A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Was it not time for the transformation at midnight?

Apart from the previous incident at the chaotic burial ground where she transformed early, Jiang Xiaoxiao had never encountered such a situation before.

She pondered but couldn't figure out the reason.

She then tilted her little head and scrutinized the top of Xie Xun's head carefully.

Although the Evil Aura seal had been completely broken, his Dragon Aura had not regenerated.

Logically, it should not have affected the spell on her temporarily.

Then why did she not transform on time?

Jiang Xiaoxiao continued to ponder.

However, with her limited mental capacity after miniaturization, she soon hit a wall, her eyes spinning and her entire being feeling dizzy.

"Don't think too much if you can't figure it out," said Xie Xun, shaking the little creature. After she recovered, he got up and fetched her personal small washbasin to wash her face, then combed her hair before preparing to go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Before leaving, remembering how the little thing had gotten stuck on the doorway last time when she went to the kitchen by herself, Xie Xun took her along to the kitchen.

While Xie Xun lit the fire, Jiang Xiaoxiao sat on the cabinet with her short legs stretched out.

If she remained still, from a distance she would look like a lifelike doll.

Xie Xun glanced at her occasionally.

Thinking about how Jiang Xiaoxiao attracted admirers wherever she went in her normal form, Xie Xun suddenly had the urge to lock her up in that little cage, so she would never grow up or leave him.

"So hungry..." Jiang Xiaoxiao rubbed her empty little belly, looking at him pitifully.

Xie Xun acknowledged with a hum, "Just a little longer, it'll be ready soon."

Considering that Jiang Xiaoxiao had been hungry since her transformation, it was too late to cook porridge. Xie Xun first fried a few eggs for her, cut them into thin shreds, and put them in a small bowl in front of her.

Afraid that she might choke, he also boiled a pot of hot water.

During her transformation period, the weaker Jiang Xiaoxiao was, the more she needed to replenish her energy through eating. A few eggs were clearly far from enough.

Xie Xun said, "Eat the eggs first, then rest a while. After the herbal bath, I'll make something more filling for you."

It was only then that Jiang Xiaoxiao remembered she was about to undergo a three-day hellish herbal bath!

The eggs in her mouth suddenly lost their appeal.

She had been eating them quickly and happily earlier, but now she was as slow as a lazy mule, taking forever to finish a single slender shred of egg.

Xie Xun paid no heed to her dawdling as he washed the herbal jar and began preparing the herbs for decoction.

Jiang Xiaoxiao herself was quite puzzled. She wasn't afraid of pain or cultivation, yet she dreaded the herbal baths.

More often than not, it wasn't that she didn't want to take the baths, but her body instinctively resisted them.

As she hadn't studied medicine, she had no idea about the specific effects of the herbal formula given by her master, only knowing that she had to take the baths after each miniaturization, or else something bad would happen.

This "something bad" probably referred to situations like the last time at the chaotic burial ground, where she was nearly out of her own control, right?

When Xie Xun finished decocting the herbs, he turned around to see the little one tilting her little head, deep in thought, while unconsciously finishing all the eggs.

The corners of his lips curved upward as he fetched her small bathtub, poured in the herbal decoction, and added warm water. Finally, holding the small bathtub in one hand and cradling Jiang Xiaoxiao in the other, he returned to her room.

The small bathtub was placed on the table.

When Jiang Xiaoxiao jumped from Xie Xun's palm, she noticed a set of small clothes next to the towel, identical to the ones she was wearing!

Each time Jiang Xiaoxiao transformed, her clothes would miniaturize too, but only the set she was currently wearing.

All other spare clothes remained regular-sized.

This set of clothes was clearly made specifically for her.

Jiang Xiaoxiao wondered, "Did you make these?"

She remembered that Xie Xun could make plush rabbits and embroider rabbits on clothes, and his craftsmanship was excellent.

Xie Xun looked at her, "Don't you like them?"

"I love them!" Jiang Xiaoxiao's eyes crinkled.

As long as they were identical to what she was wearing, she loved them.

Seeing Jiang Xiaoxiao's reaction, the corners of Xie Xun's lips curled upward.

Having settled on the first set of clothes, all future sets had to be exactly the same.

When it came to obsession, no one could surpass this little creature.

"It's chilly, so take your bath while it's hot," Xie Xun leaned down and gently pinned up her hair to prevent it from getting wet with the herbal liquid. "I'll be right outside. Call me if you need anything."


Jiang Xiaoxiao watched Xie Xun leave and close the door before starting to undress.

The weather wasn't great today, with a cool wind blowing outside.

The small bathtub was already tiny, and after half an hour, the herbal liquid inside had cooled down.

When Jiang Xiaoxiao climbed out of the small bathtub, she shivered involuntarily.

It wasn't until she had dried herself and put on her new clothes that she called out, "Xie Xun, Xie Xun, I'm done bathing!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, the door opened.

Xie Xun's gaze immediately fell on her.

Hmm, the new clothes fit her well.

Xie Xun first took her to the stove and placed her on a small round stool to warm herself. Only then did he return to dispose of the herbal liquid from the small bathtub.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was already accustomed to being warmed by Xie Xun after every bath. She didn't find it strange, only lowering her head to admire her new clothes.

When Xie Xun saw this scene as he entered, he told her, "There are two more sets besides this one."

After a pause, he added, "Including shoes and socks."

Jiang Xiaoxiao opened her mouth in surprise.

Not only Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, but even Xie Xun himself never imagined that one day, as a grown man, he would enjoy making clothes, shoes, and socks for a tiny three-inch creature.

The desire to comb her hair, dress her up, cook delicious food for her, and watch her take tiny bites until finished was overwhelmingly strong.

So, Jiang Xiaoxiao put on her new little shoes and socks.

As promised, Xie Xun prepared a whole table of delicious food for Jiang Xiaoxiao.

Afraid that she would eat too quickly and soil her newly changed clothes, he even put a bib on her.


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