A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Ever since the incident last time, Old Master Nie had treated Jiang Xiaoxiao and Xie Xun as honored guests.

Hearing from the housekeeper that they were coming today, he had specially ordered the kitchen to prepare the most lavish dishes.

As soon as Jiang Xiaoxiao and Xie Xun stepped through the entrance, they were warmly escorted by the maids to Old Master Nie's main courtyard.

"Young Brother Xie, it's been a while since you last visited," said Old Master Nie, standing at the entrance with his cane, a kindly smile on his face.

The last time they saw the old master, he was in lively conversation with Bai Xiao.

Now, his temples had grayed, and he needed a cane to walk.

Xie Xun responded calmly, "I've been busy lately."

"Come, let's sit inside."

Old Master Nie cheerfully ushered the trio inside, ordering the servants to serve tea for Xie Xun, while Jiang Xiaoxiao and Yang Ershun were served walnut dew.

Once they had their fill, Old Master Nie gave a signal to the maids, who then escorted Yang Ershun to the garden to play.

Yang Ershun, unaware that he was intentionally separated, was simply thrilled by the vastness of the Nie residence, brimming with fun places to explore, and thus he happily followed the maids.

After Yang Ershun left, Xie Xun got straight to the point, "I heard that you summoned us because you have news from Yanjing City?"

Old Master Nie hesitated for a moment, and instead of answering, he asked, "I've utilized many connections and have heard some things, but I'm unsure about what information Young Brother Xie is seeking, so..."

After all, the matter was of great importance, and he didn't dare to disclose it carelessly.

Xie Xun replied, "Anything about the royal family, all of it!"

Old Master Nie, who had been traveling between Yanjing City and Kaihe County, was well-informed compared to the local people.

He had heard about many incidents in Yanjing City.

For instance, fourteen years ago, a prince was cursed by the entire city for "matricide", and under pressure, the royal family exiled him from the city.

Xie Xun and Jiang Xiaoxiao had greatly helped the Nie family last time, presenting a golden opportunity.

However, Xie Xun did not take a dime, stating that he wanted information about Yanjing City.

Having been a businessman for many years, Old Master Nie was adept at reading people.

After observing Xie Xun's reactions, he was certain of his identity.

Xie Xun was none other than Murong Xun, the Third Prince who was gradually forgotten by the world after his exile.

"There was a prince who was exiled from the city, have you heard about this, Young Brother Xie?" Old Master Nie asked.

Xie Xun lowered his eyes, "I've heard something about it."

"That prince was betrothed, but recently the girl had personally requested to cancel the engagement."

Xie Xun simply nodded, "I heard about it at the teahouse."

He then asked Old Master Nie, "Is there anything else?"

Old Master Nie sighed, "People say respect the dead, and the mother of that prince, the Former Empress, has been gone for over a decade. I never thought that someone would dare to disturb her tomb."

Xie Xun, usually unflappable, finally showed a change in expression, "What did you say?"

"It's some secret information they found out. The Crown Prince is planning to exhume the Former Empress's tomb under the pretext of sorcery, and let the court's priest perform some rites."

Upon hearing this, Xie Xun fell silent.

Under an eerie calm, a frightening streak of ferocity surfaced in his eyes.

Without even waiting for a meal, Xie Xun called Jiang Xiaoxiao and left the Nie family, heading straight to find Dean Gu.

Upon hearing the news, Dean Gu was so angry that he stomped his feet, "These scums! The Former Empress hasn't been gone for many years, and they dare to dig up her tomb! What kind of evil is this? These people clearly have ulterior motives!"

The more Dean Gu thought, the angrier he got, "Your Highness, rest assured, at most three days, I will be able to arrange everything properly and ensure your smooth journey to the capital."

He couldn't care less about anything else now. Once the tomb of the Former Empress was dug up by that group...

How could he face the Former Empress beneath the earth?

"It's too late to go to the capital now,"

Xie Xun suddenly said.

Dean Gu was taken aback, "Your Highness, so you mean..."

Xie Xun chuckled coldly, "At this point, there's only one way to make them stop in time."

"What way?" Dean Gu was anxious.

He simply couldn't think of a way that would not require going to the capital yet could deter that group.

Xie Xun slowly said, "Jiang Xiaoxiao can help me lift the seal."

Dean Gu was first stunned, then his eyes filled with admiration, "Indeed, Your Highness is wise."

Murong Yuan relied on seizing the dragon energy from Xie Xun to successfully ascend the Crown Prince's throne.

So, the person who helped him seize the dragon energy must be by his side.

Once the seal on Xie Xun is lifted, that sorcerer will know immediately, and naturally, he will tell Murong Yuan at the first opportunity.

The removal of Xie Xun's seal means that the dragon energy will be reborn.

And the more he generates, the less dragon energy will remain in Murong Yuan.

For Murong Yuan, what could be more terrifying than losing the Crown Prince's throne?

Originally, Xie Xun planned to take it step by step. By the time Jiang Xiaoxiao had secured her footing in the Yin Yang Office, he would almost have his slot in the Imperial Academy.

Then, they would go to Yanjing City together and slowly lay out their plan.

But the situation in Yanjing City seemed to be slipping out of his control.

Since they've gone to such lengths, he didn't want to keep playing Tai Chi slowly.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of his lips. Xie Xun said, "I want them to personally come and escort me back to the capital!"

Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded in agreement, "You're not wrong. They are the ones who are wrong. Why should you go back in disguise and under a different identity? They should be the ones to carry you back on a palanquin."

Hearing this, Dean Gu's eyes moistened. After enduring so many years of hardship, His Highness could finally return with dignity!

He looked towards Jiang Xiaoxiao, "Miss Jiang, I will have to trouble you with lifting His Highness's seal."


Yang Ershun was left at the Nie family.

This gave Jiang Xiaoxiao the perfect opportunity to lift the seal for Xie Xun.

She lit the lanterns in the yard, put two cushions on the ground, and had Xie Xun sit across from her.

After Xie Xun sat down, he slowly closed his eyes.

Jiang Xiaoxiao formed a seal with both hands, murmuring something, then shouted, "Break..."

Before long, a golden exorcism seal hovered over Xie Xun's head, ceaselessly drawing out dark energy from him.

It took about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn for all the dark and ominous aura to be completely absorbed from Xie Xun's body.

Upon hearing Jiang Xiaoxiao's declaration of success, Xie Xun slowly opened his eyes and rose to his feet.

Jiang Xiaoxiao asked, "How do you feel?"

Xie Xun took a deep breath.

All this time, he had felt as if something had been pressing down on his shoulders and head, oppressing him and making him uncomfortable.

However, the priests he had seen were all charlatans.

For fourteen years, Xie Xun had grown accustomed to this.

He never thought that he could actually return to normalcy one day.

Now, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted, his breathing was smooth, and the air was sweet. It seemed like it had been a very long time since he had been able to properly perceive his surroundings.

Taking two steps forward, Xie Xun opened his arms and pulled Jiang Xiaoxiao into his embrace.

This sudden embrace startled Jiang Xiaoxiao, making her stiffen, her hands fluttering uncertainly.

Xie Xun buried his face in her shoulder, and after a long while, he murmured softly, "Xiaoxiao, thank you."

So, a hug could make him happy?

With this thought, Jiang Xiaoxiao reached out and gently patted Xie Xun's back.

Seeing that she didn't push him away, Xie Xun nuzzled his head into her shoulder.

"Xie Xun, you left me behind just to hold your woman when I'm not around? Wow, you're such a grown man, but you still need someone to hold you. Aren't you ashamed?" Yang Ershun's voice suddenly came from outside.

Yang Ershun was originally planning to have dinner at Nie's house. However, upon hearing that Xie Xun and Jiang Xiaoxiao had already left, he was unwilling to stay. Afraid that this pair of heartless people would leave him behind, he quickly asked Nie's servant to send him back.

Who would have thought that upon pushing the courtyard door open, he would witness this scene.

Xie Xun slowly let go of Jiang Xiaoxiao, turned around, and glanced at Yang Ershun, "Not satisfied?"

Yang Ershun snorted disdainfully.

Xie Xun said, "You can also find someone to hold."

Yang Ershun immediately opened his arms towards Jiang Xiaoxiao, "Sister Jiang, hug me—"

Xie Xun swiftly pulled Jiang Xiaoxiao behind him, frowned, and said, "Scram!"

Yang Ershun cried out and ran back to his room.


Meanwhile, in Yanjing City, at the Crown Prince's Palace.

Crown Prince Murong Yuan had just returned from the regular worship at the Imperial Deity Temple when he saw a man in a black robe sitting in his study.

Murong Yuan was somewhat surprised, then he respectfully saluted, "Teacher, why are you here?"

Murong Yuan was the Crown Prince, and he had several masters who taught him literature and martial arts. However, nobody knew that his real master was this man in the black robe sitting before him.

He was also the one who helped him seize the dragon aura.

The man in the black robe casually flipped through the books on the desk, his head covered by a hood and his face hidden behind a mask, revealing only a pair of aged hands.

Upon hearing Murong Yuan's voice, the man in the black robe asked, "Have you felt any discomfort in your body recently?"

"No!" Murong Yuan was somewhat puzzled, "Why does teacher ask this?"

The man in the black robe's voice was solemn, "The one in Yunzhou, has been unsealed."

"What!" Murong Yuan's face turned pale, "Wasn't he restrained by your seal? How could it…"

"Most likely, he encountered a master."

Murong Yuan was taken aback, "Could it be someone from Cangwu Mountain who could easily break your seal?"

Murong Yuan pondered, feeling something was amiss.

The last time he personally led a group to Cangwu Mountain, the Heavenly Master's attitude was already clear - the Heavenly Master's Mansion would not interfere in the affairs of the Jianghu or the court.

Surely the Heavenly Master's Mansion wouldn't refuse him on one hand, and then aid Xie Xun on the other?

The old Heavenly Master was over a hundred years old. Unless he wanted to tarnish his reputation in his twilight years, there was no reason for him to do so.

But if it wasn't the Heavenly Master's Mansion, then who could it be?

"Master, what should we do now?"

The expression on Murong Yuan's face was grim.

Heaven knows how much effort he had put into securing his current position. If Xie Xun broke the seal and the dragon aura was reborn, all his efforts would be in vain.

Not only that, he would become the second Xie Xun, scorned by the people, exiled by the court, and condemned by the officials.

The thought of these unbearable consequences slowly brought a ruthless killing intent to Murong Yuan's eyes.

"Master, if it comes to it, we should eliminate the threat once and for all by killing him."

After all, Xie Xun's reputation was already tarnished.

Some days ago, in order to test the Emperor's attitude, he had secretly contacted King Ning's Mansion to request a divorce during the palace banquet.

The officials attending the banquet took a moment to remember that there was such a prince in the royal family.

Murong Yuan's eyes were fixed on Emperor Hongtai throughout.

The Emperor's reaction was so indifferent that Murong Yuan was almost certain that his father had completely given up on his son, Murong Xun.

At Murong Yuan's words, the man in the black robe frowned deeply, "How many times have I told you? We must keep the Third Prince alive!"

"Master, I don't understand," Murong Yuan gritted his teeth, "We clearly have the chance to kill him, why must we leave this threat to ourselves?"

The man in the black robe said solemnly, "The dragon aura chooses its master."

"Chooses its master?" Murong Yuan took a step back in disbelief.

The man in the black robe continued, "Even though you can light up the statues in the Imperial Deity Temple with the purple gold dragon aura, that aura has never been yours. I merely used a spell to trap it within you. Once the master of the dragon aura dies, the aura will dissipilate."

Murong Yuan's hands clenched into fists, "I've been nurturing it carefully for fourteen years, and this damn dragon aura can still choose its master? Then what am I?"

His voice was hoarse with anger, and veins were throbbing on his forehead.

"Murong Xun! I am the rightful eldest son, the perfect heir to Yan Kingdom."

"But why is the purple gold dragon aura in you? Since it chose the wrong person, then I should take it back! I've done nothing wrong, the dragon aura should be mine! Yan Kingdom and even the entire world should be mine!"

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Murong Yuan furrowed his brows, "Master, do I just have to watch as he breaks the seal and the dragon aura is reborn?"

The man in the black robe glanced at him, "Put aside the matter of opening the tomb for now. The most urgent thing is to bring the Third Prince back. I will reseal him, and from then on, he will stay in the capital. I'd like to see who has the audacity to help him unseal it under my watch!"

Although he didn't want Xie Xun to return to the capital, Murong Yuan didn't dare to object to his master's arrangements and nodded in agreement.

Yunzhou, Kaihe County, Luming Academy.

It was the time when classes were dismissed. As usual, Xie Xun was the one to slowly walk out of the grand entrance alone.

"Xie Xun!"

The voice of Fang Changyue echoed from behind.

Xie Xun's steps paused slightly.

Fang Changyue caught up with him, a hint of embarrassment on his face, as though he feared being refused, "I... I would like to invite you to my home for dinner, would you honor me with your presence?"

Fang Changyue had been in a daze for quite some time and was always sleepy during the day, struggling to stay awake in class.

However, these past couple of days, he suddenly realized that whenever he was near Xie Xun, his drowsiness would disappear and he would feel invigorated.

Although he didn't understand why, Fang Changyue considered it as Xie Xun doing him a great favor and thought he should repay him with a meal.

Xie Xun glanced at him, "Our house is closer, why not eat at our place instead?"

"Huh?" The one who planned to be a host suddenly became a guest, Fang Changyue scratched the back of his head, "Wouldn't that be inappropriate?"

"There's nothing inappropriate about it. It's just dinner, it doesn't matter where we eat."

In the end, Fang Changyue followed Xie Xun back to Tong Hua Lane.

Jiang Xiaoxiao and Yang Ershun were practicing in the courtyard.

Hearing footsteps outside, Jiang Xiaoxiao slowly opened her eyes.

Upon seeing Fang Changyue following behind Xie Xun, Jiang Xiaoxiao was slightly taken aback.

The aura of gloom around this man seemed to have grown even heavier than a few days ago.


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