A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Sunset

YELLOW. This is the color that put a warm smile on your heart.

The golden yellow sun, shone brightly from above the enchanting blue sky, casting glitter of sparkling lights that reflected on the waves of the sea.

The hopping, chirping, fluttering of wings, and sweet melody of the beautiful birds nesting in the distant olive trees harmonized with the whistling of its branches and leaves.

By the cliffside, on the sunbathing platform, was the captivating sight of a red hair beauty in a seductive ocean blue bikini and dark shades.

Ariella seemed oblivious of her surrounding as she lay face-up looking towards the sky, daydreaming.

She marveled in awe of the whimsical puffy white clouds and imagined herself riding on them as they took different forms. She admired the colorful birds flapping and rambling up in the beautiful sky, flying straight or something in a curvy line.

The gentle sea breeze with a misty smell brought happy memories of her days back in Springchad with her dad.


Once every three months, when they were just little girls between the ages of six and eight, her dad would take Olivia and her on a fish hunting adventure on some of the known streams and bay in Springchad.

For every trip, the six lessons he taught them were always the same; patience and perseverance, loss, problem-solving, friendly competition, awareness of surroundings, and being present in the moment. This lesson had being Ariella’s guide all through her life.

He also taught them all the nitty-gritty involved in fishing using the hook and line. Whenever they caught a fish, he would celebrate either of them like they had won a presidential award.

Leon stood from a vantage position admiring his beautiful wife-to-be. He watched as the fading sun glistened on her skin. He drank in her seductive and alluring body. He marveled at her beauty and calmness.

Earlier, when he arrived from his trip, he inquired from Paul about Ariella’s whereabouts. After a satisfactory answer, he went down to his bedroom and took a light shower. Then he returned to his terrace and watched Ariella sunbathing from a distance.

He went into his home office and did some digging about the mysterious letter. Then he called in the services of some private detectives that worked for him, to dig up the mysteries behind the letter. He instructed them to bait whoever delivered the letter and bring the person to him for questioning.

After that, he returned to the terrace and watched Ariella for a while before deciding to go join her.

He cautiously approached her and noticed that she was still calm and didn’t move. He thought for a minute if she was asleep and imagined planting a kiss on her lips to awaken her.

When he got closer, Ariella; whose senses were very alert, perceived his wood and minty cologne. She sat up, quickly took the robe beside her, and put them on.

“Hello gorgeous,” Leon smiled as he walked over to her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“I hope you’re having a great time. Have you had anything for lunch?” he said gazing into her eyes before taking a seat beside her.

“I’m doing great, thanks to you. Hmm... I’m not hungry yet,” she blushed slightly because of the kiss. “Maybe we can eat something later.”

“Okay. By the way, I love that lovely bikini of yours. It suits your amazing body,” Leon half smiled.

“Thanks. Has it been long since you arrived?” She questioned with a curious stare. She wondered if Leon had been watching her sunbath for a long time.

“A couple of minutes, maybe an hour or two,” he smirked. “But that doesn’t matter, I am just happy that you’re safe. You know, I missed those pretty smiles of yours.”

“Thanks for the compliment and every other thing.” She grinned and returned her gaze to the sea. “It’s so peaceful and beautiful out here.”

“Sure it is. So.. didn’t you miss me?”

“Umm..no.” When she saw his expression, she chuckled softly and said “okay, maybe slightly.”

Ella wasn’t comfortable with the direction of the flow of the conversation. Hence, she changed it.

“So how did your meeting go...” She remembered one of his conditions and refrained from asking him questions about his business.

Leon gave a knowing lopsided grin.

“Do you have an idea of the person that sent the letter?” She rephrased her questioning. ” And, should I be worried?”

“As long as you are with me, there is no cause for alarm. Anyone who tries to mess with my wife,” his stare was hard and cold, “will have me to contend with.”

Leon took off his shirt, exposing his bare chest, and laid down on the sun bed.

Ariella gawked in awe, at his athletic, powerful and chiseled physique. She felt like touching his sculptured ab. She looked up and her face flushed when their eyes locked.

“Do you like what you see?” Leon asked teasingly.

“Well, I can’t deny it, you do have an attractive body. I can tell you take your body fitness and exercising very seriously.”

Ella pretended to be in control of the situation. Moreover, if she was going to be his wife, she would have to get used to seeing him dressed in this manner sometimes.

“So, about the letter do you have an idea of who sent it to me?” Ella changed the topic again.

“Not yet, I’m still working on it,” he responded as he turned sideways on the sunbed in her direction, with his head resting on his hand.

“I have a hunch that Chloe is somehow involved in this letter. Aside from Frost, Kyle and Silvia, Chloe seemed to be the only person with a bitter vendetta against me. If I were to rule out those four individuals, then maybe an ex-girlfriend of yours is trying to intimidate me.”

“Ex-girlfriend?” Leon raised an eyebrow. He had no intentions of talking about Chloe, so he redirected his response.

“Don’t tell me you are already feeling jealous,” Leon smirked wickedly when she frowned.

Ella was tempted to roll her eyes but instead, she shut them and open them back.

“Why would I be jealous?” She slipped him a guarded look. “After all, I’m only here on a business contract with you. So I can’t be interested in your affairs.”

For some unknown reason, she felt hurt at the thought of him being with another girl. So she stood up and walked to the edge of the platform. She looked beyond the sea horizon lost in her thoughts.

The sun was setting and it cast an enchanting light on her body frame.

Leon sat up and took in the sight of her beauty from behind. He could feel his body heat rising and his needs piercing through his skin.

The previous night, back at the hotel after a stressful day of work and different deals he had to endorse, he had taken a pretty girl to bed. Even when he took her, he couldn’t get Ella off his mind. Unlike other enjoyable moments, he couldn’t wait to get rid of this girl. For some unknown reason, he felt he was betraying Ariella.

Now, looking at Ella, standing and watching the sunset, looking so captivating awoken the sleeping beast in him. He stood up, walked up to her, and held her from behind.

Ella’s body trembled in shock. She wasn’t expecting this. She tried in vain to free herself from his grip. The more she struggled, the more she felt his warm embrace tighten until all she could do was relax and enjoy the warmth of his body.

“Isn’t this a beautiful scene, both of us in this warm embrace watching the sunset together...?” Leon allowed his words to the trail, as he gently brushed his hands against her folded arms. “You know what? I think I have seen this kind of scene in a romance movie.” He breathed close to her ears. “I could get used to this.”

“Mr. Leon, this is not part of the conditions in your contract,” she spoke softly but firmly. Her heart thumped loudly and she was gradually losing herself in his warmth. “You are breaching my personal space. Am I to expect this all the time?” Her body tingled due to his soft breath that brushed past her ears.

“Only when you look this seductive,” he gently turned her over and planted a soft kiss on her lips before releasing her.

Ella knew it would be hopeless trying to fight this handsome man. She seemed to be inwardly crazy about him. The truth was that anytime he came this close, she always hoped for a kiss.

She watched him with a beating heart as he walked over to the sunbed, picked up his tee shirt, effortlessly slide them on, and walked towards the cliff path after inviting her to follow him inside.

She touched her cheeks, then slid down her hand to her neck and then her chest as she imagined his strong hands still holding her close. She bit her lower lips and shut her eyes, then fantasized about Leon taking off her robes and...

“Aren’t you coming for dinner?” Leon smirked mischievously as he took her free left hand and gazed into her sparkling eyes.

Ella’s face flushed with embarrassment. She hadn’t heard or noticed him returning to get her. “Oh no! He must have seen my response to his kiss,” she mused under her breath.

“What was that you said?” He smiled and kissed her left hand.

“I said, let’s go,” she pulled her hand free and led the way back to the house. She didn’t bother looking back if Leon was following her. All she wanted to do now was go up into her room, take a warm shower and cover up her body before returning to the dining room for dinner.

Leon quietly followed her behind, his whole body had been inflamed by Ella’s exposed passion. He already knew she wanted him the way he badly wanted her. He became curious about her love life. Who could have been so fortunate to have had her love? He was desperate to find out.


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