A Story of Evil

Chapter 126: Supreme King

Chapter 126: Supreme King

King Nova began bellowing in laughter. With everyone else just as surprised, baffled by the words uttered by the Void King.

"Jubilee, of all the things you said, this has by far exceeded them all."

"Thank you, I couldn't agree more." The Void king replied, pissing off Nova even more. 

"Do you really think we'd surrender our domains to you just like that? I recognize just like everyone else that we owe a debt to the Void. But there should be a limit to how much you stomp on our pride."

Even at that moment, King Jubilee already anticipated the kind of reaction his fellow monarchs would have. He knew that it would not be that easy to persuade them. Not after having their lands develop. 

But King Jubilee was far from losing. He knew how to turn the tables in his favor. No matter how disadvantageous the situation may seem.

"Both the Domain Expansion and the Division lead by my queen has one thing in common. That a citizen of the Void leads it perfectly well, although the people under them are from different domains."

"What are you trying to imply? That you're better than us?"

"Oh I'm not trying to imply it. I'm stating it as a fact. We all know that without my leadership, you would've all fallen to the guillotine. Sentenced by your own people. Yet here you all are, enjoying bountiful prosperity because of my protection."

"You should mince your words Void king."

"Mince my words? Why? Since when was it a crime to speak the truth?"

"It is a crime to rob others of their domain."

"Isn't it a bigger crime to rob your people of a future? Without my leadership, your domains will be stagnant. You'd watch from the sidelines as my own Domain advances continuously. And when the war comes, who do you think will win?"

"Face it. I'm the only one who has a comprehensive grasp of our enemies and their capabilities. I'm not the one who needs you. You are the ones who need me."

"So what you're saying is you want us to step down and give you full authority?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to rob you of your domains. You can still rule it as viceroys. I cannot directly govern the whole of humanity. The population is too big for me to address all the needs of the citizens."

"Then what do you want exactly?" King Frost asked.

"I want my authority to be higher than yours. Whatever I say goes. There would be no exception to this rule."

"So we are still kings and queens. Except there is a higher power which can order us from time to time is that it?" Ezekiel asked.


"That actually doesn't sound like a bad deal."

"King Ezekiel!" Aqua rebuked.

"What? It's true right? I mean I certainly don't want my people to die meaningless deaths when those monsters invade. Plus, my authority is still intact. I can rule my people and, although this is to a limited extent, at least I can ensure a better future through the development of my domain." The young king explained. Making the other monarchs clear up their false misconceptions.

"We don't have much time. It's sink or swim. You decide."

The monarchs were once again caught at crossroads. They didn't want to get their domains taken from them Yet they also knew that the points Jubilee made were all valid. Despite the fact that it left a bad taste in their mouth, there was nothing illogical about what was being proposed.

But Nova, in particular, didn't want things to simply end there. That's why he spoke up at that time.

"Before we get a complete reset of what happened last year, can you at least tell us what you plan to impose once you get that power?"

"So you'll believe what I say?" 

"That depends."

"Okay, first of all I want to remove the limits imposed on our domains. I want our citizens to freely intermingle and coexist BUT!" Before continuing, Jubilee made a sharp tone. Making sure that nobody interrupts him while ensuring everyone that he wasn't finished speaking.

"This isn't something we'll force. It's just a way to share cultures and traditions between domains. Think of it like tourists visiting your city."

"Tourists?" One monarch said, not understanding what the word meant. It was, after all, a non existent concept in Ether.

"City?" Another said, thinking of the [Ruined Metropolitan City] where the last Culling was held. With only bad vibes coming into that Monarch's head.

Jubilee explained the concepts one by one as simply as he could. Not wanting to overload the heads of the monarchs with too much information.

"How sure are you that something like that would work?"

"Well for one thing, don't we already have two evidences?" 

The lines connected in the heads of the monarchs immediately. Making them understand Jubilee's words at that exact moment. He was referring to the two divisions lead by the Voids. The same divisions composed of different types of citizens. Those that went with a purpose of aiding out all the domains was actually a test at Jubilee's theory.

"Jubileesince when did you have these things planned?"

"What do you mean? Everything I do is part of a greater scheme of things."

That was the moment they fully understood how terrifying Jubilee was. He was not only insanely strong. Jubilee also moved with great caution and precision. In fact, they didn't even know how far ahead Jubilee was planning. Nor did they have the mental capacity to try and comprehend it.

"You are free to impose the ground rules on your respective domains. You'll prescribe the requirements for entering your domain. You'll also dictate what your own citizens need before they can leave your domain. But under no circumstance are you to hurt or offend your visitors without a valid reason."

"What valid reason is that exactly?"

"If they destroy public property, vandalize it, or hurt one of your citizens. Those are the bare minimum. Also, they are not expected to follow all your customs and, they can also turn into permanent citizens."

"Permanent? You want citizens from other domains to live in our lands?"

"Yes. Of course, that will still be subjected to the rules you create. Anyway, that is the first thing I want to impose."

With all of the things Jubilee said, something was still amiss. An important aspect which, the monarchs believed, was not placed into consideration. That's why Nova voiced out his concern once again.

"What good would that do for the invasion you speak of?" The fire king said. Thinking that the rule which Jubilee wanted to expose was an isolated case. Something which would not help should was really ensue.

"Do I really have to explain everything around here? By being visited by other domains, you increase the chances of also having romantic relationships between two types of citizens. Meaning, two type of powers. And if by chance they have a child"

"You mean it's possible to have two powers at once?"

"Well we do not have evidence of that yet. But as I said, the Seraphims mated with the women of our race and were able to mix their genes with ours. In all likelihood that means our genes have become, somehow, adaptive. That's why the first generation were even able to turn into monsters."

"With the culling gone. With all of us sharing equal resources. With lands being distributed fairly. I think there is no real threat in being visited right?" Jubilee added.

"Still, the concept you are speaking off would take too long to get the effects. Plus, what about the possibility of a the child from two domains not having dual powers? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the idea behind your law?" Ezekiel said.

"i thought you were on his side?" Nova asked.

"Who said I'm taking sides? All I'm interested in here is the welfare of my citizens." The new Earth King said. With Jubilee liking him even more from both the reasonable question and the statement given.

"Of course I also placed that into account. If the war breaks then we are required to join forces in order to win. There's no doubt about it. That's why, to establish deeper bonds and greater trust between domains, we need to allow our citizens to intermingle. That way, we can count on the fact that, other domains we'll have our back."

Ezekiel was satisfied with the answer given. Not asking anything more. Even the other rulers were satisfied. Thinking that Jubilee's logic and planning were both exceptional. But Jubilee didn't end there. He added another statement which stressed out his point.

"Again. With the Domain Expansion and the Rebuilding division demonstrating this camaraderie, we already have an idea that it can work."

All the things which King Jubilee did during the past months all made sense at that point. Every command he gave which seemed to give him no actual benefit were actually the aces up his sleeves. Ones which he began laying to the table. Without any counter. Without any chance of losing.

The monarchs once again saw him in a new light. In fact, they even began respecting him more at that point. He may only be working for what he wants but, in the process they also benefited from it. They didn't even feel that they were being lured until there was no turning back.

Until Jubilee gave his offer again. And, that time around, everyone finally agreed. Making the Void King the supreme ruler of the ten domains.


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