A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 83: Manners (4)

Chapter 83: Manners (4)

I received a thorough lesson in manners from Rod. Although the outcome was somewhat expected, I couldn't land a single effective hit.

Even more so when considering that Rod isn't entirely healthy yet. He's still recovering from the poison and his body must be stiff.

Still, in my fully conscious state, unlike my rampant one, I couldnt even put up a fight. It was unequivocally a one-sided battle.

The prowess of those with navy blue magic already feels so distant, let alone what purple might be like. I suddenly became aware of just how high the sky is.

How can I possibly narrow this gap, even a little?'

I should say beforehand, I don't need to fathom the ways of the heavens myself. Very few have ever grasped such knowledge.

Lets consider, for example, Hector and Rod going head-to-head with full force. In this case, Rod would have an 80% chance of winning.

But inversely, this also means theres a 20% chance for Hector to win the battle.

Hector ranks among the strong, his experience honed by unifying tribes.

It's practically impossible for me, initially an average person, to gain insight into the ways of the heavens, so I need to cultivate sheer strength.

"Just so you know, Sivar is by no means weak. I took him on with full commitment and sincerity."

"Are you referring to moving instantaneously with a single step, and countering the lightning?"

"Yes. If I was just toying around, I would have simply dodged."

Rod defended me, having been pummeled like a dog in the summer heat. There was a hint of pride in his tone, having taught me manners.

I was about to complain that he had hit me a bit too hard but refrained from doing so, as it led to receiving some consolation.

"But why did Sivar return with such a long face? Its unusual for him to show any change in expression."

Ellie patted my head and voiced a complaint towards Rod. She embraced me silently as I held out my arms wordlessly.

As expected, I sought mental and emotional stability after that. I leaned against Ellie's broad and generous heart.

She indulged my childishness without any complaints. I'm sure, Ellie is indeed the incarnation of an angel.

"The very technique I strictly forbade was used against me. No matter how much I trust my own strength, that was too perilous a skill. In terms of power, it's so great that even the user could be harmed. That's why I kneaded you a little as a warning."

"The kneading seemed incredibly intense?"

"It was a rod of love. I took the opportunity to instill some manners as well."

"No wonder Don't do that again next time, okay? And Sivar, you need to listen well to The Principal. Understood?"

Ellie's request was met with my earnest nodding. I really wasnt trying to defy Rod; I just wanted to test something.

If my lightning could affect someone as strong as Rod. Ive firsthand come to understand that it does work on him.

I experienced its power directly when it was counterattacked. Just then, Ellie attended to my singed hair.

"Why is your hair so burnt? Looks like it needs some attending to."

"Attending to? Are you the one cutting his hair?"

Kara's question caught my attention. For some reason, there seemed to be a hint of dissatisfaction in her voice.

Since I was burying my face in Ellies chest, I couldnt see her expression. But I could guess it was probably one of discomfort.

"Normally, you would visit a barber. But I think I can handle this extent. Its just the tips and bangs that are burnt, right?"


Saying that, Ellie pulled my face away from her chest for a moment. I blinked and looked straight into her eyes.

A gentle smile and dazzling golden eyes. It was a charm that felt as if I could be drawn into it.

"Its strange but you hardly grow any beard. When I met you, your hair was very long; you were like a furry beast."

"Sivar had a beard?"

"Yes. When we first met in the Forest of Chaos, he wasnt so much a wild man as a primitive man. His beard reached almost to his chest."

"I can hardly imagine it. A bearded face on someone so smooth?"

Kara marveled at my face like it was a curiosity. I too find that part somewhat puzzling.

Im not sure how long I had been entrenched in the Forest of Chaos, but considering how long it takes for a beard to grow, I had been there for quite a while.

If not that, only one explanation remains. The Forest of Chaos is a place where magic flows strangely, so it must have been influenced by that.

Its a place where all sorts of predators are drawn by the magic, and even Porori became a spirit creature, so its quite credible.


"Anyway, dont rule with the rod next time. Things like manners can be taught. Plus, it's not like Sivar completely lacks manners, does he?"

"Hes not devoid of manners. He just lacks some social skills."

That's a fact; I have nothing to say. Its not that I completely lack social skills, but I pretend to so that I can be prepared.

This was also possible due to shrewd use of my image. The problem is that this image has taken root.

Even if I try to correct it now, it seems impossible. However, its really good for me.

I don't have to pay attention to others.

I can act without worrying about others' opinions, which is a massive advantage in itself.

Of course, it's bound to give the people around me a headache each time. I'm not entirely oblivious, so Ill stay within the boundaries.

"Anyway, since Sivar's been taught some manners, he wont be disrespectful to adults for a while. Has there been any such incident recently?"

"No, not at all. Hes been obediently following the professors instructions."

"Thats a relief. But why won't he follow mine?"

Rod raised a question, feeling something off. His face showed genuine curiosity.

I offered no response to that question. Right now, receiving comfort from Ellie was my priority.

"Um Maybe because The Principal didn't give him any candy?"

"Thats odd, but it makes sense."

Fortunately, Lunas credible argument persuaded Rod. Of course, I would have carried on with the duel even if he had given me candy.

"Still, I wont give candies. People might start thinking its not candy but drugs."

"Shouldnt we let it go by now? It's not just candy, there are many other things to consider."

"Candies can be pocketed. It's better not to start a bad habit too early, or you'll face trouble later on."

What a stubborn old man. I grumbled in my mind.

Thanks to Kara secretly giving me candies, I had managed so far; without them, I would have suffered withdrawal symptoms by now.

The only reason he's resistant to it must be because of all the trouble I've caused, setting an example.

"And its time for the results of Sivar's adaptation period. You'll need to be careful."

"Adaptation period? Has it really been that long?"

Ellie asked with slight surprise. The adaptation period typically lasts about a month.

It does not feel that long, but that much time has indeed passed. There's a reason for Ellie to be amazed.

Usually, when daily life repeats, time flies by quickly.'

Even after adapting to the forest, I lost track of time.

I kept a rough count for about 3 years, but after passing 1000 days, I stopped marking the days.

"Right. So far, everyone seems inclined to allow Sivar's enrollment. A few professors have objected, but the level of acceptance is fine."

"On what grounds did they object to Sivar? I can sort of guess."

"Incredibly, it's the same reason as Kara's. Especially in Sivar's case, they were more critical, saying that you are at least better."

"Gosh. Nothing ever changes."

Kara snorted with disbelief. Having undergone the adaptation period herself, she probably knows how the process goes.

"So it's positive, then?"

"Yes. Sivar may have caused some minor incidents, but most were related to property damage."

As he said this, Rod gave me a piercing look. Upon seeing that glare, I burrowed back into Ellies chest.

Just when I raised my head to gauge the mood, he went too far. I didnt cause trouble on purpose.

"Crucially, theres been virtually no case of harming a person. Even during sparring and survival training, everyone let it slide. Well, some said it was essentially the same as using excessive force due to the huge difference in power, but they let it go."

While I received some pampering from Ellie to ease my sense of injustice, Rod continued speaking.

You could feel his effort to find any fault with me. But I've never used violence against a person.

To be precise, I might have resorted to violence, but it was in response to the situation, not wielded without reason.

Wait, there was one.'

Except Delphoi, who had reached out with a harsh hand towards Luna. He deserved it, so I interfered personally.

If Delphoi were the one nitpicking, I could roughly understand. Surely he wont harp on that one thing to the bitter end.

"Having passed the adaptation period, things will become quite busy for a while. Not only fitting school uniforms but also Sivar's freedom will increase significantly."

"More freedom means"

"It means no need for a guardian. Moreover, personal dormitory accommodation will be provided."

Personal dormitory. For me, who spent time under the same roof as Rod, its an incredibly unfamiliar concept.

Moreover, it means not having those who constantly accompanied me. It marks the start of living as one civilized person.

"Doesnt Sivar still need some supervision? Leaving him alone might invite unpredictable incidents"

Ellie wrapped her arms tightly around my head, voicing her concern. It was a voice filled with genuine worry.

Her concern was valid, as sudden changes bring unpredictable events. For me, having more time alone is fine, but from others' perspectives, it's bound to cause anxiety.

No one knows where I might roam off to and what trouble I could cause. A guardian was assigned to prevent just that.

"The other professors have similar concerns. However, they insist that a personal dormitory must be assigned unconditionally. If it doesnt change after enrollment, they might accuse us of favoritism."

"Favoritism? They're just waiting for him to screw up."

Kara voiced her negative opinion. Her point was also quite rational.

There are already plenty of people who view Kara's presence negatively. If she's treated like that, what about me?

Im like a ticking time bomb, and if it explodes, theyll be ready to tear me apart.

"So, I've been thinking of a solution. Sivar."


At Rod's call, I looked up, my face asking what this was about.

"Would you consider staying with Lize for a while?"


Have you gone senile?


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