A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Bad Attitude

Silvia invited Ella into her new office and offered her a seat.

She was silent for a while then she said, “how do you like my new office?”

Her intention in asking that question was to torment Ella and make her feel jealous.

“It looks great and it suits you better,” Ella replied sardonically with a fake smile.

Ella was intrigued by her childish behavior and she encouraged her to display more of her absurdity.

“I love your decorations,” Ella said looking around.

“Thank you, I made it all by myself,” she said feeling impressed at her office design.


“Ella, I’ve decided to make you my assistant. Hence, we will be working together most of the time, and I want a hundred percent commitment from you. I believe together, we will take this company to heights no one had ever dreamt of. So, can I count on your loyalty?”

“Sure thing Silvia, you can count on me as always,” Ella said with a deceptive smile. “I’m sure your parents will be proud of you wherever they are.”

“Uh....h, ye....s, they are, thank you,” she half stammered, betraying her confident look. “Now, let’s discuss some new ideas for the new brand.”

During their lunch break, Denise couldn’t help herself from asking Ella to spill the beans, as she observed her friend smiling and walking toward her.

“Tell me everything, my ears are itchy for the whole gossip,” Denise grinned animatedly.

“Calm down Denise, not everything at the moment, remember the walls have ears,”

“Oka....y, tell me something at least, I’m dying to hear it”

“Hmm, dying? Please, don’t die yet, I still need you around.”

“Come on Ella, be serious.”

“Well, I will be attending the ‘Cherry Gala,’ this Saturday.”

“You are!”


“Oh my goodness! Ella, I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, dear, I know you are.”

“What would it take from me to get selected? Do I have to slap Mr. Frost and take a day off?” Denise whispered.

Ella burst out laughing, “No....o, that will get you fired”

“I hope I get selected anyway. That’s one place I would love to be this weekend. Just imagine the fashion icons and celebrities that will be there. Maybe, I could find myself a super rich boyfriend,” Denise winked at Ella

“I hope so too,” Ella said with a smile.

After thirty minutes of lunch, and mini gossiping, Ariella left the company’s cafeteria and walked back to her desk. On her way, she got a call from Olivia.

Olivia Newman, formally known as Olivia Porter when she was still unmarried, was Ariella’s younger sister.

When Ariella and Olivia were younger, they were practically inseparable. They had fun memories growing up and always had each other’s back, both in good and bad times.

Ariella being the first with her uniquely charming and adventurous personality was her dad’s favorite. Although her mum loved and cherished her, they never seemed to agree most of the time. But when Olivia came along, her mum’s love for her was unequaled. She was the humble and obedient one, she never seemed to go against her parent’s wishes.

Sometimes, her mum would always repeat the same statement whenever Ariella went against her order. “Ella, why can’t you be more like your younger sister, life would be a lot better for you if you would listen to my advice for once.”

Although the statement usually hurt her feelings, her dad and sister were always there to defend her actions. And this made Ariella love them unconditionally.

Olivia was brilliant like her sister, and also, one of the youngest dentists by profession at the age of twenty-two. She was married to her college sweetheart, Reuben Newman, who was a gynecologist. She had a two years old son, Matthew, and was pregnant with her second child. This was the perfect life version according to her mum.

“Hi sweetheart,” Olivia said when Ella picked up the call, “I never got to hear from you since yesterday, I guess you went out partying. I didn’t want to cut short your fun. So, how’s the new office?”

“I didn’t get the promotion, dear,” Ella replied, feeling a little bit uneasy. “I was screwed up by my bosses. Don’t worry, when I come around, I’ll give you the details.”

“Ohh pumpkin! I’m so sorry, I wasn’t aware. Oh my goodness! Those bastards! They’re gonna pay dearly for this.”

“Slow down cupcake,” Ella smiled, “I know what you can do when you are angry. We wouldn’t want to upset the baby now, would we?”

“The baby is fine,” Olivia sounded very furious, “I’m not due until the next three months. I could come down to that office, and give them a piece of my mind.”

“How is Reuben and my cutie nephew, baby Matthew,” Ella quickly changed the subject of discussion.

“Reuben is doing great and point of correction, Matthew said he is a big boy now and should no longer be addressed as a baby,” Olivia seemed a bit calmed.

“Seriously!” Ella chuckled, “point taken. I’ll have to find him a girlfriend.” Ella paused a while. She breathed in deeply and exhaled. “Hmm... I miss you, I can’t wait to see your beautiful face.”

“I miss you even more Ella, just be brave like you’ve always been for me. I know you already have a plan B.”

“Sure thing, please, keep mum in the dark about this. I’ll let her know when I’m ready, okay?”

“Okay darling, just keep me updated.”

“I’ve got to go back to work now, talk to you later,” Ella said on reaching her desk.

“Alright love, bye”

“Bye, sweetie.” Ella hung up.

It was 1:20 PM and the atmosphere in the fashion creative department was buzzing with different activities. Some staff members, still feeling excited from their lunch break were seen moving around, trying to work and gossip at the same time.

Ella was on her desk and engulfed in her work when she noticed that everyone had suddenly gone quiet and were staring at something behind her. When she turned around, she was stunned by the blonde beauty in dark designer sunglasses, that walked into their office.

The lady was elegantly dressed in a short fitted black gown with a white jacket hanging over her shoulder and pencil-heeled black shoes. Her captivating long and slender neck was adorned with a beautiful vintage pearl necklace. When she walked, she had the grace of a moon goddess.

She stopped walking midway, took off her sunglasses, revealing enchanting crystal blue eyes, and scanned her environment like she owned the company and everyone in the office were beneath her. Then a voice cut through the quiet and spellbound workers.

“Hey Chloe,” Silvia waved her over to her office.

Chloe walked elegantly towards her friend’s office smiling. They hugged briefly, exchanging pleasantries as they entered the office and shut the door.

The office came alive again but this time, everyone seemed to be talking about Chloe, all at once


“What a beauty!...”

“I’m in love!...”

“Who is she?...”

“Is she royalty?...”

“She’s not within your league...”

“I’ve seen that face before on the front cover of a magazine...”

Denise walked up to Ella and whispered. “Check out the boss lady with her bossy friend.”

Ella smiled and replied, “what do you expect? I’m not surprised. Her friend is very pretty anyway.”

“Definitely not as beautiful as you. Ella, you are beyond beautiful, if only you would loosen up a bit and have a life aside from work.”

“Thanks, dear, I’ll try”

“Have you decided on what to wear for the Cherry Gala?”

“Oh yes,” Ella smiled animatedly, “but we can’t discuss it here, let’s meet at my place this evening and we’ll talk about it extensively.”

“That will be lovely, I can’t wait.” Denise giggled excitedly and went back to work.

The intercom on Ella’s desk rang and Ella picked it up.

“Ella, I need you in my office right now,” Silvia said and hung up.

Ella, sighed at her bossy behavior, and went over to her office. When she knocked and entered, Chloe turned around. She scrutinized Ella in an arrogant way. Then she turned back to Silvia.

“You are certain, she can come up with a unique style for me? Remember, I must be the center of attraction on that day, I want Leon drooling over me.”

“Trust me, Chloe, aside from me, she is one of our best. And based on our conversation last night, you wouldn’t want anyone in his company to have a clue of your outfit choice and design.”

“That’s true, I....” She thought for a while, “let me speak to mum about it first, I want her opinion.

“Okay,” Silvia smiled

“Silvia, you sent for me,” Ella stiffened out of anger, as she was ignored like she weren’t in the office.

“Can’t you see we are talking? Learn to mind your place girlie,” Chloe shot her a piercing look and rolled her eyes.

“Silvia, send her out of your office till I’m done. I don’t like her tone and her cheap perfume disgusts me.”

Ella was awestruck and infuriated by Chloe’s attitude and statement but she swallowed hard and said nothing.

“Excuse us, Ella, I’ll call you back when I’m ready,” Silvia said blankly. She was undisturbed by Chloe’s rude behavior towards Ella.


Ella looked at both of them briefly, before storming out of the office. She was irked by Chloe’s mannerless attitude and by Silvia shallowness.

“What a rude staff you have here, I don’t think I want her working on my design, get someone else, Silvia, okay.”

“That wouldn’t be a problem, Chloe, she had been that way ever since my promotion. She always had an eye for my office.”

“What a loser,” Chloe shrugged and changed the topic.

Ella had never felt this belittled in her entire life, a million daring thoughts ran through her mind, but she reminded herself of her plan and took a deep breath to calm her strained nerves. She wasn’t going to let this spoilt and over-pampered brat with a bad attitude destroy her plans.

At the end of the day’s work, Ariella and Denise left the office They chatted, giggled and laughed out loud in some cases as they drove to Ariella’s house, while discussing all the thrilling events of the day.

When they finally entered the house, Ella went straight into her bedroom and came out with an elegant and sophisticated crepe pink long flowing gown.

Denise opened her mouth in surprise.

“Oh my gosh! Ella! Where did you get this dress from?”

Ella chuckled at her friend’s expression.

“I designed and made it, although, I’m still adding some finishing touches. This is just one of my many collections, and I intend to wear this to the Cherry Gala.”

“There are still more!” Denise’s eyes widened

“Yes, there are,” Ella smiled, “but I can’t show them to you now. At the right time, you’ll be one of the first people to see them. So what do you think about this dress?”

“Are you kidding me!? It’s gorgeous and unique, I’ve never seen any design like this. But the right question is, can you wear this? The exposed back, the long sleet, can you really wear this dress?”

“I can imagine the look on Silvia’s face or even Mr. Frost’s when they lay their eyes on you. Just get ready for the drama after the party,” Denise’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

“Hmm, you have no clue, I’m so ready for them.”


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