A Wild Man Has Entered the Academy

Chapter 103: Law and Fist (3)

Chapter 103: Law and Fist (3)

The reason for bursting through the door after a brief hesitation was quite simple.

While I didn't trust Delphoi, there was the slightest possibility that Grace had indeed left.

Even with a 99% certainty, without solid evidence, I'd be at a loss. The discrepancy between what I knew and the actual timeline necessitated certainty.

And right after I closed the door, Delphoi's irritated muttering confirmed Grace's presence.


"I heard it. Your voice."

With evidence in hand, all that was left was to charge in. I kicked down the door and forced my way through.

I didn't care how much the flung door disturbed the room. Grace was all that mattered.

"What, what?!"


Forcing the door open, or rather, smashing my way in, Delphoi was visibly shocked.

I glanced at him, then noticed a woman lying in front of him as if dead, neatly placed on the sofa.

It was Grace. She seemed to be on the verge of being violated, with her top exposed, but it seemed he hadn't gone any further.

Or maybe he already did.'

Maybe he had touched her chest. My gaze shifted from Grace, concealed in her purple underwear, to Delphoi, who seemed to be scheming something, judging by his wandering eyes.

With his crimes exposed, what remained was a stern lesson. I took a step forward.

"Wait! It's, it's a misunderstanding!"


What kind of nonsense was that? I paused, extending my hand towards Delphoi, who was hastily trying to explain.

The situation clearly looked like a crime interrupted. Even the shameless Delphoi couldn't gloss over this.

"Look, you've lived in the wild. You might misunderstand. This is all part of treatment, not what you're thinking."


But Delphoi's words were far beyond my expectations. To think he'd dare to spout such nonsense.

Apparently, he considered my lack of common knowledge due to my wild upbringing.

Not a bad improvisation, considering. Had I truly been born and raised in the wild, I might have been deceived.

"So, I'd appreciate it if you left. I'll forgive the door."

"I learned."

"What, what?"

"I learned from Ellie. This is wrong."

I had to make some nonsense up. Coincidentally, I had learned something from Ellie.

Ignoring Delphoi's dumbfounded expression, I pointed at Grace.

"Grace is defenseless. You were trying to overpower her. This is wrong."


"Wrong deeds are not allowed. So, I stop them."

Ellie said. Never pounce on a defenseless woman.

Of course, there are exceptions. If she's blushing and not resisting, it's a sign of consent, so they say.

Hearing that, I thought she was well-taught. I vaguely understood and let it slide.

Ellie can testify for me later.'

Civilization is maintained through the strong fence of law'. Without it, we're no different from the wild.

However, sometimes fists are closer than laws. Especially in such a world, fists can be more effective.

Having said my piece, I walked towards Delphoi, who backed away with a confused look.

Then, looking slyly towards Grace, who lay quietly, he suddenly brightened up, wearing a radiant smile and shouted.

"Right! I have a great proposal for you!"


"Yes! Proposal! It's a shame to enjoy this alone. Why don't you join in? It's rare to have such a beauty!"


I was at a loss for words. How did he view me as such a beast to utter that?

I looked behind, wondering if anyone would come. But the open door showed no sign of anyone approaching.

It was Friday, and other classes were taking exams, so there were fewer people around. Hence, no one had come yet.

Even if someone did come, Grace could testify, so it would be fine.

Why I mention this is simple.

"I come from the wild."

"What, suddenly?"

"Like a beast. I've heard that."

Living in the wild taught me a lot. At the very least, one should protect their offspring or not violate a female recklessly.

Well, sometimes exceptionally intelligent ones commit crimes resembling humans. Especially creatures like goblins.

But that's due to instinct', not clear intellect, as everyone knows.

"I'm not offended. It's true. I've been scolded. Told to live like a human."

Using drugs to attempt rape is a crime that should not be committed by humans.

Delphoi had crossed the last line of humanity.

"You're worse than a wild animal."

Rod had kindly taught me. About those worse than beasts.

"I'll hit you."

A stick is the remedy. I know because I've been hit.

I charged at Delphoi before he could utter more nonsense.

As I ran, he opened his mouth to cast a spell. The hand gestures confirmed it was magic.

"My body! Ugh?!"

The alpha and omega of magic are words. I blocked speech.'

My large hand conveniently grasped Delphoi's filthy lower jaw in one go.


After grabbing his face, I threw him towards the desk. Being a mage, he must have felt quite the pain from his frail body.

Before Delphoi could regain his senses, I looked around for something suitable to administer a proper lesson.

Regrettably, being a mage's study, there was nothing that could be called a stick.'

I had no choice but to educate him with my fists.

"Ugh this dog Ugh?!"

I forcibly lifted Delphoi, who was trying to stand. Then, I smashed his face into the desk.

Given the difference in strength, he couldn't do anything. What remained was to eliminate that filthy mouth.

They often do this in movies.'

In lieu of a suitable stick,' there were plenty of pens. I grabbed a handful of pens stuck in a cup on the desk.

Then, I forced Delphoi's mouth open and shoved them all in. This would make it hard for him to speak properly.

Obviously, this wasn't the end. I brought my fist down like a hammer.



Numerous pens embedded in his mouth, precisely in his cheek, received a hammer-like punch from me.

Punching in the direction the pens were pointed could actually kill him. Beasts worse than wild animals should die slowly.

Rod and the Berche ducal family will take care of it.'

I just needed to ensure he could never live as a mage again. It was time to harvest the corn.

*Crack! Smack! Thud!*

After several punches, the pens embedded in Delphoi's mouth snapped in half.

The impact, along with the sturdy teeth, eventually broke them.

Feeling that was enough, I removed the pens from Delphoi's mouth.

"Arrgh Ack"

Broken pens and teeth spilled out with the blood-mixed saliva, involuntarily making me grimace. As expected, but utterly filthy.

*Whoosh! Thud!*

After clearing the pens and corn, I grabbed his neck and threw him against the wall. He flew like a piece of paper.

Delphoi, now powerless to resist, slumped against the wall after the impact. But the education wasn't over.

Doing this to another man might make me the worst of men, but Delphoi was not a man. He was a beast to be slaughtered.

I walked towards him slowly, spreading his legs. Then, I aimed precisely at his groin to stomp down.

"Just, wait a min"


"If, if you do this you too"

Barely able to speak due to the corn being thrashed, Delphoi's mouth dripped blood and saliva.

Still, he tried to open his mouth, seeking a way to survive, showing he still had some energy left.

It seemed right to hear the last testimony of a condemned man. I paused with my foot raised.

"Do you know who I am?"

He slowly raised his head, glaring at me with venom. He still hadn't come to his senses.

"You, even if you, do this, won't be, safe"

I roughly got the gist. Probably meaning I'd face punishment for violence, regardless of the era.

As mentioned, civilization is surrounded by the strong fence of law'. Without it, civilization collapses in an instant.

I too had beaten Delphoi to a pulp, so I'd face the law's hammer. Violence remains violence.

But I wasn't particularly worried. With no background, I'd simply take responsibility.

A wild man with nothing. If I took responsibility, that would be the end of it.

Thus, I could respond confidently.

"Your mom."


With a refreshing curse, I stomped down on his groin. I felt something burst under my foot.

Whether it was the column or the balls that burst, I couldn't tell. In any case, he wouldn't be able to use them for life.


Delphoi, foaming at the mouth from the shock, collapsed. His eyes rolling back indicated the impact was significant.

If we're talking about damage, it's as if his insides burst. But he was tough enough not to die.

I looked at Delphoi, now unconscious, then turned around. Grace still lay there, seemingly unaffected by the antidote.


Approaching her, Grace quietly kept her eyes closed. I wanted to wake her, but I had no antidote.

Had Ellie been here, she could've concocted some sort of antidote. For now, all I could do was protect her.


But something continued to bother me. I scratched my head, looking at Grace's exposed upper body.

Her uniform was intact, but the inner garment was torn in half. It seemed to have been cut with something sharp.

Leaving it as is would be embarrassing for both of us. I chose another option instead of closing Grace's uniform.


I covered her with my uniform. This way, she wouldn't feel embarrassed.

A small smile appeared on Grace's lips. She seemed to grasp the situation somewhat.



Right. She responded faintly to my call. She was conscious.

To be conscious yet unable to do anything while being violated It must have caused a great trauma.

"It's okay."

I had dealt with the beast worse than a wild animal. Kneeling down, I assured Grace.

If I had been even a bit later, Grace would have been gone forever. I was glad I didn't ignore my instincts.

"The beast worse than a wild animal is no more. It's safe now."


Grace seemed reassured by my words, breathing evenly. Unable to move, she might be trying to sleep.

But she shouldn't. To alleviate the paralysis sooner, she needed to start moving her fingertips.

A trick I learned when poisoned in the forest. So, I told her.

"Dont sleep. Move your fingers."


"I'll help."

Seeming to struggle, I decided to assist. Gently holding her hand resting on her stomach, I began to press rhythmically, like a cat kneading, to restore sensation.

Starting from the fingertips, I worked my way through her entire body. This should help to some extent.



Did she just moan? I paused the massage to sneak a peek at Grace.

She still lay there, eyes closed, motionless. I must have misheard.

*Press* *Knead*

I continued pressing Grace's hand until the paralysis wore off.

"Ah Uhh"


Best to pretend I didn't hear anything.


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