A Story of Evil

Chapter 178: The High Wall III

Chapter 178: The High Wall III

Most of the information regarding the walls was left blank. The group only had a rough idea what exactly it is that they would encounter inside. But that wasn't enough to impair them. Not with Sol making the plans and preparations for that day's mission.

Just as he mentioned, they've begun their move even before the day started. The city they entered was still calm. The breeze of the early morning brought a cold that touched their skin, one anticipating the warmth that would come with sunrise. But they didn't need such a thing to give warmth to their bodies because, their movements and business was enough to do so.

"Ten more minutes and I'd be in my coordinates." Cinder said through the communication bracelet moving to the other side of where the others were. Her only companion was a single direwolf which helped her move faster. Both for her to reach her destination on time and, to also escape once her role was fulfilled.

"Roger that. We'll be moving as soon as your signal comes up." Sol said, focusing on his other teammates as they slowly made their way to the entrance of the wall.

Just like in the forest, Sol sustained the [Shadow Core] in mid air. Allowing them to move in stealth. With the height of the wall, it was impossible for the goblins to hear them. This being a deduction based on Sol's observation of the goblins he faced before.

Every part of this plan worked like he wanted to. But this didn't excuse them to be careless in their actions. And they weren't. The group moved cautiously and methodically just as Sol told them to. Whatever moves they made in excess were still within expectations and, it is because of this factor that they finally reached the gate. Without getting detected. Without getting caught.

"Cinder are you ready?"

"One more minute."

"Got it." Sol said, turning to his teammates who were stretching out their bodies and, have already drawn out their weapons.

"Okay everyone, remember the plan." He said.

"Isn't the plan just smack and kill?" Hendrickson commented. Putting too much of a shortcut on the entirety of the plan which made Sol repeat it in summary.

"No. The plan is to make sure the exit route will always be within reach. Kill any goblin or monster that tries to block our path."

This was the biggest safety precaution they needed. With them unsure of the numbers and the types of the monsters inside. Sol needed a way to get out just as easily as they get in. That's why he assigned Cain and Jade for this task. A duo which excels in long range combat while also capable of short range battles. As well as dealing explosive damage when needed.

For the main combatants, this role was filled by Sol, Alice, Hendrickson and Nathan. Their numbers may seem small but, since Sol wasn't intending to pull any punches, it wasn't anything to get worried about. They had enough firepower and, with the strategy he devised, he knew that the four of them would suffice. But for this to begin, he still needed one piece. Something which he confirmed for the third time.

"Cinder?" Sol repeated.

"In position." The female flame user said, putting a smile on everyone's faces.

"Alriiiight! It's time for some smackdown!" Hendrickson said in a whispering tone full of excitement. But before they proceeded, Sol gave one last reminder.

"We're gonna enter now. Remember the plan and, don't let your battle frenzy get you drunk. Stay alert and know when to retreat."

"Understood leader." Everyone said. Giving Sol the response he needed as the operation finally began.

The paladin gave the command to Cinder and, soon enough everyone saw her bright blue phoenix lightning up the dark sky. Soon enough, they heard the ringing of a bell within the walls; breaking the stillness and the silence of the coming dawn as more sounds came next.

They heard the clamor on top of the walls and, soon enough more lights were being opened up. With the sound of steel and wood mixing with the footsteps and the screams of the monsters. These all trailed away from where Sol and the others were as, the monsters were seemingly focused on the phoenix. A creature which finally descended inside the wall. Releasing blue flames that lighted up through the creases and cracks on the walls even more and, lighting up the entrance just the same.

Meanwhile Cinder was already running away from her initial location. The phoenix was something she could control telepathically but, she still needed to stay within a certain range as it moved inside the base. She couldn't see anything of course but it was easy to give her phoenix the command to burn everything in sight. Plus, the goblins couldn't take notice of her specifically because her summon drew too much attention. Especially with the situation given. Where it was the strongest source of light, making it the center of focus for the monsters.

With all of this being set, Sol and the others finally went through the door. Crashing against it and tearing it apart as the real battle finally began.

Sol immediately looked around the area. There were totems, bright ones with rune indicators placed on them. The base had many parts to it made through wood and rubble, with the first material mentioned being burned by Cinder's phoenix.

There wasn't much time to analyze the surroundings as other monsters heard the commotion they made. Goblins and Hobgoblins at that which all charged in at them. Cain and Jade took care of this of course. With the offensive unit also doing their job of cleaning up the monsters near them.

Arrows as well as other projectiles were also being fired from on top of the walls. The group easily dodged this and, Sol took it upon himself to take care of these creatures. Jumping out of his direwolf and pushing his body with gravity in order to reach the archers.

A couple more arrows were fired towards him but, these were easily deflected with the same gravity skill. Allowing Sol to land on a platform unscathed as the goblins began shouting. Taking out daggers and deciding to engage in melee combat.

Meanwhile three other goblins who had weird markings on their body whistled. Calling forth bird type monsters, falcons, that also aided in the fight. However Sol wasn't planning on dragging out the fight. He pulled the monsters towards himself while also pushing his own body at the same time. This made them collide quicker than the goblins could properly react to; allowing Sol to decapitate all of their heads.

He then focused on the falcons which still charged at him. Unlike the goblins, the falcons had long ranged feather skills. But this didn't matter much as Sol casted:

"Center of gravity."

This pulled all of the falcons on a single point. Sol then looked at the pocked of one goblin, taking out an item which he was sure to be there. A bomb.

As soon as he got this item, the boy threw it on the falcons and jumped down. With the explosion happening a second after he did so. He then whistled, calling upon his direwolf jumped up as soon as it could catch its master. Allowing Sol to mount again and proceed to where the others were.

The base was large. This much is expected with how long the wall is. In fact, the team has yet to even enter the full length of the territory. Nor could this come easy because, just as there were goblins focused on the phoenix, there were also enough of these scattered around the base.

Yet aside from the goblins, the other monsters finally came out. Junkyard Hounds and Carnivorous Falcons. These monsters assisted the goblins in the fight. With the hounds being mounts while, the falcons attacked from the skies.

The hobgoblins were also fearsome monsters that joined in on this assault. Fully armored and, needing a few bullets from Cain just to be taken down. But this lack was provided for by Jade whose green flames entered on the gaps in between the armor of the monsters. Burning them from the inside while also heating up their armor. So much so that touching this metal would also burn someone's skin.

Meanwhile, Alice was busy catching most of the attention. She finally took out her main weapon, the gun-blades which she enchanted with [Giant Killer]. With this it became easy for her to kill the hobgoblins whose levels were above her. As for the other monsters, she went on a quick transition between mounting and dismounting. Confusing her opponents who had no idea how to deal with such a quick and unique attack pattern.

Nathan and Hendrickson were also just as strong. They weren't lagging behind and, were in fact dealing massive damage as the goblins had a tendency of attacking in a group. Allowing Nathan's whip flame to hit a lot of them at once while Hendrickson was also the same. The claymore sword he used continued clawing through the flesh of all it hit. And despite the goblins finding an easier time hitting him, his iron-like skin was almost impenetrable.

Yet the problem remained the same. The monsters kept flooding in, placing Sol's team in a disadvantage.

"Where are these assholes coming from!" Alice shouted.

"Beats me, but Imma continue beating the crap out of them." Was Hendrickson's excited response.

"It's not like we have a choice but to do that." Nathaniel added as he crackled his whip another time.

The battle was far from ending. In fact, it has only began. And the group needed to exhaust themselves more before finally reaching the treasures hidden by the goblins.


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