A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 147: Daily Life at the Academy (10)

Chapter 147: Daily Life at the Academy (10)

What can you say about the feeling of magical energy being injected through your chest? It was a feeling that was difficult to express.

Is this what it feels like when the mammary glands in your chest reflux? I'm not sure because I've never had breast milk in a game before.

If one thing is certain, it is that the presence of breasts has increased significantly compared to usual.

From a woman's perspective, breasts are just there. It was there from the beginning, there is nothing special about it.

Men also don't care what their dick looks like in their panties unless they suddenly get an erection or something. No? Otherwise.

Anyway, it's like that. Unless you feel uncomfortable because your bra is misaligned, or you suddenly exercise too hard and feel lumps of fat floating around, your breasts are just there.

However, as I wear this magic tool and feel the magical power flowing in, I continue to feel the presence of my chest.

To use an analogy, it feels like an electrical stimulation panel used in physical therapy is attached to the chest and turned on slightly.

I wouldn't go so far as to call this sexual pleasure, but it was strangely tickling and nerve-wracking... That feeling continues.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but other female students are also twisting their upper bodies strangely.

The male students... You can see students writhing in pain or even fainting while using a magic device that looks like a cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine.

Looking at that, I think it would be better if my heart was a little more bothersome.

"Are you wearing everything? Then, the student whose name is called should come forward."

The professor, who shook the unconscious male student awake, called students two at a time and paired them up.

There were no particular rules; sometimes women paired up, sometimes men paired up, and sometimes men and women paired up.

Anna and I were each paired with different men. She responded that she was very disappointed that Anna couldn't be my partner, but I'm just a student here, so what can I do?

And then they sat down again as they had paired up.

Of course, it was a different seat from where I was originally sitting. A male student sat in my seat.

... Now that I think about it, isn't she the boy who watched her wearing the magic tool earlier with a strange grin?

I'm smelling and touching the bra I left behind.

That look is honestly... 'I don't think I need to worry too much.'

What. It doesn't matter as long as you don't take it. If I took it, I would have to go to the dorm without a bra, which I didn't like. Even though in this world, wearing a bra doesn't cause your breasts to sag, it wasn't very pleasant to have your breasts shaking every time you walked or your nipples rubbing against your top.

The reason the professor paired up the students was quickly revealed.

"There is nothing better than actually doing physical strengthening exercises. Come out one by one and spar from here."

It was just a sparring partner.

Why bother them by asking them to come to the front and having them change seats?

However, other students seem to have already gotten used to this annoying task. As the students in pairs were talking, they were showing their will to fight, saying that they would not lose this time and that they were not in good shape last time.

The first sparring ended while the students who were not sparring were talking to each other.

I feel like it ended too quickly, but it was understandable because it was a male and female pair, and the female student had a magic tool attached to her chest.

The fact that he is currently wearing a magic tool means that he is a student who cannot yet use physical enhancement. If a student who can strengthen his body fights with a student who cannot, the outcome is obvious.

Whether one has physical strength is not a difference that can be easily overcome. I don't know if there is a huge difference in technology, but since they are students anyway, how much of a difference will there be if there is a difference in technology?

Wait, then why are we sparring when the outcome is already decided?

You may think so. But here is somewhere. In the end, it is a world in a game.

Your proficiency increases faster when you train with others than when you train alone, and when you experience actual combat than when you train with others.

This means that even if you lose, it is much more advantageous in terms of skill to try to strengthen your body during sparring.

In addition, training at the academy gives you a bonus to your proficiency, so it can be said to be a fairly efficient method.

Okay. That's probably why we spar.

But what is that doing?

"Look. "I said I won, right?"

"Ugh, I thought it would work this time... "

Dialogue between the victorious male student and the defeated female student.

If you look at the lines alone, it's a normal male student showing off and a female student expressing disappointment over the result of the sparring.

The situation is different if the boy is talking about taking off his girl's clothes.

As soon as the boy returned to her seat, he pressed his body against the girl, and without hesitation, she put his hand under her skirt and brushed her thigh.

"Anyway, if I win, I win."

"Ha... I know. Who said anything? "Just do it quickly."

As soon as the boy heard the girl's words, he pulled her chin and kissed her.

The sound of her tongue mixing together continues for a moment, and when her lips part, her long thread continues and then snaps, as if she regrets the separation.

You could say it was quite a romantic scene, but I was a little confused.

What is that?

We sparred. The results are out. Have sex?

Suddenly, it seems like some intermediate steps have been omitted.

"Excuse me. "What is that doing?"

If Anna had been around, she could have asked. Unfortunately for her, Anna was talking with her partner a little away, so I asked the girl sitting next to her.

"That's it?"

"No. Why are you suddenly acting sticky?"

"Ah. I see "Is today your first time?"

"Okay. So, please tell me what on earth you are doing."

The female student said it as if it was no big deal.

""The winning side can freely use the losing side for sexual purposes." During this lecture."

I heard that. Uh―――

Was it like that? I wanted to.

I guess so.

But there was nothing like that when we sparred in the combat department in the morning?

"Sometimes there are professors who make exceptions in their lectures because they say it's disruptive, but most professors don't really care. The same goes for this lecture."

Aha. So, the morning sparring was a unique exception.

Now, I was convinced as I saw the female student lowering her head under the desk and holding the male student's cock in her mouth.

Even as I was answering questions, the sparring proceeded step by step, and little by little, heat began to form in the classroom.

The same-sex group did nothing even after the winner was decided. Because you can use it 'sexually' as you please. It was a rule that had little meaning unless you were homosexual.

... Wait. Didn't Anna earlier say she was disappointed that she couldn't be my partner?

... Let's not think too deeply. Earlier, I thought Anna was a good girl. She doesn't want to change that perception.

But thoughts are like pink elephants, and the more I try not to think about them, the more they come to mind, so I had to break out in a cold sweat until it was our turn to spar.

"... Hey. Please take care of me."

"Huh? Ah. It's Soira. Please take care of me too."

Until the moment I stood in the sparring position, I was anxious thinking that someone might be aiming for my scissors, but before I knew it, we were exchanging greetings.

But what did you say your name was? I didn't hear very well because I came to my senses late.

I tried to ask his name again, but the male student was already running towards me with a sword.

It was very fast. It seems that this male student can also use some degree of physical enhancement.

Even now, I am in a situation where magical power is flowing into my chest and I feel like I can do something, but strangely I cannot. This means that you cannot use physical enhancement yet.

Still, it is not impossible to win due to the difference in technology.

The male student had a face I had never seen before in the advanced combat department class. In that case, it means that even if it is not a combat department, or even if it is a combat department, it is an intermediate or low level class, and even if the opponent used physical strengthening, it is not my time to lose.

However, there was no need to rush to win.

The magic tool is still vibrating in my chest. Even though this looks different, if it has the same effect as the magic tool I know, the more I wear it, the more my physical strength proficiency will gradually increase.

And as I said before, due to the system, skill level increases faster during sparring.

So, the longer I drag on this sparring, the more bonuses there are to the skill increase effect through magic tools.

After thinking about that, I took my time by lightly pushing away or avoiding the male student's attacks.

No matter how hard he swung, he couldn't hit, so the male student looked nervous. Still, my skill level comes first.

After the boring scene of a male student's one-sided attack, but not a single hit, continues for a while...

I got a feeling.

Ah. Now your skill level will increase.

The itchy feeling in my chest gradually became stronger. As my body strengthening proficiency increases, the magic power spread throughout my body resists external magic power.

As time passed, the stimulation became stronger, and I felt pleasure, so I thought it was time to end it.

I have acquired physical strength. We can end the sparring situation now.

When I raised my sword with that thought in mind.


There was a sound.

No, it didn't come out. But I could hear.

A light pop in my chest, like a balloon bursting. And.

How did they know about my condition, which was just before I learned physical strengthening, and the magic tool gave me a final powerful push of magic power?

It was as if one last puff of air had been blown into a balloon that was barely holding on.

It exploded.



Weak stimulation at the level of electrical stimulation. However, my chest, which had become sensitive to constant stimulation, could not withstand the sudden burst of stimulation.

In an instant, a feeling of dizzying pleasure passes by.


My legs, unable to withstand the pleasure, slowly relaxed.

I tried to recover my posture as quickly as possible, but it was already too late.


The other male student's sword was right in front of my eyes.

Ah. You lost.

I could have won. If this magic tool hadn't done something stupid, it would have won proudly. Same... I had a lot of thoughts.

"The winning side can freely use the losing side for sexual purposes."

When I think of this 'rule'...


Just thinking about it made my underwear wet.


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