A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 193: Rush, Rescue (3)

Chapter 193: Rush, Rescue (3)

Even after being kindly informed of the start of the battle, Wirdi did not move and just stood still.

But the most annoying thing for us was that Wirdi did nothing.

If even one of us can escape through the door guarded by Wirdi and chase after the vice principal, we will win.

Summarizing what I've heard so far, some kind of magic tool is needed to hypnotize, and it looks like the vice principal is on his way to get it.

If the vice principal successfully obtains the magic tool, we will lose.

Flora and I have no resistance to hypnosis, and considering that Asil was also held here, there must be something preventing us from resisting.

It won't be difficult to catch up with and overpower the vice principal.

The vice-principal didn't seem to have much combat power, and besides, he seemed to have had a problem when he hit the door, and he was walking with a limp.

However, it was Wirdi who was blocking the road.

This is a basement, and the only way out is through the door that Wirdi is blocking.

Now, it's not the door, but only the door is left.

He thought about using Flora's magic to collapse the ceiling, but he immediately dismissed it.

There were quite a few stairs when coming down from the first floor to the basement. In other words, the basement ceiling was also that thick.

Even if you can break through the ceiling by hitting magic a few times, if you make a big fuss, you'll have to fight with security guards from all over the casino.

It would be easier to somehow pass by Wirdi.

There was no need to defeat Wirdi.

If we could hold on even a little and Flora follow the principal, it would have been our victory.

Why Flora?

If I go, Flora will have to hold on to Wirdi, but Flora doesn't have the physical ability to do that.

However, if Asil goes, there is a high possibility that he will again be overcome by something that has prevented him from resisting until now.

In other words, Asil and I have to capture Wirdi.

Fortunately, Flora and I were fully prepared.

It was natural to infiltrate a place where you didn't know what would be there.

Bring your equipment and consumables.

But I couldn't take Asil's equipment.

No matter how much I searched through my memories, the only thing that came to mind was that Asil did not come to the academy, and I could not remember where Asil's room was, which she would have known originally.

Can Asil face the dragon without any equipment?

"Asil, can you fight?"

"... It might be a bit difficult."

As expected, the answer to the question I asked was negative.

I had a guess.

Normally, Asil would have summoned the spirits and combined them as soon as the battle started, but he was doing nothing.

Thanks to the potion Flora gave him, he was able to stand on his own somehow, but that seemed to be the extent of it.

"How can I fight this!"

Asil looked irritated and pointed at the choker around her neck.

A choker that she didn't take off until the end even though she was naked.

What. That's the choker I was wearing when I was captured by the Baron, right?

However, back then, I was able to take it off as much as I wanted, probably because I didn't expect to be caught in the first place, but looking at Asil's appearance now, it seems like I can't take it off on my own.

"Flora. "Can you take that off?"

"Choker? ... I don't think it will work. I don't feel like taking it off. "My body can't move."

Ah. Shit. Is it hypnosis again?

It was hung very meticulously.

Meanwhile, time was passing by.

No matter how much the assistant principal hurt his leg and couldn't run fast, if he was held on like this, the outcome was obvious.

"Flora. Take this!"

I handed the dagger I had kept for throwing to Flora.

Because it was intended for throwing, it was an unsuitable weapon to hold and swing because its center of gravity was centered at the front, but there was still no problem in simply holding it.

"You hold it and close your eyes. Asil, try to break the choker somehow with that."

"What? Cut the choker with the knife you're holding? How?"

"Oh, rub the choker with the knife or whatever! Are you going to stay like this until you get hypnotized again?"

I know it's not an easy thing to say.

A choker is an accessory worn around the neck.

To cut off a choker with a knife you are holding, you have to cut the neck with the blade, which cannot be seen because it is hidden by the chin.

Of course, it would be difficult to even try with a certain amount of guts.

But I had to do it.

No matter how much Wirdi said he would look after him, a dragon is a dragon.

Attacking to win from the front was not courage, but recklessness.

"Ugh... Okay! Please hold on just a little longer!"

Asil gritted his teeth, strengthened his resolve, and stood in front of Flora.

Flora closed her eyes tightly because she couldn't bear to see Asil stabbing her in the throat with the knife she was holding.

My hands are shaking, wondering if I make a mistake... It's more dangerous to shake your hand than to make a mistake.

When this situation came, Wirdi also started to move.

"Oh. That won't work. "It's my job to stop you if you try to take off the choker you're wearing."

I moved my body and stood in a position to cover Flora and Asil's bodies.

Just as we had to pass Wirdi to leave the room, Wirdi had to pass me to stop Asil.

"That's not bad. "There's a reason for us to move together, right?"

"Well. Are they mutual? "Do you think you can stop me now that your comrades can't fight?"

"I'm a little curious too. Let's try it."

I never thought I would be hypnotized when I came to the academy, but I still gained a lot from it.

I was able to increase many different skills.

Above all, I learned how to strengthen my body, which is difficult to master on my own.

Channel magical energy into your body. I can feel the refreshing feeling running through my bones, extending to my fingertips and toes.

The magic power that reaches the end of the body changes direction again and returns to the heart.

The stem of magical power that extends in five branches from the heart to the limbs and head does not simply move magical energy, but also scatters magical energy along the path it passes through to strengthen muscles.

This is all about general physical strengthening.

And the physical strengthening I use goes one step further.

It does not stop at simply extending the magical energy to the limbs, but also twists and turns as if climbing the surface of the bone.

Of course, as the length of the magic stem increases, magic consumption also increases, but there is much more that can be gained than that.

As the amount of magical power consumed increases, the strengthening rate of physical strengthening also increases.

The efficiency of magical power consumption increases significantly.

The point is a double helix shape that extends in a spiral and then returns to a spiral.

Magical power also has a certain degree of inertia, so a straight stem of magic power is wasted as if it were sticking out from the end of the stem.

However, if you weave it in a spiral like this, the inertia that tries to jump out due to rotation is eliminated, thereby reducing the waste of magic attribute.

Of course, it is not easy at all to use magic power to form a spiral magic stem, but I have done it many times.

It's embarrassing for me to explain it in detail, but you can think of it as a common staging technique in games.

I didn't find it out myself.

This is the method I saw in the WM community strategy post. Of course, I was the one who worked hard to be able to do the method myself.

When I was a warrior, I could use it like breathing.

The limit for Soira's character, which has a low magical ability, is that she can maintain it for a few minutes at most.

Still, there isn't much of a problem.

Anyway, if you don't catch up before the vice principal arrives at the magic tool, you'll lose.

"Oh. "You use all kinds of amazing methods."

"Yes? "I'm also amazed at who came up with this."

That was the end of the conversation.

– Boom!

He kicks the ground so hard that the sound is reflected in the basement, runs out, and swings his sword.

The target is the neck.

Dragons usually have a groin at the bottom of their neck.

Of course, there would be no offense to Wirdi in his human state, but it was an attack that a dragon could not help but reflexively block.

Wirdi raised his forearm and placed it on the sword flying towards his neck.

In the past, even if Wirdi had stood still and taken the attack, all I would have done was scratch him and I would not have been able to cause him a fatal wound.

But that wasn't me back then.

– Sigh!

"... !"

As his arm cracked and blood spattered from the attack he had defended with a light heart, his complexion also changed.

From the eyes of a playful child to the eyes of the enemy.

"You've increased a lot? If this happens, it may be difficult to control your strength."

"If you're going to control it, I wish you would just get out of the way!"

The sword he shouted and swung cut through the air and passed by Wirdi's hair as he lowered his head.

A few strands of silver hair flew into the air. Despite the dim lighting in the basement, the hair reflecting the sky and sky was still beautiful.

However, before there was even a moment to appreciate the scene, Wirdi's fist attacked fiercely.

I wonder if he really meant it when he said he would control his strength, but it felt rather funny that it seemed like it would hurt enough to kill me if I got hit, but it didn't seem like I would die.

He tilted his neck back to avoid the punch aimed at his face.

– Huh!

I just swung my fist, but the wind pressure felt like I was being hit with a blunt weapon, making my skin tingle.

Still, each blow was extremely powerful.

However, now that I have used physical enhancement, my specs are not much inferior to that of the human form Wirdi.

– Kwaang!

As he swung again, I struck back with my shield.

The screaming shield caught in the clash of powerful forces was quite unsettling, but I put off worrying about the shield for later and slashed diagonally with my sword from below.

Wirdy paused for a moment as he was hit from the front by an attack he thought he would avoid.

The sword penetrated the gap and tore Wirdi's chest.

– Sigh!

However, there was no feeling of being caught on the tip of the sword.


Wirdi looked down at his chest.

The chest part of the clothes I was wearing was torn.

I definitely cut my chest. There wasn't a single scratch left on her pure white skin.


I was in the middle of a fight and felt sorry for everyone.


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