A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 107: Returning back to Fort Genesis (Part-3)

Chapter 107: Returning back to Fort Genesis (Part-3)

Ciara was in a quandary the last few days had been a true testament to her temper, with water running low it was a great problem, another problem that occurred was the increasing attacks of the beasts, it was getting tiring for them dealing with the beasts that were slowly increasing in strength not to mention the guns that were made by Ryan was already outdated compared to the threat they were facing, many were injured but fortunately, none had died.

The morale was at an all-time low with sporadic fights breaking out every now and then, it was becoming very difficult to deal with over six thousand people and as such Ciara could only pray for a miracle.

Her musings were cut short when one of her subordinates hurried inside her office, "Major, I bring news."

Hearing her words Ciara's heart sank as every time news was being brought to her it was always about something bad as such steeling her nerves she spoke, "What is it?"

The messenger's eyes sparkled as she spoke, "A large vehicle is approaching and we received a radio message from it.", those words suddenly lift up her hope as well as cause a burst of joy within her, as the messenger continued, "Ryan and others are back."

Ciara did not need to be told twice as she jumped up from her seat before dashing out to meet her children, and as she reached the small village that surrounded Genesis, she found the residents were scared and restless, and she soon found the cause as she stared at the large vehicle that was nearing them.

"Everyone please calm down, I said calm down they are friends so calm down."

Her words bared fruit as she managed to quell the restlessness somewhat, but that did not mean the people did not look at the large vehicle with a suspicious look on their faces.

The vehicle came to a halt a good few feet away from her as one of the doors opened and out of it jumped down a familiar person who then dashed towards Ciara before drawing her into a bone-crushing hug.

"I missed you mom."

A large smile broke out of Ciara's face as she returned the hug as tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, "I missed you too son, I missed you too."

The sight of the mother and son dup washed away any and all lingering doubts as quite a few people smile at the heartwarming scene in front of them.

Ciara released her son before taking a look at his face before a frown formed on her face as she spoke, "Ryan why do you have a tattoo on your face."

Ryan let a nervous chuckle escape his lips as he spoke, "Many things happened during the journey, mom but we can discuss it later since we have some refugees to take care of."

The word made Ciara's heart sank even more, as more refugees meant even more drain on already dwindling resources though she hoped with Ryan back he can at least fix a part of the problem.

"So this is your son."

Ciara turned towards the speaker as she spoke, "Yes Lierin this is my youngest child.", her head then turned towards Ryan as she spoke, "Ryan, this is Lierin a good friend as well as my teacher in magic."

Ryan looked towards Lierin as he gave a small bow to her before he spoke, "I see thank you for helping my mother."

Lierin simply smiled towards him as she spoke, "There I no need to thank me Ciara helped us a lot by providing her protection and shelter."

As she spoke Ryan studied Lierin's face as a small thought passed through his mind, 'It feels as if I have seen this woman somewhere but where I cannot remember.'

Meanwhile, Lierin's eyes travelled to fellow travellers of Ryan as her eyes widen before she spoke with a gasp, "No way, I cannot believe my eyes."

Her gasp drew the mother and son's attention and soon they followed her vision, Lierin was staring at a certain group of people specifically two of them from the group, although Ciara was confused as to the reason behind her gasp, though Ryan discerned it perfectly as he watched the elves and extremely short people whom he deduced as dwarfs were already on their knees at their sight.

Ciara was bewildered at the sight, 'Huh, what is happening? Who are they? And why is everyone from the other world acting as such?'

Her answer came from Lierin who spoke out while quickly kneeling, "I cannot believe not one but two apostles are here, I cannot believe it.", her eyes then went towards Ciara as she spoke, "Ciara whatever you do, please do not anger them or annoy them the result would not be pretty."

As a frown began to shape place on Ciara's face, Ryan spoke with a scowl on his own, "Huh, what are you talking about those two are a very nice person not some kind of tyrannical being, it is true with their position and status they seem unapproachable but at the end of the day they are immensely helpful."

Lierin growled but she did not say anything, while Ciara simply squeezed Ryan's hand as she spoke, "Even so Ryan, from what I know they are at a very respectable position so we should respect them, not to mention Lierin knows about her world better than us so please listen to her advice."

Ryan simply pouted as he spoke, "Fine, but you will soon agree with me I know that, but first let me introduce."

He then turned towards his fellow apostles as he beckoned them, "Hey Ylerias, Xuelong over here I want to introduce you to my mother also I think there are many people from your world who would be greatly benefitted by your presence."

The casual way he spoke to them managed to draw various exclamations of outrage and disbelief from various listeners to them someone speaking to an apostle the right hand of Gods in such an overly familiar manner is blasphemy, but, what shocked them beyond anything as the duo approached Ryan who then began to introduce them to his mother.

"Mother, the taller lady with beautiful and deadly horns is Xuelong Victorum, Apostle of God Vahjim, God of War and Victory, and by her side is the ever beautiful yet deadly Ylerias Luvenaria, Apostle of Goddess Oena, Goddess of the moon and hunt.", he then turned towards the duo as she spoke, "This is my mother Ciara Doherty, Major of the Black Wolves Regiment."

Ylerias looked towards Ciara as she spoke with a smile, "Greetings, Major Doherty you have raised a fine son, whom I am honoured to call as my comrade and family."

Ciara simply as she spoke back, "Thank you for your kind words my Lady, but may I be impudent enough to ask what you meant by comrade and family."

Ryan waved her off as he spoke, "I will fill you with the details later but to summarize you can say the current me is just like them."

Ciara's eyes widen at the implication while Lierin let out a gasp drawing attention as Ylerias spoke with a frown, "You are Lierin, Siora's younger sister right?"

Lierin bowed low as she spoke, "Yes, your holiness."

Ylerias looked back towards Siora as she spoke, "Siora you have a day off, please go and spend some time with your sister."

Siora simply bowed while Ryan gained a look of epiphany as he spoke, "I see now that is why she looked so familiar."

Ciara then looked towards the growing mass of people that were still climbing off of the train as she whispered lowly, "So many people."

Ryan frowned as he spoke, "Is there something wrong mother?"

Ciara grimaced as she spoke, "Well there are over six thousand people here, but the problem is with resources especially with water, as the nearest source of fresh water is the river flowing through the gorge, but since the water pump is destroyed we have to resort to buckets and ropes, and it is not going well."

Ryan's frown deepened as he spoke, "How did it get destroyed I managed to create it good pumping system."

"A few weeks ago a flash flood appeared out of nowhere which destroyed the entire pumping system."

Ryan looked alarmed as he spoke, "I hope no one was hurt during the flood."

Ciara shook her head as she spoke, "No though the water spilt on the banks a little though it was nothing alarming though the river has risen a little with a more exotic creature, though I wonder how the flood appeared."

Ryan nodded before his eyes widen with realization as his face became pale a couple of shades as a thought ran through his mind, 'Wait a minute was this river not connected to the Navalach city dam.'

Ciara's eyes narrowed seeing Ryan sudden acting a bit shift and pale spoke with a stern look on her face, "What have you done Ryan?"

Ryan shook his head as he quickly spoke, "Nothing, nothing at all why don't you help them to settle down while I will see what I can do for the water."

Ciara simply sighed at that as she gave a small nod, she knew Ryan was hiding something but she knew that she would force it out of him sooner or later, maybe even coerce Micha to answer to her.

Xuelong meanwhile had already lost interest in the mother-son duo as she was carefully studying the people who looked worn out and a few of them injured, as such she turned towards Ciara as she spoke, "The people looked too worn out and a few of them injured."

Ciara grimaced at her question as she spoke, "We have been attacked repeatedly by various beasts which are becoming stronger with each day, we are fighting back but we need much better weapons."

Ryan his finger through his hair as he spoke, "Mom, after helping the refugees to settle down, I believe it is high time I begin my work these people need a place to stay, with better protection than an earthen wall."

Ciara nodded as she spoke, "As you say, son.", a small smile formed on her lips as she spoke, "The journey was exhausting so take some rest."

Ryan nodded but before he could say or move a familiar voice came to his ears as he groaned out loud, "Big sister Ciara is that you?"

Ryan looked towards his mother as he spoke in an apologetic tone, "Mom, sorry I managed to pick them up on my way here, sorry about that."

Ciara's eyes narrowed as she spoke, "There is no need to apologize I can deal with them."

Ryan gave a nod before he spoke, "I see but while you entertain them I would like to begin my work."

"I can help you with that Ryan."

A familiar voice came to his ears as he was greeted by the smiling visage of Zhan, Ryan immediately went to her side hugging her as he spoke, "I missed you too aunty Zhan."

Zhan gave him a pat on his back before she spoke with a frown, "Are you sure you wish to start working you look kind of worn out."

"I want to auntie, the condition of people are not good not to mention I am adding near about two thousand more to it, so yes I will have to at least make sure the basic necessities are taken care of as fast as possible."

Zhan nodded as she spoke in a serious tone, "Then follow me."

Ryan quickly left along with Zhan while Ylerias and Xuelong tagged along with him, as they moved the other-worlders all dropped down on their knees at the sight of the apostles.

Upon reaching the spot where the pumps were situated Ryan peered down to look at the gorge where he found the entire water pumping system to be badly mangled, making him release a sigh of frustration at that.


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