A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 134: The Hallowed Square (part-1)

Chapter 134: The Hallowed Square (part-1)

Ryan jumped to the right as a large figure came hard on the place that he had previously occupied before he flipped back as another tried to kick him before he engaged with the shorted of the two in hand to hand combat for a moment before the duo broke off and jumped away in time to avoid the vicious attack of the third.

The combatants who were sparring against Ryan were none other than Xuelong and Ylerias, and if Xuelong showcased immense strength then Ylerias was showcased extreme agility but Ryan was no slouch.

The spar was a simple hand to hand combat without involving any magic as well as a certain someone was forbidden from engaging all of his brains, and it was true that Ryan lacked the agility of Ylerias and the strength of Xuelong, but he was no slouch and in comparison to the other two he was more balanced.

Ryan did not wait any longer as with great agility he dashed towards Xuelong and showing an incredible amount of flexibility Ryan's legs snaked around Xuelong's forcing her to bend back as Ryan managed to reach the ground and with his hand pressed firmly against it Ryan flung Xuelong towards a charging Ylerias, who showing her amazing agility easily dodged Xuelong.

Ylerias came hard against him with a kick to his head as Ryan pushed his hands against the ground hard to create some distance as he twisted his body in mid air to stand erect but Ylerias was already upon him as he swung his left hand haphazardly to keep her away from him which she blocked easily with a smug smile on her face.

The fist that was sent towards Ylerias, more specifically her face was not meant to hit as soon as Ylerias stopped his fist she had a fistful of dust impacting her face making her close her eyes and that proved to be fatal as Ryan immediately send a haymaker that dropped her down for the count.

Ryan did not have any time to celebrate as Xuelong slammed against him like a freight train, and before he could realize he found himself on his back with Xuelong sprawled over on top.

Ryan winced as he was pinned down on the ground with his left hand firmly held by Xuelong as her body pressed against him with their legs intertwined.

Xuelong was wearing a sports top and shorts while Ryan was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts, and the trio had been sparring for some time making their clothes to be caked with sweat making them somewhat transparent, as they panted hard to catch their breath.

Xuelong had a muscular build with a face and grace that would easily make her one of the most beautiful women that Ryan had seen, her rather large and long hair lay on top of them like a blanket as Ryan lay pinned under her with only her right hand free.

Their breathing synchronized as did their heartbeat, which Ryuu could feel as Xuelong's breast was pressed against his rather toned chest, as he stared mesmerized at her eyes, while their face was only a millimetre apart.

Ryan did not mind Xuelong's body glistening with sweat pressed against him as he suddenly found her to be mesmerizingly intoxicating as unknowingly Ryan's free hand snaked around her waist holding her even closer.

Xuelong did not seem to mind Ryan's behaviour either as her legs intertwined more tightly while her right hand's fingers interlocked with Ryan's left and her free left hand found itself playing with his hair.

Their face seemed to come closer as they could feel the heat increased in their core, Ryan could feel her hot breath on his face as it lowered even further as their lips caressed each other as Xuelong gave soft pecks on his lips, their heartbeat sped up as their lips neared each other and Xuelong licked Ryan's lips asking for entrance only for them to freeze as a groan came to their ears.

"Ugh, Brother Ryan you should not hit so hard, I fear my jaw is dislocated because of you."

The duo froze as the fire that lit inside them suddenly seemed to be doused by ice-cold water as they quickly separated from each other.

Ylerias sat up groggily as she rubbed her chin while Ryan quickly went by her side as he helped her to stand up as he spoke with an apologetic tone, "I am so sorry Sister Ylerias for hitting you hard also pulling such a cheap trick."

Ylerias looked slightly insulted at his words as she spoke, "In battle the honor is dictated by the winner and being honorable and chivalrous towards ones enemy will only make you a honorable and chivalrous corpse, and in fact I wish to thank you for pulling that trick on me to remind me to be cautious next time."

Ryan simply gave a nod as his eyes were drawn to a certain part of his anatomy that looked extremely charged up and as such he quickly kneeled down on the ground as he hunched forward making his fellow Apostle worry about him, as Ylerias quickly spoke, "Are you alright Ryan?"

Ryan gave a tired nod as he spoke, "Yes just tired nothing else just let me recuperate for a while.", he then looked up towards the duo as he spoke with a small smile, "You two are amazing and if it were not for the fact I used an underhanded trick I doubt I would have been able to hit you."

Ylerias smiled at him as she spoke, "I already told you that it is fine so you have nothing to worry but most importantly who won?"

"Xuelong won so she will be driving us back, and one day I hope to win against you without doing something underhanded."

A few more minutes later Ryan was safely occupying the back seats of the car while Ylerias took the one beside the driver as they safely began to return back to New Hope, while Ryan let out a sigh of relief as he managed to rein control over a certain part of his anatomy.

'Damn I do not know what happened back then, Xuelong has kept me at an arm's length so should I be the one to step forward and speak with her or should I wait for her to breach the subject, so confusing if only I could ask some advice from someone.'

As the thought passed his mind Ryan mentally went through the all the people he could ask advice from when all of a sudden he was reminded of his sister and the thought of his sister learning about it made him cringe.

'Micha would not only kill me but also try to kill Xuelong as well, back during the last few months of High School due to peer pressure and various reasons I decided to get myself a girlfriend, I have never proposed to any girl but many a times various girls showed interest in me but I rejected all of them, but that time I decided to give dating a try.'

Ryan sighed as he stared into the distance as the trees passed by while his mind wandered back to his attempt at dating, 'My 'girlfriend' wanted me in order to parade me in front of her friends and lord her superiority over them, but then I learned she already had a boyfriend and then the time and money I had to spend on her, she made me bankrupt within two weeks not to mention the time I had to spend on her from my busy schedule which caused my effect on my grades and practice not to mention her daily shenanigans and crying got on my nerve as such I broke up two weeks later.'

Remembering the incident that followed made him wish to travel back in time and give his younger self a vicious tongue lashing, he knew that he had no love for her and during the two week period he also learned many aspects about her that seriously made him want to ask his younger self what he was smoking when he said 'YES' to her.

'Such a vain woman who only loved expensive items, prone to break down in tears and throw tantrum when something did not go her way, more importantly she is not my type, it is true that people can be a bit vain but she was too much, I never understood the reason or need to buy the same nail polish from a famous brand because her older one was only quarter full and a few weeks old, I liked strong independent woman not someone like her who was also unfaithful to her real boyfriend, I broke up with her  and which she did not like at all as she took revenge by spreading vicious rumors about me.'

As he was reminded of the rumours Ryan's jaw hardened, especially since he vividly recalled how his ex-sisters were fanning the flames for the rumour for giggles, but then Michalina happened.

'I heard that Michalina had met up with her and had a chat with her, she was absent whole week and when she came back to school she fainted from my presence, and after a couple of days she prostrated herself in front of the whole school begging for mercy and apologizing for taking advantage of me and spreading those rumors but most importantly she paid back twice the amount I had spent on her for two whole weeks.'

"Brother Ryan is something wrong?"

"Oh nothing Sister Ylerias, I was just reminded of something that happened in the past."

"Oh and what would that be."

Ryan looked towards Xuelong who sent him an intense stare making him sigh as he began to speak, "During my last few months of schooling because of peer-pressure and many other things I decided to get a girlfriend, and as such when I was proposed to by a girl I said yes, and within two weeks I learned what a big mistake it was."

Ylerias was looking back with an intense look on her face while Xuelong simply kept her sight on the road as Ryan continued, "You see prior to her I had never agreed to be in relation with someone because I was busy she was the first, but all she did was leech of me, she was incredibly vain and nearly made me bankrupt in two weeks not to mention she already had a boyfriend, then her tantrums and weeping if she did not get something it was annoying she wasted so much of my time as well so I broke up with her after two weeks."

"She did not take it kindly to it, she who was strutting around as being able to charm me and make me her boyfriend took a huge hit to her ego when I broke with her, and as such she began to spread rather nasty rumors about me, and being so close to my final exam it was affecting me, and when Micha learned about it she confronted her."

Ylerias had a grin as she spoke, "Ah your sister, she is very protective of you so what did she do?"

Ryan gave a small smile as he nodded before he spoke, "So true, and what she did I do not know of, but my ex was absent for a week and when she returned she was deathly afraid of me and in fact a few days later she apologized for everything and in fact paid back twice the amount I spent on her."

Ylerias let out a small whistle of appreciation as she spoke, "Damn I wish I could get your sister to join my group but alas she has already made her mind."

Ryan simply smiled as he stole a glance at the frowning Xuelong whose mind was swirling in deep thought.

The rest of the journey was uneventful as well as spent in silence as they reached New Hope, their new place of residence, it had been almost a week since the new residents had settled in though they had yet to receive a permanent place to reside in, but today was a day of celebration for them, and all preparations had been completed as they waited for their trio of honoured guests to arrive.


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