A Story of Evil

Chapter 167: The Execution

Chapter 167: The Execution

Charon wasn't the only one with a plan. That much is evident with how quickly Sol was responding to the attack.

With everything seeming to be in complete chaos, Sol actually had everything mapped out. And this plan was part of the things the leader of Shard discussed after their supper.

"Wait so you're telling us there's a chance we'd get ambushed?" Hendrickson repeated in astonishment.

"Of course there is. With all the monsters that we've killed, I doubt that summoner would just sit idly." Sol calmly replied.

"So what are we supposed to do then? Isn't their camp way too far from ours?" Nathan added.

"It is but, that doesn't mean we can't do anything about it."

"You mean we're gonna ambush them?" Hendrickson suggested in an upbeat tone.

"No. We're gonna force them out."

Sol began explaining the complexity of the plan he had in mind. They were going to make use of the same weakness that greatly weakened the fire members in the team. Hence the reason for the forest fire which raged in that very moment.

At that same moment, Sol and his team rode on their direwolves while keeping the [Shadow Crystal] activated. Through this, they were able to move quickly without being detected. With all the commotion they caused and, all the noise, not even the movements of their direwolves could be differentiated from every other monster that tried escaping the fires of the forest.

With Sol and his allies ridding on direwolves, they greatly conserved their strength while also speeding up their progress towards the enemies. Every monster they encountered along the way were simply poor creatures caught in confusion and panic. Thus their lives were quickly ended by the group which hacked down these creatures in not less than three strikes. 

The fight was a race on which party could find their enemy first. It was a race on who could deal the actual first strike. While the summoner continued changing possession from one monster to the next, Sol's team simply ran toward the most likely direction where they could find their enemy.

"We're going to kill all the monsters we encounter along the way." This was the added instruction of Sol who was also weary of the enemy having surveillance through the use of monsters.

But even this attempt at remaining hidden didn't last for long because, their enemy finally began getting serious. More monsters were deployed. Ones which make use of water. There creatures began raining down their skills on the flames. Meanwhile, light emitting monsters also began scattering themselves around the forest.

But even for such an occasion. Even with a countermeasure being added by the opponents. Sol still had a way to counter. Indeed the blue flames were easy to extinguish but, the same cannot be said of the strongest flames.

"Jade." Sol said through the communication bracelet.

"Are you sure? I can't control this once the fire breaks." The flame user said, also terrified of the strength of his own flames.

"Yes. Do it."

"Suit yourself."

Jade didn't waste any time. He took the invitation of Sol and began gathering all the flames of the forest. This made the efforts of the water releasing monsters go in vain because, Jade was taking out just as much flame as they were. Vacuuming it to where he was.

Even Cinder's phoenix flew to where Jade was. Killing as many monsters as it could along the way. As soon as it was within range, everyone moved away from where Jade was. Sol then set up a barrier of space to shield him and the others in case something messes up along the way.

"Go." Jade told Cinder who gladly took the invitation as she made her phoenix dive to Jade. Splashing a wave of blue flames which immediately got absorbed by the flame user.

With this Jade's hans began burning with green flames. Even his eyes glowed of the same color and, all the burn marks around his body began glowing just the same.

The enemies didn't sit idly by while this went on of course. They began running towards the direction where the phoenix dove down and, where all the flames suddenly disappeared to. But their reaction and their movements are both insufficient.

Nobody could match such a sudden change of pacing. One which was only possible because of the set of skills owned by Sol's companions. And even if they did arrive just on time, there was nothing they could do about a catastrophe incarnate such as Jade after absorbing a whole forest fire's amount of flames. The same person who was finally ready with his spell.

Green runes burned all ound him. Ones so thick that everyone in the team began seeing them as well. Small green flames began dancing on the ground where Jade was. As if they were merrily awaiting what would come next and, Jade wasn't one to make his flames wait. With one final chant, the flames on the ground rose higher and higher. Until the green flames were twice as tall compared to the forest trees. And with this he casted:


A wave of green flames began consuming the left and the right side of the group. Everything it touched turned to ashes and the monsters unfortunate enough to remain in its path got burned as well. Only a sizable road in the middle was left, the same one where Sol's team trod.

"Hey Nathan, remind me not to get on Jade's bad side yeah?"

"Sure Rick."

The crackling of the burnt branches and trunks as well as the screams of the panicking and dying monsters covered the whole of the forest that night. There was no way to stop the fires anymore. Not by any conventional means at least.

And this was what Sol was anticipating. With the hands of their enemies tied down, they had no choice but to use their strongest card at that moment. Something strong enough take out green flames.

They didn't need to get to the base of their enemy. Sol knew that in a situation as dire, the enemy will either run away or face the crisis head on. With the basic fight or flight instinct taking over. Either way, there was a sure way to spot the leader of the monsters.

"Are you sure that our enemy will take the bait Sol?" Alice asked, looking at all the flames and, sweating profusely from the heat.

"Of course, when have I failed your expectations?" Sol said in reply. Only looking ahead as he waited for any movement to be made.

"Yeah well, I'm still not sure if we can fight something that could take out all the forest fire." Was Alice's response.

For a few seconds there was nothing but the desperate attempts of the water type monsters to clear out the flames. The light bearing ones which went to search the humans have died within the flames and, so have most of the monsters which were deployed by the summoner. 

Without having an army with him, Sol was able to dominate the fight. He was able to secure the primary winning conditions.

But the night was still young and, the fight was far from finished.

"SOL!" Alice screamed, with a look of genuine terror painted on her face. Sol immediately deciphered what this meant but, had no way to respond. Not until everyone heard a deep and earth shaking roar.

All the flames seemed to tremble at the sound. The ground continued to shake and, a huge gust of wind soon followed this. One strong enough to fan away the flames as the team heard the close resemblance of the sound to that of wings.

The team was still at a loss on what the enemy was. With the sounds alone, they already had a rough idea of what it would be but, they refused to believe it. Until the shadow of a monster, as big as a twenty story building, hovered above them. And with that everyone was sure.

A creature which they only hear of in history books. One so feared that nobody in all of human history has dared to fight it head on. A natural calamity which even the Seraphims feared.

It was a dragon.


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