A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 112: Upgrading (Part-4)

Chapter 112: Upgrading (Part-4)

Ryan lay on the ground as he gasping for his breath, in front of him stood his mother Ciara who looked a bit worn out but otherwise completely fine.

"Get up Ryan, UP!"

With a groan, Ryan stood up as he spoke with a grumble, "You are nowhere near my level yet you are defeating me like nothing."

Ciara rolled her eyes as she spoke, "Have you not heard or learned anything that I have said, it is true that you are stronger than me level wise, there is a gap of five levels between us, even then what have I been doing the entire time."

"You are letting me get near you and then dodging with minimalistic movement while using my strength against me."

"Good, you are learning."

Ryan pouted as he spoke, "If you had removed the heavy bag on my bag as well as allow me to engage all of my brains it would have been different."

"Maybe but then it would not be training now, will it as it would be only stroking your ego, and do you know why I am fighting against you like this?"

Ryan nodded as he spoke with a sigh, "I am stronger opponent and you are weaker."

Ciara gave him a nod of acknowledgement as she spoke, "True, just like bullfighting the where the matador instead of going head to head simply dodges and distracts before going for the kill, something that I am doing with you."

Ryan let out a frustrated sigh as he spoke, "But, still it is frustrating."

"It would take a long time master my fighting style, and you should know the virtue of being patience."

Ryan slouched as he spoke, "Yes mom."

Ciara narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "Mom?"

With a sheepish smile, Ryan replied back, "Ah, sorry instructor ma'am."

"Good", a smirk formed on her face as she spoke, "Now since we have finished with our break, and since I mock killed you twenty times, as such according to the rules you are going to do two hundred pushups."

Ryan gave her a bewildered look as he spoke, "We had a break, when?"

Ciara gained a dangerous look on her face as she spoke, "Oh so you have problem with two hundred pushups, then you can do four hundred pushups then."

Ryan hurriedly spoke out, "No Ma'am, sorry Ma'am.", as he quickly fell to the ground and began his pushups.

As Ryan kept on doing his pushups while his two fellow apostles stumbled upon the scene with an incredulous look on their faces.

Xuelong smiled towards Ryuu as she spoke, "Good Morning Ryan, it seems you have been busy."

Ryan grimaced as he spoke between gasps and grunts as he continued with his workout, "Yeah, though I have another favor to ask of you Sister Ylerias."

Ylerias tilted her head as she spoke, "What do you need Brother Ryan?"

"I had an audience with my patron God yesterday."

Seeing that both of his fellow Apostle's were not showing any reactions he was surprised though it cleared quickly upon hearing Xuelong's next words.

"We also had a chat with our patron Gods and Goddess, they told us to cooperate with you and aid in any way that you need."

Hearing that Ryan gave a nod while Ciara spoke with a sigh, "Ryan, take a breather and finish your talk."

Upon hearing that Ryan collapsed on the floor for a few seconds before getting up while making his protesting and tired bodywork.

"I see, you have my gratitude."

Ylerias shook her head as she spoke, "There is no need to thank us, at present we are free as such we can provide any help necessary."

With a nod, Ryan continued, "Last night Holy Lord Avtis instructed me to evolve this place into a city that would stand as a beacon in these trying times."

Both Ylerias and Xuelong's eyes widen at that as Xuelong could not help but speak out with disbelief, "That is a momentous task, creating a of that stature city."

Ryan grimaced as he spoke, "Yes I know and I would need lots of man power, not to mention I will have to somehow establish contact with people scattered across the world in order to make this city into a beacon."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "A very long term project, did he offer any advice on how to proceed."

Ryan shook his head as he spoke, "No just that he had advised me by telling me to evolve and grow stronger, as the stronger I get the easier it would be for me to work on such large scale projects."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "I see."

"Not only that he has another project for me, something about creating a sanctuary, and when I asked what it is he simply told me to ask either of you though he has supplied me with a blueprint."

Xuelong gave a small nod as she answered back, "Unlike normal temples which are dedicated to any particular God or Goddess and in some cases may be a couple of Gods and Goddesses, the sanctuary is different in the sense that it is not dedicated to any particular Deity but to all as such most of the time there are no statues in place, not to mention it is often a very peaceful and relaxing place to mediate and pray to Gods."

Ryan frowned as he spoke, "I see, but the 'Village Heart Crystal' is to be placed at the center of it will it cause any problem."

Ylerias answered this time with a shake of her head, "No, Brother Ryan, it would be not problematic as the 'Village Heart Crystal' or as it is often known as the 'God Blood Crystal', is usually placed at the center of temple or a sanctuary, in fact it is a good thing to as people will no longer have to touch the crystal itself to upgrade themselves but as long as they are inside the sanctuary or temple they can easily do so."

"I see."

As Ryan frowned in deep thought Xuelong chimed in, "Also think of these in this way, we are already having problem due to clash of different religious views as such instead of showing your favor and inclination to a particular religion you are make it a religion neutral place."

Ryan gave a nod as he spoke, "That is something that I would like very much to do, but the construction is huge as such I would start it as soon as the housing arrangement and food is sorted out."

Ylerias simply gave a nod as she spoke, "Fair enough."

Ryan grimaced slightly as he spoke his next words, "Although there is the matter of another thing."

Ylerias gave an encouraging nod as Ryan continued, "He wants me to at least double my level in two months time."

Xuelong replied back with a frown, "That is not that difficult though seeing how much work you have it would be very hectic schedule for you, but why does he want you to do so."

Ryan grimaced again as he spoke, "He is planning to give me a quest which would either be solo or with someone, and according to Him if I fail to reach that level I would die for sure if I attempt that quest."

Ciara was standing by his side listening to their conversation for the first time, "Ryan you did not tell me about this."

Ryan sent a sheepish smile towards his mother as he spoke, "Sorry mom, there were so many things going on through my head that I kind of forgot."

Ciara's frown deepened as she spoke, "That is highly irresponsible to you, and why do you have to go can you not simply say no.", as an uneasy look pass through Ryan's face, Ciara pinched the bridge of her nose before she spoke with a sigh, "We will have a heart to heart chat about this matter later on, and this time you will not hide anything and if you do I am not above giving you a spanking in public."

A shiver ran down through Ryan's spine at the thought of such humiliating as well as painful punishment as he spoke with a nod, "Of course mother, and once again I am sorry."

Ryan then once again turned towards Ylerias as he spoke, "My patron God checked the blueprints fr my next creation and he made some changes to it."

"I see how and since you are telling me it would have to make the trench bigger."

Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Yes he wanted it to be four feet wider."

"I see I will begin working on it and is there anything else."

Ryan nodded as he spoke with a frown, "Yes, he pointed me to the fact that there are creatures that could easily scale the walls as such to try and find some means to prevent it I have a few ideas but I wanted to ask you about it since you are more versed in magic, so is there any magical solutions for it."

Ylerias frowned before she spoke with a nod, "Yes, there are runes that might deal with it but putting runes on such a large creation would be back breaking method, not to mention the resources we would need."

Ryan tilted his head as he spoke, "Resources?"

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "We need blood from magical creature, the more attuned they are to magic the better, then we would have to draw the runes on the wall, and upon being activated they would work wonders, but here is the problem the blood mixed with crushed Mana and Spirit stones from the beast would be needed in large quantity."

Xuelong shrugged as she replied, "Not a major problem we can hunt them down since we already need to increase our level it would be better."

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "So true though we have to make sure that no corrupted or undead is added to the mix as it would collapse the array."

Ryan frowned as he spoke, "Drawing runes from blood how long will it survive?"

Ylerias smirked at him as she spoke, "Years, it would take near about half a decade for them to completely fail but regular maintenance would keep it running well for a very long time."

"I see."

"Though using Mythril for rune work would make it even better, you could turn a blind eye to it for a century."

Ylerias rolled her eyes as she spoke with a huff, "Don't be stupid Xuleong, even if that metal is extremely suitable for the work I do not see any Mythril lying around not to mention the difficulty in processing, not to mention using such a precious metal in such a large quantity is highly foolish and wasteful, even the wealthiest of people in our world would not be able to afford it."

Xuelong raised her hand in mock surrender as she spoke, "Wah, I was just giving him information which he might find some use in the future, and I am not foolish enough to suggest him something so outrageous."

Ylerias sighed before she spoke again, "That is the only way I can think of Ryan, and it would take a lot of time."

Ryan closed his eyes for a moment in deep thought before he spoke, "Ylerias if I create a wall for you could you cover it with the array."

Ylerias frowned as she spoke, "What would it achieve?"

Ryan simply smirked towards her direction as he spoke, "Just do it, I have an idea though I do not know if it work or not, so I need to experiment a bit."

"I see I will do so as soon as you have created one for me, till then I will work on the trench.", Ylerias then turned towards Xuelong as she spoke, "Would be a dear and gather some beast blood and their stones."

Xuelong frowned as she spoke, "May be you should do so Ylerias while I work on the trench, I may not be the best person for the job but I am decent enough while because of your patron Goddess you excel in hunting."

Ylerias nodded as she spoke, "Fair enough, I will leave immediately."

As the duo left Ciara turned towards Ryan as she spoke, "Now Ryan, give me two hundred pushups."

Ryan gawked at her as he spoke, "I clearly did over a seventy before you allowed me to speak with them."

Ciara raised one of her delicate eyebrows as she spoke, "I see then please give me two hundred and seventy."

Ryan's jaw dropped as Ciara spoke with a tilt of her head, "Every second you waste I would add ten more."

Her words turned to be enough motivation for Ryan as he quickly fell down as he began his pushups.


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