A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 117: The Siege of New Hope (part-1)

Chapter 117: The Siege of New Hope (part-1)

Ryan looked towards Ylerias as he frowned seeing her somewhat shabby state, not to mention the news she brought was exceptionally troubling.

"Sister Ylerias where is Xuelong?"

"While searching for the creature you saw I met up with Xuleong who informed me about the horde and since I am a bit faster than her as such I arrived as fast I could while she stayed behind to scout a bit more before skedaddling out as it would not do good for her if her scent is detected, so the main question is what should we do?"

Ryan sighed as he spoke, "There is nothing else to do except fight against the tide, but more importantly how many were there?"

"Over nine thousand."

"I see, and when will they reach us?"

"By tonight they will reach us."

Ryan closed his eyes in deep thought before he spoke, "Mom, are there any group other than Xuelong who are outside."

Ciara shook her head as she spoke, "No there is no one beyond the wall except for Lady Xuelong, though some were planning to leave today."

"Please tell them not to leave and get ready."

Ylerias send a surprised look towards Ryan as she could not help but ask out loud, "You are planning to fight?"

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "Yes, I am, this is our home if we retreat tonight we will be on the run for the rest of our lives I refuse to do so."

"There is also a thing known as tactical retreat."

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "I know sister Ylerias, the current us we would lose badly but when I finish the construction of the wall as well as set up the defenses I know we will win, though were there any fliers amongst them."

Ylerias shook her head as she spoke, "No, there were none."

"Good, then we will have fighting chance."

Ciara narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "Ryan, are you sure you wish to take that step? So many creatures it will be a very difficult fight."

"Mom, we have to face such things sooner or later."

"I see, I will see what I kind do, but before that I will contact Ruby and try to ramp up the medicine production to as much as possible."

Ylerias looked towards Ciara as she spoke with a serious look on her face, "Then I will try to gather as much medicinal herbs as possible and bring it to you."

"Actually Ylerias, if possible before you leave I wish to ask a few questions about a beast tide."

"What is it Ryan?"

"In case of beast tide occurring, how do those beasts act? Will they deploy a proper siege tactics or will they charge and try to overcome and topple every obstacle in their path."

Ylerias tapped her chin as she spoke, "It depends on the intelligence of the beast leading them and from what I have noticed the intelligence of beasts have fallen along with their label so I expect the leader of the tide to throw everything on any obstacle in its path hoping to overpower it."

"I see and how sure are you if it happening."

"I am hundred percent sure of it happening, though most of the times a tide might recede if the leader is dead but the chances for happening in this are slim to none."

A bloodthirsty smirk formed on Ryan's face that startled Ciara as he spoke, "Ylerias whatever you wish to do please do so fast and if possible I want everyone to be inside before a certain trap will be set."

Ylerias tilted her head as she spoke, "What trap, Brother Ryan?"

"A trap that will kill, now it is time I took my leave.", With that Ryan hastily left as fast as he could towards the wall.

Seeing the frown on Ciara's face as she looked towards Ryan, Ylerias wanted to ask her about the reason for the frown but she decided otherwise and left soon after.

Ciara stood for a moment before she closed her eyes with a soft sigh, 'Is it wrong for a mother to always wish their children to never grow up to change so much, despite my protest Micha joined the army and had her fair share of problems that changed her, and now my youngest is changing into something I do not recognize at all.'

'I know my youngest well enough to know he would not suggest to face the large beast tide but to retreat, but now he choose to fight and that look on her face, the smirk of his full of blood lust.'

The thought of the cruel bloodthirsty smirk of an otherwise docile and helpful Ryan, made Ciara feel shiver travel down her spine, 'I hope that I do not lose my son in this madness.'

While Ciara was having an internal crisis, Ryan was skipping on his way towards the wall while humming a song he had created on spot.

"Blood points, my BP O my lovely BP come to me,

My sweet and lovely BP fill up for me,

Blood points, my BP O my lovely BP come to me,

Your soul and BP leave it behind for me."

A song that was sung with such horrible lyrics and without any hint of tone that it would even make the most tone-deaf person cringe but Ryan did not care he had an invasion to fight and blood points to gather as such he was in high spirits.

Michalina frowned as she sat on her chair waiting for mother to arrive a few minutes ago her mother had ordered a full assembly of the troops and they were all waiting patiently for her arrival, and only her training had prevented her from running out to inquire about the cause as she had heard Ylerias arriving while blowing her horn.

The door slammed open as Ciara stalked into the large hall as a pin silence fell across the room, she then turned towards Zhan as she spoke, "Is everyone accounted for?"

"Yes, Major."


Ciara took a deep breath as she began to speak, "Girls I bring dire news.", as she noticed her listeners' jaws harden Ciara continued, "A few minutes ago Apostle Ylerias informed us that a large number of beasts are making their way towards us and they would reach us by night time."

A low murmur began amongst the members of Black Wolves only to be trampled by a sharp rebuke from Ciara, "Silence!"

As the silence returned Ciara spoke, "Months ago we lost our home, our refuge and today when we are facing with similar situation I made a decision.", she paused for a moment before she spoke with a snarl, "Enough is enough, this is our home and we are not some cowardly bitch that runs with its tail between its legs or are we?"

At her question a chorus of no was heard, it was so loud that Ciara felt the room shake which caused a large smile to blossom on her face as she spoke, "Good, before those mangy critters appear the wall would be build, the defenses would be set and would rain our vengeance on them like some wrathful God while we make sure that every cretin knows what it means to attack an wolf pack."





That was the sound that filled the room, as Ciara's subordinates imitated the howl of the wolf as they showed support to their alpha's decision.

The sun had set and only a faint light was visible on the horizon, Marcel looked towards the wall that his son has created as he let out a sigh.

"Is there anything wrong dear?"

Marcel shook his head as he spoke, "No love, I was just marveling the wall that Ryan has made."

With a small smile on her face Eleanora gave a small nod before she frowned as she spoke, "Dear, do you know where Ileana and Catherine are?"

Marcel sighed as he spoke, "Ileana is busy with rest of the militia while Catherine is over there look."

Eleanora looked towards the direction her husband had pointed towards and was greeted by the sight of one of her daughters handing out a large cardboard box to a member of the Black Wolves.

"She is working so hard trying to become a healer, I just wish that Ileana had followed her example instead of joining the milita.", as Marcel gave a nod Eleanora pressed forward, "Though what is going on? Why do we have to participate in this drill so forcefully?"

Marcel looked towards the wall as he spoke with a sigh, "I do not know why and I do not like it.", even if they were a bit wary they soon found themselves within the confines of the crowded fort.

Xuelong gripped her sword staring at the horizon before she spoke with a growl, "Why are the runes not working? No matter how impressive the walls are without the runes supporting it, the wall would collapse."

"Lady Xuelong my brother is working on it and it would be working within a few minutes."

While Xuelong stood impatiently for the rune to begin their work, Ryan was busy putting up the last touches for the runes to work.

Adjacent to the large door that had been named as 'Gateway to New Hope', was a four-storey building that stood tall while being supported by the wall, the ground floor of which was currently empty, the first contained the control room for the autocannons that were placed on top of the wall, while the second floor contained the gate control and the last being empty for the time being.

That was what everyone could see but anyone was observant during the making of the building they would have noticed that Ryan had placed a well-hidden entrance to an extremely narrow service vent, a service vent that went passed the other three lower floors, into what might have been a basement if Ryan had made it so and came to a dead end.

That was what anyone who had managed to stumbled and squeeze through the narrow service vent would find themselves when they had managed to reach the bottom using the ladder was a dead end, a dark dead-end nothing more, but if they like Ryan had climbed up a few more steps on the ladder high enough that they would be nearer to the ground floor, and then if they somehow manage to turn and stand on the rung of the ladder they would get a chance to find a special notch that would help them to open a special door.

The narrow door led to a cylindrical space, a cylindrical space that was covered completely by runes and in its centre stood a cylindrical rod joining the ceiling and the floor of the space, and that was where Ryan currently stood.

'I have placed the runes well and it is now time to fire up the ward stone and then the entire runic system would start but what possessed me to make it so narrow that I can barely fit and this cylindrical space is even worse.'

He grabbed hold of the rod as he sent his pulse of magic to activate it, Fort Genesis stood at the nexus of the leylines while one of them passed near the wall Ryan had made albeit much deeper but Ryan was sure that his ward stone would be able to tap into to activate and run the array, and it did so.

"Gah", with a scream Ryan jumped out of the room with his eyes shut as he barely managed to cling to the ladder while the door to the ward stone, which itself was covered by a plethora of runes, closed behind him creating a perfectly cylindrical room that housed the ward stone.

"So much of bright neon colors flashing, I feel sick from it, what have I created? Why is it acting as such?"

He took a deep breath to calm himself as he murmured out loud, "There is no time for me to ponder over the mystery I have to return to the top of the wall."

Meanwhile, back at the top of the wall a plethora of sounds came to everyone's ears as a series of 'Kakaka' came which faded away soon, then a loud 'chew', which was followed by the sound of multiple logs falling from a height was heard for a few seconds before a semi-transparent lemon coloured barrier formed in front of them, a barrier that covered every inch of the wall protecting it from outside, a barrier that went above their head forming an arch that sheltered them, the barrier was visible for a few seconds before it fades away from their sight.

Michalina looked around as she spoke, "Is the barrier working."

Xuelong smirked as she replied to Michalina, "Of course it is, those sights and sounds were that of the barrier beginning to work."


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