A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 136: The Hive(part-1)

Chapter 136: The Hive(part-1)

The large SUV slowed down enough for Ylerias and Ryan to jump out of it, before following her lead as they moved swiftly yet cautiously towards the depot.

Ylerias quickly climbed on top of the nearest tree as he was soon followed by Ryan as they looked at the scene in front of them with the help of a binocular.

Then were a couple of kilometres from the Hive and Ryan could not help but gain a shocked look on his face seeing the creature as he whispered out loud, "Damn this creature is something else, it looks like a small hill on two legs."

Ylerias gave a small nod as she spoke, "It is but from what I have learned they can grow up to ten times that size, and this one is fairly young."

"Ugh, I do not wish to meet something even bigger than this."

Ylerias simply snorted as she spoke, "Sorry Brother Ryan unfortunately your wish will not be fulfilled, but let us move it is already passed noon and I do not think you would fancy working in the dark."

The duo moved quickly towards the depot making sure not to get spotted by the undead but at the same time slaughtering those they could not hide from.

As they neared the depot they were greeted by the large broken walls but what drew their attention was the presence of the rather large horde.

Ylerias gazed at the horde as she spoke in a whisper, "We are strong enough to deal with the horde but it would draw the attention of the hive at the same time it would be difficult to sneak past them."

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "True but as long as I can get near the buildings of the depot I can easily slip in."

"But what about the creatures who are inside the depot, not to mention how can you be sure that those undead cannot enter from any other direction?"

Ryan shrugged at her as he spoke, "Well I have no idea and if worst comes to pass we will turn tail and run, but for now I think we should use that bush over there as a cover, then I will create a wall on wheels which we can use hide behind as we move."

"Those undead are not as foolish as they look."

"I know as they grow stronger their senses evolve to some dangerous degrees and if we move like this at least there is chance we can elude them."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "Okay I will be following your lead then."

It did not take much time to reach one of the buildings as Ryan made a hole on the wall as he peeped inside the building before he whispered back to Ylerias.

"I can spot three undead but none of them are active not to mention the entrance seems to be intact."

"I see then let us deal with them."

The duo slowly and cautiously entered what seemed to be a small hanger before they eliminated the trio of undead in front of them.

"So is there anything interesting?"

Ryan looked around as he spoke with a sigh, "No there is none but it seems to have an underground entrance shall we move downwards."

Ylerias gave a nod as she turned on the light on top of her combat helmet as they began to descend into the dark bowels of the depot.

"Keep your eyes peeled out Ryan, you are leading us."

Ryan but his lips as he replied back to Ylerias, "I am, though please remain vigilant those creature might even ambush us from behind."

A marine steel door stood in front of them, which Ryan easily deconstructed as the duo pressed forward into the dark halls of the depot.

Ryan looked around as he spoke, "It would be a bit difficult navigating the underground facility without a map, they are usually designed to stall enemies and hold them at specific choke points."

"I see then please guard me for a moment as I solve the problem."

Ylerias kneeled down on the ground with her right hand touching the ground and her eyes closed for a few minutes before she stood up as she spoke with a smile on her face, "I have almost mapped the entire place, and it is quite big in comparison to the area above, those who do not know would be fooled by seeing the tiny structures and small area on the top."

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "As it should be places like this are national secret they hold the sword and shield to protect our country."

"I see but should this place not have personnel guarding it?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Yes that is why I am asking you to be vigilant as this silence is deafeningly haunting, an ammunition depot should have more personnel not to mention the door was locked from inside."

"There can be way outside after all as I have said that I had almost mapped the entire place, but I did not want to waste too much mana or draw attention of some dangerous creature towards us as such I stopped."

"I see were you able to find any hidden dangers?"

Ylerias shook her head as she spoke, "I rarely use this skill as such I have yet to develop it to a level where I can pinpoint everything dangerous within such a large area though if it is within fifteen meters distance I will be notified."

"I see a useful skill so shall we move forward."

With that, the duo stepped forward but this time it was Ylerias who led the charge as they navigated the bowels of the depot.

"There are so many rooms I would love to check them thoroughly, but we do not have much time."

"Oh and why would you like to check them?"

"To see if they have a clue to the location of the next depot or something of similar value."

Ylerias suddenly stopped with a frown on her face before she trained her bow only for them to jump to the side as a large purple goop fell where they stood, which melted the floor with a sizzling sound.

A couple of arrows hit the creature killing it as Ylerias spoke with a snarl, "I hate creatures that puke."

Ryan looked at the whole on the ground as he spoke with a frown, "I can see the floor beneath us because of the highly corrosive puke."

"Then we have to be extra careful."

"Yes, but first it seems that we have some obstacles to deal with."

As Ryan spoke various snarling sounds came to their ears as various undead came to their view.

Michalina stared at the Xuelong with a confused look on her face, she had wanted to accompany Ryan to the depot but Xuelong suddenly appeared asking for help and now here she stood in front of her a good few kilometres away from New Hope.

The entire journey was spent in silence and now Michalina stood a few distances away from the car with Xuelong staring at her with an unreadable expression on her face.

'Why do I feel like I am currently facing a mobster style execution? The way she is staring at me is unnerving.'

"Michalina I brought you here because I want to have some serious discussion with you and I do not wish for outside inteferance."

"What do you wish to discuss with me Your Holiness?"

"First of all call me Xuelong, I am not speaking to you as an Apostle so please drop the formalities."

Michalina sighed as she spoke, "Okay so what do you want to say to me that you brought me so far."

"Well you see I heard from Ryan that you do not like any girl getting close to him."

Michalina gained a confused look on her face as she spoke, "That is a lie I never prevent any women getting close to him, you can see the interaction of the soldiers of Black Wolves."

"Ah, yes I know, I have seen them treating him like a friend, brother and those that are much older they treat him like he is their nephew or their son, but no I am talking about much more intimate, the relationship between lovers."

Michalina's jaw hardened as she spoke, "He is too young for such relationship."

"But I have heard about his ex that"

Michalina quickly cut off Xuelong who spoke in a heated manner, "That was a mistake and that floozy was taking advantage of my brother, and as such I dealt with her."

"I see so what would you do if there is another woman who shows interest in him, you cannot stop him from falling for someone, what will you do when it happens?"

Michalina gritted her teeth as she spoke with barely concealed anger in her voice, "He is my brother, he is mine, but why are you asking such questions Xuelong what is your motive?"

A smile slowly began to form on Xuelong's face as she began spoke with a hint of longing in her voice, "Three of us had a little spar, and after Ylerias was knocked unconscious by Ryan, I tackled him to the ground, but then something happened, you can say a spark lit in our core as we felt each other, grinded out bodies, and it felt nice as Ryan held me in his arms drawing me closer, it felt so great that we even began to make out and tell you what Ryan tastes so delectable, but alas Ylerias woke up and interfered with us."

Xuelong was cut off as the smell of ozone entered her nose as Michalina was upon her with a war cry, "Die you filthy whore!!!!"

Xuelong winced as the electricity coursed through her body as she was punched hard by Michalina but instead of being afraid or being angry, a look of joy mixed with bloodlust appeared in her voice as she spoke in a mocking tone, "Sorry but you have to try harder than this sister-in-law."

Inside a certain depot, Ryan suddenly felt a chill down his spine and he knew it was not because of the undead that had attacked him because it lay dead near his feet.

"Is something wrong Ryan you look a bit tensed?"

"Nothing let us move forward."

With that Ryan turned the wheel as the steel door swung open with a loud groan and rows of missile and ammunition for howitzer's lay in front of him.

Ylerias looked at them as she spoke, "They almost look like bullets that you use only bigger, so they are more damaging?"

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "Yes, they are more damaging some can level a building where as there are others that can even destroy countries, and some of them are so poisonous that it would take decades to centuries for the place to be habitable."

"You are joking right?"

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "No I am not, as there are really powerful weapons like that and they are commonly referred to as Nuclear weapons."

"I see so are there any here?"

Ryan gained a small smile on his face seeing Ylerias fidgeting as he spoke with a brief chuckle, "Such weapons need the height of technology and are basically trump cards of a country, why would they be stored in such a manner, their place of storage is extremely secure unlike this not to mention if a nuclear weapon was present here I would not have ventured within hundred kilometers of this place let alone tinker with it."

"I might not know how it works but I know that it is powered by an element that it is highly radioactive, and by radioactive I mean that the element fires a constant stream of small invisible bullets that cannot be blocked and it fires it at the rate of a few millions in a single second, even a small chunk as small as my nail will be able to kill people at the base and dying of radioactive poisoning is one of the worst ways to die."

"I see your people are crazily dangerous to think of such weapon and element."

Ryan gave a chuckle as he spoke, "I know radioactive element might sound dangerous and it is but it has other uses that make it a necessary evil because the good it causes overwhelms the bad."

Ryan suddenly stumbled while Ylerias quickly hold of him as she spoke with concern in her voice, "Ryan, are you alright? Ryan?"

But Ryan did not pay any heed to her words as he stared at the next quest his patron God has given to him, as he whispered lowly while his voice shook at disbelief, "You are kidding me, right?"


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