A Story of Evil

Chapter 180: The High Wall V

Chapter 180: The High Wall V

"Are you crazy? Why would you face that thing alone?" Alice retorted. 

"Relax, I've got this."

"No you don't. My danger sense tells me that thing is big trouble."

"That's why you guys need to leave this to me." Sol replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Each of you already have your mana exhausted. I can see that clearly." Sol said, using his [Analysis] in order to perform this.

"But we can still fight my king!" Hendrickson added.

"Yes you can. But you won't be much of a help. Plus, we can't retreat now. Not with our goal right in front of us."

"That's your reason for fighting alone?"


The monster finally howled. It was deep and nerve wrecking. Making even the ground tremble just the same as the direwolves of the team backed away from it. Everyone sensed the immense bloodlust coming from the creature. They could also sense the amount of pressure it was exuding. Both of which are enough to make them want to back away.

"You've trusted me this far. So why don't you just trust me on this one as well?"

Nobody had anything to say anymore. Except that is, for Alice who sighed as she commented "It's your funeral." Surrendering to the whims of Sol.

"Good." Sol said, walking towards his foe which was finally revealed as all the dust settled.

The creature was a lot bigger than a normal hobgoblin. Standing at a solid eight feet. It has black horns on its head and its whole body was green. The creature had a crown on its head, a makeshift one made from spare metals, with gems adorning it. Its eyes are deep red one which looked to be seething with rage.

The same creature wore a black armor and a worn out cape which is at knee length. On its hand was a claymore almost as big as the creature itself. It was domineering and its presence was authoritative. Even Sol recognized that the creature was somehow intelligent because, it didn't just attack. It stayed and waited for the young paladin to get closer.

Sol himself didn't have much mana left. In fact, the amount was already below half. Yet he also knew that no sensible combination could be made by the group in such a state. And that their safest bet in the battle was a duel. One which only he could fight.

It wasn't like Sol's confidence was absolute. After all, his [Analysis] showed mostly blanks on his opponent. There was nothing for him except for empty descriptions. Preventing him from gaining anything sensible out of it. But one thing was sure. That this battle cannot be easily won.

"I am Drazon Cael'eb, first of my name and king of the goblins."

"I am Solomon Pendragon."

"You do not sound surprised Solomon Pendragon."

"That's because I've come across guys like you before."

"HAHAHA!" The creature laughed his heart out. His voice so powerful that the ground began shaking again. Confirming their earlier suspicion that his scream created the tremors.

"There is no other monster like me Solomon Pendragon! And you are going to die by my hands!" The monster said, swinging its sword as he almost hit Sol's head. Creating a gust of wind so strong that it would make a normal soldier fall from fear. But not him. Not with his experience and, not with [Cold Blooded].

"Is that so? I'm in for a treat then." Was Sol's monotonous reply.

This angered the monster even more. Drazon screamed once again and, took up his sword for a wind-up. Sol moved out of the creature's range but, as soon as he did, Drazon vanished from his sight, reappearing behind him and swinging just as fast.

"Blame your own boastfulness for your fate!" Drazon said, laughing as the dust covered where his sword made impact.

The move he used has killed many opponents before the human. In fact, this single strike is the reason why the monster ascended to the place of a goblin king. That's why he was surprised because, the human's squatted body was not where it should be. Instead, Drazon saw his own blade sliced in half.

"I'd do that after you actually land a hit." Sol said, standing just beside this broken blade.

The monster got even more furious, coating its blade with mana as he formed a new sword. The shock didn't end there as steel blades suddenly rose from the ground. The succession of this came so quickly that, Sol's armor was hit, getting grazed and almost broken as the young paladin continued dodging.

Drazon followed this up by charging in on the boy once again. He moved in the blink of an eye, teleporting to one blade and making another swing. Sol tried slicing through the monster's sword again yet, his effort was in vain.

His void sword didn't cut through. His reaction time was not enough anymore to make any other movement. Sol was flung towards one of the summoned blades. Drazon thought that the boy would surely get sliced in half but, even he was surprised by what happened next.

Sol simply bounced from the summoned blade. This is because he used gravity pull on himself, latching his body to the monster's and making him move at high speed. The creature answered in kind by teleporting to another blade, making Sol's attack hit nothing but air.

It may seem as if the battle is evenly matched but, Sol was actually loosing. He needed to [Spatial Awareness] and [Reverse Analysis] activated in order to match with the speed and the movements of his enemy. Draining his mana even faster. And every time he activated his gravity and space skills, he simply lessened the combat time he had left.

That's why the monster was troublesome. With all the blades scattered around, Drazon could simply blink over and over again. The monster didn't know about the weakness of the boy however and so, Sol had this bluff up his sleeve. Making his enemy believe that they were evenly matched.

"You're getting me fired up boy!" The monster declared, blinking from one blade to the next.

Sol watched the movements around him carefully. He thought of the pattern used by his opponent and, from this, tried to make the best attack pattern possible. The only thing he did notice is that, the monster continued attacking from the back, something which Drazon did again. Appearing behind Sol and swinging his large sword.

Following this, Sol made a fluid motion. Increasing the gravity of his opponent monetarily and forcing the sword to go down faster. He then pushed his body towards the safe spot in between the weapon and the monster's body. Here he swung his sword, hitting the creature's arm and almost slicing trough it. If not for Drazon using his other hand to punch Sol out of that spot. Flinging him away once again as the fight reset.

The monster immediately stopped the bleeding by forcing his muscles to contract. The creature had an extreme healing factor, allowing it to heal through the damage made by Sol. However, this also consumed some of its mana and, forced the monster to stop from attacking for a while.

Sol took this opportunity to charge in again. Yet his opponent was still prepared.

The blades on the ground shot up from where they were and multiplied into twice as many. The blade began chasing Sol around. Forcing the boy to continue running away from Drazon who was completely shielded by these.

This chase continue for a couple more minutes. With Sol's breath getting labored while Drazon's arm was fully healed. This gave the monster an opportunity to land the decisive blow.

Drazon went forward and attacked Sol head on. Doubling the size of his sword as he made a full swing. The boy jumped out of the range of this but, was caught in the range of the flying blades. Making the bystanding members of his team run towards him. Only to have their nervousness be wasted as Sol snapped his fingers, making all of the blades shatter. Even the sword of the monster got taken out. Returned to its half-sliced state.

Drazon was about to swing the broken bald up but, this decision came a second too late. Just like how he surprised Sol with his uncutable sword, the boy has taken him by surprise by making all of his blades vanish.

Sol then used the remainder of his mana to cut the sword-wielding-arm of the monster as Drazon was also forced to its knees. The monster began generating a new sword on its other hand but, Sol anticipated this again snapping his fingers once more as he broke the spell right as Drazon was about to swing. Meanwhile, his hand held on to the broken blade of the monster, swapping it with his void sword which he stabbed through the monster's chest.

He coated Drazon's blade with his space gravity magic. Fixing the broken part and creating a gigantic Void Sword, twice his own height.

Drazon tried fighting back but, with the sword piercing his heart and the gravity pulling him down, there wasn't much which the creature could do. Except to gaze at the warrior who finally took him down. Making one horizontal swing and slicing the goblin king in half.

"What was that thing you said again." Sol said through rugged breaths, looking at the shocked expression frozen on Drazon's face.

"Ahh yes." He said, remembering it repeating it:

"Blame your own boastfulness for your fate."


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