A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 70: Alpha Raven 2.0 (Part-1)

Chapter 70: Alpha Raven 2.0 (Part-1)

"Michalina are you sure letting Ryan handle this?"

Michalina simply shrugged at Jessica's question before replying, "Well better late than never, he has to learn to negotiate."

Jessica nodded before she narrowed her eyes as he looked at the incoming crowd more like the shabbily dressed, tall and lanky looking person full of arrogance leading them.

"That man seems like to be the leader of those who was instigating the entire thing."

"Should we kill him then Michalina?"

"Maybe when the negotiation breaks down and they attack us, make sure to fire at him first maybe then others would be more willing to listen and cooperate."

Jessica simply gave a small nod as she spoke, "Understood commander, shall I pass on the word."

"Yes please do so, but be discreet, also if you spot Nigella please let her know I am displeased at her for not finding out anything useful at all, maybe the entire fiasco with the poison would be avoided, but more importantly where is she?"

"I am here and I am sorry for not spotting something useful."

Michalina looked at the distressed look on Nigella's face as she spoke, "Calm yourself the next few minutes would be extremely crucial if I am not wrong those Elves see it as an affront to their culture and might retaliate badly with Ryan caught in the middle it would quickly escalate into a bloodbath, a bloodbath where no matter what we have to make sure he survives you should understand how much important his powers are."

Nigella nodded at that as Jessica spoke, "He is more important than all of us combined if we are to rebuild our civilization as such even if it kills us we have to make sure he is returned safe and sound to Genesis.

Nigella nodded fully agreeing to her, it was really unfortunate that Ryan needed to kill creatures to increase in strength otherwise he would still be living inside the fort safe and sound.

Ryan looked over to the mob of people that were approaching him, 'It seems that every people except the children are here.', his eyes fell on to the same lanky person that Michalina had taken notice of, and he could not help but whisper out loud, "Damn looking at him strutting like a peacock."

Ylerias gained a confused look on her face as she spoke, "What is a peacock? What do you mean by that?"

Ryan sighed upon realizing that Ylerais was not familiar with either the phrase or the animal as such he quickly provided her with an explanation, "Peacock is an animal and as for why I said such a phrase well it meant to tell that the person is arrogant as well as vain."

As he spoke he used his chin to make subtle indication towards the object of his discussion as Ylerias looked at him, she gave a small nod as she whispered back with a small twitch of her lips, "So true."

"Circle Activate.", a small whisper that Ylerias nearly missed if not for the tell-a-tale feeling of it activating the circle which made her send him a look of approval.

'Interesting so he grasped the use of Circle so easily, with it he can detect who is his friend and who is his enemy after all only his friends and allies can use them.'

The person looked down at both Ryan and Ylerias as he spoke with disdain, "What is this I heard not only are you lording over us but you even hurt one of us how long will"

"Just shut up already."

Michalina almost fell over, 'What the hell is he doing this is not how one speaks in a meeting, I have to intervene soon before it escalates to something dangerous.'

As Michalina's Ryan continued with a hard tone, "Shut up coward, you try to have your woman kill me using poison in my food, food which is a precious commodity nowadays was wasted and you now try to act arrogant shameless you are."

The person spluttered as he replied, "How dare you I am a pious man, who follow Gods words and "

"And God told you to poison me."

"How dare you inte"

"Your woman when we caught confessed to us that God sent her to poison me, so ergo you claim to be God or God speaks with you and said to kill me so which one is it."

The man turned an interesting shade of colour as the one by his side shouted back to him, "Shut up you heathen no matter what you are not going to make us follow some heretical bastard you worship."

"How dare you?", as Ylerias snarled in anger Ryan quickly held her hand as he spoke, "Please calm down my lady."

Ryan then looked at the person preening like a peacock, who was looking incredibly happy at the outburst as the person continued, "I knew the moment I laid my eyes on you, you unholy spawn of Satan how dare you accuse and torture my wife what kind filthy degenerate spawned you."

By then both Michalina and Ryan's anger was reaching the zenith with great difficulty Ryan reigned in his anger as well as the sudden urge to bash the smug lanky person standing near him.

"Such confidence on your wife, it is admirable so why don't you prove that I am lying, and why don't you eat the soup that I was offered to prove that I am lying to you all."

The lanky person suddenly panicked as he shouted out, "Shut up I knew it, it was your plan a trap, now you heinous beast is trying to kill my good brother by feeding him poison."

His words were soon supported by the roar of approval from a few, as Ryan could see that a few of them were flickering between being his allies and enemy.

"God is testing us with this apocalyptic event, we should stay strong and help each other to overcome this test, yet because of some people like him we are bound to fail, him and his heretic God."

As the person was speaking Ryan inched away from Ylerias who was becoming angrier by the second, his eyes fell on the group that was actively agreeing to him, 'Damn that is quite the number, this people no sheep are following the leader and into their doom, at first I wanted to make sure to reach an understanding but now no I will make the crawl to me and beg for my forgiveness, how dare they raise their voice against me against an apostle.'

Ylerias anger simmered a bit as she looked to the agitated apostle beside her, Ryan's eyes were glowing making it even more menacing to look at, 'This mongrels should be lucky that I am being more than merciful to them if it were my world they would have been burning alive on a stake already and from the looks of it my fellow apostle is about to lose his calm as well, he is too agitated to calm down anymore.'

"Are you all done?"

A new voice appeared amongst the group, seeing the person Ryan's eyes widen slightly, 'Is that not the person who was running with the child, whom I saved.' Ryan then noticed something that made his heart warm up a bit.

'At least he is taking our side and not theirs, these people should show a little gratefulness we saved them, then I created this base and yet.', his heart was suddenly filled with bitterness as he looked back at the lanky person he scowled, 'That fellow is harping about God this and God that but I doubt he even knows what a church is, I would not be surprised he is doing this to for some nefarious purpose maybe try to control me or maybe eliminate e thinking that with my absence he could consolidate his power.'

"I do not understand why you are all fighting? It started with the assassinating incident, right? You said your wife was abused right?", as the person nodded he continued, "And they claimed that she was trying to poison him so why don't you prove them wrong and eat from the bowl."

"Shut up you damn foreigner you do not have any place amongst us, go eat your pet dog you no nose narrow-eyed heathen."

Once again a certain lanky bastard opened his mouth as Cai Bai scowled, only for Ryan to speak with a small laugh, "Please mister Cai Bai, you are suggesting to the wrong person, they are nothing but low-level scammers when the world was right and even after it has gone to hell, a thief, liar, and a murderess will never change now they are even using God as an excuse pathetic, just what kind of people brought them to our world, just thinking about it makes me want to hurl."

Cai Bai sent a small smile of his own towards Ryan as he spoke, "So true, you saved us from slavery, you provided us a haven, you provided us with light, and then recently you even bet your life to save a few strangers where many who are present simply sat and watched, and now they are trying to slander you and take advantage of you for that I apologize."

Cai Bai tried to bow only to be stopped by Ryan who quickly went by his side and stopped him as he spoke, "There is no need to apologize, mister, you have done no wrong by me, so please you don't have to apologize for some conman, hell-bent on trying to endanger not only themselves and others."

"How dare you he.."

"Shut up! I am tired of you incessant whining Alan."

The lanky person was dumbfounded as he looked at a shouting Andraais whose face was red with anger as the lank person retorted back, "Who are you calling Alan? My name is.."

Andraais scowled even more as he spat out, "I am not senile not to remember the only student who was arrested for defecating and stealing from the Church, and here he is once again acting as a not only as a conman but even acting as a murderer."

Ryan noticed a noticeable shift amongst the people once again as the lanky person bellowed out in anger, "How dare tell lie! My name is not Alan but Philip I am a pastor, how dare you tell such lies God will not forgive for you such travesty."

"So according to you God is okay with murdering yet he has a problem when Truth is being spoken interesting show me where it is written Alan because I do not remember reading it in the bible."

"My name is not Alan heathen and someone like you is not worthy enough to hold the bible."

A chorus of few 'So true', and 'Correct' rang through the air, but it was much lower in number but Ryan was running out of patience and he had long since abandoned trying to help them any longer.

"You know what I am tired of these childish squabbles so what do you want?"

Instead of the 'Alan', the husband of the murderess spoke out with a sneer while jabbing his finger towards, "What we want is that you the unholy spawn of Satan and back-alley whore"

That was all he managed to say as his eyes bulged out as Ryan drove his knee into the person's stomach hard, he had moved so fast that to most it looked as if he teleported, and as for the person his vision went blank as horrible pain erupted from his stomach, but Ryan did not stop there as he casually threw him, using his superior strength, towards Michalina as he spoke, "Hey Sis, I think someone should teach why one should not slander Our mother, the Major of Black Wolves division, the receiver of Medal of Valour, the person who selflessly sacrificed her blood for Our Nation so that parasitic cretins can 'live'."

He practically spat out the word 'live', as a sadistic smiled blossomed on Michalina's face as she spoke, "You are right brother, absolutely correct."

The man somehow regained his consciousness as he tried to seat up while shouting out, "You son of....Aggghhhhhhhhh."

An unearthly scream tore through his throat courtesy of Michalina slamming her lightning incased boots over his chest not only breaking his ribs but electrocuting him badly.

Jessica frowned as she spoke, "Micha that is not nice, we should pour the soup, which the slut mister pimp claims to be his wife made, down his throat."

Michalina beamed back at her as she spoke, "An excellent idea, please be a dear and bring that bowl that the distinguished gentleman over there is carrying."

As Jessica nodded and made her way towards Cai Bai, Ryan's would-be assassin broke through the rank as she ran and quickly prostrated in front of Michalain as she spoke out loud, "Please please forgive my husband I confess, I confess I tried to poison Ryan because Philip told me to, he told us he would force us to change our religion and as such he should be killed, God would want that, we were afraid of falling out of God's grace. Please release him I will do anything for you, I will be your slave."

Michalina growled at her as she spoke, "Shut up, you tried to kill my brother even after everything we had done for you, it was a mistake to save you and your husband you should still be used as a relief and your husband working in the mines, we saved you offered you protection and what did you do try to kill my brother and why because a no-name mongrel told you so, so tell me why should I spare your husband."

The woman shivered in fright as Michalina glowered over her as she meekly spoke, "I was just doing the God's"

"Shut up I am tired of listening to 'I am doing God's work over and over again', did God tell you personally or is that idiot bamboo shoot over there is God, and we did not receive the memo."

'Alan' would have shouted and spoken if it were not for Ryan's rapier resting over his shoulder with its blade closely acquainted with his neck as such he kept quiet especially when the glowing inhuman eye stared directly into his soul.

"Sis I think that idiot has enough, so leave him we are not like this filthy murderers."

Michalina looked at him before sending a kick towards the prone form of his electrocuted victim who was quickly embraced by his now crying wife.

'Alan' gulped as he felt the cold rapier on his neck, he had underestimated Ryan's speed and was now hostage and he was at Ryan's mercy as such he spoke with a nervous stutter, "N-Now le-let us not be hasty, if you do so you will doom your soul to eternal torments in the pits of hell, you should not kill a human."

Ryan tilted his head as he spoke, "Really so if I kill you a xenophobic, lying, opportunistic, narrow-minded, conniving bastard I will receive eternal torment yet someone who is accessory to murder in cold blood will go to heaven, interesting thought where did you hear that I wonder."

"Please don't put words into my mouth....aiiiiieeee", an unmanly scream originated from his throat as a small smile appeared in Ryan's face.

"I am going to ask you a few things and I hope you would be kind enough to answer otherwise."

As Ryan let the threat hang 'Alan' somehow managed to stutter a 'Yes', which made Ryan's smile widen as he continued, "Good now tell me why are you all accusing me as a heretic, trying to force you to follow a different religion."

"Y-you are an apostle of some being claiming as God.", as Ryan's eyes narrowed he hastily changed his words as he continued, "I mean a foreign God and as such, we thought you would force us to follow your religion, but I see it was a misunderstanding we can all work together right? Hahaha, right?"

Ryan could not help but snort at his words as Ylerias spoke out loud, "Ryan when you said some religious leaders of your world who are a bit fanatical and cause deaths is he like them?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke still staring towards Alan, "You are right Lady Ylerias he is just like them trying to oppress and exploit others by using the excuse of religion though he is still has a way to go before he would use toddlers as suicide bombers I have high hopes for him that he would achieve it one day."

'Alan' and his follower looked as if they were physically struck making them recoil a bit, but Ryan did not let them react as he continued, "Within the next four days I would be leaving along with those who chose to follow back to our home base, where they would have access to clean baths, toilets, food that are being grown in fields, but above of safety and security of being protected by one of the most elite fighting forces of our country, but now I have to thank you do you know why?"

'Alan' choked out a 'No' as Ryan carried with a smile on his face, "The reason is simple I was having trouble thinking of how to create something that might help me in bringing you all to safety and security but now I will have so much fewer people to bring back with me, thank you for that."

Most if not all of 'Alan's' supporters were caught flat-footed when they saw Ryan move not to mention the extremely scary and dangerous vibe he was extruding made wary of him to the point none made any move against him, but his words made one of them blurt out, "But what about us?"

Ryan looked at him incredulously as he spoke, "How should I know? You are not my headache and more importantly, are you sure you wish to speak with a heretical heathen like me won't you receive God's ire?"

The mocking edge in his tone made many bristles with anger as Ryan continued to speak, "You all had a problem with my powers being a blessing from some foreign God right? Well let me tell you all a secret, I do not even know the name of the God who had blessed me with this powers, hell it might even be some Goddess who blessed me, but do you know what I know.", he paused for dramatic effect as he continued, "I know that I will be forever grateful to whoever blessed me with powers to keep my loved oneself during this trying times and if that makes me a villain and heretic then so be it, my mother has taught me that no price is too high to protect and keep your loved one safe and if it requires me to jump into hell itself I would do so without a heartbeat."

He pushed 'Alan' away who fell on his back as Ryan shouted out, "Those who wish to follow me I promise you this, I will never convert you to a different religion but I will lead you to safety and grant you a piece of the civilization that I will resurrect by my own two hands, and even after seeing and hearing everything that transpired today hear and now if you do not wish to follow then good luck and goodbye."

His eyes washed over every person who was present as he began to speak again, "For those who wish to follow get ready we are leaving this very moment towards our new temporary home, which is a few kilometres from here, and from there we would move forward to a better future within the next few days."


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