A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 79: Gulak (3)

Chapter 79: Gulak (3)

At this point, it's fair to raise some reasonable doubts. For reasons unknown, it seems that Gulak has taken a dislike to me.

The act of striking lightning at a particular person is sometimes described as the heavens showing anger.

While these cases usually relate to those who have committed the sin of angering the celestial beings, I cant think of any such sin on my part.

Sure, I swore at the gods in the forest and knocked some devoted followers unconscious, but that was of negligible significance.

Even in Soul World, even if I toppled or even killed a follower of Gulak, the god is indifferently forgiving.

Rather, he seems to favor his followers fighting each other, for it forges their weapons even sharper. He isn't exactly the gentlest deity.

"Kara, what exactly did you say when you made your offering?"

Grace asked, curiosity laced in her voice. At the moment, Im standing with the group in front of the altar.

After my location was exposed by the lightning, I figured it was best to just stick with them.

Besides, I had some questions for Gulak, considering the circumstances it seemed appropriate.

"Just well"

Kara hesitated slightly at Grace's question and sneaked a glance at me.

Since she wasn't openly staring, but just sneaking peeks, it's clear there's a deep connection to me.

She then nonchalantly rubbed her cheek with her index finger before shrugging her shoulders with an airy response.

"I hoped that the person I believe in wouldn't betray me. Something like that?"

"So, that person is Sivar."

"I won't deny it. But I just don't understand why he's the one getting struck by lightning and not me. I haven't seen this kind of situation before."

Then, the previous lightning strikes might also have been due to someone nurturing thoughts related to me. The likelihood is high.

Porori was said to have gone by the time the group reached the altar, so I can ask him later.

Right now, finding out who performed the rite before Kara is more pressing.

"Before that."


"Before that. Who did it?"

My question drew the group's focus instantly. They didnt expect me to ask.

Still, an answer to the question was due. After pondering my question, Kara pointed at someone and responded.

"Luna made her offering first. Was there lightning then as well?"


"Did you also harbor thoughts related to Sivar in your offering, Luna?"

The hypothesis that lightning strikes if prayers related to me are offered has been practically proven.

Luna looked momentarily flustered at Kara's question before looking at me. She rolled her eyes coyly before answering.

"No? I just asked for him to be healthy."

"You're lying, right?"

"I, I'm not!"

Look me in the eye when you lie, at least. Its obvious that she is terrible at lying.

Her behavior, such as clasping her hands timidly or rolling her eyes too much, clearly signifies shes lying.

However, this actually worked out for her. Kara didn't probe further after Luna blatantly lied.

"Well, if that's what you say, then I'll have to believe you. I'm not sure if this should be taken as a positive or negative response."

"How does one typically receive a positive response?"

"Usually, the offering lights up with fire on its own, as mine did just now. It usually indicates a positive response in such cases."

Kara pointed to the offering, which had now turned into a scorched mess of black ash.

Coincidentally, a gust of wind swept the black ash far away.

"Those who offer rites with irreverent hearts receive no response. In extreme cases of irreverence, they might even be struck by lightning, but that's only towards the supplicant themselves."

"Has there been a case where lightning strikes another because of a supplicants prayer?"

"Of course not. If that were the case, wouldnt a lot more people be struck by lightning? Sivar is the odd one out."

Kara spoke truly. A deity does not typically harm a specific person based on someone elses prayer.

If this were the case, the world could become quite chaotic. Thus, the conditions are stringently applied.

Conditions apply when the individual is a demon or harbors extremely irreverent thoughts, but even this is rare.

Its more convenient for gods to empower their worshippers than to hurl lightning directly. Efficiency is a significant factor.

"Grace offered her rite first. How about you, Yeonhwa?"

"Ill offer next time. It seems the heavenly deity isnt in the best mood"

"Really? Okay. By the way, the East refers to Gulak as a heavenly deity?"

"Yes. Rather than calling him a god of destruction, we call him a heavenly deity' for the sky. Similarly, Gaia is referred to as Geoshin' or Mother Earth' representing earth."

"How interesting."

While Kara was acquiring this new Eastern knowledge from Yeonhwa, Grace approached the altar.

Following what she had learned, she first placed the offering on the altar and then knelt down with a devout heart.

The rite itself can be conducted in any desired manner. Whether to truly offer a rite as the East does or merely to pray.

The most important components here are the offering and a heart full of sincerity. Without at least one of these, Gulak does not respond.

Thank goodness, it's not a random draw.'

While Soul World was a game and pretty much anything was granted, reality might be a bit more of a headache.

The concept of sincerity itself comes with many ambiguities, applicable not just to Gulak but Gaia as well.

But Grace should be okay, right?'

Grace may seem prickly, but her heart isnt so cold. She's nurturing an innocence likened to fairy tales.

In whichever events unfold, she desires a knight' who will stay by her side, like those out of fairy tales.

However, reality is not so kind. Hence, Grace has put those desires aside, focusing solely on reality.

Especially as she might be molested by Delphoi; she truly is a pitiable character.

But when was that supposed to happen?'

Even in Soul World, the timing was unclear. But the prelude is definite.

Becoming closer to Grace means Delphoi starts to act oddly, mentioning this and that.

Of course, I dont want to bring about unwarranted trauma, so rather than intervening, I plan to prevent it altogether.

Affection might be challenging to earn'

Normally, Grace's affection greatly rises through that event, but I have no intent to exploit it.

While Delphoi deserves a good beating, I have no inclination to use her for that purpose.

It'd be better to gather other evidence and bury Delphoi that way.

After all, Grace needs to go to Godin anyway.'


While I was lost in thought, fire erupted from the offering Grace had made.

Following Kara's interpretation, this was a positive signal Gulak had heard the prayer.

"Oh, oh my? Is, is this a positive response?"

Startled, Grace asked frantically, her voice trembling she was evidently excited.

"Yeah. Seems like Gulak has favored your prayers. Were you quite sincere?"

"Yes, yes! Does this mean Gulak will grant my wish?"

Perhaps its due to her deep-rooted ideals, Grace couldn't contain her excitement.

A far cry from her usual dignified and elegant noble demeanor, she was radiating the innocence of a child.

Is this her mask coming off, or her true nature being revealed?

Even her usually sharp gaze softened, exposing a rather endearing side.

"I don't know. He heard your prayers but how he answers is uncertain. Even gods find human affairs unpredictable."

"Ah So it means he might have only accepted the sentiment."

"Seems so. But don't get too down. The mere fact that he answered your offering is a good sign."

Despite Kara's explanations, Grace didn't lose her optimistic atmosphere. After all, hope is a powerful motivator.


Come on, what's with you now?

I lifted my head hastily as a faint sound of thunder reached my ears.

Thankfully, no lightning followed this time, but I still felt uneasy.

Having been struck three times today already, I wonder if this will leave me with a trauma.

"What does the sound of thunder mean?"

"Well not sure? But seeing no lightning fell, its not a negative response, definitely. Next, Sivar, do you want to try?"

With the atmosphere taking an odd turn, Kara quickly shifted the topic. Its my turn after Grace.

I'm not exactly thrilled; after all the lightning, why does the god of destruction despise me so?

"Here, place the offering I gave you on the altar. Then speak in your mind whatever you wish for. Whether you pray or offer a bow, it's your heart that counts."

"What about the dance?"

"Dance? Oh, you saw me dance just now? It's a bit embarrassing."

"It was beautiful."

"Be-beautiful A-ahem!"

Kara blushed and was visibly flustered by my candid compliments. She tried to pass it off with a cough, which I found endearing nonetheless.

I appreciate this side of Kara. Despite her forthright personality, she's deeply human.

Currently and in the future, she'll play a significant role in the story, so getting closer can only be beneficial.


The sound of thunder echoed again. It seemed louder than before, maybe a sign of aggravation.

Having a rascal disturbing his favored shrine maiden would surely annoy him, especially when that rascals cursed at gods.

I ignored a blushing Kara and proceeded to place the offering on the altar the thigh bone of the beast Kara had given to me.

Then, unlike Grace's method, I performed an Eastern-style bow. Its a familiar gesture, given my origins.

Listen, Gulak.'

They provoked me first overstepping to the point of striking me with lightning.

Naturally, I couldnt help but harbor negative sentiments. Same with Hectorwhy start a fight when I've done nothing?

Let's be frank. You dont like me, do you?'


As soon as I asked, the offering ignited. It indicates a positive response.

I raised my head slightly to look at the altar. It's fascinating to get a cut-and-dry answer to a question rather than a prayer.

It seems he really dislikes me. But to me, that's unjust I have done nothing against Gulak.

Additionally, wasn't it Chaos who chose me? One might wonder if there was some feud between Chaos and Gulak.

Before heading to the temple, just one question. Was it you who brought me here?'

No response. With the offering aflame, there's no way to confirm an answer.

I guess I'll have to check at Byzantium. There, with Lize's help, I might be able to establish a connection with Chaos.

Well, I'll just ask for your continued support. Whether liked or not, you're bound to be watching over me.'

There's nothing much else to say. They might not like it, but we're destined to be intertwined.

I spend a lot of time with Kara anyway. Ill just have to put up with it.

But let's not be so petty as to strike me with lightning every single time I pray'

Boom crash!!

Was that too harsh? As soon as I harbored irreverent thoughts, lightning descended from the sky.

I was prostrate in the midst of a bow, unable to dodge. The familiarity with lightning spared me the worst.

Crack, sizzle!

Perhaps due to the intensity of the strike, a faint current began to course through my body.

The surrounding chatter became muffled against the thundering noise. Swallowing a hollow laugh, I watched the current snake across my hand.


Really, whats this all about? Speechless from disbelief.

[Ability: Thunder is acquired!]

[Your faith has increased!]


I bowed my head again in apology.

As pathetic as it is, to receive such a gift thank you

Boom crash!!

Shibal, why?

I apologized, didn't I?


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