A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 85: Heart (1)

Chapter 85: Heart (1)

In the end, I got a lecture from Ellie. She said women are sensitive about their age, so I should preferably call them sister' or big sis'.

Of course, Lize said she doesn't mind. She mentioned she had given up on living life as a regular woman a long time ago.

The reason she stiffened a moment ago was simply because it had been too long since she was last called a grandmother.

"You seemed quite flustered by it, though?"

"It's just because it's a title I haven't heard in a very long time. Since undergoing half-aging, no one has said it."

"If we're going by age alone, Lize is older than Rod. By more than a decade.

Rod may seem old on the surface, but he's actually quite young.

Its the hardships of traveling the world and the unique aging of Westerners that make him appear so.

Plus, having a mustache makes him look even older, though he himself doesn't care about it at all.

"Still, you need to be careful with your words. Sometimes words can be more dangerous than violence."

"Now that I think of it, Sivar is getting rather articulate, isn't he?"

Kara eyed me with curiosity, prompting everyone else to turn their attention toward me.

As she mentioned, I can speak reasonably well now. Yet, I'm still lacking in many areas.

"I talk quite a bit. Like this."

It's roughly like that. I hardly ever spoke before, let alone string words together properly.

It's somewhat the feeling you get when you've studied English conversation but the grammar is still erratic.

Moreover, since there are still a lot of words I dont know, I often mix and match them when speaking. I plan to continue studying diligently.

"You've really improved a lot. Do you want to say anything right now?"

"I want candy."

"Yeah? What do you think, Rod?"


Rod firmly refused in a stern voice. Despite feeling proud, it seems candy is still off the table.

Given all the trouble I've caused up until now, I suppose it can't be helped. All I can do is grumble.

"Why not?"

"Speak respectfully."

"Why can't I have it, please?"

"Reflect upon it with your hand on your heart."

I did as he instructed. My hand on my heart, pondering intently.

His phrase typically implies questioning one's conscience. Yet, they probably assumed I wouldn't understand that.

After a long moment of reflection, I lowered my hand and spoke firmly.

"Ive reflected. Please give me candy."

"Haah I spoke hastily."

Rod appeared exasperated as the others snickered weakly. Ultimately, it seemed he gave up and handed over the candy.

It was the nurungji-flavored candy I had longed for. When Kara gave me candy on the sly, it had been apple or grape-flavored.

Since I'll likely be assigned a personal dormitory soon, this may be the last time I ask Rod for candy.

"Lize. I'll say this beforehand, do not indulge Sivar too much. It will spoil him."

"Don't worry. After all, any food might start to taste as sweet as candy."

What does that mean? It sounds distressingly ambiguous.

I wasn't the only one to feel that way, as the others also showed puzzled expressions.

Typically, food shouldn't taste too sweet unless you're physically or emotionally strained.

"Are you planning to train Sivar during the cohabitation period?"

Luna was the first to voice this question. She herself undergoes training every weekend for her body'.

Having struggled after just one session, she must have wondered if I would go through a similar process.

"Yes. If Luna has been focusing on the body, I plan to focus on heart' with brother Sivar, combining what I learned from the East with my own experiences to teach him."

"Seems controlling the frenzy alone isn't enough."

"Thats right. It will be similar to the Eastern legend where a bear became human after only eating mugwort and garlic."

Surely she's not telling me to eat only mugwort and garlic. I really hope not.

I suppose she means to foster my patience.'

The tale Lize referred to also emphasizes patience, interpreting the difference between humans and animals as such.

Perhaps she concluded that I lacked patience after hearing me whine about wanting candy.

Honestly, I can bear anything else but succumbing to delicious food has become a side effect of entering civilization.

"The method itself is simple. Brother Sivar?"


"Please stand up for a moment and come over here."

Whats she planning? I stood up, momentarily puzzled by her request, and walked over to where she pointed, standing there silently.

"Now you just have to stand there doing nothing for 5 minutes."


Is that all? I wore an expression that wondered if that was really it.

The others shared my doubt, each showing their puzzlement.

"Saintess even if Sivar is restless, he's capable of doing at least that."

"You seem to underestimate him quite a bit"

Ellie and Kara offered their input. As they pointed out, staying still wasnt difficult.

I'm the guy who learned how to ambush for successful hunting. Staying motionless and killing presence is as easy as pie.

However, Lizes approach was different. She flashed a grin and then slowly stood up.


Immediately upon standing, Lize entered Fist Saint mode. Her muscles, especially the pectorals, were astounding, as if carved from rock.

With Lize's sudden shift into Fist Saint form, the atmosphere took a peculiar turn.

I almost staggered back, but managed to suppress the urge.

"You are correct. Brother Sivar comes from the wild and has considerable patience. However, the heart' is not just about patience. Even patience fits within the heart."


Lize walked toward me as she spoke. I suppressed my jittery body as much as possible.

Do you know the feeling when an unstoppable force approaches, no matter what means you employ?

It's like a massive wall slowly closing in, about to crush you.

"What brother Sivar needs is the mindset of a person, which is the most crucial part of forming character."

" "

"I might not prevent you from carrying out your plans while we cohabit, but I won't stand in the way of your future either. I intend to fulfill whatever you desire."

It's a relief if true. A little worry nagged at me that Lize might restrict my plans.

For someone of Lizes caliber, it wouldn't just be like holding a leash; it would be akin to sentencing me to execution.

More accurately, it would be as if Id been sentenced to life imprisonment with shackles around my ankles.

"But I will help brother Sivar to make more human-like judgments. Not to incessantly endure or rage, but sometimes to be patient and at other times to be angry. That's the heart' I will teach."

Im not sure if she's telling me to do as I please or to think and decide for myself.

True to her pursuit of chaos, Lizes method of training fitted her character. No, actually calling it training may not even be appropriate.

What exactly does Lize want? It's truly hard to fathom her wishes.

"Brother Sivar. What would you like to do right now?"

"I want to sit down."

"Understood. Then please take a seat again."

Is this really all there is to it? I returned to my place in silence after hearing her.

Once back, I instinctively sought comfort by embracing Ellie. My pounding heart calmed.

"Keep in mind, Brother Sivar."

Lize looked at me, still maintaining her Fist Saint mode.

"The real difference between humans and beasts lies in the heart."

Her words resonated strangely in my chest.


Some time passed since it was confirmed that I'd be living with Lize.

We decided to take our time with my school uniform, but first, I needed to inspect the boarding house I would share with Lize.

"The size is no different from a personal dormitory."

"The personal dormitories were quite spacious to begin with."

I had seen dormitories in Soul World, but somehow they were larger than expected. Even if it wasnt a single, a four-bed room could seem plausible.

There's a kitchen to prepare food, a shower room, and even some basic workout equipment.

As a place where nobles reside too, meticulous care in its design was evident. I felt I could live here very comfortably.

"What? Are you going to be living here from now on?"

Porori turned up while we were looking around the dormitory. Seems he followed the scent and found us.

Since hes always been following Ellie around, his appearance was not a surprise.

"Yeah. I'm going to be living here. From now on."

"Oh? Youve gotten pretty good at talking, arent you? Still, not as good as me."

"Should I hit you?"

"Go ahead and try."

Portori scampered away to Ellie the moment I made a threatening move. His pettiness never changes, no matter when you see it.

But since he's keeping Ellie safe, I had to let it go. We were in a truce, after all.

"There are two beds and nothing really stands out. I guess the cooking will be simple enough."

"Sivar, any issues?"


There's no problem. Other than the fact that I will be living with Lize.

If it wasn't for Lize, I would have enjoyed a bit more freedom, but I suppose I have to accept it.

"Well, well be off then. See you tomorrow."

"You have to get along with the Saintess."

Kara and Ellie said their farewells. They left the dormitory right after saying what needed to be said.

Left alone with just one person, Luna. She stayed behind, mentioning she had something to discuss with the Saintess.

"Do we have to do the test this weekend as well?"

"Yes, that's right. If you wish, we can do it right here."

"Really? Is that okay, Sivar?"


It doesn't matter to me. The dormitory is spacious, after all.

When I agreed, Luna's smile widened. She looked kind of silly.

Sometimes this girl can be foolish, too.'

Luna started grinning unknowingly as I pondered these thoughts.

What could she be thinking? It truly piques my curiosity.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow! And see you on the weekend, Saintess!"

"Take care."

After warm goodbyes from the chipper Luna, she departed, leaving only Lize and me behind in the dormitory.

A man and a woman sharing a room. No matter how much Lize might or might not care, there was an unavoidably strange atmosphere.

"I will go shower first."


Even with such a statement, it felt odd. Lize merely said that and headed straight for the shower room.

And here's the absurd part, the shower room has a semi-transparent glass wall.

Meaning, you can see Lizes silhouette quite clearly. Why would anyone build such a thing?


As the shower started, Lizes figure became starkly visible.

From her long hair being washed, lifting her head to the flowing water, it all cast a shadow that stood out for its distinctness.

Wow Is that really a human body?'

Her size is comparable to Ellie's. Watching the grandeur of her silhouette really makes one marvel.

Surprisingly, I harbored no inappropriate thoughts. I silently admired the perfection of her physique.


Suddenly, accompanied by a small explosive sound, her silhouette shifted.

The smooth contours turned rough in an instant, as Lize assumed her characteristic muscular pose.

[Hm. Seems like my divine power has increased.]

She spoke softly, but I heard it clearly. She must be observing herself in the mirror by now.

Wow Is that really a human body?'

I, for another reason, silently admired the perfection of what I witnessed.


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