A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 151:

Chapter 151:

Freshman Banquet (1)


The final exam usually lasts a week, but this exam ended in just five days.

When Kara, the commander and a major part of the team’s strength, was captured as a prisoner, it was essentially game over.

Negotiations were pursued to deliver the final blow. Controlling the territory wasn’t the goal but rather stripping their supplies, leaving them unable to endure.

The price of not setting proper vigilance was severe. However, this was the fault of the students on duty at the time.

Once the opposing team wrote a surrender document, the professors announced the end of the exam.

“Everyone did well. The exam ended earlier than expected, but there will be no classes for the remainder, so rest up.”

“What about vacation?”

A student raised their hand and asked. Usually, after finals, vacation naturally begins.

Marlboro, upon hearing the question, nodded as if just realizing it.

“I forgot to mention. Vacation starts next week. Report cards will be sent to each dorm.”

“Ah, finally vacation.”

“What will you do during vacation?”

“Not sure? Probably return home for a while.”

Vacation follows the end of finals, a rule unchanged even in a different world.

Even for academy students, vacations are always delightful. Having worked hard, they can finally rest for a while.

‘I’ll be visiting Byzantium with Rize, so I’ll be gone for about half a month. After that…’

The academy’s vacation is quite long, similar to a university, lasting about a month and a half to two months.

During this period in the Soul World, you can roam outside the academy and participate in various activities.

However, since mentors return to their homelands, training is tough. If you don’t trade stocks, you earn money intensely during this period.

‘It’s time to deal with that demon, isn’t it?’

Though not directly related to the academy’s collapse, there’s a troublesome demon that needs addressing.

The demon itself is strong, and the weapon it possesses is outrageously powerful. It synergizes with the demon’s traits.

I plan to visit the demon’s location after returning from Byzantium. I’ll also check out the city near the academy.

“Kara, will you return home during vacation?”

“No. Just the round trip would take up half the vacation. There’s a train, but it doesn’t reach Tatars. You’d need to rent a camel to cross the desert.”


As Marlboro concluded his speech and people started leaving, Luna tilted her head at Kara’s mention of riding a camel. She seemed unsure.

Kara chuckled and teased a bit.

“Do you not know what a camel is?”

“No, I don’t.”


Kara looked flabbergasted at Luna’s genuine ignorance. Given the world setting, it’s a reasonable reaction.

On Earth, with the internet, even ordinary people can see what’s happening in distant countries.

However, that’s not the case here. Unless you’re interested in books, you might not know about creatures from other nations.

Kara, realizing this, paused and explained.

“Think of it as a horse that operates in the desert. Camels are specialized for the desert’s heat. Their distinguishing feature is the humps on their backs.”

“Hmm… I still don’t get it. Grace, do you know?”

“I’ve read about it. They’re somewhat bizarre-looking creatures.”

Calling camels bizarre… I don’t think so.

When you think about it, giraffes are more bizarre. How can a creature with a neck over two meters exist?

There’s a saying that if giraffes exist, maybe unicorns do too.

‘Are there giraffes here?’

I should check the animal encyclopedia later. In a world with monsters, it’d be strange if there weren’t giraffes.

There are even squirrels that shoot lightning. Their absence would be odd.

“Oh, right. We’re supposed to go for Sivar’s clothes fitting this weekend, right?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

As we left the exam hall, Kara mentioned the weekend fitting for my formal attire.

Originally, only Grace and Kara were going to go, but I added Ellie to the mix.

I thought it’d be better for everyone to go together.


“Huh? Why Ellie?”

“Ellie should come too. I told them.”

“Hmm. Is that so?”

Kara accepted the idea of Ellie joining without much concern.

Grace’s reaction was slightly different. She looked a bit puzzled and asked us.

“Ellie? Is that the person I saw before? With the golden eyes and… well-endowed…”

“You remember accurately. Yes, that’s her.”

“Hmm. It’s fine to fit her clothes, but it might be difficult.”


Both Kara, Luna, and I were puzzled. Why would it be difficult to tailor Ellie’s clothes?

Grace gave a straightforward reason.

“Ellie needs cus ready for the banquet.”

“Ah. That’s the issue.”


It was a harsh reality check. Not seeing Ellie in a dress—what a letdown.

Now it made sense why Ellie never wore dresses in the Soul World. It wasn’t just about money; there were no fitting dresses.

Moreover, custom tailoring would be costly. She really has nothing to wear.

“Ellie probably won’t mind. As long as Sivar gets his clothes, she’ll be happy.”

Luna chimed in, suggesting we shouldn’t worry about Ellie.

The problem was that I was involved, which could imply many things.

Grace seemed to notice as well, flinching slightly before looking at Luna with a curious gaze.

“…I suppose so. Ellie did say she owes Sivar her life. Might as well confirm it.”

“Confirm what?”

“There’s something. Luna, are you not getting a dress tailored?”

“I’m thinking about it, but even though I earned money from stocks, formal wear is extremely expensive.”

Incidentally, the protagonist, Luna, also attends the freshman banquet in casual clothes, not a dress.

If she earned money from stocks, she might manage, but it would be costly.

Clothing is very expensive here. Many commoners repair clothes or wear them until they’re worn out.

“I can cover the cost. My family sends unnecessary support, so it’s fine.”

“You’re not lending it, right?”

“Do I seem that stingy?”


Luna turned her head at Grace’s words. Her gaze landed precisely on Kara.

If it were Kara, she’d lend the money, claiming it was a loan. Again, lending, not giving.

“What are you looking at, you brat? You think I’m stingy?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Your face says it all. Come here.”

“Ack! I didn’t say anything yet! Ahhh!”

Kara wrapped her arm around tiny Luna’s head, a typical headlock.

Given their height and strength difference, Luna’s struggles were futile.

‘Why did she have to open her mouth… I guess she doesn’t even have to say anything now.’

If you think about it, it’s quite a talent.


While the students returned to their dorms, the professors were busy organizing grades.

It took a considerable time to consolidate the practicals, midterms, and finals.

Most importantly, there was a report. Normally, reports wouldn’t go to the Principal, Rod, but a special student was involved this time.

Thus, after roughly two days of compiling grades, the professors headed to the Principal’s office.

“Besides Sivar, are there any noteworthy students?”

“As I mentioned before, Luna Estelle. Her growth has been remarkable.”


Rod nodded, focusing on Luna’s progress.

When he firs her talent.

Fortunately, after various training and practical exams, everything was gradually correcting itself. Her unique talent was blooming.

‘In about a year, she might rival Kara in skill. But only in terms of ability.’

Skill is always relative. Being similar doesn’t mean she can match Kara without practical experience.

However, what’s important is that her pure talent can reach that level. With practical experience, she’ll become even more formidable.

‘Whether she can withstand it is crucial.’

No matter how great the talent, it’s meaningless if you can’t endure it.

Many talented individuals break at that point. In a world where killing might be necessary, it’s a given.

“Anything else?”

“Most recorded average grades. But those who neglected during the night watch received the lowest possible scores.”

“I expected that. Now then…”

Rod paused before getting to the main point.

“What about Sivar?”

“Sivar is…”

Marlboro, representing the group, hesitated and looked at the other professors.

When the professors met Marlboro’s eyes, they nodded, signaling agreement.

Marlboro then turned back to Rod and spoke in a somewhat heavy tone.

“As you might expect, he’s very dangerous.”

“Dangerous, you say…”

“Yes. He possesses regenerative abilities beyond human limits. He infiltrated the castle without formal training. Not to mention his formidable body and mana. As a student, he lacks nothing.”

Rod immediately understood Marlboro’s point. As a student, Sivar is exemplary.

But beyond that, he’s dangerous. His unpredictable nature and eccentricities are concerning.

Even his eccentricities showed Sivar’s potential danger. Remember the human catapult incident during finals?

“Moreover, as you know, Sivar is an extraordinary student. Despite just adapting to civilization, he displayed numerous ideas. Especially during the finals, capturing Kara secured victory.”

“Many students attempted to capture prisoners, didn’t they?”

“Yes. The issue is Sivar, who just adapted to civilization and grasped siege warfare concepts, did it.”

Some people grasp ten ideas from learning one, while others can’t even grasp two.

Sivar is the former. Even with basic concepts, he conceived various strategies.

“If Sivar ever harbors ill intentions… we can’t stop him.”

“Meaning I would need to intervene.”


“I’ve considered that, so don’t worry.”

“That’s reassuring, but…”

Marlboro still looked uneasy. Other professors felt the same.

Rod noticed and raised an eyebrow.

“Is there another issue?”

“It’s… about Sivar’s relationships.”


“Yes. Normally, we keep personal matters confidential, but given it’s Sivar…”

This was agreed upon with the professors. While Sivar himself isn’t the issue, his connections are problematic.

In a third-party perspective, it seemed entertaining. But digging deeper, it was quite serious.

Grace from the Berche duchy, Kara the princess of Tatars, and Luna, showing recent outstanding growth.

All three seemed to have romantic feelings for Sivar, which astonished Rod.

“Is that true? Those three?”

“Yes. We’re sure. They wouldn’t engage in physical contact without romantic interest.”


Rod laughed heartily. Again, it was a hearty laugh.

It was close to a proud feeling. Other professors blinked, sensing the same.

“Indeed. A man should be like that. Well done.”

“…Principal? This isn’t something to laugh about; it could become serious…”

“There’s a clear solution, so no need to worry.”

“A solution?”

“Yes. A solution.”

Rod’s proposed solution was remarkably simple.

“Gain a reputation like Rize or myself. As a Sword Saint, Holy Warrior, or Martial Saint.”


“Honestly, with Sivar’s skills, it’s not impossible.”

The answer was to gain fame. Rod, the very person, was an example.

Though politically distant, no one could treat him lightly unless it was the state itself.

“If worse comes to worst, I’ll help him directly. So don’t worry too much.”

Rod said with a smile. The professors couldn’t say more about it.

[Faith increases!]


Sivar, eating bread at home, just blinked in confusion.

End of Chapter


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