A Story of Evil

Chapter 131: On Hierarchy and Monarchy

Chapter 131: On Hierarchy and Monarchy

Just as Solomon instructed, Hendrickson gave a full report of what happened to the nearest station. That being the renovated maximum detention prison within the slums. A place which has soldiers which are a bit cleaner on the records. Yet there were still those on high positions of authority within the prison hierarchy that were corrupt.

Yet this didn't stop them from functioning. In fact as soon as Sol and the others arrived, they were served with utmost care. Primarily because Sol and Alice were Paladins. Holding a higher office than even the knights of King Jubilee.

Thus the incident involving Hendrickson was handled in the best way possible as well. With all of his words both being recorded and written. His legs were instantly healed but, Seth was sent to a different facility to be taken care of.

"So what provisions did the Steel Domain give on visiting? We haven't really memorized all of them." The vice-head of the prison, Anthe said. Browsing through a file of papers which also includes the said rules.

"Wait, are you saying there's a chance that we'd be sent back?" Hendrickson asked.

"Well yes of course. That is the law and, King Jubilee hates citizens who do not abide by the law." Anthe said in reply. His tone of voice resolute in this decision.

"B-but." Even before Hendrickson could continue speaking, Sol patted his shoulder. With the young paladin stepping up to continue the report.

"The steel domain is actually a bit lighter when it comes to security. So long as their visiting citizens could pay for any damage caused, then there is no reason for them to come back. Intentional killing and public disturbance however are out of the question." Sol explained.

He had all the rules memorized after all. King Jubilee personally made sure of this. Handing Solomon the information given by all the nine domains the night before they allowed their citizens to visit the Void.

"Is that true?" Officer Anthe asked skeptically, staring at Sol's eyes which irritated Alice.

"This old man thinks he's hot stuff." She thought. But Sol simply gave her a glance and a split second smirk, making sure that Alice would not be disrespectful in that moment. After all, that would be classified as going against the government which, may cause problems for Hendrickson and to the paladins themselves.

"Why would a paladin lie?"

"Is that the only answer you're capable of?" Anthe furthered, belittling Sol as the personal guards of Anthe also grinned ever so slightly.

"Guess I need to educate this moron." Sol said, deciding to return the favor.

"Rules and Bylaws instituted by the Steel Domain."

"Section Two.

"Article 6."

"Clause Number 2."

"What are you saying?" Anthe asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm telling you where to look officer. Please refer to that so you'd be guided. Unless, that stack of paper you are holding on to is just for display of course." Sol said, gently roasting the old man who began feeling humiliated.

Anthe didn't go to the said part anymore. He was too humiliated and, he knew that is Sol was right, he'd be humiliated even more.

"Fine! You are dismissed."

"Are you sure sir? You don't want to look at it anymore?" Sol said in a worried tone, one which was intended to mock. And it did.

"Yes. However your servant needs to stay at the medical center for a while longer. Just to make sure that none of the damage is permanent." Anthe said in reply. Holding back his anger as much as he could while clenching his fists.

"Okay sir thank you very much." Hendrickson said, leaving together with Sol and Alice.

Just like the old man, there were a lot of old officials who actually hated the young Paladins. Their rising in rank wasn't something acceptable to those who were in service for longer than this. Thinking that there was a favoritism within the courts or that, the two were actually the king's playthings at night.

"One for Queen Lilia and the other fro King Jubilee." They thought to themselves. Unable to come to the logical conclusion:

That Sol and Alice got their status through hard work. That they themselves weren't even exerting that much effort. Wasting all their time in extorting the citizens or going on vice driven sprees. Drinking. Gambling. Smoking. Prostitution.

Of course Sol knew about the image he has but he couldn't care less about it. The greater majority still knew what was true. And even if they didn't, the boy thought it wouldn't matter much. So long as King Jubilee was on his side.

However, Hendrickson himself was not satisfied with the results. He didn't like how Sol and Alice were treated inside the prison and, decided to voice his discontent.

"Hey Sol. Why does your king allow people like those to serve?"

"Anthe? Because he has no choice of course."

"What do you mean he has no choice?"

"Think about it this way, no matter how capable the king and queen are, they cannot perform all the necessary functions in the domain all by themselves. That's why they need helping hands in order to maintain the balance."

The group walked through a quieter route. Helping Hendrickson enjoy himself in the slums. With Sol continuing to speak as they headed for their destination.

"Part of those who maintain this balance are people who can handle their office very well. Anthe is one of those. Although he is a pain in the ass to deal with, he is still a very capable officer when it comes down to it."

"But that doesn't answer my question."

"Well you see, we don't have that many people who are properly educated to lead. Do you understand now?" Alice gave the pleasure on giving easy hints which, for some reason, Hendrickson was still unable to follow.

"Influential people of the void has two things. One is connections that make their job easier and, the second is the natural ability to do the functions assigned to them. With the Void staying basically as a wasteland for so long, there wasn't much room for proper education. Leaving only the elites to handle the important roles."

These were things Solomon figured out by himself. Even before getting selected for the Culling. Long before he crossed fates with the Void King Jubilee. Solomon was well aware of what was happening around him. Questioning things whenever they didn't make any sense until they did. Otherwise he'd find a way to fix it if it was within his abilities.

"King Jubilee would've killed all the corrupt officials long ago if he could. But that in itself would cause even more chaos instead of actually restoring things. We need the old blood until capable new bloods have been trained to lead."

Hendrickson was nothing but amazed at that point. He was already amazed at Solomon of course. Back when they were still in the division, following Sol has been his pride and joy. Yet he was completely unaware of Sol's thinking capacity outside battle tactics. It was the first time he heard the boy speak of these things and, have even done so in much fluency.

In fact Hendrickson couldn't help himself anymore. He spoke the first thing that came to his mind. A role befitting Solomon and, only Solomon.

"Sol will you be the king someday?" He said, surprising the paladins who stopped at their tracks.

"What are you talking about? There's no way that I'd be king." Solomon said in reply, already placing all the variables into consideration.

"But that's the fair thing to do here! If they give you that title, then you can continue from where King Jubilee left off."

Alice shared the same sentiment of course. She knew that no other person could follow Jubilee's trail other than Sol. It was a job that only he could carry. Even if they trained all the nobles. Even if they gave them the best education. They would only be overshadowed by Sol's mere genius.

"How about we just drop the subject there. Jules Pendragon is still alive and as long as he is, the throne will be naturally passed down to him."

"Come on man. I'd even transfer domains just to serve under you."

"I'm flattered Rick, I really am. But the role of the king isn't like every other. It is passed down from father to son. That is the only route it could take. Even if King Jubilee forces the throne on me, it would only cause chaos in the Void. I don't want to be a catalyst to that. Not after we've come this far."

"So the only reason you're not seriously thinking about it is because you're worried for the sake of your domain?" Hendrickson said in a tone of unbelief.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Sol replied as if this was the natural response.

"Fine. I give up." Hendrickson said, raising his hands in the air.

"But, if things actually work that way, don't forget about what I said." Hendrickson furthered, insisting that he be a knight of Sol.

"I won't be stopping you. Keep on dreaming Rick." Sol said lightheartedly.

"Yeah and Alice could be your queen." Rick added as a joke. Something which continued echoing in Alice's ears as she envisioned the said scenario on her head.

"W-What are y-you saying?" Alice stuttered and was flushed read.

"Hey are you okay Alice? You seem kinda red." Sol said, trying to touch Alice's forehead. Instinctively, the girl grabbed on to this, flipping Sol upside down and knocking him out cold.

"MYYY KIIIG!" Hendrickson said in worry as he tried to get near yet Alice also threw him upside down. Also knocking him out. Temporarily hindering the three from proceeding as Alice herself was overheating.


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