A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 20: Returning to the Pier (Part-2)

Chapter 20: Returning to the Pier (Part-2)

"The filter is up and I have managed to place the ladders and platforms as well no to mention connected it to the rest of the power grid and control grid, then made sure that the entire filtration system is covered in a cage like structure completely, the pipes feeding from top of the filters that looked somewhat like that of a space capsule so did I miss anything?", Ryuu spoke with a frown as he peered down at the structure from above.

Zhan who stood next to him spoke with frown, "Well you forgot to mention the cage you built around the ladder to prevent someone from falling as well as the lights you placed down there in case you have to work at night, oh also you have flipped the switches and the only thing needed is power to be supplied to those machines."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "Ah yes thank you so I hope there is nothing missing because I cannot remember anything else."

Ciara looked at him as she spoke, "Well if you cannot remember anything else start with the next part there is no need to waste time as it would eventually come to your mind."

Ryan nodded at that as he stood in front of the rectangular concrete block he had made a few days ago, as the most important question ran though his mind, 'How do I make one? Wish there was some kind of blueprint lying around in my head.'

As everyone looked expectantly Chloe approached him as she spoke, "Is there a problem Ryan?"

Ryan gave her a sheepish smile as he spoke, "I was just trying to figure out the plan to make the structure."

"Why don't you discuss with us, who knows we might come across some ideas.", Chloe gently advised Ryan who nodded in acceptance as he took out a small piece of chalk that he had found amongst the ruins of the town.

He then kneeled on the ground as he began to make a rough sketch of the water tower as he spoke, "Well I have made a rough sketch of the water tower now I would love if some of you would advice me on how to make it."

The others looked at the sketch as one of them quipped, "Is that really a water tower to me it looks like train wreck that is about to collapse."

Ryan blushed at that as many giggled and he glared at them, 'So what if I cannot draw to save my life at least I did something', then the same woman extended one of her hand in front of him as she spoke, "Lend me your chalk."

She then kneeled by his side as she began to draw a perfect diagram of a water tower as she spoke, "This is a water tower the pipe over here is meant for the water to be poured into it make sure it is at the very top otherwise."

Ryan nodded at that as he spoke, "It would cause the water to be stopped by the contents of the water tower."

Anna gave a small nod of acknowledgment as she spoke, "Now this part you ha."

Like this the class 'How to make a Water Tank 101' went without a hitch as Anna spoke with a smile, "So you now know what to do?"

Ryan nodded at that as another quipped in a surprised tone, "You can create so many complicated stuff yet you are asking how to create a water tank?"

"Hey it is not my fault I can only make things that I have blueprints of without even knowing anything about them, ask me how this all works I cannot answer you how."

Anna looked at him as she shook her head, "Your ability does not make any sense at all it is as if you are borrowing someone else's power to do so."

Ryan stiffened momentarily but it was enough for a few of the keen eyes soldiers to notice as their eyes narrowed at that as many thoughts buzzed in their mind.

It never bored them seeing Ryan work, the materials all appearing from magically as they took shape as he commanded them to, the metallic ladder that formed in front of their eyes slowly took shape as more and more parts melded together without even the need of being welded together it was simply breathtaking for them and within the next couple of hour the entire structure stood in front of them as Ryan looked down from the very top as he waved at them, which was returned back with a smile and an Airlift back to the ground.

Ciara looked at up to the sky as she judged the time of the day she spoke to Ryan, "How much of your work is left to be done."

Ryan looked at her as he spoke, "Well completing the pump house by placing the twin pumps and then connecting everything, if I am not wrong at least another couple of hours, why?"

Ciara looked up towards the sky as she spoke, "Well I believe it is time for lunch so lunch break we will be back here within an hour."

At that Ryan groaned neither lunch or dinner were his favorite time of the day he preferred to wait till he could no longer withstand the hunger, due to deficit of proper food item they were mostly either having soups or some strange meat without any form of seasoning as such Ryan preferred to be ravenously hungry so that he would eat anything to quench his hunger.

'Meat and soup wonderful simply wonderful.', he took a bite from it and grimaced but the soup was completely different matter all together it tasted, bland, bad and most importantly it carried a hint of chemicals he so did not want to eat it anymore.

"Is something wrong with the food?"

Ryan wanted to scream to her mother after all he wanted to ask her back what was right with the food, sensing it his mother sighed as she spoke, "Sorry Ryan but there is nothing can be done as of now the soup might improve with fresh supply of clean water, as for others the vegetables that grow in the greenhouse and the salt well being near to sea might help but I do not see them happening soon, as such eat them up do you see anyone else complaining because they know that our body needs sustenance and the current situation what we are able to afford is already a luxury compared to many others.", Ryan may not like it but he did not waste nor did he complain anymore as he ate his food without any complain.

A few hours later a tired Ryan leaned against the wall he had placed the last of the pipes and the entire water collecting system was ready to be turned on, he grinned at them before he went to the pump house as he closed the door as well as the door on the fence as he spoke, "The system has been created and now the only thing needed to do is turn it on, oh by the way the fence surrounding is electrified please convey it to others as well not to touch it after I power them up."

With his piece said he began to walk towards the base as the blazing heat of the sun as others soon followed after the excitement was visible amongst them as they cannot wait for proper water and most importantly a proper bath after so long as such Ryan felt himself almost carried to the base.

Level-08 Water/Sewage Treatment

Michalina had a dj vu as she followed after Ryan who opened the door to enter into what seemed to be room full of machines that were currently asleep but unlike the room where he turned on the power for the entire base this room had it already on he made his way to giant computer like machine which he called as 'Stoke..' something and began to work with it, various data flashed in his screen as he selected a few different button then he decided to turn and flash a smile towards his sister only to freeze as it seemed the entire base had decided to venture and watch him work as such he could not help but speak out, "What are you all doing here?"

Michalina was taken aback for a moment but seeing his brother looking behind her she turned her head to see almost as if the entire base was down there looking and checking the various machines that were waiting to be turned on.

The person simply gave a sheepish smile as she spoke, "Well we were curious so"

Michalina deadpanned at her as she spoke, "Major is going to be royally pissed at you."

The person send her a challenging look as she spoke, "Oh yeah and what about you?"

Michalina grinned at her as she spoke, "I am still suspended dear not to mention I asked her permission as such I am exempted from many things."

Ryan simply shook his head as he concentrated on his works he watched as the various data showed the status of the filters, the eight pumps that were responsible for bringing up water from the filter to another set of two which then filled the tank and then from the tank it flowed down the reservoir down there for purification.

He waited for the Tank to fill up and it was a long wait, seconds turned to minutes and minutes to near about an hour when he powered the next phase of the operation, the machines groaned as moved the water trickled through the pipes as it slowly began to fill up the reservoir, he then programmed the system to fill up the tank whenever it is 60% full and the reservoir when it is half he then gave a tired sigh as he stood up and spoke, "Well within half an hour the taps will have water flowing through them whoever wants to have a bath can go now."

Everyone cheered at that and soon their cheering devolved into argument on who would be the lucky person to have the first rights to the bath as they were arguing back and forth and it was slowly turning a bit hostile Ryan watched at that with his eyes widen, 'This won't do a fight here would be disastrous they machines would get damaged and then it would stop working.'

He knew there were at least 70 of the soldiers down there and their voice would drown his as such he did the most sensible thing he pulled the lever for the alarm which started to blare with all its might stunning everyone into silence at that, then the alarm stopped as soon as it came.

"Are you all done?", a sharp tone cut through the silence like a sharp knife through butter Ryan did the best imitation of his mother as he continued his tirade, "The machine in this room are very sensitive even a slightest damage could break them and it would take me days to repair them so please fill free to wreck havoc here and forget about getting even a tiny drop of water."

That calmed the commotion down a bit, after all the last thing they want is for the water to be delayed another few more days when suddenly one of them spoke out loud, "Hey Ryan worked so hard for us even got himself badly injured a few days ago I say we give him the first slot what do you all say?"

The others were quite for a moment before slowly they all gave a nod of agreement as they all decided to allow Ryan to have the first try on showers to say he was touched at the gesture only to freeze upon seeing his mother's face from behind the group he slowly turned his back on the them as he tried to hide behind his chair, Michalina gulped hard looking with a horror towards the door way not only her mother was here but Zhan as well and they do not look so pleased.

The soldiers were slightly confused at the lack of reaction from Ryan then they were further confused by him trying to hide even Michalina was a bit more pale than usual when a voice came to their ears, a voice that seemed to suddenly silence and triumph over every other sound present in the room, "For some time now I have been searching for my soldiers who have decided that dereliction of duty is not punishable by law have you seen them?"

This time soldiers went ramrod as a few of them sweated a bit, as another shout followed, "YOU SHITHEADS TURN AROUND WHEN THE MAJOR IS SPEAKING."

As if in a sync they all turned around and stood in attention as Ciara spoke calm tone but her eyes were blazing with fury, "I am waiting to be pointed towards them do you know where they are? ANSWER ME MAGGOTS!!!"

No one dared to speak as she continued, "RYAN!!!!!!"

"YES MOM!!!!", a slightly scared Ryan jumped from his sit as he stood ramrod as Ciara looked directly into his eyes for a moment he felt as if he was standing in front of a ferocious beast even the lion felt tame in comparison to her he had seen his mother getting angry before but this was something else this was not his mother but the Head of the Fort Genesis who had been infuriated even Zhan was extremely angry.

"Ryan how many of them did you need for your work to be finished?"

Ryan gulped as he spoke, "No one I could have done everything alone."

"I see Michalina what about you, when you asked for my permission did it include all of them."

Michalina shook her head as she spoke, "No Major."

Ciara tilted her head as she spoke, "I see", she then pointed towards her back with her thumb as she spoke, "Ladies make way for them and you two leave."

Like the red sea they parted and the duo moved with Ryan leading in them, he tried to walk with a grace befitting a gentleman unfortunately the traitorous floor beneath him moved so fast that to onlookers it looked as if he was running with Hounds of Hell after him.

"Do not worry your machines would be safe now move out of earshot."

Was the words that floated to his ears as he disappeared he went to the elevator and with a chime as it opened the siblings hurriedly entered it and as the door close under Ryan's desperate tapping of button he heard the loud shout of Mount Ciara erupting, "YOU USELES.."

As Ryan stepped out of the elevator he placed his hand over his still drumming heart as he looked at an amused Michalina his brows twitched as he spoke, "You know what Michalina.", making her confused enough to ask out loud, "What???"

"Compared to mom you are a puppy and I am not afraid of your threats."


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