A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 54: Before the Encounter (1)

Chapter 54: Before the Encounter (1)

I met with my team members over the weekend and made various plans. One of the key things to prepare was the essentials.

What items to take along, how many potions for detox and stamina recharge we would need, and what to bring as emergency rations were among the considerations.

We had other conversations in-between, but in general, most of our discussions were about the practical training. It was a pretty productive meeting.

Even though I'd be there, individuals could still face problems, and there might be a need to divide up tasks like taking watch during the night.

Frankly, Grace was the one who crafted these meticulous plans. Yeonhwa's motivation only emerged on special occasions.

My role was simply to help out alongside her. Grace would probably prefer it that way.

"Everyone make sure to pack these: stamina and detox potions. I couldn't make a lot because ingredients are scarce, but this should be enough," Ellie said on the last day of the weekend, distributing various potions among us. Ellie's unique traits came into play when she was alive.

Early on, potions are relatively expensive. Most people spend their weekends hunting or gathering herbs because of a single potion.

But as I've repeatedly said, if Ellie is alive, there's no need to worry about potions. What's more, as time passes, the quality only improves, sometimes to a destabilizing extent.

"Are you sure its okay to give these to us? You could make a good amount by supplying these to the store," Luna asked with a hesitant look, feeling somewhat guilty about receiving the potions for free.

After all, Ellie could have earned a decent income by simply supplying these potions to a store, but instead, she chose to give them to us.

"Eh, it's fine. These aren't good enough for store supply anyway. It's the least I can do for the times you've joined me to gather herbs on weekends."

"But I didn't join you. Should I give you money instead?" Kara said. Unlike Luna, she ended up receiving the potions for free.

As one from the Tatars, Kara would feel a little guilty about taking something with nothing given in return. She'd probably want to pay for it.

"Then how about you join me for herb gathering later? That should be fair, right?"

"Mm Alright, it doesn't sound too bad."

"Me too."

I spoke up, wanting to join as well. Based on Godin's personality, he'd donate potions when needed.

However, now that I was actually accepting them, I felt guilty. I knew how much effort she put into making these potions.

So, it didn't seem like a bad idea to occasionally go herb gathering on weekends to make some money and hunt as well.

"Sivar, you're fine. You're busy with your weekend lessons, remember? Just focus on that for now."

Despite his reassurance, I fell silent. Seeing the smile on his face, he apparently didn't need my help.

Perhaps it's time I gifted him some quality herbs that I'd find with Porori. That would surely make him happy.

I could get scolded by Rod for this, but if Porori is there, I won't need to worry. Besides, it's all with good intentions.

"Then let's all do our best tomorrow! Even though it's a competition, surviving is what matters most, right? Let's not fight and get along well."

"I hope that's the case for us too."

Ellie inspired us with encouragement, Kara responded with a chuckle, and Luna stayed silent, stealing glances at me.

How I behaved, and whether I survived, would drastically change the difficulty of the practical training.

I'm not planning to take initiative anyway.'

Strictly speaking, it wasn't me but our team that wasn't planning to be actively involved.

Being too proactive could make other teams wary of us, leading to potential losses. It's better to wait quietly.

Moreover, the more time progresses, the more it favors us, as the activity area narrows.

"By the way, Luna. What did your team pack?"

"We packed simple medical supplies and emergency rations. I think well need to pack sleeping bags too."

"Sleeping bags? That doesn't sound too bad. Maybe I should pack one as well."

Deciding what items to pack isn't really a matter of concern.

"Has everyone gathered? Before we start, let's put all our luggage down except for our waist bags. You can't take any of those items into the training."


"What are you talking about?"

If it's not a small bag, it's all not allowed to be brought along. Marlboro's words at the forest where training would ensue confused many students who had come thoroughly prepared.

"What, did you think you're on a picnic? I don't understand why you packed so heavily. Did you forget what the theme is?"

"But professor, you said to bring along potions"

"Potions should fit into your pouch bag. Like I've said before, it's best to always wear a light pouch bag."

Following Marlboro's explanation, the students were at a loss for words. It seems it was mentioned the first week, which I had missed.

In the actual game too, inventory starts with a tiny pouch bag. Later, as it gets upgraded, space increases.

The students reluctantly put their luggage down following Marlboro's words.

There were even students who came with large backpacks as if they really were going on a picnic.

This would just be grumbling for now, but the next announcement he made was enough to cause an uproar.

"Also, there has been a slight change to the content of the training. It was originally set for 12 hours but has now been adjusted to 36 hours. Meaning, you need to survive from 7 AM until 7 PM the following day."


"Is this some kind of joke? Why are you changing it suddenly?"

"If you're going to make changes, you might as well not say anything!"

As expected, various complaints erupted. United Academy is an institution where talents from all over the world gather.

Naturally, many people have strong egos and might think they're being played by the professors.

Even in such a tense atmosphere, Marlboro and the other professors didn't blink an eye, as if used to it.

"Calm down!!"

His single shout immediately silenced the noisy crowd. They sensed that Marlboro's presence was not to be trifled with.

Even among such gathered talents, veterans who have been through thick and thin are incomparable.

Only Kara seemed to enjoy the situation, smiling to herself. She seems to enjoy these kinds of scenarios.

"As I mentioned last week, this theme is survival. It seems you don't understand what survival truly means."


"Survival means using every available means in the worst situations. Prepared survival is never real survival. Originally, you were supposed to go in there empty-handed and for much longer."

That was enough indication that we should be quiet and follow the instructions.

It wasn't completely unreasonable, so the students kept quiet.

I once survived wearing nothing more than a sackcloth, this should be fine.'

We have emergency rations. Tools to start a fire. And potions. How wonderful.

Plus, there's no major threat from dangerous animals, and its only for 36 hours. On top of that, you can even rest comfortably if you get eliminated.

"This is completely unexpected"

While I was internally acknowledging my old-fashioned mindset, Grace murmured beside me, looking worried.

When I glanced at her, she was biting her thumbnail nervously. A habit that comes out when she's troubled.

"What do we do now? Will we be okay?"

Yeonhwa already looked mentally defeated. The difficulty had escalated significantly compared to the initial plan.

Surprisingly, all that is an act.' Yeonhwa's true nature is not so fragile and timid.

Calling Yeonhwa an interesting character is also because of this acting ability. The difference is considerable.

Her true nature rarely surfaces unless it's related to her country

"Everyone. Now is the time to apply the emergency treatment methods I taught you. Not getting hurt is the most important, but still, good luck!"

or connected to Yeonhwas older sister, whom she regards as a traitor.

Seeing Yeonhwas sister smile and speak, the look on Yeonhwa's face could feel rather chilling.

Until a moment ago, any signs of weakness had vanished, leaving behind only a chilling indifference.

Grace and others were too preoccupied with the changed training to notice, but I was able to grasp it properly.

The Hwan Empire really is a troublesome nation.'

The original name for the Hwan Empire is Dongbang.' Like Earths Soviet Union,' various nations have come together to form this federation.

The issue is that their actions are similar to those of the Soviet Union. The concept is the same as a China that has devoured all of East Asia.

A hybrid of the strong Soviet Union and a China that dominated East Asia might seem unthinkable, but that is the reality of the Hwan Empire.

And Yeonhwa hails from one of the Hwan Empire's vassal states, based on the country South Korea. Yeonhwas sister, a professor, is the same.

It makes sense to call her a traitor since she represents the Hwan Empire.'

If you look closely, it's not like that, but it's impossible to know right now.

Moreover, the Hwan Empire is overly sensitive about censorship' just like the real Soviet Union and China they're based on, so they tightly control information.

Especially cultural censorship; they are known for their ongoing efforts to dominate culture, which is still happening.

Even the traditional clothes Yeonhwas sister wears are a proprietary dress of the Hwan Empire. No wonder Yeonhwa is boiling with anger.

"Let's start moving. We'll begin with group one. Professors and teaching assistants will guide you. We'll blindfold you to prevent you from identifying the location."

Marlboro's words started the process, with each group putting on blindfolds and moving out. That would make it hard to figure out where they are.

I understand there will be a visible physical boundary showing the shrinking space. Ill know when I get there.

"Hello Sivar. I'll personally guide you. Can you put on this blindfold for me?"

Unlike others, the person to guide me was none other than Godin. A fairly appropriate choice, I would say.

I obediently followed his instructions and put on the blindfold. Honestly, even if my eyes were covered, it didn't matter much since I knew what I needed to know.

There was a time where I suffered a severe eye injury and relied solely on my hearing and smell. That experience made me appreciate how important sight is.


Godin slowly walked while holding onto my arm, possibly worried I might trip and fall.

Despite his suspicious exterior, he was deeply kind-natured. So kind that people might call him a pushover, but that's another story.

"Alright, everyone, you may remove your blindfolds now."

After walking for about ten minutes, Godin gave the command. All of my team members, including myself, followed his instruction and removed our blindfolds.

Once the blindfolds were off, we were greeted by the sight of densely packed trees. It seems we were in the middle of a forest.

"Could everyone please turn around?"

Once our blindfolds were off, Godin pointed towards the back. As we turned around, we saw a high, blue curtain.

"As time passes, this curtain will increasingly close in. You wont be disqualified immediately if you step outside, but if you stay out for more than 10 minutes, automatic disqualification will follow."

"So as long as we don't stay out for more than 10 minutes, we should be fine?"

That was Grace's question. The mere existence of this curtain could be used strategically.

"Yes. However, theres no recharge, so I'd recommend staying inside. Take note that it may shrink during the night as well."

"It seems we wont be able to get proper sleep. Rest is certainly important too."

"Oh, that's harsh"

In reality, this curtain does shrink at night. To get proper rest, one has to move deep inside.

If that happens, there's a high chance of encountering other teams, which would naturally lead to combat. It's an unavoidable situation.

"However, you will be able to see how far the curtain has shrunk. Using that information is up to you. Now, please accept these bracelets."

As Godin said this, he handed us bracelets that could be adjusted to fit our wrists perfectly. They felt similar yet different to the ones worn during sparring. Those had been a little loose, but these bracelets fit snugly.

"You do realize, if you remove or severely damage the bracelet, you will be disqualified, correct?"

"It feels a bit tight though."

"Yes. It's designed so that it cannot be easily taken off by someone else."

"I see"

Grace started to respond but trailed off. Suddenly, with an alarmed voice, she shouted.

"Sivar! You can't take that off right now!"

It seemed she had misunderstood seeing me fiddling with the bracelet. I was only curious, twisting and turning it.

"Ha ha. Don't worry too much. We still have time before the practical training begins," said Godin soothingly, informing Grace of the remaining time. There were about five minutes left until the start.

Next, he explained how to remove the bracelet. The design made it difficult for someone else to unfasten.

One would have to overpower an opponent to remove or damage their bracelet to disqualify them.

"We'll start soon. I will take my leave then. I wish you the best of luck," said Godin, as he courteously bid farewell and left beyond the curtain. Right after Godin left, the light of the curtain grew stronger.

This signaled the start of the practical training. Grace seemed to catch on to its significance and suggested to us.

"It's starting now. Shall we move? We need to check how far the curtain has shrunk."

"Instead of moving around, wouldn't it be better to move along the edge of the curtain?"

As the practical training began, Grace and Yeonhwa exchanged opinions. They were debating whether it was better to hold out or move along the wall.

I, on the other hand, walked towards a tree not one soaring high, but one lying on the ground.

Then I pulled out my axe, Ragnarok, and struck down hard.



"What what are you doing?"

The others were taken aback by my sudden axing of the tree, but it wasn't a mindless act.

Usually, dead trees are rich in nutrients. I don't mean they're rich for me to eat, but for the creatures that live here.


As expected, after chopping the tree a few times, large bugs began to stir from within.

Chubby, white larvae. Depending on whether it's cooked or not, their taste can vary immensely.

I picked up one of these grubs and looked back at my teammates. They looked downright pale, repulsed just by seeing them.

"Why would you pick that up?! Throw it away, quickly!"

"Ewww, that's disgusting"

Not only Grace, but even Yeonhwa stepped back, revulsed. Even the excellent actress Yeonhwa seemed genuinely disgusted.

However, I didn't dispose of the grub. I needed to show them firsthand what they might have to endure.

With barely any emergency rations, we couldn't simply starve. Moreover, you could hardly call what we had emergency rations.

We originally had food in large bags, but we weren't able to bring those. So, all we had for now was candy and chocolate.

"This. Food."

"Food? You don't mean that's for a meal, do you?"


"No, no matter what, eating bugs! Even if it's about survival, this is too far"


So much chatter. While Grace rambled, I popped the grub into my mouth.

Usually, you should remove the head to avoid getting bitten, but I didn't care, so I ate it whole.

Crunch! Crunch!

Maybe I should have cooked it. I momentarily regretted it as the rich flavor filled my mouth.

Still, it wasn't inedible. The only things that taste so bad they make you vomit are animal carcasses.


However, Grace seemed nauseated just by watching, and she covered her mouth as if she was about to throw up.

Yeonhwa fared slightly better. While her face turned white, she just looked terrified.

I chewed thoroughly before swallowing down the grub. It would soon become an excellent source of nutrients for me.

There should be more.'

After eating the grub, I tore at the tree bark, searching for more bugs. It didnt take long to find small insects.

They were significantly smaller than the grub I had eaten earlier, but it was a good start for beginners.

I picked the bug up like tweezers and approached Grace and Yeonhwa. They backed away as I came closer.

As Marlboro consistently mentioned, the theme of this practical training is survival. With enemies' whereabouts unknown, securing a meal was essential.


"Excuse me?"


So, I told them. Eating this increases your chances of winning.

If I could survive on my own, I wouldn't bother offering. Plus, the bug I picked could be safely eaten raw.

I moved closer to them, holding out the bug, and quietly spoke up.


"No, I don't want to! I'd rather die!"

"Can't we eat that later? There's no need to eat it right now!"

They both seem like delicate flowers raised in a greenhouse.

Their vehement refusal showed how much they detested it.

Truth be told, I hadn't been too hopeful. To reduce even a little hunger, you have to eat bugs.

When they rejected it, I simply popped the grub that I had bothered to pick up into my mouth. They were not yet acclimated to the practical training, so we could take it slow.

It's not that bad.'

For someone who has even eaten cockroaches, this is nothing.

NOTE: Welcome to hell, ladies.


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