A Story of Evil

Chapter 216: Lumina Dantalion

Chapter 216: Lumina Dantalion

Before Lumina came out and made her participation known, the headmistress confronted the top three students of the Academy. Specifically, the ringleader of all the crazy ideas Julia.

"Who are those people?" She began, getting a questioning look from Julia who replied:

"Like I said headmistress, they are transfer students."

"Don't fool around with me child. I know a student when I see one."

"Of course you do headmistress." Julia said, taking out an envelope and passing it on to Lady Eleanor. One which had a scent that the headmistress is quite fond of; the sweet smell of money.

Eleanor quickly hid this inside her cloak. Making sure that nobody else saw it, her body already getting excited from the thought of counting it after the fights. And the expression on her face said it all. It showed a twisted smile conditioned by avarice, something with Julia, Luz, and Olivia's families have conditioned Eleanor to loving.

"I'm sure you'd agree with me." Julia jested.

"But of course Julia. Those are good and proper students if I ever saw one." The headmistress replied as she finally allowed the change of fighters.

The summoners chosen by Julia are the best of the best. The ones who stands on top of the underground arena. They have never lost a fight because, losing one there meant a person's death. This makes all the fighters battle hardened. Beasts who would always aim for their enemy's death. With heightened senses and a thirst for bloodlust that cannot be easily quenched.

With this, it could be said that, the ones brought by Julia has unparalleled strength. All of them survived for three years straight after all. Entailing that they are apex predators who, have learned to master the art of hunting.

But just as the headmistress said, nothing about them makes them look like students. Their vibe. Their appearance. Their bloodlust. All of these screamed that they are far from being ordinary people and that, getting involved with them would only lead to a person's death.

That's why she knew that even the crowd would notice this. Because even without them demonstrating their battle skills, one coul clearly tell that nothing is normal about them. 

However Julia wasn't fazed and, pressed on with this choice. She had nothing to fear because her family has a complete hold of the Academy. Nothing would ever happen to her and, not even the queen could touch her. Because if Queen Reoul did, then Julia's family will not only withdraw funding from the Academy but, would also do so in a lot of the governments projects.

That's why Julia felt invincible at that moment. She knew that the fights were already won even before they've begun. She also knew that, everything would continue moving in their favor from that point on because, as long as Sol and his team were inside the Summoners' Domain, Julia would always find a way to interfere. Until she finally gets chosen in Shadow. That is the kind of person she is.

"We can't let that visitor change the ways of the Academy as he pleases. I don't care if he's a paladin. I don't care if he has a lot of achievements stacked up despite his young age. We need to set an example out of him."

"But we already lost three fights." Lady Eleanor mentioned which was the undeniable fact in that moment.

"Oh don't worry. I can easily turn this around once we win the next fights headmistress." Was Julia's confident reply as she looked at the empty arena. 

"Besides, that much is secured already. I don't think they have "

Julia wasn't able to finish her sentence anymore. The smile she had on her face waned, until it completely disappeared. Even the announcers were silent and so were the crowd. No murmurs nor talks were being made. All that could be heard are the footsteps of the person who came inside the arena Lumina.

"What is she doing there?" Julia immediately asked.

"I don't know. Maybe she's just there to announce the surrender of their side." The headmistress mentioned.

Everyone watched Lumina look around. As if searching for something that was supposed to be there. She then stared to where the Headmistress and Julia were and, made a loud sigh as she proceeded to the announcers' table grabbing on to one mic as she announced:

"I am Lumina Dantalion and I will be fighting the remainder of the battles."

Nothing...there wasn't a single sound being made until that point. Everyone watched as Lumina went back to the middle of the arena. And after a few more seconds of this, Julia finally broke free from the surprise that was brought. Not afraid at that but, madly joyous.

"HAHAHA! She must be out of her mind." Julia roared in laughter and, was joined but Luz and Olivia who found it as amusing.

"I don't know what crack she's into but that must have a hell of a kick if she thinks she can beat my summoners!"

As mentioned, the fighters brought by Julia are the best in the underground arena. Unparalleled fighters who have never lost a fight in their entire career. And although a lot of students are fearful of Lumina, none of them actually saw her fighting skills head on. That's why that fight still looked one sided to Julia. In fact, she was still sure that her fighters would win. 

However, Lady Eleanor was a bit worried about this. Lumina was the princess after all. She is the next in line for the throne. And so the headmistress raised this concern to Julia, having second thoughts from the idea that, the underground fighters would kill Lumina.

"And what if they do?" This was the quick and uninterested reply of Julia. As if what the headmistress said was irrelevant.

"P-Pardon?" Lady Eleanor replied, hoping that she actually heard wrong.

"Who would even care if that devil has been taken care of? The queen? We all know that she only took her in out of pity." Julia said as if she knew how Queen Reoul's mind worked.

"Believe me, she won't be missed once she's killed. Not even the queen would mourn the loss of an abomination." She added, sitting back at her chair which meant that, her decision was final. The fight would go on and not even the headmistress could stop it.

With this, Lady Eleanor finally gave the signal to the announcers. Telling them that this decision has been approved. A development which made the crowd murmur between themselves once again all of them thinking the same thing. That the fight would not be much of one and that, Lumina was clearly on the losing side. With her life being the price for even trying to fight.

"Ladies and gentlemen it seems that we'd be continuing the fights in this manner."

"Yes it does, The fight would be a one on three. With Lady Lumina representing teh side of Shadow while, the new students would be the one fighting for Lady Eleanor."

The fighters came out at that time. A skinny guy with a long tongue. A big and strong looking fellow with a huge scar over his eye. And a girl who's whole body was hidden inside a cloak. Just by looking at them, Lumina could feel the hair on her skin rising.

"What do you know, Alice and Jade were right." She thought to herself, remembering the warning made by these two regarding the enemies that would be faced.

They were clearly out for blood. Lumina could feel their intense and overflowing intent to murder and mutilate her. But this isn't her first close encounter with death. She has been in death's doorsteps countless times already, making her almost immune to the fright it brings. Besides, it wasn't like death could take her because, Lumina would always escape it's grasp by sheer force.

Meanwhile Sol's teammates were still opposed to the idea. While watching in the pit, they were trying to change Sol's mind. Saying that its not too late to bring Lumina back and think of another plan. But Sol refused. 

"No? What do you mean no?"

"Are you crazy Sol?"

"Yeah she's definitely going to die. Look at those enemies and listen to me for one. They are far from being humans."

These are only some of the complaints voiced out at that time. In fact, the student summoners who were with them had looks of concern on their faces. That's why Sol had no other choice but to calm them down.

"Like I said, Lumina made this decision all on her own. She's not going to risk her life for something that she didn't even want herself."

"Then why is she doing so?"

"She's not." Sol said, confusing the person who thought his statement was contradictory.

"What?" Sol didn't answer this. He just smiled as he looked beyond the door. To the arena where Lumina was standing on. 

"I have a feeling we're in for a surprise everyone." He added.

"What are you talking about?"

"My [Analysis], I had no choice but to use it on her when she declared her intent." Sol said.

"Well why didn't you say that earlier then?" Alice asked, actually more relieved after knowing that Sol was able to assess Lumina's strength.

"Yeah. So what did you see?" Nathan added, hoping to hear about an overpowered summon. Instead what they got was a single word:



"Just like every strong individual or monster I've used this on...I can't see Lumina's skills." Sol added, surprising his allies even more as he finished by stating:

"Her enemies might be strong. But, I doubt any of them could ever defeat a student as strong as the monarchs.


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