A Story of Evil

Chapter 172: Reset

Chapter 172: Reset

As expected, there were no monsters which came to attack them in the night. They were also able to find a safe spot. One surrounded by rubble and a few trees. Abandoned of any life as far as the eye could see.

It was a good thing that they found this fast because, there wasn't much fight left on them. They were all drowsy and half asleep. Wanting nothing more than to get a shut eye. So even though they needed a lookout for the night, Sol decided to refrain from doing so. After all, they already passed through the same area twice and on neither times did they encounter any monsters.

Nobody opposed this idea. Not with all of them wanting a decent sleep. And with this being decided, the tents were set up immediately as everyone got their well deserved rest.




Early in the morning, Sol and Alice were both already up. The male paladin only beating the other by a few minutes as he was already sitting on top of the tall ruined building which provided a shadow where the team hid on.

"You're up early." Alice said as her partner took a moment to glance at her before fixing his gaze back at the horizon in front of him. With the sun slowly rising as the new day came.

"Yeah, I figured I should at least start the day before you guys wake up."

"Why? You thinking of another strategy for the team?"


Sol's mind was indeed preoccupied with thoughts on how they'd proceed from that point on. He thought how unpredictable the lands outside the domains really was. A fact that was proven time and time again with all the fights he went through. 

First there was Blaze who turned into an unknown devil like creature. Then there was the encounter with Herald, a creature who had four wings and, was on a level of strength that only King Jubilee could kill him. Then came the dragon, a monster which appeared out of thin air. One which they couldn't even hope to match.

The piling up of these things made Sol understand that his genius was not enough to win. What he needed was more power. Enough to win against all the creatures mentioned even if he was to come unprepared. He needed to surpass even King Jubilee's level of control over [S.W.] but, this was nothing but a pipe dream.

"Is your head still stuck on yesterday's events."

"How can't it? We almost died Alice and, even though we were saved, it's purely because of luck and coincidence. I don't want to rely on that. Not on something which I can never predict."

"On the bright side though. At least we're still alive. Shouldn't you be thankful about that?"

"I am. It's just that I feel lacking." Sol stretched out his hand to the sun which has half of it already peeking out from the horizon.

"I have all this power and potential but it takes too long to cultivate both. If I was just as strong as King Jubilee, then things would've definitely been easier for us."

Sol's standard was still King Jubilee. He wanted to be close, if not on par with the king's strength. It wasn't because of any personal interest or gain. Sol simply thought that, he would be more capable and useful if he was so.

Meanwhile Alice only stared at her partner, thinking about what he just said. But instead of feeling sad for her partner, the girl's lips curved to a smile. She then rested her head on his shoulder, surprising Sol who glanced at her once again.

"I was also thinking about that you know."

"About what?"

"Well, we seem to rely too much on you to create the solutions for us. Even during the partnering on the forest, I'm sure even Hendrickson's team thought of how things would've been easier if you were by their side."

"Is that supposed to make me feel more competent about my job?"

"Of course not. I'm just speaking my mind. Besides, aren't you the reason why I'm still alive and breathing at this very moment?"

Alice made her partner remember everything. How he saved her in the maze during the titan training. How he also saved her when King Jubilee planned to kill the remaining titans of the Void. With Sol telling Jubilee to consider her potential which the king himself saw later on. He also reminded her of the Culling itself. How his plans has let them live at every point and turn of the competition. Even on fights that looked impossible.

She wasn't the only one he saved. With his quick thinking, Sol was able to decipher that the late queen was infected by a virus that turns a person into a monster. He was also the standard bearer of the void. A person who lead a platoon consisting of soldiers older than him and, all hailing from different domains.

He wasn't only able to command them perfectly but, he was also able to gain their trust and respect. Things which Sol didn't fail as he saved them all from Herald.

"You can wish to be King Jubilee all you want. I'm not gonna stop you from being delusional." Alice paused for a moment before continuing.

"But for me, Sol will always be the best at what he does. And there's no other person who can take your place of do things better."

Sol chuckled as soon as she finished speaking. Making Alice take her head off his shoulder in embarrassment. It took all her mental fortitude to be that honest with the boy that's why her whole face was flushed red at that moment.

"Hey are you making fun of me?"

"Who knows. Maybe I am." Sol said with a playful smile in his face.

"Aghhh that's it! I'm never complementing you again dumbass." Alice added turning her head away, trying to hide her embarrassed face. As she did, she felt Sol's hand on top of her head as the male Paladin replied:

"Thank you Alice." Sol's tone was gentle which made it sound even more genuine. And he was of course. Because there was probably no other person who could calm him down after the incident other than her.

"Is that supposed to make up for your laughing?" Was the female paladin's reply.

"Well it's all that you're gonna get so might as well be content with it right?"

"You ungrateful smart ass."

"I'll take that as another compliment."

The two finished talking just in time for the scent of Cinder's cooking to finally reach them. It was another aromatic meal which enticed them to go down as their stomachs grumbled in response to the scent.

"Breakfast is ready!" Cinder announced, the signal which the two were waiting for as they finally decided to get up and make their way back to the base.

Before they knew it, a new dawn was already rising and, with this same sun was a renewed Solomon. Ready to redeem himself from the recent blunder.

With Cinder announcing breakfast, the other members of the team rose to life. The shuffling and moving within everyone's tent proved this even more. All driven by the same instinctive hunger that made Sol and Alice go down quickly. Hendrickson was once again leading the march towards the cauldron where Cinder was cooking but, after seeing Sol, he halted in his tracks.

He remembered the events from last night and, thought that their leader might still be angry with him. Yet this proved to be nothing more than a useless worry as Sol patted him on the shoulder. Telling him to hurry up before the food goes cold.

It was marvel to everyone how Sol's aura completely changed from last night. But it was nevertheless a change they gladly accepted. With him being back to normal, everyone else found it easier to do the same. Because just as Alice said, he was looked up to by a lot of people and, was nothing short of a symbol of hope for those who have been placed under his care.

Thus the team enjoyed their breakfast and, with this came Sol's announcement on what they'd do from that point on. He told them about the new path which possibly had crystallized monsters on it. And he also told them of the probability of finding another nest nearby. 

"We were given half a year by the king to finish this quest but I'm not gonna make him wait that long. We're gonna find a new nest and, this time, we're gonna get all the crystals on it."

With this the team had a new direction to take. With all of them being well rested and having properly eaten, they were ready for whatever adventure lay ahead. There wasn't anything stopping them. Not with Sol telling them that everything will work out despite the encounter with the dragon.

"No matter what, we're gonna return to the ten domains with all the crystal we can find. Is that understood?" Was Sol's final question as everyone had smiles on their faces. Saying in unison:

"Yes sir!"


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