A Story of Evil

Chapter 164: Solomon and Cain IV

Chapter 164: Solomon and Cain IV

"Why are those humans so persistent in coming here." The voice of a girl could be heard in the depths of the forest. Her hair is a deep green and her eyes are seemingly lustrous opals. Her height is almost the same as Eve's which, is just a bit shorter than Alice yet her presence was dominating.

Around her are summons of various sizes and heights. Monsters which are stronger than any average creature and, all possessing an incredible amount of strength.

Then there is the creature standing at her left. A monster which resembles both a human and a devil who looks advanced in his years and, wearing a butler's attire. This also made the creature look regal and dignified. This same creature is the adviser of the young lady which lead the pack of monsters.

"Perhaps they want what you have your highness." He suggested.

"You think they also want to steal my crystals Charon?" 

"Of course your highness. Why would a group of humans ever descend to a dangerous place such as this?"

"Yeah you're right about that. But still, it's annoying how they kill all of my summons."

"Should we send out all the summons then?"

"Can we? How many crystals do we have left?"

"The cave is still full your highness and, if they ever decide to go there, we can make the bugs detonate."

The girl closed her eyes and felt her connection to all her summoned creatures. Nobody else could do what she was performing a kind of out of the body experience which differed vastly from similar skills. Because when using it, she could not only see what her summon sees but, could also gain a total experience of all the senses if she wished to.

Through this she transferred to one of the detonating bugs in the cave. The place glowed in multiple colors, displaying all the elements held by the mana crystals. Apart from this, there are also pure ones. Crystals which can be infused with any element which one desired. There were also eggs of various sizes, with guarding monsters stationed on each nest and, at every depth of the location.

With this, her observation was completed. Opening her eyes to get back to her conversation with Charon. An interval which didn't even pass a whole minute.

"Were you satisfied with the crystals your highness?"

"It's good enough I guess."

"Then do you agree that we should send out all the summons?"

"No. Let's see how this next fight plays out first. The next batch isn't something a couple of humans could easily defeat. And is they do, you should help out Charon."

"Understood your highness."

With this the little girl closed her eyes again. Transferring her presence all over the forest. Looking at all the humans scattered there and, focusing on only two Sol and Cain.

"I don't know what you humans plan to do on my forest but, you're not gonna come out of here alive." Were the last words she uttered as she focused on her surveillance.




The third monster group faced by Sol and Cain were a combination of aerial and ground type monsters. There were twenty silver wolves scattered in a full circle while, on the sky were the same number of wind hawks.

But there was just one problem. Both the wolves and the hawks can't detect their enemies.

Sol and Cain's presence both seemingly disappeared because of the camouflage cloaks they wore. Sol in particular didn't even need to see his enemies. With his [Spatial Awareness] Sol could clearly see his surroundings even without using his eyes. Thus allowing him to continually manipulate space in distinct ways. Setting up traps and forcing the monsters to change route from time to time which irritated both wolves and hawks.

It was like they were in an invisible labyrinth. A complex one that is also alive. Changing walls and dead ends with each passing minute. Sol himself wasn't even having trouble with maintaining his mana. All he needed was to give the creatures an initial shock by providing at least five experiences of hitting seemingly impenetrable walls. With this imprinted on the monsters' heads, they would not even exert any effort in breaking the next walls despite these actually being less efficient than the first five.

Through the constant stress Sol placed, it was a small wonder that the monsters got mentally and physically exhausted. Meanwhile, the two were still on hiding, with Cain ready to fire as soon as they get discovered. 

But this didn't come any time soon. In fact, a whole hour passed for the creatures and, they have yet to produce any results. By this time they have already been put in a state near a daze, making them weaker than they actually were. And with things reaching this point, the sound of gunshot finally broke through the silence.

Two hawks were gunned down. Crashing down the ground as they instantly died from the attack. The remaining hawks tried tyo look for where this came form but they were too late as they've been compiled together using Sol's gravity magic.

Cain wasted no time and changed his weapon to that of a bazooka. Firing three projectiles at the compiled hawks which exploded into green flames. The same type of flame which could virtually burn through anything.

With the hawks cleaned up, all that was left were the wolves.

These monsters ran towards the direction from where the sound came. But all they received was another wall blocking their path. Instinctively they backed off a little after hitting this and, this lag was enough for Cain to change targets, firing another set of missiles on the group of wolves.

The monsters tried running away but, in their daze, there wasn't much time for them to do so. Hence they met the inevitable outcome. Getting taken out by Cain's missiles that explodes into green flames.

The wolves cried out, calling for the remaining members of the pack. These monsters quickly responded to the call but, Sol was already prepared for this.

The paladin suddenly jumped down to the wolf in the middle of the pack. Killing it with his void sword as the other wolves were caught in shock. He then increased the gravity on the left side, paralyzing five wolves as he cut down two more wolves on the right. The remaining ones which finally responded to the attack were gunned down by Cain from a distance.

He then threw a grenade at the remaining wolves which were still held down by his gravity. Sol dashed away immediately as he watched this explode. It wasn't enough to kill the wolves but, he wasn't intending to. He was simply giving Cain enough time to change weapons once again, back to his bazooka which was finally fired at that moment hitting the remaining wolves and reducing them to ashes.

With all of their opponents defeated, Cain walked back to Sol who was observing the corpses as always.

The two couldn't afford to face the monsters head on. Primarily because the wind hawks were faster than Alice in terms of flying. This makes them difficult monsters to lock on to. Meanwhile, the wolves gained more strength when they moved in packs and, the senses of one wolf was shared by every other.

That is why Sol needed to exhaust both creatures first. It wasn't like Cain and him couldn't win against the monsters. It was just that, the amount of mana and ammunition they would exhaust on a normal battle would've been more and, there was a possibility of sustaining grave injury. Something which Sol wanted to avoid more than anything else.

But there was just one problem with this fight. The two took too much time finishing off their enemies. They were already deep in the forest and, have defeated countless waves of monsters. But they have yet to reach the ringleader of the monsters.

The course of action they needed to take at that moment was obvious. With all that happened, the only viable option was to go back to the camp.

"So we failed in this fight huh." Cain said, knowing that there was no victory in all they did.

"Pretty much, but at least we have a goal now." Sol said in reply, looking at the road ahead. The uncharted part of the large forest which they have yet to reach. The same place where the summoner and her aides waited.


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