A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 75: The Gift (Part-2)

Chapter 75: The Gift (Part-2)

Item: The Gauntlet of Eternal Forge [Soul bound to Apostle Ryan O'Cahill] 

Rank: Unranked [Downgraded from World Eater Tier]

Stats: Locked [Upgrade to Common Tier to Unlock]

Special Perks: N/A [Upgrade to Common Tier to unlock]

Weapon Slot: Locked[Upgrade to Common Tier to unlock]

Evolve: 0/10 Material Fragments

Ylerias frowned as she looked at the status report that Ryan had written down for her with deep concentration before she raised her head as she spoke, "Ryan have you written everything correctly."

Ryan replied with a nod, "Yes I have written down everything correctly, why is there something wrong?"

Ylerias pursued her lips as she turned back to speak to one of her companions, "Siora, do you know what this 'World Eater' thing is?"

Siora simply shook her head before she replied, "My sincerest apologies Your Holiness but I do not have any knowledge about it."

Ylerias nodded before she continued, "The thing is we know do not know what the 'World Eater' thing is, next time you meet you will have to Holy Lord Avtis you have to ask about it."

Ryan sighed before for a moment before he spoke, "Lady Ylerias can you please teach me about this ranks."

"Of course Lord Ryan, in our world there are there are three ranking systems first one is the level, and then comes the rank or as some calls type, and finally the lord class."

"In case of level or tier it is self-explanatory as you have already seen it.", Ryan nodded as Ylerias continued, "Then the rank or type is slightly different, its categorization of the quality of an object, it starts from the lowest rank otherwise known as the Unranked, then Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Legendary, Mythic, Saint Destroyer, Abyssal, Celestial, but nowhere in that rank is something known as 'World Eater', as such you will have to consult Holy Lord Avtis about it."

Ryan once again nodded as Ylerias continued, "Now Lord Class is slightly different in their case they have only five ranks, Knight, Lord, General, King and Emperor, for those who have appraisal skill you will be able to notice some of the monsters have a star to their name."

Ryan's eyes widen as he spoke, "Ah, now that you mention when I look at others I can see their name floating on top of their head as well their Tiers or levels, and some of the creatures that I have faced had stars against their names."

Ylerias raised one of her elegant brows as she spoke curiously, "You can see them, interesting, very interesting, but do remember that those stars only appear in case of monsters, weapons, armours and other various items, so those creatures with multiple stars what do you think of them."

Ryan spoke with a frown on his face, "They are strong crazily stronger than those of the same tier but without a star."

Ylerias continued with a brief nod, "Yes they are, with every rank their power almost doubles that of those that are lower than them, as do their rarity."

Ryan frowned in thought while Ylerias continued, "The relation between three systems are a bit unique, even a Tier 1 weapon can be of Legendary Rank and Five Star variety, while a Tier five hundred can be of Unranked and no star variety."

Ryan did the only thing that he could do was to place his hand over his face as he spoke, "The system of your world is too complicated the more I hear the more my head spins."

Ylerias simply smiled at that before her face turned serious, "That may be, but this material fragment thing I think we can solve it now if I remember correctly you did burn the spider nest here."

Ryan nodded before he pointed towards certain direction as he spoke, "That burned down building over there was the nest."

Ylerias looked towards the direction as her eyes widen slightly as she spoke, "Oh my, it seems I have been a bit careless and missed such a large structure over there, and is that the place where the creature died."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "Yes you can see from the large lump and blackened area over there."

"Interesting, the Hundred Eyed Queen's web when lit on fire shrinks up and lives a type of resins which when processed can become expensive silk clothes, I think we can use it."

A look of excitement flashed on Ryan's face as he spoke, "That is excellent, I can use it and if it works I will not have dirty bandages anymore."

With that he promptly dashed down through the hatch only to stop for a moment before he spoke out, "Lady Ylerias will you be coming along?"

Ylerias sighed before nodding, "Yes I would."

An otherworldly handsome figure skipped while humming a tune, his eyes closed oblivious to the world, his surroundings were adorned with architectural marvels, along with natural beauty, yet he paid no mind to it, any who came across him would soon move from his path while some bowing low enough to touch the ground, but the person did not pay any heed to his surroundings.

He took a few steps before he stopped taking a U-turn he made his way towards a rather breathtaking woman as he spoke with a smile but without opening his eyes, "Ah Oena how have you been."

Oena gave a small bow as she spoke, "I am fine my Lord."

Avtis's brow scrunched as he spoke with a pout, "Please Oena, I do not like my family being so formal to me, I have always told you to call me Grandpa, yet every time you revert to Lord.", his face then turned serious as he spoke, "Now do you have any news on my friend."

Oena replied with a nod, "Yes my Lo.. Grandpa, he is much stable now, it will be only a matter of time before he wakes up."

A smile formed on his face as he spoke, "The sooner he wakes up the better, Earth has so many good musicians especially that band names after an insect, there are so good, I wish to negotiate for their souls."

They were quiet for a moment as various thoughts passed through Avtis's head while Oena simply stood by waiting to be dismissed before Avtis broke the silence, "Dear is there anything wrong? You seemed a bit tense."

Oena was brought out of her deep thought as she spoke with a sad frown, "There is no need for you to worry grandpa."

Avtis simply smiled as he spoke, "Please Granddaughter, tell me what is troubling you and who knows maybe I can help."

Oena bit her lips as she continued, "It is about my apostle Grandpa."

Avtis curiously tilted his head as he spoke, "What about her?"

"Well I spoke with others and since the merger, the people of our planet seemed to have lost their previous strength, even the apostles and they seemed to be gaining now, but..", Avtis gave her an encouraging nod as she continued, "But unlike others, I cannot contact my Apostle nor can I find her, all I know she is alive."

Avtis brow scrunched in deep thought before he spoke, "Your Apostle if I remember correctly her name is Illicus, no icterus.."

"Ylerias, Grandpa, her name is Ylerias."

Avtis snapped his finger as he replied it back, "Ah yes Ylerias, yes nice and kind Apostle you have, she busy educating my Apostle, I did not even have to say anything to her yet she took the responsibility on her shoulder to help my rude uneducated weak idiot of an Apostle."

Oena was stunned for a moment before she shouted out in wonder and amazement, "Grandpa you took an Apostle?"

Her words drew everyone's attention at the latest gossip; after all, it was not every day that someone of Avtis's stature took an Apostle.

Avtis, on the other hand, did not pay any heed to the murmurs around him as he gave a dazzling smile while he spoke, "Yes I took one.", his smile then turned to a frown, "Though his smile changed to a frown as he spoke, "Though he turned out to be weak, even after reaching Tier ten he still could not see me, but only a small flicker of flame, not to mention he lacks humour as well."

Oena sweet dropped at his statement as she spoke, "With all due respect Grandpa, but Tier ten is low for any Apostle to see more than a flicker of flame, and for someone with your power anyone whom you would have taken as an apostle would have died, but still to even see a flicker is amazing."

Avtis scratched his chin in deep thought before he spoke, "Is that so?"

"Yes Grandpa"

"Well then I better not say something like this otherwise he might get a big head."

Oena's eyes widen for a moment before she spoke, "Grandpa since your apostle is nearby is it possible for you to help me to connect to her."

Avtis tilted his head as he spoke, "Why would I do that when I was the one who blocked you from contacting her, she is busy and when the time is right you will meet her again."

Oena's eyes widen before she spoke with righteous anger, "How dare you? Who permitted you to"

Not only Oena but every one near her choked, her anger vaporized as it was replaced by fear, Avtis had opened his eyes, more like a half-opened as Oena was greeted by an unending pool of dark abyss and madness behind the eyelids.

As the other gods and goddess desperately tried to escape, Oean felt completely sapped off her strength and the only reason she was standing was that Avtis supported her by holding her chin.

"Young lady that is quite rude of you to take that tone to your ancestors, where are your manners.", as he spoke his surrounding started to decay the beautiful architectural columns suddenly looked like thousands of years old before they began to collapse, the trees rotted away, and Oena herself was not unaffected.

Gone was her beauty, she looked nothing more than a rotten corpse that did not know that it had died as Avtis continued, "You are not too old for me to not bend you over my knees and spank you to death, even if you are my family I will not tolerate such disrespect do you understand."

The rotten corpse was almost a skeleton by then, but still, it somehow managed to make a small noise, as smile blossomed on Avtis's face as he spoke with a smile, "It was nice to meet, but do not worry your Apostle is in good hands for now.", with that he simply tousled her hair as he left while dropping her on the ground.

The corpse laid on the ground for a moment before it slowly began to return to her normal previous self, 'What was I thinking, I might have gone mad to take that tone with him, 'Grandpa', yeah right beneath all that gentlemanly faade is an old monster, I am sorry Ylerias but your Goddess is too weak and too cowardly to stand against him.'

Avtis continued on his path with his eyes closed whistling a tune when all of a sudden something in his pocket vibrated, he took the item which turned to be a mirror which showed a variety of images, a smile formed his face stretching his lips from ear to ear, as he whispered, "Nice very nice, I said you will not have to go on a pilgrimage full of trials but I did not say that I will not bring those trials to you, after all, a sword not used in battle is a dull and useless piece of metal, now grow my little one grow like I want you to be."


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