A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 64: Ravelord Nito.

Chapter 64: Ravelord Nito.

Grinning I wiped away the trail of blood at the corner of my lips. That sword dance really did a number on me. But there seemed to be a lot of fodder hanging around me. Let's fix that.


I narrowly dodged yet another phantom blade popping up from underneath me. Regaining my balance I stomped the ground using Umbra, creating an explosion that sent all the skeletons surrounding me flying. I summoned the dead man's blade and got into stance.

'{Holy Arma-'

Before I could finish my word a giant bony hand veiled in shadows grasped my helmet. But since I was far too experienced at getting my ultimate interrupted I managed to coat my entire head in darkness before Nito slammed my skull into the ground.


That unfortunately didn't stop me from getting dunked a solid 2 meters into the ground headfirst. Nito is far stronger and faster than I thought.

He is powerful, very much so. Probably stronger than even coked-up Ornstein. Not as skilled but his physical strength is higher and so is his ability. But he is lacking in the speed department, you know being a giant amalgamation of skeletons and all.

Still stuck on the ground I raised my hand and held it out toward Nito. Energies converging on my palm, creating a bubble of force and flame.

{Force} + {Inferno} = {Blast Shot}


A burst of red-black flame emerged from my palm like a missile and further boosted by soul release nearly tore my arm off the socket yet barely budged Nito as he lifted me by the head and chucked me toward a wall with all of his strength.


I crashed into the wall like a human bullet creating a giant cloud of dust as my body impacted the wall. Using the dust cloud made from my impact I used hidden body and muffle to hide my presence as I rushed out.

There is no way I will be able to pull the same shit I did with Ornstein I need to be smart about this. I turned off soul release to not burn out too fast. I need to counter him to deal actual damage.

Didn't I just get a weapon for this? I took out the Moonlight Greatsword. The blade felt strange in my hand, an unknown familiarity for some reason. But for some reason, it felt right in my hands, just like the dead man's blade.

It's the counterpart to the deadman's blade, a blade of beautiful and refined light in contrast to the heavy and rough darkness. In my hands the blade shine and resonated with me, borrowing my transformation ability to change to a shape more suited for myself. Sleeker and wieldy.

Brute force won't win me this fight, no matter what I do I won't surpass him in power. I need to win in skill. I need to use my skills effectively to beat Nito. This is a test of how far I have come.

Prove to myself I can best Nito this time without going berserk and pass my previous self.

< You have received the quest [Challenge : Nito] >


<Challenge: Nito>

Requirements: Kill Nito without dying.

Reward: Cloak of the Undead King.


Breathing in I dispelled hidden body and muffle as I muttered inside my mind.

'Deadman Style: Total Concentration'

The world faded to gray, the only color that remained was myself and Nito who appeared in front of me with his blade raised. He slashed down but I momentarily used inferno in my offhand to push myself out of the blade's path and slashed out with the moonlight great sword.


My blade met Nito's cape of miasma, making the sound of boiling water as the blade of moonlight cut the black miasma. Unfortunately for me Nito did not seem too affected by this as he gathered black miasma around himself.

Seeing this I immediately put up my guard, a new technique I invented after observing the dark hand. Using the spacial aspect of the darksouls to distort the space in front of me to act as a shield. The space in front of me rippled like water as it gained a purple hue.


A giant explosion of miasma and shadow erupted. My shield only held out for a few seconds before shattering and sending me flying but I managed to regain my bearings midair and cast bountiful sunlight on myself fixing my internal injuries.

The moment I landed my figure blurred as I pushed my speed to its limits using deadman style and appeared in front of Nito. Taking advantage of the opening he gave me I slashed with my blade once again. Damaging his cloak of miasma once again as I dodged another one of his slashes.

'Flame Spears'

Imitating the crystal soul spear, I used armageddon blade to shape spears of intense flame and sent them straight toward Nito. Ten spears rained down on him in response he released yet another wave of miasma that suffocated my flame.

Before I could get out of his range using inferno to dash away his hand glowed black as I felt a heavy suction force drag me in. Seeing his fist reeled back I anticipated his move and readied my fist as well, darkness and force forming a bubble around my own while his was coated in shadows and miasma.


As our fists collided it felt like the whole world was straining as space and time bent around us, our fists not even being able to touch. But as I said, I wouldn't contest him in strength. Chopping off my arm that was stuck in the clash Nito suddenly went of balance from missing me as I used {fall} to drag myself down to the ground.

In total concentration, an idea bloomed into my mind. An idea that all of my personalities seemed to agree to. From what I see, swords are really ineffective against Nito so unfortunately I can't rely on ol' moonlight against him.

But what is the opposite of death?


What is pyromancy exactly? The ability to manipulate life and flame. So far with my armageddon blade, I have been only using the flame part of it what if I use the life part too? And since light also does increased damage toward dark why not add that in too?

Sending my moonlight blade away I went barehanded. Drawing upon my armageddon blade, Oolacile Sorceries, and the soul of the Bed of Chaos. I created an aura of golden-yellow flames rippling around me Recovering Nito swung his blade down once again but I avoided it using extreme speed, this time appearing above him.

'{Soul Release}!'

This time instead of releasing black and white flames I drew upon my other soul, releasing golden yellow warm light that looked both like fire and lightning as my eyes turned golden. The idea I replicated turned real and if this worked then the rest would too.

'{Sendo Hamon Style}!'

I oriented my body as my leg dislocated in various places the glow around it intensifying.

'{Sendo Hamon Whip}!'


My leg moved like a whip as it broke the sound barrier and slammed into Nito's back. Making a large cracking sound as well as melting a small portion of his body. Creating a foothold of flame I vanished again before appearing behind his back.

I felt alive! Actually alive! For once I wasn't fighting for my life, I wasn't fighting because of despair or rage. I abandoned all of those negative thoughts, feeling life inhabit my body for the first time ever. This time I was fighting because I wanted to. No one was forcing me to do this.

No strings of anger held me. I was only driven by myself. Crouching low I gave another hamon kick to Nito, this time aiming for his legs. His legs snapped and burnt from the blow. The wound on me healed from the passive of my hamon.

While not as strong as darkness release, sendo hamon form was definitely more maintainable as instead of killing me this one gave me regeneration and life powers. Ducking under another sword swing I steadied my breathing.



A wave of hamon hit Nito along with my punch, sending him back. The skeletons on his chest were cracked and burning with a yellow hue. Nito gathered his arm back and thrust it out, sending a giant wave of miasma coming toward me.

In response, I held out both hands as I regulated my breathing with an excited grin.

''Sendo Wave Overdrive!!!"

My wave of hamon cleaved through the miasma like butter while my surroundings got crushed and decayed to dust, which included Nito's servants. Eventually, my wave of hamon reached Nito and made him stagger from the opposing energy. Interrupting his wave.

As he was staggered I used extreme speed to appear in front of him once again. Spending the last of my energy left I made my aura flare up to the max. Time to finish this.


I felt the dirty air of the cave get filtered by my aura and enter my lungs. My aura turned into a color resembling the sun itself as it centered on my arms.

"My heart resonates..."

The aura got purer and purer as my will rose.

"With heat enough to burn..."

The aura trembled violently as it increased intensity, releasing intense amounts of heat. All the while I dodged Nito's swings.

"My blood's beat is razor-sharp!"

My eye opened as I saw the opening. My arm cocked back like guns.

"Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!!!"

''Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!"


My fists blurred as they pummeled Nito, tens of golden sunlike fists dug into Nito again and again. Bones melted to molten orange as he was pushed back bit by bit. My fists carried him throughout the entire domain as he was unable to retaliate against the fists that didn't let up.


Eventually, he was up against a wall but my fists still didn't relent as I pummeled him until he broke through even the wall. And as his body nearly crumbled to molten ash under my fists I cocked my arm back one last time.



My fist punched through Nito, sending him flying, his figure gradually turning into ash as he flew away before disintegrating into dust completely. Collapsing to my knees in exhaustion I sported a satisfied smile looking at the soul in my hand.

"I won."



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