A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 195: Rush, Rescue (5)

Chapter 195: Rush, Rescue (5)

– Cooung!

Asil was hit by Wirdi's blow and was thrown into a corner.

Although he was able to outwit Wirdi several times through a joint attack with Flora by utilizing the property of nullifying attribute magic, he was unable to land any significant damage and was hit by a counterattack.

Even though Wirdi had calmed down while resting for a while, his fist did not break the speed of sound, but he still lacked Asil's experience to avoid attacks coming at him at high speed.

No matter how much "Fighting talent" He had, that alone could not make up for the gap in physical ability.


I strengthened my body.

If you don't do it, how can you fight something like that?

As you know, his abilities probably went up a little when he merged with Franc.

However, the increase in abilities was like a by-product of combining, and it was lacking in many ways compared to physical strengthening, which was originally a technology only for increasing abilities.

... Even if I say this, I'm not sure.

Of course, Asil's union is due to the half-human, half-human setting, but how many people would use the already insufficient points to create something like a half-human, half-human with "Mixed blood"?

You might be able to find it if you look for the community, but I haven't looked for it.

"... Cough, cluck! "It's so bad, it's so bad!"

Asil rolled on the dusty floor, chuckling at the dust he inhaled, then got up and attacked again.

Other than that, there seemed to be no other injuries.

Wirdi was also very gentle with people he knew.

Thanks to this, Asil was able to fight without turning into a tomato or watermelon, even though he had already allowed several legitimate attacks.


Asil gathered strength again by drawing elemental power from Sylph.

Green elemental power gathered along the trajectory of the powerfully swung fist, forming a blade of wind.

It may have been said grandiosely, but in fact, that technique was mainly used by beginner spiritists.

Except for the fact that it is fast, can attack from a long distance, and consumes less spirit power, there is no significant difference compared to a normal stabbing.

By the way, in terms of the game, there is also a saying that damage is considered magic damage.

Wirdi stood still and withstood the blade of the wind with his body without even thinking about avoiding it.

It's a Wirdi that doesn't get cut properly even when cut by a body-enhanced sword.

No matter how much you attack with the skills of a beginner spiritist, it will be meaningless.

As I thought, Asil's attack did not even cause a scratch, but left only a red mark on his pure white skin, which was then scattered by the wind.

"『Air Bomb』!"

However, the wind that had been left to disperse and disappear once again gathered in one place and exploded thanks to Flora's magic.

It was an intermediate wind attribute magic, Air Bomb.

– Paaaaang!

The air exploded and the air itself became pressure and exploded.

"... Sigh."

The magic that exploded right in front of Wirdi did not cause much damage to Wirdi, but it pushed him back two steps with great wind pressure.

Just two steps.

However, with those two steps, Wirdi went from blocking the basement door to standing in the hallway.

I was waiting for this moment and ran out before Wirdi blocked the door again.

"Asil! Get out on your own!"


But it was only two steps.

Considering Wirdi's small stature, the distance was less than 30 cm.

That wasn't enough to create a gap for one person to pass through.

At least one step.

I have to push Wirdi even one step further to secure space for Asil to escape.

On the contrary, if Wirdi took just one step forward, he could block the door again.

A fight ensued to take one step forward.

– Jjaeng, Jjaeeng!

As the fist and the sword collide, the sound of iron sounds like something out of a blacksmith shop.

Neither Wirdi nor I could retreat, and neither side could move forward.

It was a fight between women, standing as if they were nailed in place and exchanging attacks.

– Jjaeang!

He parries his fist with his sword and immediately extends his other hand to try to push Wirdi's body away.

No matter how strong Wirdi's power is, the mass is as it appears.

If you push with force, it will inevitably be pushed away.

... If you can push it out.

At the same time as I reached out to Wirdi, Wirdi's hand rushed to grab my wrist.

It was obvious that if I was caught anywhere, I would be thrown and kicked out.

He had no choice but to pull back his hand and avoid Wirdi's hand.

This time, on the contrary, Wirdi struck him in a large circular motion from above his head, as if he were destroying a pine tree.

An attack with large movements that is easy to read and easy to avoid.

But since I couldn't avoid even a single step, I had to desperately focus my mind and remove them one by one.

– Good profit!

It catches the capital that is violently cutting through the wind, as if pushing it to the side at the most precise timing.

Strengthening the body also strengthens the head.

It doesn't make you smarter, but at least greatly strengthening your vision and reflexes is a great improvement for a warrior.

I pay close attention to each and every appearance of Wirdi to the point that my strengthened eyes hurt.

It's full of gaps.

The opponent is a dragon, a representative munchkin of fantasy and a natural absolute, so there is no reason to learn fighting techniques.

However, no matter how many gaps were struck, it seemed impossible to inflict significant damage.

Even when I swung the sword at the jaw with all my might, I couldn't even touch the bone, let alone cut the jaw.

No, no.

There is no need to beat Wirdi.

All you have to do is take a step back and hold on.

I keep thinking about winning because I'm in a fight where if I lose my focus even a little, I end up losing.

The good news was that it was possible to hold on with ease.

That is, if I have any magical energy left.

Will I last at most one minute?

Considering that Asil combined with Sylph would literally run 'like the wind', it seemed like he would have to hold out for at least 30 seconds after Asil passed to be able to escape Wirdi's pursuit.

If you think like that, I have 30 seconds left.

... It can't be helped.

It could have been a big problem if we were not careful, but it was the right time to gamble.

It's a bit funny that gambling is needed at a casino.


After calling Flora, I communicated the strategy using hand signals that we often used.

"To? ... Okay!"

There was no time for a long explanation. But Flora believed me and nodded her head.

Well, neither Flora nor I knew why we had to do this in the first place, and we were able to infiltrate all the way here, trusting only the note we found.

It's not a big deal if it's just an operation that's difficult to understand now.

Including the transmission of the strategy and Flora's chant, 20 seconds passed.

Flora's chanting has ended.

We were still exchanging attacks and defense with Wirdi. Jjae-aeng, jjae-aeng. Every time I blocked a fist with my sword, I felt like I could hear a scream coming from the sword in my hand.

25 seconds.


Flora's signal came. Now she meant to use magic.

Of course, Wirdi must have sensed what Flora's signal meant. But it didn't matter.

Whether you knew it or not, Wirdi couldn't avoid it, and it wouldn't hurt him if he got hit.

He ducks his head to avoid Wirdi's fist, which is swinging in a large circle, and tries to hang his leg.

Although he was embarrassed by this attack, which was his first time in his life, Wierdi reflexively strengthened his calves and withstood it.

I was able to take a half step between Wirdi's legs to cross his legs.

And 30 seconds.

"... 『Air Bomb』!"

Flora's wind magic was revealed once again.

The power was reduced compared to the air bomb used earlier. This is because there was no wind assistance from Asil.

Still, that was enough.

The air bomb exploded because it was behind my back.

"... Ugh!"

My body is not as strong as Wirdi.

Rather than simply being pushed away by the impact of the air explosion, he felt his bones creaking, and instead of resisting the impact, he attacked Wirdi with his body.

– Clang!

Even in that brief moment when he was literally flying at Wirdi, I blocked his heavy fist with my sword.

There was no time to properly see and accept it. In the first place, I am also flying in the air right now.

This moment was a gamble.

Can you block Wirdi's reflex attack?

If I had made even the slightest mistake, I might have had a hole in my stomach, but I succeeded anyway.

The sword, which had already deflected Wirdi's vicious fists dozens of times, took this last blow and left the same path as the shield.

A sacrifice that brings tears to my eyes.

Based on that sacrifice, Wirdi and my body overlapped.

Even though I am light, I am still heavier than Wirdi.

Wirdi stumbled and lost his posture due to the impact of simple mass, not force or anything else.

And as I waited for this moment, I gathered all the magical energy in my body and threw it all into his arms.

Soira's special move.

The technique used on tentacles in Erotic Trap Dungeon.

Using that skill, which leaves you with magical exhaustion and incapable of combat once you use it, I pushed Wirdi back with all my might.

"Y-ruuuuu... "

Wirdi, who was pushed back with all his might, left a Doppler effect and flew far down the hallway, disappearing in an instant.

Since the time when physical enhancement could not be used, the technique that gave rise to superhuman strength was used in a physical enhancement state, that is, in a stagnant enhancement state.

If you weigh Wirdi, you will easily fly tens of meters.

There was the sound of something hitting the wall somewhere at the end of the invisible hallway.

Of course, what you need to worry about is the wall. Wirdi will be fine.

"I'm going!"

As soon as Wirdi disappeared, Asil ran out after the vice principal with all his might.

It's faster than you think. At this level, I felt like I could beat Wirdi's pursuit in just 10 seconds, not 30.

But, can he last 10 seconds?

"Whoa, whoa..." It's pretty good."

Not even 5 seconds later, Wirdi appeared again.

There were traces of dust here and there on the clothes he was wearing, as he had rolled on the floor quite roughly, but that was all.

Because I just pushed hard.

But I was lying on the floor due to the recoil of the special move.

Now that I can officially use physical enhancement, it's not like I can't lift a finger like I did in the Erotic Trap Dungeon, but fighting in my current state was simply impossible.

"I won't let you go..." !"

Instead of me, who couldn't move, Flora stood in front of Wirdi with a determined expression.

Even though Flora, who doesn't have experience like me or "Fighting talent" Like you, wouldn't be able to withstand even a single blow.

Wirdi looked at Flora like she was laughing.


He sat down with his butt on the spot.

"... ?"

A question mark appeared above Flora's head, as she had made a big decision.

However, as if he really had no intention of fighting further, he sat down and shook off the dust from his body.

"It's okay. "If I had done this much, I would have kept the terms of the contract."

"Terms of contract?"

"Okay. It's complicated, so to speak... Until a little while ago, I was saying that we had to stop you from going after the principal."

"Is it okay if I don't block you anymore?"

"It's already been breached, right? It's not that I didn't stop it, I did my best, but it was inevitable that it got through."

– Even though I wasted a lot of mana, waited for maintenance at the strategy meeting, didn't kill him, and only used my fists, it's true that I did my best to stop him.

Wirdi puffed out his cheeks and muttered in a low voice.

As a result, it seemed like he didn't want to admit that he lost to me.

Even if there was Flora's help, even if there was a lot of support, by dragon standards, it would still feel like they lost to a 'human'.

Anyway, Asil was sent off safely, and now all we have to do is wait for the academy's problems to be resolved.

First of all, I need to recover...

"Flora. "Do you have any potions left?"

"Huh? "Asil drank it all?"


He was left lying on the basement floor until his magic power was restored.

I guess Wirdi thought he had someone to talk to.

"Aren't you going to follow? Then just listen to what I have to say."

"No, why are we..." "

"If you want to hear it, listen. "I was so annoyed by that damn contract."

And then Wirdi's endless grumbling began.

Save me.


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