, loudly ordered his soldiers.

“He is the solemn name of His Majesty the Emperor. “Exterminate the monsters!”

“I accept the Emperor’s command!!!”

Even if each individual was outgunned by the Murim people, the Imperial Army's regular army had its strengths.

It was an overwhelming amount.

As the soldiers filling up the rear marched and fired their arrows, the sky turned pitch black and a rain of arrows rained down on the monsters' heads.

-Papa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

That wasn't all.

Arrows fired from a large composite bow (crossbow) that could even pierce castle walls showed enough power to pierce several monsters at the same time.



-Oof! Wow!

The screams of monsters erupted from all directions.

In the absence of their leader, Ma Seon, the monsters trapped in the midst of countless humans before and after the war were no different from soldiers who had lost their generals.

We were divided in half and confused, but we couldn't respond properly.

“It must not be dispersed! “Rather penetrate the rear!”

Even though the half-human, half-evil being screamed and tried to lead them, it was no use.

In the first place, since they were submitting to and following the being called Demon Sun, he had neither the authority nor the ability to freely lead them.

If things continued like this, everything I had been waiting for might end up as a dream.

‘Should we make plans for the future?'

It was a moment when I was thinking about it.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard from somewhere.


The eyes of all beings involved in the war turned towards the tremendous roar that seemed to turn the world upside down.

A thick fog rose from the mountain peak where the horse ship was stuck.

A huge black shadow was visible in the fog.

A being that swims between the mountain peaks of the plateau like a leisurely swimming fish.


Every time that long being moved, blue flames erupted from all directions.

Everyone was astonished by the being that slowly appeared through the fog.


Black horns that stand out like deer and flaming red back feathers.

And a gigantic scale boasting a length of well over a hundred pieces.

It is a being that has only been heard of in legends.

It was Gyoryong (蛟龍).

When everyone was mesmerized and lost for words, only the half-human, half-human being was pleased with the appearance of the dragon.

“Ahhh! “Master, I trusted you!”

The appearance of a dragon was truly a catastrophe itself.


Every time the dragon moved, the mountain peak collapsed and broke, so it wasn't a mess.

Everyone whose morale had been soaring just moments ago could not hide their shock.

“A dragon?”

“How can I do that...”

My mind became confused as to how I could kill that spirit beast-level being called Gyoryong, something I only heard about in legends.


Such a dragon was slowly flying here.

Every time it moved, lightning came from all directions and it took my breath away.

No one could take their eyes off this dragon.


At that time, the dragon slowly opened its mouth.

At that moment, thick smoke flowed out of the dragon's mouth, and then

- rrrrrrrrrrr!

A huge flame spewed out.

Everyone was stunned by the enormous flames that spread out in a wide shape like a fan.

The flames were threatening to overthrow everyone and burn everything.

At that time, I saw someone crossing the air.

He flew into the flames emitted by the dragon with his sword flight and swung his hand.



The flame split in half with a shimmering space.

“I got cut!”

“The flame splits!”

The sight of the huge flame that was about to cover the land of horse riding being cut in half was truly spectacular.

Everyone's eyes were wide open.

However, the person who cut off this flame was not like that.

* * *

‘......I couldn't cut it.'

I definitely tried to cut off the guy's head because I couldn't cut through the flames.

I thought it would be possible to use an intangible sword to combine the new swords, but I didn't even get a scratch on my body, let alone a cut.

As Master said, has he already surpassed a spirit beast and reached a divine beast?

In my mind, the advice my teacher gave me comes to mind.

[He cannot be killed with physical force.]

[Even though he has reached the state of transcendence?]

[That is the basic condition to stand on the same level as him.]

Master, the demon ship Hwaryongjinin has already reached the state of transcendence as a swordsman. They said it had arrived.

That's why people at the time called him the founder of the sword school.

[If you do that, how can you kill him? He was already immortal because he was a dragon, but didn't he become even more perfect by obtaining the secret art left behind by Seobok?]

Even the teacher couldn't kill him.

That's why Jeongyang Jinin sealed it with the Yeongbo pen method.

Even in human flesh, it would have incredible regenerative power, but if it were in the form of a dragon like that, there would be no way to kill it.

At that time, the guy looked at me fiercely.


- rrrrr! Bang bang!

Lightning fell from the sky and hit me directly.

It is no exaggeration to say that I had reached the level of a wind god, so I avoided it by kicking the air.

It was a divine beast that even controlled the harmony of heaven and earth.

I never thought even lightning would strike me and target me.

-Do you think that's the end?

At that time, his voice rang in my head.

At that moment, the whole place shimmered with bright light.

When I looked up at the sky, I saw white lightning sparks bouncing from all the dark clouds and hitting me at the same time.

The scope was roughly hundreds of pages.

There was no way to avoid the lightning that was connected like tree roots and covered us like a net.


I opened my sword with an intangible sword into the air.

If it can't be avoided, is there any other way to stop it, even if it means cutting down the thunderbolt?

An intangible sword covered in five-colored lightning cut through the sky and struck down lightning.

-Pachichichichichik! ???? ??!


You can even see the herbivorous behavior of the warriors.

Every time a flash flashes before your eyes, lightning is right in front of your nose.

-Choo! Chop!

It seemed like I had cut them all down, but it was impossible even for me to stop hundreds and thousands of lightning bolts in a short period of time.

Finally, a bolt of lightning pierced my shoulder and

- Pachichichik!


At that moment, a series of thunderstorms overtook me.



The guy didn't miss this opportunity and kept showering lightning in an attempt to kill me.

If this continues, I will really be crushed to death.

Lightning is lightning, but the force of the strike is causing the ground to cave in.

I've already dug into more than a dozen chapters.

‘In that case...'


I aimed the intangible sword towards the ground, not upward.

And instead of where the lightning struck, it burrowed deeper into the ground like a mole.

As I dug in, I turned and headed towards where the guy was.


I felt lightning coming down from above, as if it was sensing my energy, but it didn't hit me because the ground was protecting me.


“Let’s see if I don’t die even if my throat is cut!”

In an instant, I leapt up from the ground and swung my intangible sword towards its huge neck.



Black blood poured out like a waterfall along with a painful roar.

I avoided it by stepping in the air and launching the new model.

At just the right time, I was hit by lightning and the sword that I had missed flew out and picked me up.

-widely! Shoooooo!

When I got out from under it, I saw an amazing sight.

Its huge, severed body was regenerating at an incredible speed.

At best, it puts the cuts to shame.


As I was escaping from him, a maniacal laugh rang out.

It seems that he himself is satisfied with his incredible regenerative power.

After all, a person with perfect immortality does not die even if his or her head is cut off.

-You can't kill me. I am Shinsoo. It is not a being that you bastards can touch.

I can hear muttering sounds in his voice.

Well, since I've seen it regenerate instantly even after being decapitated by an intangible sword, it's natural to be so confused.

He spoke to me in a proud voice.

-Not even Sunyangja or Jeongyang Jinin could do anything about me. But what can you, who learned from them, do to me?

“I’m so happy. good. Then there’s nothing we can do.”


I went into a state of compliance with a thunderstorm.

The whole body flashed with five-colored thunderbolts.

The dragon's white eyes, seeing this, wriggled upward as if giggling.

-Silly thing. The power of Cheondun does not work on me.

I guess so.

Because the Daedo Cheondun Sword Technique originated from you.

Moreover, since it is in the form of a dragon, it doesn't work even more.

I smiled and said to the guy.

“Who said that I would deal with you with a sword?”


This is to open the last door of the Chilseonghyeonmun Gate.

In order to open the final seventh star, Yogwang, the essence spirits that have reached their peak must become one.


The guy must have sensed something unusual when he saw a huge amount of energy coming from me, and tried to cause lightning again.


-Do you think you will just sit back and watch?

At that time, someone appeared towards the giant head of the dragon.

He was none other than


It was a strange machine and a sea of evil.

“It’s a dragon! dragon! Hahahahahaha!”

Before he knew it, the teacher had even unfolded his Jinhyeolgeumbody's red body and appeared right in front of him.

But not only that, his father Jin Seong-baek, the Heartless Wind God, also appeared.


“I’ll buy you some time!”

My father's new form split into eight branches, creating a small whirlwind and rushing towards the guy's chin.

The teacher was also furious and leapt at the dragon's jaw with both fists.


The guy who was trying to cause lightning had his head slightly staggered by the blows of the two unrivaled masters.

But it didn't cause much damage.

Rather, he seemed to be angry that his body was touched by insignificant beings, so he immediately tried to punish them.

-These bugs!


It opened its huge mouth and tried to swallow them up.

However, because I pulled them with such force, all they had to do was swallow the empty air.


The dragon that missed them became even more angry and opened its mouth to spit fire.

However, my white eyes were shaken by the scene unfolding before my eyes.


Before I knew it, the entire land of the horse was emitting a brilliant light like the Milky Way.

Everyone on the battlefield could not hide their surprise at this sight.

It was none other than the swords that gave off that light.

The swords of the dead who lost their lives fighting against monsters were slowly rising into the air, emitting a brilliant light.

The number alone was close to several thousand.

-I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's useless.


Looking at the broken and damaged swords stained with light, the dragon spewed fire as if it felt something ominous.

So I put my hand forward.

Then, the space shook and the fire it was emitting bounced back.



Conversely, the guy covered in flames twisted his body.

Meanwhile, thousands of swords of light were gathering around me.

However, the light that colored the swords gradually took on the shape of a person.

Just like a soul.

“This can’t be right...”



People here and there were astonished as they saw the shape of light holding a sword.

They were the masters of the dead sword.

-......What the hell is this?

Gyo-ryong, who was shaking off the flames from the blow, saw his white eyes widen at this sight.

It's natural to be surprised.

This is the last thought that Master realized long after you were sealed.

The last glow of the Chilseonghyeonmun is the power that brings out the last will that was with the sword.

Master called it this.

‘Absolute swordsmanship (絶對 劍感).'

All the dots of the Big Dipper on the back of my hand shimmered in blue light.

At the same time, thousands of swords in the shape of light and their will bodies all rushed towards the dragon.

-Papa pap pap pap pap!

The scene is as if thousands of meteors are falling.

The dragon screamed at the will of the rushing swords.


These swords were neither famous swords nor magic swords.

However, it became one with the will of the sword lords that were contained in their lives, creating a resonance of the union of the gods and swords.

The dragon's body, which had shown such tremendous regenerative power, disappeared to the point of extinction every time it touched it.


“Stop struggling and die.”

The guy screamed at Yogwang's trick of hitting him like a meteor.

-Kwaaaa! Now that it's like this, I'll take you with me!

Then, as if in a final struggle, it opened its mouth towards me and shot a condensed flame that turned blue.




My father and teacher, who were close to me, surged upward.

To prevent his last efforts from reaching me.

At that time, a light twinkled in my chest.

Then he jumped forward and hurled his sword at the blue flame that was coming at him directly.


With that, the flame could not reach me and split in all directions.

I don't understand what this means, that the will body of the sword is manifesting in my chest as well.

While I was wondering, Master Haeakcheon, who had soared into the air, spoke to the disappearing will body with a surprised face.

“Ho... you, Jongdae?”


For a moment, my heart was pounding.

The figure of the disappearing will body in front was smiling with a satisfied face, holding the Namcheon Iron Sword made of light.


Is this a miracle brought about by Yogwang?

To see the face I wanted to see so much like this.

The Namcheon Iron Sword, made of will and light, disappeared as if scattered, and I saw the body of the Gyoryong scattering like dust in front of me.


The white eyes of the guy who was staring at me as if he was going to kill me were tinged with despair.

Then, soon even the head was completely scattered.



As the gigantic dragon turned into dust and disappeared, cheers of joy resounded throughout the horse world.

? Hanzhongwolya


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