A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Dean Gu's appointment as the person in charge of the recruitment for the Yin Yang Office was not just a formality by the imperial court.

Although Dean Gu himself had not been able to pursue the path of cultivation, he had delved deeply into the study of mystical arts and cultivation. He was well-versed in much of the theoretical knowledge.

For example, the ability just used by Jiang Xiaoxiao belonged to the field of talisman arts.

The Yan Country had many sects that practiced cultivation, and among them were those who specialized in the art of talismans.

But to his knowledge, in the entire Yan Country, nay, the entire Profound Sect Realm, there was only one person who could draw talismans in the air - the Old Celestial Master of the Cangwu Mountain Heavenly Master's Residence.

When Jiang Xiaoxiao drew that many talismans in a single breath during her second test, Dean Gu had already found it utterly absurd.

However, now he had witnessed her drawing talismans in the air!

The dual shock to his vision and his mind left him unable to recover for a long time.

Yang Ershun's expression was even more exaggerated than Dean Gu's.

He knew his "Older Sister Jiang" was highly capable, but he never imagined that her fingers could produce shimmering golden objects.

Wow! Older Sister Jiang must be a celestial maiden from the heavens!

In comparison to the two, who were almost petrified, Xie Xun's reaction was much more composed.

Jiang Xiaoxiao returned the hat to him, "There."

Xie Xun raised his hand and steadily placed it back on his head.

Dean Gu's body was still stiff, and he shifted his eyes towards Xie Xun, "Was I... just dreaming just now?"

Yang Ershun casually pinched him.

Dean Gu winced in pain.

Yang Ershun spoke earnestly, almost chanting, "I can testify that you were not dreaming, Dean!"

Dean Gu fell into deep self-doubt.

Could it be that the information he had gathered was incorrect?

Has drawing talismans in the air become so commonplace now?

No, no, only someone at the level of the Old Celestial Master could accomplish such a feat.

Could it be that Jiang Xiaoxiao is the mysterious female disciple of the Cangwu Mountain?

That should not be possible.

Dean Gu shook his head inwardly.

The Heavenly Master's Residence had made it clear that they did not interfere in worldly affairs, and they would never send a female disciple down the mountain to assist Xie Xun.

Moreover, according to the rumors, that female disciple had extraordinary talents and was deeply favored by the Old Celestial Master. If she were a male disciple, she would be the next Celestial Master.

Would the Old Celestial Master be willing to let such a remarkable person leave the mountain?

But if Jiang Xiaoxiao is not that person, then where did she acquire such high cultivation?

It doesn't make sense!

Just as Dean Gu was lost in thought, the two had already descended the stairs.

Yang Ershun tugged at Dean Gu, "Old man, let's go!"

You brat, he addressed him so casually.

Dean Gu didn't bother arguing with him and followed along.

They descended the stairs, settled the bill, and headed towards the inn.

Kahe County wasn't particularly large, and the inn was not far from the county government office, so they walked there instead of hiring a carriage.

Zhu Yan happened to be at the inn, studying the talismans Jiang Xiaoxiao had drawn.

More than a hundred of them, and he had tried most of them.

They all worked without him having to seal them!

This is impossible!

As the senior disciple of National Master Bai Cheng, Zhu Yan felt his pride of many years being shattered, and his self-esteem was severely wounded.

He flipped through the talisman papers one by one, trying them again.

They worked, just as they had before.

Why was this happening?

How could someone as young as fifteen or sixteen be able to draw so many talismans that didn't require sealing?

If this were true, then what were all his years of diligent cultivation worth?

Thinking about this, Zhu Yan raised his hand and directly overturned the table in front of him, scattering the talisman papers on the floor.

"Sir Zhu, the Dean of Luming Academy has arrived, saying he has brought some candidates to seek an audience."

A servant outside reported loudly.

"Is that so? Then I shall meet them properly today!"

Zhu Yan took a deep breath, barely managing to suppress the anger in his heart, and then stepped out, instructing the servant who had reported earlier, "Tidy up the room, and I will hold you responsible if even a single talisman paper goes missing!"

"Yes, sir."

Zhu Yan entered the front hall.

Dean Gu, Xie Xun, Jiang Xiaoxiao, and Yang Ershun were already seated inside.

Xie Xun was wearing the hat, drawing attention to himself.

After Zhu Yan entered, his gaze lingered on Xie Xun for a moment.

Dean Gu explained calmly, "This is Xie San, Jiang Miss's fiancé, who has accompanied her here today. Unfortunately, he is having a facial reaction and cannot remove the hat, so I hope Sir Zhu will excuse it."

Addressing him as "Sir Zhu" was only because the others were respecting the status of National Master Bai Cheng.

In reality, Zhu Yan had no official position in the court.

This time, the establishment of the Yin Yang Office, Zhu Yan had a 90% chance of competing for the position of Director.

Hearing that Jiang Miss might be up against him in the future, he wondered how much of a chance she would have.

After listening to Dean Gu's explanation, Zhu Yan quickly averted his gaze.

He didn't have much interest in this "Xie San," but rather the young lady sitting next to him...

Zhu Yan gave Jiang Xiaoxiao a once-over, "So you are the first candidate selected by Dean Gu?"

"Yes," Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded, "but I'm not here to be a candidate."

Zhu Yan raised an eyebrow, "Then what are you here for?"

Originally, he had thought she was a formidable recluse.

Now, looking at her, she was just a beautiful young lady with a somewhat dazed appearance, though her eyes did have a certain purity and clarity of a cultivator.

But this didn't mean anything.

From the moment she entered, he hadn't been able to sense her cultivation level at all.

Hmph, she's just putting on an act.

If those talismans were indeed drawn by this girl, he would immediately give up his cultivation and never enter the path of cultivation again in this lifetime!

Jiang Xiaoxiao was unaware of the many assumptions Zhu Yan had already made in such a short time. She simply looked at him and said in a very casual tone, "I'm here to defeat all the candidates and become the Director."

Zhu Yan's face darkened, "What kind of girl are you, with such a big mouth!"

His teacher had said that the position of Director of the Yin Yang Office would most likely be his.

He had waited for so many years, and finally, he had the chance to become prominent and stand out. How could a girl snatch it away from him?

Jiang Xiaoxiao was perplexed, "You're getting so angry, is it because you also want the Director's position?"

Zhu Yan's face darkened even further.

Where did this annoying girl come from, didn't anyone teach her how to speak?

Jiang Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, "Xie Xun said that you people of the lowlands remain silent to signify agreement, so if you've already agreed, then stop talking and let's have a fight!"

She then rolled up her sleeves and stood up.

Zhu Yan: "???"

After all, he was the chief examiner, and candidates were usually supposed to be obsequious and fawning, begging him to go easy on them during the examination.

But she came straight at him, wanting to fight? This was nothing like the scenario he had imagined!

This girl was too bold.

Dean Gu looked at Xie Xun with concern.

Xie Xun gently shook his head, signaling him not to act rashly.

The young lady's actions, though seemingly crude, were simple and effective.

If she wanted to become the Director, she would first have to defeat those who also aspired to that position.

This would both eliminate the obstacles and establish her authority.

It was a two-birds-with-one-stone approach, without any downsides.


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