A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 87: Midterms (1)

Chapter 87: Midterms (1)

Fairness and justice. They seem like similar concepts but dig a little deeper, and there are many differences.

Fairness first. It means facilitating everyone to take the test without regard to any conditions.

To put it a bit extremely, its like having one-legged or armless people compete in sports alongside able-bodied individuals.

And justice. It's the opposite of fairness, where the able-bodied compete against their peers, intricately adjusting to avoid being influenced by external conditions.

"Why is only Sivar prohibited from having the right to attack?"

"The decision was made through consultation with the professors. I believe you all understand why."

I understood that United Academy stood on the principles of fairness and justice.

Rank, origin, age, and physique. The academy doesn't discriminate and provides equal opportunities for all.

Yet, even at the academy, a magician isn't subjected to the same exams as a warrior. This is justice.

So I guess the conditions Marlboro mentioned about the prohibition of attacks can be seen in this context.

"There was some pushback, indeed. Some even suggested that Sivar be excluded from the exams completely. But as you see, Sivar has completely finished his adaptation period. It signifies his official enrollment."

I havent received a certificate of admission from Rod, but I'm estimating that I'll receive it within the next two days.

Once officially enrolled, I'll be living off points as well. Of course, they won't be particularly high.

Through my various antics, that could be called incidents, what are points to me? They plummet just from simple acts of violence.

"Does that mean Sivar can only defend and not attack at all?"

Luna raised her hand to ask the question. The fact that I was not allowed to directly attack meant, conversely, that indirect attacks might be possible.

It seemed Luna asked to confirm her understanding, and Marlboro nodded in agreement.

"The student is correct. While a direct attack is prohibited, a counter-attack should be feasible. The criteria for a counter-attack are simple. It will only involve an opponents attack, or phenomena caused by it."

Marlboro explained in detail. Any attack using my physical body is absolutely forbidden.

Even when receiving an opponent's attack, the same goes. Even if I skilfully deflect an attack, if a punch follows, it will be counted as a direct attack.

There was that time Rod sliced space, making his punch hit my face. Only in such cases, it would be allowed.

Throwing anything was also banned. Presumably, this is considering my throwing capabilities demonstrated during survival training.

At the very least, clever use of terrain and features would be tolerated to some extent. Put simply, it meant to employ strategy.

Using my head for this is going to be bothersome.'

I'm aware of balance patches, but isn't this one more akin to an amputation-level balance patch?

I have to just defend without doing anything else, and the attack has to be left to other team members.

It's akin to being a support character. Of course, if Lize heard this, she would genuinely lament such a role of support.

But, I guess I understand.'

I might have mentioned it before, but I am beyond an invasive species; I'm a veritable destroyer of ecosystems.

It's like a giant snakehead disrupting the peace at a freshwater bank with a big splash!

The professors must take action without exterminating the snakehead, which no doubt gives them quite the headache.

"Let's leave the matter of Sivar here and move on to the team exams. The team exam is similar to the survival training yet different. Each team will be assigned 3 to 4 members, and the roles will be akin to the survival training. However, a crucial distinction from survival training is that you must necessarily defeat the opposing team."

"That means Are we doing it in the forest again?"

"No, that's not the case. It will take place in a specially designed space. The scale is roughly equivalent to the forest, and the mana field will also shrink. But it will contract much faster than in survival training."

"Phew that's a relief. I won't have to eat bugs."

Grace sighed with relief, mumbling under her breath. The trauma from the previous survival training must have been significant.

Technically, she didn't have to eat bugs since I was the only one who did. She even vomited after seeing me devour a boar's heart.

For me, that's rather disappointing. I would have preferred the forest.

Was the midterm exam like this?'

I couldn't quite remember. I only retained the storyline related to demons, so I'm not sure about this type of thing.

The more I listen to Marlboro's explanation, the clearer my memory becomes. Perhaps due to the existence of a mural.

"Also, unlike survival training, there will be collectible items. Starting from basic first aid supplies to various weapons. Collectibles on the outside are less efficient, but the further you go inside, the more enhanced they will become."

Ah. I think I get what kind of exam this is. True survival test in every sense of the word.

More precisely, its a battle royale. Dropped in a secluded area, farming various items before battling opponents.

Even with insufficient farming, if one has the skill, they can defeat opponents. And vice versa.

"And at the very center lies an artifact that can boost one's ranking. Depending on the user, it's undoubtedly a powerful tool."


"Is it better to head straight to the center?"

"No, slowly making our way in following the shrinking mana field is probably better."

The strategic choices are too varied. Students are already tying their brains in knots over their decisions.

They could make more comfortable choices not concerning me since they knew I had no right to attack.

I was hardly different from them. The absence of attack rights was already causing me a headache.

"Evaluation will consider various factors including final rank, number of opponents taken down, number of battles, etc. One important note: it is forbidden for teams to form alliances with one another. Any violation of this rule will be considered cheating, and will result in immediate disqualification."

" "

That statement likely pricked the conscience of a few. I sensed someone behind me deliberately averting their gaze.

While the theme of the survival training was just that a theme, this exam's theme is battle royale.

If I can't defeat opponents, then I'll be eliminated; fighting is essential.

"Now, lets announce the team members. First is Luna Estelle"

The announcement of team members, arguably the most important part, began. It didnt matter who I was with, but I hoped for someone familiar.

"Sivar. Grace Aria Del Berce. Yeonhwa."




But what do you know? My wish came true, quite remarkably.

Not only was I surprised, but Grace and Yeonhwa showed similar reactions upon hearing the team members' names.

Luna and Kara seemed equally baffled. They couldn't comprehend why the same team from the survival training were together again.

"That's all. Any questions?"


If there are doubts, they need to be resolved immediately. Luna timidly raised her hand.

But Marlboro seemed to have anticipated her question. After checking the list of team members again, he spoke strictly.

"The team assignments are correct. However, unlike during survival training, many factors have been considered for the assignment."

"This exam is not about sheer force. It's about directing that force towards others. Strategic insight is critical."

So, my strategic insight lags far behind others. Sadly, it's undeniable. Without ever using my head and relying solely on my body, strategic planning is my bane.

That must be why Grace and Yeonhwa are at my side. The rapport built up since survival training likely influenced this decision.

Luna lowered her hand silently as if accepting that she had no grounds to object. Her face betrayed thoughts of Is this right?'

"Quite obvious there. Being too close can still feel unfair."

Marlboro chuckled as though he found it amusing. It wasn't a rebuke but really a look that found it cute.

Of course, Luna didn't understand what he meant and just tilted her head. I also didn't grasp his words.

"Any more questions?"

"Can you tell us whats roughly involved with the artifact at the center? Im also curious if we'll have separate maps."

A voice came from behind me. Turning slightly I saw Antonio with his hand raised.

Someone who had a rough experience with me during survival training. The suicide squad episode was somewhat entertaining.

"Excellent question. As mentioned before, the maps are not provided at the start but must be collected. Still, if you can't read them, theyre meaningless. As for the artifact in the center"

Marlboro trailed off, pausing momentarily. He cast a quick glance at me.

"If someone claims it, the bracelet will immediately issue a warning. Moreover, since the artifact is powerful, it will expose the user's location."

The so-called public enemy announcement. How powerful must it be for even the user's location to be revealed?

Was he attuned to my curiosity, or was this also anticipated?

Marlboro scanned the students and then dropped an appropriate example.

"For instance, there might be something that gives Sivar the right to attack. It's more like a privilege than an artifact You understand the implications, even if I don't spell it out."

"Is there really such a thing?"

The atmosphere of the lecture hall sank instantly as the possibility of me gaining the right to attack became a reality.

Their concern was justified since the game would be over the moment I can attack directly. Everyone saw what happened during survival training when they ganged up and still lost.

"Verify it for yourself. I only provided an example. As I said repeatedly, alliances in this exam are strictly prohibited. Implicit alliances for strategy are allowed, however."

Is that hinting to take advantage of gray areas? At least, thats how I heard it.

After laying out various rules, Marlboro concluded the class.

As the exams are tomorrow, there were no lessons today. I'll just have to train.

"It seems we're fated together. It was the same team last time, and here we are again."

"Y-yeah Is there a reason?"

Grace and Yeonhwa, once again on the same team since survival training, showed a bewildered expression.

The difficulty, if solely based on conditions, seems to have escalated compared to last time. The biggest factor being my lack of attack rights.

"Sigh When will I get to be on a team with Sivar? I want to try it at least once."

"Is it difficult for us, sister?"

"Someday it'll happen. Id like to believe that."

Karas grumbling reached my ears from the side. She seemed to truly envy Grace.

If I ever teamed up with Kara in the future Hmm Wouldn't that be balance-breaking in its own right?

Given our similar fields, being on the same team would be quite a headache.

"And this time, we have to fight. I'd rather not fight with him. Can he even be taken down?"

"Youll only know once you try. I'm indifferent."

"You have a point. We better try our best. Shall we go train?"

I finished the day's routine with just basic training. As the exams are tomorrow, I couldn't afford to deplete all my energy.

The first day in the uniform, after attending classes.

"You're back. Were there no classes today?"


Lize welcomed me back at the dormitory on the first day.

Why does she keep being in Fist Saint mode?'

As nice as it is, I wish she would sometimes return to her Saintess mode.


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