A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 63: Planning the way back (part-1)

Chapter 63: Planning the way back (part-1)

Ryan dumped the various parts that he had needed to complete his next creation it had been a couple of days since he had set up his factory which he had used to procure resources for his next creation while waiting for it, he had created various kinds of lights that managed to keep the camp as bright as a day.

Even though the presence of the mana crystal mine had increased the efficiency of his machines it was nowhere near that was at his base, as such it took him some time to gather his necessary ingredients to create his new project.

As time passed many of his fellow humans had taken a shine to him instantly especially when he began to craft bulbs to light to tear apart the darkness of the night, providing them with weapons though mostly swords, spears and clubs as he did not want to waste any time or resources on other things instead of trying to finish the creation of his new project.

What was his project, well it was simple he was busy making a helicopter, at first he thought making a gyrocopter would be enough it was much easier and required less resource than the helicopter but it required a small runway well it was small enough to have been easily created but at the same time a helicopter was much more reliable and safer, not to mention stronger compared to a Gyrocopter.

But, that was not the only idea they had mulled over as Nikita had suggested creating an amphibious plane which even Ryan agreed to as it would have greater range and speed compared to the other two, and the lake that had now merged with the river had provided excellent landing area and he would have gone along with it if not for the weird large creatures that they saw swimming when they went inspect the creature, an unknown creature that even the elves did not know about discouraged him greatly.

"So this is the 'landing pad'?"

As Ylerias asked him a question Ryan simply turned his head as he gave him a nod as he spoke, "Yes, this reinforced roof will be the landing pad as it is the highest part of this base not to mention wide as such with only a little bit of fixing it is now usable."

"Why the highest part though?"

Ryan simply smiled back at her as he spoke, "The vehicle that I am about to create needs some space and with it being firmly secured than the other side of the gate it was my best choice."

Ylerias did not say anything as she watched Ryan work, that was all she had been doing for the last couple of days just sit there and watch Ryan work his magic trying to analyze his magic in great details.

'If the situation was reversed I would only throw him a few crumbs but never allow him to watch and see my performing my magic, he could have copied but upon seeing that I can make no head or tell about what he is doing.'

She watched as an oval-shaped object was created that stood on iron legs, as certain parts of it were covered with glass, a cross-shaped soon found itself being placed on top, with similar being placed at its tail, she saw him placing weird devices that he called as engines and then with the help of wire attach them to various parts of the vehicle that he referred to a helicopter.

'How does it work, the wheeled one I can understand by watching it once that it moves on the ground, but this one is different if does not have wheels and I do not see any reason for it to be built so high up from the ground with such short and rigid legs it would not jump or walk, but then..', as her thoughts trailed for a moment before it came to a halt, 'Do not tell me it can fly!!!'

As the thoughts crossed her mind she sat up a bit straighter, it was true that by using various animals and spells she had seen people fly, but never even in her wildest imagination did she think that someone could create a vehicle that could fly.

'Did vehicles that can fly fairly common in his civilization, maybe I should wait and see how it unfolds.'

Meanwhile, Ryan was in a world of his own, as he installed the dashboard of his helicopter, 'Hmm, with most of the controls full installed the only thing left is the collective and throttle, then I would have to fill with its tanks and I would be ready, now if only Ylerias would stop looking at me without blinking bestowing upon me her undivided attention I would have been much happier.'

A few more minutes later Ryan wiped the sweat of his brows as he spoke, "I have finished creating it, and the only thing I need to do is to fill up its fuel tank and it is ready to go by.", he then looked up towards the sky for a moment as he spoke, "By tomorrow I guess after all it is well past noon and night time would not do them good so well I believe you will have to wait till tomorrow then to see it work."

A flicker of annoyance went past her face that secretly brought joy to Ryan, 'Serves her right for stalking me like that, does she have no job other than keeping an eye and to observe me as if I am some sort of exotic animal.'

Ylerias stood from her seat as she spoke, "Fair enough, so when do you think they would leave?"

Ryan scratched his chin as a frown marred his face as he spoke, "Well I believe they will leave at the first light of dawn."

Later on during the evening the group everyone had gathered around to what seemed to be a mess hall, Yleriad had occupied a corner with her followers surrounding her as they ate in silence except for the occasional whispering, Ryan picked up a couple of bowl of what seemed to be a soup made up of meat and vegetables that had been placed on top of some hot steaming rice, though I was more meat than vegetables or rice, and as for the vegetables it was some plant with large leaves and nothing else.

He carried his bowl along with another for his sister, who had effectively occupied one that was further from Ylerias he handed her a bowl as he sat beside her, "How are you doing Sis?"

Michalina simply smiled at him as she spoke, "No harm done brother a few days of rest and I would be alright though I would recommend please refrain from stomping on my feet in the future."

Ryan looked guilty at that as he spoke, "Sorry Sis I got kind of carried away."

Michalina waved him off his concern and guilt as she took a bite of her food only to grimace as she spoke, "It needs salt very urgently if I remember correctly did we not have some in our trailer."

Nikita grimaced at that as she spoke, "We gave them to the people here and it seems all of them had been used up."

Michalina sighed at that as she spoke, "Damn it, I need salt so badly."

"Me too Sis, maybe we could venture forth to get some."

"Maybe we could but what about tomorrow will you be going to, Ryan?"

"I wish sis, but I would be useless as I do not know how to make a map nor fly a copter, and not to mention I have created only a two-seater so no."

Michalina shrugged as she spoke, "Fair enough, Jessica and Nigella are you ready for tomorrow."

Jessica frowned as she spoke, "I am but at the same time I feel a bit unease about the entire matter."

Michalina nodded as she spoke, "Me too, after all, you two would be extremely vulnerable if you get attacked mid-air."

Ryan poked his food for a moment before he spoke, "They copter I created may not be able as good as most of the modern attack helicopters but it would definitely give them a good challenge, even if it looks a lot like a civilian, also there are a couple of weapons attached to it that you could use, before dawn you would not only have enough fuel but around three thousand rounds of ammunition."

Nigella smiled at that as she spoke, "That is good, it would be a great help."

Angela sighed as she spoke, "Maybe so but even then a human-made machine would fall short of natural fliers in comparison to agility."

Ryan nodded at her statement as he spoke, "That may be so but I believe my copter would be faster than the bird that kidnapped me by quite a lot."

Michalina leaned back on the wall as she spoke, "At least something is reassuring in all this at the very least it increases the chances of survival."

Jessica nodded at that as she spoke, "You know I would have loved an aeroplane if not for the lack of runway and the dangerous creatures lurking underneath the waters I would have preferred an aeroplane."

Michalina nodded at that as she spoke, "Me too."

Angela looked towards Michalina as she spoke, "Are we going to escort all these people to Genesis?"

Michalina nodded as she spoke, "Yes we are and I am working on the plan, and that is why the scouting mission is vital especially because of the flood we might need to change our initial route."

With the group ate in silence after all a couple of them needed their rest as they would have a tiring task soon, a task that was full of danger yet no hope of help if things went awry.


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