A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 76: (You are not)Welcome to London!

Chapter 76: (You are not)Welcome to London!

"Oh, yes... Paleblood... Well, you've

come to the right place.

Yharnam is the home of blood ministration.

You need only unravel its mystery.

But, where's an outsider like yourself

to begin?

Easy, with a bit of Yharnam blood

of your own...

But first, you'll need a contract..."

From the darkness, I heard distant whispers of words. My muddled consciousness could barely recognize what was said as being English let alone anything legible, yet they felt strangely familiar and foreboding. As if the words were a sign hung above the gates of hell itself.

"Good. All signed and sealed. Now,

let's begin the transfusion.

Oh, don't you worry.

Whatever happens...

You may think it all a mere bad dream..."

I felt something warm yet alien invade my body. Spreading throughout my body through my bloodstream. Yet before my mind could restart properly I felt the darkness overtake my consciousness once more.


"Ugh... did that fucking truck hit me again...?"

I groggily got up from my... bed? I don't have a bed... wait this is a stretcher... hold up a fucking minute.

Soul-crushing pain... tutorial... system restoration... travel...


"Did my MOTHERFUCKING system transmigrate me again!?"

Just the very thought of everything that just happened brought me an indescribable amount of anger but I kept my rationale as I realized something. I was weak. Like unbelievably weaker than my previous self. Yet the body itself wasn't that much weaker though. But my connection to my abilities didn't feel like they were there at all.

Then the thought came to my head. Why not open the system, if something has the answer to my questions that it has to be the damn thing that sent me here in the first place. But as I opened my status, the panel that came up was different.


Adjusting to world logic...



Name: John "Manus" Moore

{ Titles: None. }

{ Blood Echoes: 0 }

{ Insight: 0 }

{Level: 4}


{Vitality: 10}(Attribute governing HP)

{Endurance: 9}(Attribute governing stamina and resistances.)

{Strenght: 10}(Attribute governing physical might.)

{Skill: 9}{Attribute governing dexterity and nuance)

{Bloodtinge: 7}(Attribute governing the concentration of ??? in blood)

{Arcane: 9}(Attribute governing mystery and attunement )



{Blood Infusion lv.1}


<{Seed of ???}>, < Language > <{Mental Corruption lv.??(broken)}>, <Travel(locked until completion)>, <Eldrich Contract>


Of course.


Of course.


Of course.


Of course, it's Bloodborne. Why am I even a tiny, minuscule, microscopic, infinitesimal bit surprised? This is only to be expected. I finish one hellscape just to be thrown into another.




But after a few dozen seconds my surprise and indignation faded enough as I released a resigned sigh and cracked my neck while standing up to my full imposing 6'2 height.

I was a veteran, I had already fought my way through Lordran. Being thrown to another hellscape was just par for the course. So I wasn't really in shock for long. Plus system seems to have suppressed some of my more debilitating mental illnesses for now so that I can function. Which I appreciate. I looked over my body and smiled.

At least there was at least plus to getting chucked into Bloodborne.

I was currently fucking DRIPPING.

My attire consisted of dress pants, shirt, shoes along with a striped faded red vest over the shirt and a small cape with a hood over it all. The belts on the pants also looked cool and I could tie things to them if need be. I had forgotten the concept of wearing cool clothes, damn.

Curious I checked my inventory but much to my disappointment, while it still existed it was still empty. Regardless I took a look around the room I woke up in. I noticed a note in the room and took a look at it. Thanks to my impeccable memory from the years I spent as a hollow I only generally remembered Bloodborne. On note read:

"Seek paleblood to transcend the hunt."

Right, eldrich abomination contract means I am once again an immortal tool of murder. Albeit this time they are more upfront about it. Whatever at this point this shit is Tuesday.


Main quest received: Paleblood.


Apparently, the system has missed me due to our period of separation since it became more talkative recently, whats more curious was this main quest thingamabob.


Main Quest: Paleblood

Description: Trapped in the service of an eldrich abomination and stripped of your powers you need to escape this nightmare by acquiring elder blood.

Requirements: Transcend the hunt.

Reward: Travel function restoration, status restoration, access to the in-between.


Those are a lot of words that I do not feel like processing right now. So I will just say 'I like your funny words system man'. Slapping the window away I looked around properly, it was definitely a clinic. Medicines and surgical equipment were scattered everywhere as well as a bookshelf on the wall which I unceremoniously took all the books from. There was also medical alcohol on one of the shelves.

*Shrug* Why not?

I took the bottle off the shelf and looked at its tag. Ethanol. It will do. With that, I tore off the cap and chugged it.

Immediately my mouth went numb and burned. But the fact itself that I managed to acquire alcohol did wonders for my mood as I continued searching around with the ethanol in my hand, my system said something about poison resistance but I couldn't care less right now. The alcohol in my blood circulation made everything at least bearable right now.

I continued looking around the clinic and the place looked absolutely trashed to hell. As I went around I also obeyed my loot goblin instincts and took whatever I deemed of even slight value to me. And just as I went down some stairs and waded through some doors until I arrived at what seemed to be a surgery room and I saw something.

A big ass werewolf-like creature that was far bigger than a normal man absolutely digging into some poor sod like it had been starving for a millennium. Of course, my moon-shined tired, and exhausted brain did not really give a proper response to the situation.

'What a whimsical little creature.'

The creature, upon noticing me raised its head from its lunch and looked at me like it just found dinner.

Barking at me the creature started barking and growling before lunging at me with its claw raised. Of course, even without the aid of my skills I still saw the movements in near slow motion as I leaned out of the attack's way by bending my waist slightly, narrowly dodging the claw.

Now. I have been in a VERY bad mood ever since I was stuffed into this world so unfortunately for this poor pupper, it was going to have to act as a stress ball for me. Of course, it was still strong enough to snap a fully grown and well-built man in half but that meant nothing to me.

Sometimes, it seems, even with the system suppression it leaks out. I won't deny it, it is still a part of me. Denying it will just be stupid. Shifting to the side I let the beast pass me and fall back down to the floor onto its 4 legs.

Suddenly the beast froze in place as if the temperature in the room dropped by thousands, the very air felt suffocating to it. As if the world itself had blotted out and the jaws of death clenched around its neck. Announcing the end of its life.

All of its instincts screamed to flee but its body refused to. The insane instincts of a beast betrayed it. It only was able to raise its head slightly.

Yet all it was able to see through the blotted world was a pair of dark purple eyes boring into its soul. It was as if the very essence of murder was crystallized and dug into its being.

But all of a sudden the pressure receded as if nothing happened. And the simple creature, although confused, resumed as its overpowering instinct to consume blood replaced the confusion with frenzy once more.

It lunged at me once more, unbelievably predictably so. In my mind, unless I allowed it to, this beast in front of me didn't pose any threat to me in any way shape or form.

In fact, when I released my complete murderous intent the poor thing nearly died of a heart attack. How sad, in any case, this was a perfect time to release some frustration.

I bent my back and leaned just out of the swipe's reach. Then I followed the instincts that were once buried in my soul.

My muscles activated as their limiters were forcefully turned off. The brain pushed the muscles to their limit to display their utmost capabilities. A technique with which I managed to defeat a giant demon that was far more fearsome than this mutt.

My body bent and my bones cracked from the absolute power contained in my muscles. Twisting my foot and rotating my body I leant down and swung my fist a the beast's head. My entire body moving at extreme speeds.

< You have recovered the skill {Deadman's Blow lv.1} >

< You have acquired the skill {Mad Hollow Combat lv.1} >

*Crush!* *Splat!*

My fist impacted the beast's head and it was almost like a grenade had exploded at the point of collision. The fist brutally ripped off the beast's head and sent its body ragdolling onto the floor crashing into the wood panels on the floor.

<You have slain 1x {Scourge Beast} +336 Blood Echoes>

I felt wisps of energy alike blood enter my body while I inspected my hand. Or the lack thereof. It had completely exploded after turning the scourge beasts head into past tense.

It hurt a lot. But my threshold of pain that I would actually react to was leagues above this so I took some cloth lying around and tied it around my bleeding stump and called it a day. Taking another swing of my ethanol I kept moving forward.

Normally I would loot the beast but I didn't really want that stinky beast smelling up my inventory. On one of the corpses laid about I saw a nostalgic sight. A shining point on its body. Interacting with it gave me a blood vial.

And since the system said it would restore my health upon consumption I took out that bad boy, ripped the cap off with my teeth, and chugged that shit like it was beer. It tasted surprisingly sweet and refreshing but the main taste just felt like pure adrenalin.

Right after my stump started painfully growing my hand back which I actually hissed at, very unpleasant. Walking up some more stairs I breathed in. This may be an unfortunate circumstance, being chucked into here and all but.

No one said that I don't enjoy a new adventure.

Besides, not like I can do anything about it at the moment other than crying so I might as well enjoy it.

With slight excitement, I pushed open the doors to Yharmam.

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Check out my other work: Fate/Beyond.

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