A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 53: Nightfall.

Chapter 53: Nightfall.

Ornstein seeing that I had the advantage in speed now compressed himself to 3 meters. But it somehow did not make him any less intimidating. But unfortunately for the poor dragon fucker, I didn't feel any fear.


Suddenly his figure blurred with lightning as he appeared behind me. But I don't fall for the same trick twice.


The moment I felt Ornstein touch my oversized shadow through the link with umbra I instinctually used Umbra and Grave Greatsword Dance. Using my new darkness manipulation and the skill as a cast to make a better one.


As the spear was about to impale John, Ornstein saw him turn his head around, the black flames stripped off of his face to show his underrated and piercing gaze along with a feral grin as he mouthed the words.

'{Dark Lord's Sword Dance}.'

*Schwing!* *Chop!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*...

Just as the spear chopped off his arm tens of red-black phantom blades resembling the deadman's blade popped out of the ground. And even Ornstein, being occupied with taking his arm off couldn't dodge the swords as the swords launched him into the air.

But even then he righted himself and shot back at John and with one electrified punch ripped through his gut and sent him into the wall. His internal organs fried to a mush. And just to spite him or to make sure his arm doesn't get reattached Ornstein picked up the severed arm and electrified it until it turned into mist.

'Too strong, too grossly strong. WHY ARE YOU SO STRONG!?'

'If my stats are 99 then his are in the several hundreds. Even with soul release, it's not enough...?'


'{Full Potential}'

He pushed himself off of the wall, feeling the intense agony of full potential rip his muscles and organs apart which was amplified with soul release. He also grew to 3 meters, looking more beast than man he summoned the Deadman's Blade which was too small for his hands.


His sword cracked as darkness was forced inside it to become larger by expanding from the shaft, making the sword as big as his dragonslayer. Then he shot off making a sonic boom as he did so. Their blades clashed releasing a giant shockwave from the impact.

Elegant and calculated going up again wild and instinctual. Their blades clashed over and over again, even with his everything he was barely able to keep up with Ornstein. So he decided to change his approach. After managing to disarm Ornstein he sent the spear into his inventory and pushed Ornstein back with a supercharged emit force.


The moment Ornstein was pushed back he started charging what was likely a miracle so John used that window to his advantage as he gathered every bit of energy he could into his blade with the help of humanities.

'{Armageddon Bla-

Just as the giant blade of flame was about to gather, a pillar of lightning ripped John's body apart. Leaving behind only a bloody and charred mess.



Just as Ornstein turned around to leave the bloody pile reassembled itself into a familiar shape once again. Unsteadily rising to two feet. Even though the shape was vaguely humanoid the body for sure wasn't.


The primal scream of rage, fury, and anguish made every soul that heard it tremble.

The mangled imitation body broke down once again as huge gashes appeared on it. Pitch black wafted off of the injuries like a waterfall. Repeatedly modifying the body over and over again to fit the dark soul. Corrupting.

(Please do not lose yourself)


As he screamed once more he regained a bit of clarity in his eyes as he started down Ornstein while blood and black liquid vacated his body at a rapid pace. Ornstein once again turned back to face him and started walking toward him menacingly.

Even in agonizing pain, he could find the humor in the situation. Ingrained instinct overriding agony.



Instead of answering he shot right at me with a fist covered in violent lightning. In response, I raised my own while reactivating soul release. Further worsening my injuries. Unfortunately, I couldn't hold full potential as I did not have enough physical mass to push to my full potential.

'{Emit force}'

A bubble of force covered my fist.


'{Armageddon Blade}'

Gave birth to red-black flames within the bubble.



The flames changed into a void-like substance as the bubble changed to black and white.


'{Space Fissure}!'

And then their fists met.

*crackle!* *crackle!* *crackle!*

Yet they didn't as between the fists formed a bubble of clashing darkness and lightning that released immense amounts of pressure to the surroundings as black and white lightning released off of it, annihilating anything in the surroundings it touched.


The immense power contained within the clash ripped even space apart, so much so that the raw power and fissure in space ripped the giant illusion over Anor Londo apart. Letting the curtains of the night fall upon the city. Yet in their intense struggle, the two didn't even notice.



The bubble formed from their clash exploded, sending both flying back and shredding their arms. The entire reinforced room shook and windows broke. Yet they didn't even skip a beat as they launched themselves at each other once again.

They skid to a stop within a single meter of each other as their fists cocked back. One covered in thunder and one covered with a bubble of black and white that distorted the very space around it.


Exactly at the same that both of their fists met the other's faces. Shattering each other's helmets and sending both flying once again. Ornstein's face revealed from the shattered helmet revealed a face with bloody gashed across one side, mirroring shattered glass.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*...

A slugfest.

They kept throwing themselves at each other. Fist meeting fist as explosions erupted from the union between both. One repeatedly forced his body to be kept together through many methods and the other stood tall through sheer strength.


John once again sent Ornstein flying back.

'This will not end well. I can't win like this.'

In a pure slugfest, even with his build, John couldn't win against Ornstein who was objectively superior in basically every aspect. And there was another problem. He was forcefully delaying death at this point. His skin was completely charred black from lightning, missing an arm, no jaw, and no more than half of his organs caramelized. He needed to end this.

'Hey, kids, sorry to ask you of this but could you keep me at least functional for at least 1 to 2 minutes?'

The dozens of little sprites of humanity wiggled approvingly much my glee.

'Thanks, kids, knew I could count on you guys.''

The Humanities circled around me and pumped energy into me trying to keep my body moving. I breathed in and forced everything out.

' 1 minute is all I have.'

'/And it is all I'll need./'

A giant explosion happened around my body as black flames completely covered my giant frame along with the sprites of humanity forming wings for me while making sure I wouldn't get burned to a crisp.



I shot out like a black and white comet, melting everything around me as I moved faster than sound toward the surprised Ornstein who raised his arms in a cross to block me. But I quickly changed my trajectory midair and landed my meteor-like fist on his midsection. Sending him flying completely, through the elevators and into Gwynevere's room.

But I didn't stop my flight as I caught up to the lord I launched and drove him into the couch/bed with a kick. And once he crashed into it I tackled him like a comet, sending him through the floor along with myself. Not forgetting to slug him again and again as I rammed him through the walls and floors of the cathedral which gave little to no resistance.

*Crackle!* *Crackle!*

Even as I did so Ornstein still sent enough amps through me to short-circuit a city but my nerves were already melted so I could only feel the spasms that I forced myself through using Dreadnought. Giving him an explosive uppercut once again I sent him through the windows of the cathedral and into the air.

I felt the blood in my body stop circulating, and my heart no longer beat. I was literally a soul and a mass of energy piloting a corpse at this point. The pain from the soul hurt more than anything describable but I held onto my conciseness as I pummeled Ornstein into the sky. He was barely hanging on too. So I grabbed him in a bear hug while he electrocuted me and started descending like a shooting star. Spinning as I accelerated and broke the sound barrier, becoming a black-white, and yellow blur.



Ornstein hit the ground like a missile as an entire city block got deleted off of the world map from the giant crater of rubble Ornstein laid in but I knew this wasn't enough as I gathered all of my remaining energy for my final attack while floating above Ornstein I brought out my blade.

My children supplied me with all of their energy and helped me bring out mine as a brilliant white flame with black borders was given birth to on my blade. It grew to be over 25 meters tall. And with everything I had, I swung down.



The entire world was dyed white for 10 seconds.

The pillar of white flame could be seen from the entirety of Anor Londo as it ripped down and annihilated everything in its path. Nearly everything in over a kilometer radius was liquid. And in the epicenter was a pit that extended around a 100 meters down.

Falling down John safely landed on a particularly strong pile of rubble that loomed over the sinkhole and looked down at it in pride and triumph. But before he turned into dust he dragged his body up the biggest incline and formed a grin out of whatever was left of his mouth. He looked at the hole that he killed Ornstein in and...

Pointed down.


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