A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 52: Stealing from the Police (Part-2)

Chapter 52: Stealing from the Police (Part-2)

Ryan looked up towards the sky as he frowned, 'From the position of the moon it is already near midnight, ugh I feel so tired, and I miss my bed.'

'Now how do I climb down, I could use my powers but I do not want to waste any more of my mana, so the old school way then.'

Ryan managed to lower himself to the ground by holding on to the broken parts of the building and when he was near enough he let it go, as he landed with a huff.

No sooner did he land a snarl hit his ears, as he turned he was greeted with a dog as big as the semi, and eerily similar to the one he had faced all those weeks ago.


Was the only sound it heard before it dropped dead, as Ryan looked at with barely concealed annoyance in his eyes, 'I am tired of dealing with all this stuff I want to go home and rest.'

Ryan suddenly felt a chill down his spine making him stiffen, as a voice came to his ears, "Help Me, somebody anybody please help me."

Ryan slowly turned towards the source of the sound as he saw beneath the moonlight stood the strange creature with its lips curled into a rather creepy smile.

Host Life in imminent Danger

The host is advised ...

Ryan did not need to be told twice as he bolted trying to run as fast as possible, but alas for him the creature was not only faster but stronger compared to him by a wide margin.

A loud sound of something crashing came to his ears before he was flung towards the still-standing walls of the police station as something hit him hard.

The air was forcefully ejected from his lungs as he was flung like a rag doll towards the wall of the police station.

He was sent flying he was able to see the reason for his pain, 'Damn that beast threw a motorcycle at me, my body hurts so much.', he noted with a slight hint of fear that the beast did not just stand and watch the motorcycle hit him hard, it had already started to make its way towards him fast.

Ryan's right hand glowed as he fell through a newly created hole into what seemed to be a room with one side closed from the rubble and the other had a jail door, he let out a gasp of pain before he stood up with a wince, with intent to run as fast away from it as possible.

But alas the injuries he suffered was great making it difficult to run but he managed to reach and open the door only of the creature to enter by enlarging the hole that he had recently made.

The jail door was sealed shut immediately as Ryan turned around to run only to fall face-first to the ground as he felt something holding his left leg.

The creature had caught him and had begun pulling him towards it, Ryan raised his left hand as he soon found himself tied securely to the ground courtesy of steel chains, while the creature pulled him harder, so hard that he felt his legs would be torn from his body.

He aimed as he fired his gun, which seemed to annoy the beast more as it squeezed his legs hard enough to crack it, but it did not stop there, its hand glowed as Ryan could not help but let out a scream of pain.

'This bastard not only broke my leg but now it is boiling my blood.'

Ryan could only try to fight by firing more and more bullets but it only did superficial damage and made the creature more and more enraged.

While the pain became more and more unbearable to the point he simply wanted to give up.

When all of a sudden the creature stopped before letting out a bone-chilling cry it scampered off through the hole that it had made.

Ryan lay down on the ground, he simply wanted to lie down on the ground and rest but he knew that something that made the creature flee must be even more dangerous, not to mention he did not want the look at the gift horse in the mouth.

His left leg was broken and after the ordeal, it was difficult for him to stand up as such he began to crawl away from the jail door.

He soon found himself lying in front of what seemed to be a large metallic door with an electronic lock, Ryan somehow managed to climb up holding on to the door handle before he began to remove the locks.

~chirp~ ~chirp~

A familiar chirping sound came to his ears, a sound he was familiar with, it was the same sound that was emitted by those bat-like creatures that turned two Tier 7 boars to a mere skeleton, but this time the chirping was even louder signifying an even larger colony of the bat-like creature.

He quickly entered through the door sealing it shut as he fell on his back he just hoped those creatures would not be able to find him here.

He quickly turned as he switched on his light to get the better look of his surroundings.

'No way, I am inside the armoury, lucky!'

The adrenaline had completely worn off, and the full weight of his injuries and his tiredness hit him full force, his stomach churned as he removed his helmet and mask fast before vomiting blood on the ground, blood that was steaming hot.

Ryan swayed to the side as he tried to stay awake but failed eventually as he fell to the side fainting.

An unknown time later Ryan opened his eyes as he was greeted to the dying and dim light of the shoulder torch.

He immediately winced as the pain hit him full force, his leg was hurting bad, though his blood was no longer boiling anymore.

'I would have been dead if it were not for the upgrades in my body, the motorcycle itself would have seen me as nothing but smear on the ground, but the blood boiling, it was too much.'

He placed his hand on the lever of the hand crank generator placed near his hip, as he began to turn it fast, after a lot of turnings and making his hand muscle to feel the burn of pain the torches were fully charged.

As the light flooded the room, he was greeted by rows of guns and crates of ammunition placed in that room, making a small smile creep upon his face.

'Well, look at all this loot, here I suddenly feel as if I, a level 1 character had spawned in front of the last boss of a game, and not only managed to escape but also find some incredible loot.'

A small rumble of his stomach announced his hunger making him sigh, he opened his backpack as he found a couple of bags of biscuits and a packet of chips and one last bottle of soft drink.

His head hung low at the revelation, as he whispered to himself, 'Well I am done for, a couple of packets of biscuits, a packet of chips and my last bottle of liquid, then what am I going to do.'

A certain television presenters face floated up in front of his eyes, making him gag at the thought, 'No way am I going to drink my urine.'

He winced at the pain from his broken leg reared its head, 'I will need a splint for it.'

Ciara picked the piece of vegetable off her plate as she let out a hum of pleasure, as she looked at the expectant eye of the person who grew it she could not help but crack a small smile as she spoke, "It tastes amazing, never in my life have I tasted such wonderful piece of vegetable."

The person in question simply bowed as she spoke, "Thank you for your compliment."

Ciara shook her head as she spoke, "No thank you for your hard work, if it were not for your help we were simply stumbling in the dark, I do not know how I can repay you with all the help we have received from you."

The Elven woman shook her head as she spoke, "You have already given us shelter and protection, and that was more than we could have asked for this few days since that disaster had been tough but now we have a place to call home at least."

Ciara did not speak anymore as she dug into her breakfast before a small frown appeared in her face, noticing the frown Zhan could not help but ask with a sympathetic look on her face, "Are you thinking about your children?"

Ciara looked at her as she spoke with a nod, "Yes, I cannot help but think about them, I can get warm bed and food but what about them, and in what condition they are in."

Zhan gave a small squeeze to her arm as she spoke, "Do not worry Ciara, your children would be safe, Michalina is not only strong but has a good head on her shoulder, she would protect her younger brother."

Ryan took a deep breath as he felt the sting of thirst and pangs of hunger, what would he not do for some good warm meal and a nice soft bed, but he was stuck here with a broken leg and fever, stuck inside the armoury, which was fully stocked with police gears ranging from riot control to anti-terrorist ones.

He had used them to create a grenade launcher for his rifle, he had repaired his armour, had a splint, got a few more bullets among many other things but he was unable to defeat the pain and hunger that he was filling.

He was running a high fever, fever high enough that he lost his conscious for some time, yet there was nothing he could do, the damage from his blood being boiled was so great that he was being continuously being asked to seek medical attention, but where would he find one in this city.

He wanted to scream and rage on in anger but he did not feel he had the energy to do so and as such he sat in the corner of the darkroom without his armour staring into the distance reminiscing about happier times.

He slapped himself to bring him back his focus as he whispered to himself, "There is nothing you would gain from pity partying stand up and work you have to return home, home where you would get food and a warm bed."

Donning his armour he piled the large crates which held weapons and other necessary kinds of stuff, as he climbed on top of it to reach the vent, carefully removing it, he managed to climb in it with great difficulty, the ordeal had not only broken his leg but he was sure that he had multiple bones that were at the very least bruised badly if not fractured making his body hurt a lot.

The vent itself was not that wide, he could only manage to drag himself forward and if something attacked him from behind there was nothing he could do, as there was no way for him to turn at all.

He crawled through the vent until it led him to a room, a room that made his eyes widen as he saw its contents as a smile appeared for the first time.


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