A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Jiang Xiaoxiao didn't know when she had come to his house.

At this very moment!

Right under his nose!

A living girl!

With two swooshes she shrank and turned into a three-inch tall little person!

Three inches tall!

Three inches!


Even Xie Xun, who had a strong heart from seeing ghosts since he was little, couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle now.

Jiang Xiaoxiao had just finished transforming. Her eyelids were heavy with sleepiness. Her little arms and legs crawled to the plate on the table where Xie Xun had prepared to put sweet potatoes. She curled up in it and yawned, ready to sleep.

Xie Xun walked over, bent down, and pinched the back of her collar with his thumb and index finger. He lifted her onto his palm to stand.

The little thing was even more exquisite than when he had seen her before. Her eyes, nose, and mouth were all small, like a finely carved porcelain doll.

Especially now that she was sleepy, her little head nodded and pecked like a chick eating rice, both silly and cute to the extreme.

Xie Xun raised his eyebrows. So cute and adorable, he really wanted to squeeze her to death.

As he thought this, he slowly tightened his five fingers.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was really unable to resist her sleepiness. Her body tilted to one side and fell onto his palm. Her little ear just happened to be pressed against his fingertip.

Xie Xun was startled and inexplicably extended the index finger of his other hand to gently poke her little face.

It was soft.

So small and soft, and still warm.

It seemed like with just a pinch, she would die in an instant.


Giving up the thought of pinching her to death, Xie Xun's face darkened. He casually threw her outside the door.

The next morning, Xie Xun was awakened by a clattering sound.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Jiang Xiaoxiao had come to his house again at some point.

Jiang Xiaoxiao, who had been chasing ghosts with a cleaver last night, was now being chased around by a mouse.

Xie Xun: "..."

Jiang Xiaoxiao had crawled back in through the window not long after being thrown out last night. She still curled up on the plate, originally sleeping soundly. A mouse had climbed onto the table and scratched her with its claws.

She was so frightened that she jumped up and ran away.

During her transformation period, Jiang Xiaoxiao was at her weakest. She basically couldn't use any abilities. Forget about waving a meat cleaver to chop ghosts, even a normal person was a giant to her that could stomp her flat with one foot. When she saw the mouse she had to run.

Seeing her red puffy little face panting, Xie Xun got out of bed and lifted the quilt.

Hearing the movement, the mouse was frightened and dashed away in a flash.

Xie Xun pinched Jiang Xiaoxiao over with two fingers.

Jiang Xiaoxiao plopped down in his palm and continued panting.

Xie Xun stared at her for a long time, his face darker than the bottom of a pot. "Are you human or demon?"

If it wasn't for him having trained his courage since he was little from seeing ghosts, this little thing would have scared him to death last night.

"I was born this way," Jiang Xiaoxiao said. "Every full moon night I'll turn small like this. After three days I'll turn back!"

After speaking she patted her little belly again, "So hungry, can I eat now?"

Xie Xun knitted his brows, "Who told you to come find me?"

"Um... Master."

"Your master? Who?"

"The Old Heavenly Master of Cangwu Mountain."

Xie Xun's face showed a rare hint of surprise. "You're from the Heavenly Master's residence?"


The Cangwu Mountain Heavenly Master's residence in Yan Country was the holy land of Taoism. The current Old Heavenly Master, Zhang Dingde, was highly respected with a famous reputation.

If she was from the Heavenly Master's residence, then the possibility of her being sent by the imperial palace to secretly plot against him could be ruled out directly.

Moreover, even if they wanted to plot against him, they wouldn't arrange such a little thing with a fatal weakness to do it.

The coldness in Xie Xun's eyes receded by more than half. He went out and brought in a basin of water. "Wash your face before eating."

After speaking, he went to the stove shed to start the fire and cook porridge.

Jiang Xiaoxiao stood on the table, tiptoeing and craning her neck as she looked at the wash basin so much higher than herself.

Her little arms and legs couldn't reach it.

Left with no choice, she dragged a teacup over as a stool and with great difficulty climbed up to the wooden basin's rim. But she didn't hold on steadily and plopped into the cold water, soaking herself in an icy bath.

Xie Xun had just started the fire. Hearing the splashing sound in the room, he hurried back. Seeing that the little thing had fallen into the wash basin at some point, he was completely drenched. Her little hands and feet were struggling to climb up.

Xie Xun: "..."

It seemed he had forgotten something earlier by giving her such a big basin.

He fished out the little thing with two fingers and habitually flicked off the water.

He did shake off a lot of water, but Jiang Xiaoxiao was shaken dizzy with spinning eyes and disheveled hair sticking to her face.

Limply sprawled in Xie Xun's hand, Jiang Xiaoxiao clenched her fist and punched his palm, weakly saying "I'm alive, alive!" before passing out.

"Oh, I'll be more careful next time," Xie Xun said. He fetched a dry towel and wiped the water droplets off her face and head.

After wiping her, he brought her directly to the stove and used the fire to dry her.

In between he would check her breathing every so often, confirming she was still alive before continuing to dry her.


When Jiang Xiaoxiao woke up, the porridge was already cooked.

She perked up her little nose and sniffed. Ah, it smelled so good!

Xie Xun placed her on the table.

Learning from the basin lesson, he didn't dare give the little thing too big a bowl.

But even the small eating bowl was big enough for her to soak in a bath.

The porridge spoon was even bigger than her face.

Xie Xun thought for a moment, then replaced it with a small teacup filled halfway with porridge. He also went to the garden outside to pick a hollow cucumber vine, washing it clean and carefully removing the fuzzy little thorns.

Only then did he hand one end to Jiang Xiaoxiao and bury the other end in his just cooled porridge.

The "stool" was made by Xie Xun just now. He had chopped a small square block of wood with a firewood axe and padded it with soft shredded cloth before placing it on the table.

Jiang Xiaoxiao sat down and hugged the vine, slurping two mouthfuls. Her peripheral vision glanced at the bruise at the corner of Xie Xun's mouth.

She tilted her little head and looked at it. "Someone bullied you?"

"No one did." Xie Xun looked away. Thinking of those people, the ferocity in his eyes couldn't be hidden at all, but he still tried his best to restrain himself. "I bumped into something in the dark last night."

Jiang Xiaoxiao pointed at his head. "With such a big mass of evil energy on your head, it's impossible for you to go out smoothly."

Xie Xun was startled. "You can see it?"

"Mm-hm," Jiang Xiaoxiao murmured. "It's so big, but there's a way to resolve it."

"Resolve it?" Xie Xun looked at her incredulously.

Ever since his Purple Gold Dragon Qi had been seized, he had been plagued by continuous bad luck.

Although he couldn't see it, he could vaguely guess that there must be something affecting him.

Xie Xun had also gone to the county to ask Taoist priests before, but those charlatans always hemmed and hawed with flashy useless tricks, just trying to scam his money.

Jiang Xiaoxiao looked at Xie Xun, thinking and thinking. What method should be used to resolve this again?

However, with her current form, her brain capacity was too small. Not long after, she got stuck, dizzy and muddled. Her eyeballs kept rolling upwards.

Xie Xun hurriedly pinched her up with two fingers and shook her.

After Jiang Xiaoxiao recovered normally, she continued hugging the vine to drink porridge.

In her current form, according to Xie Xun's estimate, she probably couldn't even finish half a cup of porridge, and that half cup would take her a long time to drink too.

But before Xie Xun could react, Jiang Xiaoxiao had already pushed the emptied teacup in front of him. "Any more? Fill it up."

Xie Xun: "..."


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