A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 59: Rip and Tear!

Chapter 59: Rip and Tear!

woke up to a soft sensation beneath my helmet(yes I have trained myself to feel even with a helmet on). And considering the thing below my helmet is most likely a biological construct it is strange how it is not dead.

Considering the fact that due to my nightmares, I subconsciously use Armageddon blade when Priscilla isn't stopping me. And the temperature of this room was 700 degrees Celsius. Far above what beings can survive.

And I realized WHO I was laying on the lap of. It was Quelaan, a very much naked Quelaan though. Does she have no concept of decency? Completely possible considering the life she led.

''Good... morning? John! Are you all right?"

"Yup, feel like a thousand bucks right now(If those bucks were ran over by the truck that killed me that is) and I'm eager to get back in action. How has the new body treating you, and wear something for gods sake."

"Oh! right."

She threw the blanket I gave her back on herself, thankfully the blanket was made of Taurus Demon fur so it didn't burn. And it made sense that Quelaag was unbothered by the heat since from my estimation her fire resistance should be at an advanced level.

''Thank you, John.''

She said in a tiny voice for some reason.

"I was preapared to die. I knew it was a bad idea to take the blight onto myself. But I just didn't want them to suffer while I could do something. O-of course this doesn't mean I expect you to do the same! This is just my personal view. But what to say is I don't want to see you suffer because of me. But... also to thank you for saving my life."

*Pat* *Pat*

I started patting her head before she could break out into full-on tears I may be an emotionally inept hollow shell of a person/I wonder why/ but I still had a resemblance of emotions left to comfort her the only way I knew.

I am not good with words, I know that, that's why I prefer to stay quiet and let my actions speak for me instead of my asocial and insane mind. Regardless she still broke into sobs because of the complicated emotions running through her while I hugged and comforted her.

Eventually, though I had to let go, I had a job to do here. Although she pouted she still reluctantly let go of me after hearing my promise to be back. So I left her to catch up with her sister and headed down the elevator.

The sight that greeted me was disturbing, to say the least. Granted I saw far worse that didn't make seeing poor hollows bound to egg parasites any better. I channeled my armageddon blade which had finally leveled up after absorbing Quelaans chaos and let out a giant scorching fireball that would scorch their nerves instantly, killing them painlessly.

I continued down the hill and onto the lava-covered picture-perfect definition of hell in front of me. The heat didn't bother me, it couldn't. I could swim in lava easily without much discomfort. But the sight I saw made me stop in my track.

My grin grew feral as my body subconsciously transformed into a more demonic shape suited better for combat. My height grew to 2 meters and my body bulked up similarly. Excited. My armor fitted me like a second skin, the metal morphing around my body.

In front of me stood a horde, no a throng of demons. Giant musclebound Taurus Demons to Capra demons my size. Down to statue demons and up to even Asylum Demons. There were other types as well, like giant fire dogs, worms, and monkeys. Sensing my presence the throng turned to me with malicious intent.

In response, I simply opened my arms wide. Welcoming the sight maddeningly cheerfully

It had been too long since I stretched. And I had the perfect opportunity to relieve stress. My feeling grew to near mania levels as the throng of demons rushed at me. In response to the first Taurus demon coming into my range, I bent down.

{Deadman Style: Bullet Tackle}!


I shot out like a bullet and tackled the Taurus demon in front of me, sweeping him off his feet and slamming him into a giant pillar of stone with a meaty and heavy crunch. Before he could even recognize he was tackled I started swinging my fists into his head. My metal fists hitting against his skull-like head made noises like grenades exploding inside a mountain of meat.


Its head exploded against the pillar but before I could turn around to face the rest of my prey an axe slammed into my side, launching me before I dug my feet into the ground and forcefully skid myself to a halt. A giant fist slammed me from my blind spot, digging me into the ground.


Multiple demons Swung their weapons and hands down on my crushed form. But even as the message showed up from my vitality being depleted the devilish smile didn't leave my face.



Black and white exploded as I shot out from my custom-made grave and blasted a Taurus demon into the air with an uppercut. I kicked the flying body away, using it as a platform to shoot myself toward the asylum demon, taking its head off with my claws.

Surrounded by all sides against hundreds of demons. Sulphuric blood covering my body from head to toe. Fractures and broken bones decorating my body. Outclassed didn't even describe it. But.

'I have never felt more alive.'

Every time my fist hit something the raging aura around me created a giant shock wave. Feeling too stuffy from the overcrowding, I reeled my arm back as a transparent orb of pure, destructive force coalesced around it. Once it was sufficient I hammered the air and a giant wave shot out, sending a horde of demons flying as the wave of force broke bones and muscles.

After scattering them enough I started dashing around like a madman, my fists and feet splitting skulls, stomachs, and hearts. Plunge my hand into a demon's forearm and rip out the bone, using it as a club to beat a nearby demon to death.

Shatter a Taurus demon's teeth and force my hand into its mouth, unleashing a giant torrent of darkness inside it, popping it like a balloon with darkness.

Grab a Capra Demon's leg and use him as a flail to demolish other demons. Every injury was healed using max level heal and a nearly unending pool of focus thanks to absorbing the souls of the demons that died and turning them into energy to fuel the perpetual slaughter.

I ripped demon after demon apart with my bare hands, sometimes with THEIR bare hands. I regained a bit of calm when I saw Unending Relied of Load coming at me but he was far too far gone for me to fix up. So gave him the quickest most painless death I could by obliterating his entire head with a Dark Armageddon blade.

The centipede demon however did not get nearly as much courtesy however as I ripped him apart limb from limb with my bare hands. The demon firesage I beat to death since he reminded me far too much of the asylum demon. After that, I got to Izalith proper.

Aka fiery dragon butt land. because that is all that is here. Just fire, lava, and the behinds of dragons. I dont know how this place even came to be, not why there were so many dragon bodies here.

{All I saw were meat to slaughter}

At least this place let me test my newest weapon.

The Dragonslayer Spear.

Ornstein's soul transformed into this weapon after his death. It was a 2.5-meter-long spear that crackled with violent electricity and put my dragonslayer to shame when comparing anti-dragon capabilities.

The lightning I channeled from this spear MELTED dragons. And the amplification of lightning passing through it was insane. Plus using the weapon of my enemy gives me untold amounts of satisfaction.

But eventually, I had to stop my indiscriminate slaughter as there weren't any enemies left in Izalith. So I took to the bed of chaos's arena. Sliding down it with my dragon greatsword I came across a giant... Tree woman...?

Is it a tree in the shape of a woman or a woman that has been turned into a tree?

Don't know don't care. I just strolled inside with confidence, dodging swipes and the occasional fire pillar beneath my feet. I reached in front of the barrier guarding the actual bed and got into position.

Force coalesced in my fist once again as all of my muscles released all of their power at once into one punch. My fist met the barrier. Creating a giant clash of conflicting energies that created red-black lightning that obliterated everything it touched.


Even the sturdy magical barrier of hers couldn't withstand my fully powered blow reinforced by force as it shattered into a gazillion pieces. I walked through the tunnel nonchalantly as the pillars of flame tried to cook me to no avail. Once I got to the bug itself I just stomped on it. Not bothering with theatrics.


Anticlimactic yes but the bed of chaos never stood a chance in the first place. But regardless of theatrics, I got what I came for. I held a brilliant and violent soul on fire in the palm of my hand.

'Lordsoul obtained.'

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