A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 50: Navalach City (Part-3)

Chapter 50: Navalach City (Part-3)

A person wearing armoured gear fit for the army ran through the streets of Navalach, trying to stay as much close to the shadows as possible so as not to make him a target of some unwanted enemy, and the last thing he needed was some kind of horde coming after his head.

'I so wished I had those broken sensing abilities of the elves, it would have been so easy to find a safe route and whatnot.'

He took under a small break under the rubble of a large building while trying to quench his thirst by using soft drinks.

'Ugh, I so want water now, no matter what one says only water can quench the thirst properly.'


A loud noise startled him only for him to groan, 'Just great thunder, now it would rain and my only saving grace is my armour.'

'Well nothing is going to change if I just sit here and waste time, I have to find shelter before nightfall or I will be in danger.'

Ryan stood up as he once again decided to move, his idea was simple, to gather resources create a vehicle whether it be land or air-based it did not matter as long as he could leave this place and never look back.

He took a corner and stopped as a few feet away from him stood a humanoid creature, he could see 'Tier 3' on top of its head, the creature reared its head as it opened its jaw wide.


That was the only sound that it was able to hear albeit with great difficulty before its head was destroyed and it fell on its back as it died once again.

'Damn it, I was spotted by a screamer, it was a good thing that I was able to kill it before it shouted or else I would have the entire city converging here.'

Small pitter, patter sound came to his ears as rain once fell to the ground, he gave one last look at the dead screamer as he moved on with a sigh, 'I just hope I do not have to face any abomination, I do not have time to lit it aflame.'

He only walked a few spaces when he came across the broken metro, the part of the line was still holding, but the matter of the train was a different matter, as it had fallen from the tracks, he looked at the train as a small broke on his lips.


Was the message that someone had written using a spray can on top of it, though from the looks of it, it had been written for some time, the ruins of the city was slowly being run over by mother nature and now the city looked like as if it was abandoned for decades.

The message itself looked slightly faded as Ryan gently caressed it, 'It seems that someone was alive long enough for them to leave this message.'

Another roar of thunder came to his ears as soon it became to rain cats and dogs, making him sigh tiredly, 'I have to find shelter immediately.'

But before he could act one of the still intact walls of a building exploded as a pair of dog-like creatures were fighting against each other trying to tear each other and was slowly moving towards his position.

As such he decided to enter the derailed train and use it travel, 'Damn it the way up is blocked, I so do not want to enter some underground area.'

He growled as he used his powers to remove the obstacles as he tried to make his way up only for the creature to hit the train hard.

A loud groan and creak were hard, as Ryan's eyes widen behind his mask as he tried to move but everything was in vain as the wagon collapsed on the ground, with Ryan still within its bowels.

Ryan winced at the pain as he tried to bit back a curse, 'Damn it, damn it, damn those mutts.'

Ryan knew he had to move as far away from the duo as possible such a commotion is bound to draw some form of attention which he was sure that they would receive lots of it.

'Where to go, where to go, I cannot go towards the front of the train as such back it is.'

He quickly went towards the rear, vanishing as much rubble from in front of him, he made a run for it, only for the road to break making him fall into some kind of underground sewage system.

'Great, just great that is what was missing from my life, an all-expense-paid tour of the sewage system of Navalach city.'

The rain was still pouring hard, and as the water trickled down inside the sewage Ryan decided to move forward, for the time being, leaving behind the already distant sound of fighting.

The sewage was eerily silent except the sound of rainwater falling from the broken cracks, the sky itself had darkened to the point it was looked as if night had descended already and inside the sewers, it was so dark that even with his enhancements he was unable to even see his hands.

As such Ryan with great pain was forced to switch on the lights, light on his left shoulder, on the right side of his helmet and one attached to the gun, integrated along with the silencer block.

'I do wish I knew what to do know, according to games I should move fast and continuously but unlike games, I cannot jump around nonstop and move fast without stopping, ugh what to do.'

'I should have played those games more, just because I used to die within the first second even after learning all kind of strategies that does not mean I should have rage quit the game.'


Multiple squeaking sounds came to his ear as he looked towards his right to see a small group of rats racing towards him with great speed.

'Damn they are big, at least ten times the size of the normal ones and look a bit menacing.'

He could detect that most of them were of Tier 1 with a couple as Tier 2 except one at the rear, not only was it Tier 2 but it had a star to its name for some unknown reason.

'Just like the boar, but I am not going to waste my precious bullets on them, my sword will be enough I just have to wait for it to charge and time it right.'

With his plan in place Ryan took a stance with his sword, the rats were fast and he did not believe it wise for him to run in an unknown area with enemies behind him and the number of rats he was facing was only six in number, and he could take care of them fast and swift.

But that was not to be the one with the star mark stood up on its hind legs as it opened its mouth wide.

Blood flowed from Ryan's ears as his vision suddenly became disoriented momentarily, as the others jumped on him.

He swung and swatted the rats off of him as they tried to bite and scratch him, as a couple was cut in half while the creature once again got on his hind legs only to meet with a couple of shots from the sidearm and dying shortly after.

With the leader dead he quickly dispatched the others, as he took a deep breath but he was reminded of how predators are drawn by the scent of blood as such he decided to make himself scarce as fast as possible.

'My right ear, ugh why is everyone after my right ear, what have I do to deserve my right ear to be harmed, again and again, I am sure my armour is damaged I have to wor'

His internal musing was cut short when multiple squeaking was heard from behind him, he did not turn to look but ran as fast as he could.

Ryan was a blur as he ran, his speed was first enough to even make an Olympian green with envy, but even then the squealing was coming closer and closer.

'They are fast, too fast, and the sewage is too wide for me to create something fast enough to block them.'

'Jackpot', his eyes shone with barely hidden glee as his eyes spotted a crack near the wall and beyond it, he spotted another area, he did not waste any time as he dashed through it, stopping momentarily to place a wall.

As he turned back his eyes widen at what he saw, it was not a group but rather a rat tide that was following him was stopped by the wall created by him.

A small smile graced his lips as a panting Ryan looked at his work, he turned to leave only to stop as he tried hard to maintain his balance, as he found himself standing at the very edge of a chasm a few millimetres and he would have fallen into it, and only the sudden flash which signified the small platform appearing underneath him saved him from falling.

'That was too close.'

The chasm was at the very least fifty feet wide and went down to dark depths, though he could make out water at the bottom, once again his attention was brought to a terrifying sound.

The rats were gnawing through his walls fast and they would be after him soon, seeing no other way except to jump down into the water or cross over to the other side, he used the only idea from the game that he had rage quit come into his mind.

Ryan ran as a platform after platform came to underneath his feet, but in real life, there is a thing called structural integrity and when it comes in contact with gravity makes a deadly duo.

Ryan knew that but he did not have any time to think about it or to make a proper bridge as long as he would manage to get to the other side he knew that he would be safe, maybe temporary but safe for now, especially as he could not see either side of the chasm and as such he had no way of knowing where it began and where it ends and looking up he could see the dark sky that was still raining as such he hoped that they would not be able to follow him for quite some time.

Ryan was halfway through the already leaning bridge that looked as if it would fall off any moment, a loud crash was heard signifying that the wall broke followed with anger filled squealing.

The rats tried to follow after him but as the bridge created by Ryan incredibly narrow as such most of them fell to the chasm, while the rest ran up the newly constructed bridge.

'Damn they are first and I bridge is about to fall off, Damn it.'

With a curse, Ryan jumped up from the end of the bridge that was about to collapse before changed into an ethereal form, and then it vanished making the rat fall to the chasm.

The rat tide was huge, and every rat wanted a piece of him, as such, they were competing, trying to overtake each other, gnawing, squealing, pushing the one in the front and without proper visibility, they all managed to push the one in the front sending them into the chasm.

Ryan jumped as he hoped to reach the other side, but alas he miscalculated his jump, he might be able to have reached it if he was running at full speed, but trying to make the unstable bridge to cross the chasm had cost him his speed, as such he was only able to touch desperately trying to hold the ground.

'No, I was so close.' was the only thought that came to his hands slipped.


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