A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

As they were about to reach the Capital City, Chen Sixi still hadn't sent Yang Ershun back.

Xie Xun had lived in the village for so many years and knew Yang Ershun very well. That kid would never obediently stay at the Chen family for so long.

Xie Xun didn't care whether Yang Ershun could go to the Capital City or not, but the main concern was that Yang's family had entrusted Yang Ershun to Jiang Xiaoxiao. If anything happened to him, it would cause trouble for Jiang Xiaoxiao.

Since they had to return to the village before going to the Capital City, Xie Xun planned to ask Chen Sixi about it on the way.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly became serious.

"Something happened."

Xie Xun frowned slightly, "Is it about Yang Ershun?"


"Then let's hurry back."

Xie Xun asked Su Hai for a carriage, pointed out the route to the coachman, and then pulled Jiang Xiaoxiao onto the carriage.

Just as they were about to leave, Chen Sixi's loud shouts came from a distance, "Xie Xun, wait a minute..."

He ran and shouted, and when he reached the carriage, he was already out of breath.

Xie Xun opened the curtain and looked at him, "Where's Yang Ershun?"

Chen Sixi swallowed, "That's exactly what I came for."

He said, "A few days ago, I took the kid to the town, right? It just so happened that his mother came to the market, and they ran into each other. She insisted on wanting to see her son, so she took him home for a couple of days."

"And then what?"

"Then something happened!"

Chen Sixi said anxiously, "His mother just came to find me, saying that the little brat was acting strange on the second day of returning home. He wouldn't eat cooked rice, but instead grabbed the undercooked rice from the pot and ate it. He even gnawed on candles, and the dogs at home would bark at him nonstop."

At this point, Chen Sixi felt a little scared himself, "His mother was almost driven crazy. She didn't know where you were, so she could only ask me to find you. Xie Xun, what do you think..."

He knew that Xie Xun was about to go to the Capital City, and this matter might delay their arrival. But he was entrusted with this task.

Moreover, a few days ago, the little brat was handed over from him to Lin Guifang, so he would also be responsible if anything happened.

Xie Xun didn't speak, but looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao beside him.

Jiang Xiaoxiao, after listening to Chen Sixi's description, had already figured out the situation.

"Yang Ershun's Yin-Yang Eye, if not properly cultivated, would inevitably cause trouble."

Xie Xun understood, and told the coachman outside, "Set off, return to Shi Mo Village."

"Um, should I come with you?" Chen Sixi had come on a mule cart, which was now parked at the coffin shop. If he wanted to go to Shi Mo Village, taking the mule cart would be too slow.

Xie Xun let him board the carriage.

It was an urgent matter, so no one spoke in the carriage compartment. Chen Sixi had lost his usual carefree demeanor.

He remembered what Lin Guifang had said and looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao, "Master, is the little brat's symptom... a case of being possessed by a ghost?"

His family ran a coffin shop, so he had heard some stories.

In such a situation, it was most likely an encounter with a ghost.

Thinking of this, Chen Sixi felt a bit puzzled.

Ever since he got to know Xie Xun and Jiang Xiaoxiao, he had seen his fair share of ghosts, but each time, he was the only one afraid, and nothing ever happened to him afterward. He could still eat and drink as usual.

He had never encountered a situation like Yang Ershun's before.

Jiang Xiaoxiao said, "Yang Ershun has the Yin-Yang Eye, which means he can see all kinds of ghosts. Perhaps the ghosts he saw before meant no harm, but this time he encountered a malicious one."

"The little brat actually has the Yin-Yang Eye?" Chen Sixi was utterly shocked.

How brave must the kid have been to have seen ghosts before without anything happening?

The carriage went straight into the village and stopped in front of the village chief's house.

Just as Chen Sixi had said, their family's yellow dog tied at the door was very aggressive, barking incessantly.

When it saw Jiang Xiaoxiao, the yellow dog's barking gradually weakened, wagged its tail at her, and soon retreated to its den.

Crying sounds came from the east wing.

Jiang Xiaoxiao naturally looked over.

Yang Dashun had just come out of the main hall and, upon seeing Jiang Xiaoxiao, quickly turned back and said loudly, "Dad, Miss Jiang is here!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the haggard village chief hurriedly came out, his old eyes red and swollen. He bent down to kneel before Jiang Xiaoxiao.

"Master, we really didn't know that taking him back would cause trouble. Ershun is my son, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to him more than anyone else. But now... Please, Master, save my son!"

Jiang Xiaoxiao promptly supported him, "Let's talk."

Ever since his younger son's incident, the village chief hadn't slept for two days. He dared not seek help from the half-baked wandering monks in the town, so he could only pray to the Buddha, hoping for Jiang Xiaoxiao's early return to the village.

Now that he had finally seen her, the tension he had been holding finally released, and he fainted on the spot.

Yang Dashun took his father back to the room, then invited Xie Xun and Chen Sixi to sit in the main hall.

Jiang Xiaoxiao went to the east wing.

Yang Ershun was lying unconscious, and Lin Guifang sat in front of the bed, her eyes swollen from crying.

Hearing the footsteps, Lin Guifang raised her head, and upon seeing that it was Jiang Xiaoxiao, she seemed to have found a lifeline, "Master, please, save my Ershun."

She wore an expression of heartbreak and self-blame.

Jiang Xiaoxiao sat down, examined Yang Ershun's facial features, and then looked at Lin Guifang, "When did he start acting strange?"

Lin Guifang told the truth, "Three days ago, I brought him back from the town. He was fine that day, able to eat and drink. But on the second day, he became strange. He slept the whole day and only got up at night.

When I called him for dinner, he didn't even look at it. Instead, he went straight to the kitchen and grabbed the undercooked rice from the pot to eat. He also found the white candles used for ancestor worship..."

At this point, Lin Guifang covered her face and cried out loud.

Jiang Xiaoxiao said, "It's not a big deal, he'll be fine by tonight."

Lin Guifang was stunned after hearing this, "Really?"

It wasn't that she doubted Jiang Xiaoxiao's ability, but for an ordinary person, such an incident was truly terrifying.

The unknown nature of ghosts and spirits amplified the fear.

Jiang Xiaoxiao said, "If you have time, find some colored paper and cut out a few sets of small clothes. Also, prepare some undercooked rice."

"Okay, okay, I'll go do that right away."

Lin Guifang hurriedly left.

In fact, Jiang Xiaoxiao didn't need to be so troublesome when exorcising ghosts. She just didn't want Lin Guifang to keep crying in the room.

Crying was not only useless but would also make her feel irritated.

Jiang Xiaoxiao had never cried in her life. She didn't even understand why people would cry instead of finding a solution to the problem first.


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