Absolute Depravity: Reincarnated with a lustful System

Chapter 123 123 - Judgement Reins Over The Weak[Gore+Body Dysmorphism]

Strolling down the paths of the major city of Laria, Asuka, accompanied by Riley as her guard, had herself surrounded by the curious eyes of bystanding demons. Adorned in a furry white coat, she appeared no different than a fairy, but aware of her true nature none of the citizens were fooled.

"They seem to like you a lot, master," Riley whispered, tightening her grip on her blades.

"As they should," running her hand over her pearl necklace, she returned a gaze to the admirers of hers. "It was Master Haruki's plan to show off  wealth and beauty to gather support from these fools after all."

Stepping up on a stage prepped in the very middle of the city, Asuka tore off the necklace and threw it out to the crowd. Like a hoard of hungry bats, they latched onto the item and began fighting over the scattered pearls.

"Bring any traitors forward and you can let loose of your desires, be it wealth, gluttony, or your lust for human flesh," the very mention of humans from Asuka's lips perked up their ears.

Glancing back at her, the lust demons light up with a smile. Under the spell of their masters, the woman Haruki had converted himself, they were not ever allowed to act upon their instincts or their very soul would be stripped from their bodies.

"Here! Her!"

"This guy! He's a traitor!"

"What?! NO! I'm loyal, I swear!"

Many such accusations began floating about the town square, but the screeching sound of the truth-seeking staff passing through the gathered congregants defused the situation at once. Deafened by the noise, the demons turn to the woman wandering amongst them with a swarm of followers riding right behind her.

"Liars will be purged as well, so be truthful children of our great lord," marching her pupil towards the stage, Serena, dressed up in a dark transparent robe, bowed her head to her Master's closes aid.

"You're late priestess," looking down at her, Asuka mumbled.

"I apologize your unholy Highness, some of my pupils were misbehaving so I had to punish them," raising her head, Serena slowly began making her way up the stage while her pupil surrounded the platform to act as her guard.

Lifting their flags up high, they showed everyone the new sigil of Larian chapel. Printed over a dark violet cloth, was the same mark of the lust demons as they all had over their crotch. Lifting their tattoo-like clothes a little, they noticed the sigil to be a combination of both succubus and incubus marks.

"Now, let the culling of traitors begin," stomping her staff, Serena had her pupil take the accused out of the crowd and present them to the front.

'I wonder how many demons I'll get to kill today, ahaha.' The thrill of the carnage was already making Riley wet, and thus, clasping the blades, she was ready to murder her own kind.

"So you wanna defy our lord?" Her head held high, Serena glared down at the first person to be brought forth.

"NO! I would never!" Before the man could finish speaking, the staff rang so loud everyone in the audience had to cover up their ears.

"Despicable liar!" Growling at him, Serena turned to Asuka for the verdict.

Her eyes fuming in anger wished to rain all agony on the lying demon, but keeping her anger in control, she decided to go a little easy on the very first person.

"Riley…" looking at Riley from the edge of her eyes, she ordered. "Skin him alive, and burn his flesh until he dies in the most agonizing agony."

"Very well, your unholy Highness," wearing a wide grin, Riley jumped down the stage. The blood lust in her eyes brought the accused down to his knees before begging for mercy down on all four. "Save me a seat in hell."

Ignoring the man's cries, Riley drew back his blades and plunged into him.


"Get the girl off the minotaur's body!" Screaming out to the goblins, the queen checked her notes to tally up the quantity that had been milked out today from the minotaurs.

Her head buried in her notes, she made her way to the exit to file a report that was to be handed over to Moriyana. On her way to the door, however, she heard Mariya's cries and turned to take a brief look at her.

Her whole body turned into a toy by the increasing number of minotaurs was as horrid as one could imagine. Loosened up on all ends, she wished for death, but knowing Haruki could simply extract any soul inside the tormentous dungeon.

"How many times do I have to tell you to put her in her cell when the minotaurs are done?!" Instead of pity, however, all she got was a scornful look.

"I-I'm sorry! Tell Haruki I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please!" Her cries fell on deaf ears, as she was the only one around who would've cared for a human. 

Turning back around the goblin queen was again on her way toward the exit, all the while Mariya was dragged away by the queen's goblin new tribe. 

'I need his seeds, not the artificial serums that had been getting me pregnant. If only he would use my body, I could birth an heir fitting to be his servant.' Having witnessed Haruki's influence and greatness, even the monster queens were compelled to submit completely to their new master. Unlike the minotaur king, he was just to his pupil so long as they heeded all his demands.

"Did you get the semen?" As soon as the queen stepped out of the exit and entered the castle again, the queen of spiders assaulted her from the front.

"What?!" astonished by her sudden appearance the notepad the goblin queen was carrying fell out of her hands.

"Come on, I need more children, take it to Miss Moriyana so she can use it to make those pregnancy serums!" Having grown accustomed to the potions that initiated pregnancy, the queen of spiders, with her countless children. was now in charge of security all over the castle.

"Don't you scare me like that!" Pushing the spider away, the goblin queen had the Arachne stumble on her eight feet before falling on her bum. "Besides, why are you so eager to spring out mediocre monsters, when if we try to seduce our lord we can pump out the potential demon lord of the future?"

"As if that'll happen, he's not interested in used good, especially someone used by a monster," picking up the notepad, the Arachne got up and handed it back to the goblin queen. "But that too is a sign of a strong man, not compromising on his woman that is."

'Yeah…but I'm not giving up, if not me then one of my children would surely bore his heir!' Oblivious to the fact that incubus can't father children, the queen of goblins was determined to get knocked up by Haruki.

'She's thinking about fucking him, isn't she?' Thought the Arachne queen, not realizing how on-point her assessment was.


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