A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 55: Crossbreed Priscilla.

Chapter 55: Crossbreed Priscilla.

As the fog dispersed I was met with a view I wasn't wholly prepared for.

A girl nearly 1.5 times my height wearing white and black fur dress with a slight blue hue.

Y'know? I used to think that wuxia novels describing a girl's looks as ''Beautiful enough to overturn nations'' was comically exaggerated but, damn.

Her skin was basically flawless, with no imperfections, with parts of it covered in near-crystalline scales that looked like white ice. To be fair my skin was similarly near perfect except for the scars probably due to my metamorphosis or something but I don't really admire myself ya know?

Snow-like hair cascaded down her shoulders and framed her face. Looking supremely soft. The bluish tint to it made her look almost- fuck it she IS probably divine considering her heritage. The scales and small horns on her head made her look even cuter/beautiful.

her gem-like green draconic eyes like flawless emeralds looked mesmerizing. Even I could appreciate her eyes even though most colors looked muddled gray to me. I could see small claws on her hands as well as little fangs I saw in her mouth as she opened it slightly when I entered.

Through my *ahem* ''gentlemanly observations'' I happened to catch a glimpse of her... large "personalities". Her breasts were really big. Even more so due to our size difference. Making her breasts quite literally at least the same size as my head if not bigger. As well as similarly large behind and hips gave her a curvy figure even beneath her fur robes.



When did I like feet again? Did her bare feet activate something inside me? Fucking hell, this world is affecting me too much. Maybe I have truly become a part of this world and fallen to Miyazaki's influence.

But all of those other details were nothing but accessories compared to her most defining heavenly feature.

That tail.

It is the softest most comfortable thing I have ever seen in my life. Fur-like snow that looked softer than any pillow after a night shift. So beautifully groomed that not a single hair was out of place. Now I truly get the phrase ''Praise the fluffy tail!''.

But the most interesting part was her soul. It was crystal clear. Innocent and sinless. Like ice yet still warm.

She was so beautiful that if I wasn't already a mostly emotionless husk piloting an undead body my heart would've skipped a beat. Alas, you can't have it all. And as I stood there looking at her she spoke.

''Who art thou? One of us, thou art not. If thou hast misstepped into this world, plunge down from the plank, and hurry home. If thou seekest I, thine desires shall be requited not. Why hast thou come to this place?''

Huh, why DID I come to this place actually? Why am I here? There really was nothing of real interest here.

(A strange doll in strange dress.)

(There once was an abomination who had no place in this world. She clutched this doll tightly, and eventually was drawn into a cold and lonely painted world.)

Was it these emotions that drove me here? Heh, sentimentality huh? How uncharacteristic for me. But regardless, instead of answering, I brought out the doll from my pocket. Upon seeing it her eyes widened.

She hesitatingly reached out for the doll without uttering a single word. I of course just handed it to her. She took it in her hands as if it was made out of glass. And hugged it tightly, even her tail seemingly hugging around her own legs.

''I guess it is safe to assume that is yours.''

''..Yes, I thank thee for bringing my doll to me.''

She kept hugging the doll with a nostalgic smile on her face. I just let her have the moment, although I didn't know the exact feeling I could still sympathize. After a bit she broke her gaze with the doll and noticed me staring, she caught a small blush from embarrassment and coughed into her hand.

''May I ask how you found my doll, mr...?''

''Undead. And honestly, I just found your doll lying in one of the cells of the Undead Asylum. No idea how it got there though. I came here to give back your doll(?) And more to just look around the place. Wondering how a world inside of a painting would look like and what it would contain."

"I... See. Then, are thee perhaps an adventurer?"

Huh, I never really thought of it like that before. Now that I think about it, I did just kind of slap the title of chosen undead on myself and started wandering lordran.

"Maybe...? I have never really thought much about it but I have basically been from the top of the world to bottom of it."

Her emerald eyes shone with an almost childlike innocent curiosity as her fluffy tail swished about while she contemplated something. After a bit, she hesitatingly spoke.

''C-could thee tell me about the outside world?''

Oh right, I forgot that she probably hadn't left this place in like, at least a month. Poor thing. Even someone as heartless as me doesn't have the heart(GET ITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????? IM FUCKING UNDEAAAAAAD NOT HUMAN!) to refuse her. So after brushing away the snow around me with my foot I summoned a cushion and set it down under her amazed gaze and sat down.

''Umm, Mr. Undead? What are thee doing?''

She asked as I dumped some bonedust onto the floor and stuck a straight sword in the middle. Her curiosity about how I was pulling these things out of my ass(metaphoracally) was obvious as her tail swished behind her(like a cat, adorable).

''I'm lighting a bonfire, it looks quite cold here doesn't it? Here, get comfortable.''

I patted the surface next to me as another, bigger, pillow appeared there, much to Priscilla's amazement. Cautiously she sat herself down on the big pillow while moving her tail out of the way.


The moment she sat down she had an expression that looked of pure bliss, like lying down on your bed after a long day of work. Now that I think about it, she probably hasn't enjoyed the comfort of a soft pillow in what must have been at least 2 months. Poor girl.

Now I'm glad about my compulsive looting disorder.

I lit the bonfire as she crossed her legs and enjoyed the warmth emanated by the bonfire. Her face had a cute smirk adorned by slightly pink cheeks as she enjoyed the warmth and softness.

A warmth she probably hadn't felt in years.

Noticing me staring, her blush flared as her fluffy tail slapped the ground. I would say I struggled to hold in a chuckle but I didn't, or more so that I couldn't. But I did feel a hint of a genuine humored chuckle reach my throat. A big accomplishment considering I am mostly hollow(metaphorically, with my control over my own soul I no longer suffer from hollowing)

After settling down she asked me to tell her about the outside world, how Anor Londo was. How the world outside Anor Londo looked like and my adventures there.

I could tell that she was starved for social interaction. Having never left the painted world. I obliged, telling her an abridged version of my adventures, significantly dialing down the gore, insanity, depression, and tragedy.

The looks of excitement she had when heard of my ''Brave'' fights against demons, drakes, dragons, golems, and others made me feel.. something... odd. She acted like I was telling her a world-renowned tale. She was eager and invested in every word I said.

So we sat by the campfire, telling her stories about my adventures and hell, I even told her some of the few stories I remembered from earth. Her happiness was almost contagious. But since it had been more than a few hours I had to ask.

''Arent you getting hungry?''

At my words, she looked confused. Tilting her head to the side she said.

''I am half god so I need not sustenance to survive. But I can eat if need be.''

Hmm, maybe I should feed her? I mean she has been stuck in this blizzard for Miyazaki knows how long. I think it would be a good change of pace for her.

"Would you like to try this?"

I brought out a {Black Hydra Fillet} made with intermediate cooking Lv.5 making it taste like it was made by a shokugeki no souma character. Though not on the level of relevant characters. But Priscilla looked at it like a man in a desert would look at a giant bottle of water.

She looked almost hypnotized as she drooled and her tail wagged adorably like a dog. She only snapped out of her trance when I handed the plate to her and she, quite literally devoured the entire plate within seconds. Almost ate the plate too if I didn't stop her.

She shivered in absolute delight as she relished the aftertaste. It took her a solid minute to calm down and cough into her hand in embarrassment.

"*Cough* I apologize Mr. Undead, I had never eaten something so delightful before and lost my composure. B-but does thee have any more?"

"Heh, of course. You can have as many as you want."

If smiles could be measured in amps then Ornstein would get humiliated by her. The sheer delight with which she ate them made hunting the Hydra worth it a 1000 times over.

I just rested my helmeted head on my palm as I watched her eat the various Hydra meals I made. She noticed me looking and blushed madly but still kept on eating.



'This isn't so bad.'

It had been a long, long time, over a year or two since I last rested. Yet right now, I felt like I was allowed a moment of rest and peace. Just fondly staring at her, so innocent. Made me feel just slightly better about resting.

How strange. I thought I had lost most of my feelings back in Lordran. But being next to her gave me a strange feeling of peace and calm. I had only felt this with Quelaan before. How strange. I forgot I was even capable of these.


'Maybe, just maybe I could get used to this.'


Alternate title: This Lonely Dragongirl can't be this cute!

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