A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 47: The Fair Lady.

Chapter 47: The Fair Lady.

After a quiet and uneventful journey, he had made it back to the shrine. Now that he had made his way back he ignored the strange looks that Gerald and Solaire gave him and moved to his hut.

Once inside, he took out the doll he acquired from the asylum and inspected it. It really was dirty and unkempt. Seeing he had nothing better to do at the moment he took out some tools along with a bucket of water and soap. And started cleaning the doll.

After it was completely clean he dried it and put it back inside his inventory, then took out a notepad containing his to-do list. There was barely anything left to do, much to his chagrin. Sure he could train but training without experience is just inefficient.

In fact, the only thing major left on his list was killing the Black Hydra in the Ash lake. But first, he went up to Patches to buy some stuff. Patches wes just chilling in his usual squat next to his goods when he saw his patron and greeted him.

''Hey boss, how are you doing on this fine day? Come to shop at Trusty Patches' Emporium?''

The undead thought a bit before speaking.

''How many humanities do you have?''

''8, all ethically sourced from clerics!''

''I want them all.''

He bought it all and left. Ever since a while ago, he had the instinctive urge to hoard any sprite of humanity he could find. I didn't know why but he didn't feel like going against it.


The journey to ash lake was as always. Long and unpleasant. Having to go through the valley of drakes, blighttown, and the great hollow just to reach one place was incredibly annoying. He donned his armor and cape and strut out into the sand-like beaches of ash lake until he caught the attention of the black hydra(or attentions since it has multiple heads).

It slowly moved its heads to face me as I readied a fully charged {Great Lightning Spear} which had recently evolved. And just as it was about to spit a volley of water bullets I released the spear with near-perfect accuracy, hitting one of the heads head-on. The power behind it as well as the weakness of the foe made it nearly blow the entire head off. Putting that head out of play.

*Slam!!! 8x*

Enraged, the heads all tried to slam my location one after another. But with their size their speed was drastically reduced, letting me skirt around the heads with graceful ease. In fact, I followed a pattern that let me tie their heads together slightly, giving me a larger window to attack.


I summoned the dragonslayer and flooded it with my max-level sunlight blade. And as the heads were leaving one by one I spun on my heel and sliced horizontally, decapitating a head.

*Noises Hydras make when spit water bullets 7x* *BOOM!!!*

I saw several giant bullets of water bigger than my body coming toward me fast. Knowing dodging them would be a chore due to their aoe I stood still and hardened my muscles, then cast {Iron flesh} and {Great Magic Barrier} on my body as the bullets hit my body. But I stood firm, my bones creaked and my organs screamed but I was otherwise fine.

Swiftly, I took out some flasks of estus and chugged. Feeling the refreshing liquid bring my body to a healthier state. But it seemed the hydras took that gesture as an opening even though I had max-level multitasking. I once again effortlessly sidestepped the heads and decapitated another one.

This went on again and again as the hydra kept losing its head, I could've finished it quickly by jumping on its back but I wanted an actual challenge to clear my mind. The regeneration of the hydra was quite impressive, the stumps where its heads once stood had already stopped bleeding. But that didn't save it from getting all of its heads chopped off and killed by my blade.

It took a while to retrieve all the body parts but I managed. Now I had enough cooking material in my inventory to feed a large village for at least a few years. And eating this shit would probably result in them looking like pillar men with the richness of it.

But now I was really out of things to do other than visiting Quelaag and ringing the bell of awakening. Something I had been avoiding for a reason.


I flopped down onto the bed of ash and looked over the murky waters that surrounded this little island I just laid down and thought about what I can do. What I /should/ do.

/It/ tells me to kill her and take her soul to become stronger.

(The corpse) tells me to give up, to throw myself into the murky waters and go hollow.

{The Chosen Undead} wants me to save the poor sisters of chaos from their cruel fate. Yet is willing to put them out of their misery.

What do [I] want to do? Just what should I do?

I opened a hard liquor bottle, it burned my throat yet did nothing to ease my anxiety. I started feeling resentful about my skills. They deny me a normal life. This whole world denies me my life.

After a few hours of contemplation though I made a decision.

I got up from my ash bed and made my way over to blight town. Picking up some loot I forgot to pick in my last time here like a firekeeper soul and a sorcery called remedy which cured things like poison, toxic and diseases. Would have been useful if I wasn't practically immune. Anyway, I made my way over to her domain.

Once I was there I cast hidden body and entered Quelaag's domain. Ignoring the infected people and the sticky floor I approached the fog gate.

Then I recast hidden body and slipped on the slumbering dragon crest ring that Griggs had given me. Becoming near invisible and soundless. After that, I entered the fog gate while utilizing stealth.

And Quelaag didn't show up.

I had managed to avoid her detection as I made my way through her arena I reached a bell tower-like structure with a hole in the middle and a lever at the back. I walked over to the lever and kicked it. Ringing the final bell of awakening. After I did so Quelaag came over to check it out but I just put a hollow corpse in front of the lever and hung around while invisible. When she left I made my way down.

I moved over to the illusionary wall and kicked it down. I jumped over the eggbound fella whose name started with an E if I remember correctly. I lit the bonfire and looked at the girl bound to a giant spider next to me. She had pale skin and didn't wear any clothes occasionally exposing her *Ahem* lady parts.

Her skin was pale, not in the grand jade beauty way but like ash pale. Her face was quite pretty with long white hair barely reaching her midsection. Her breasts, though not big enough to be called large were still ample. And she was shivering slightly, not from the cold, because it was like a damn furnace here. But because of sickness.

Honestly seeing her kinda made my dragon awaken, usually, I would have more self-control than that but you can't blame me for getting aroused when I haven't beaten my meat or seen a woman wearing anything less than a large cloak for the last year. Thankfully I just used form shift to get rid of it.

Although I was still a tiny bit flustered, I couldn't show it. Not in a ''I can't show weakness way'' but more like a 'my emotions are mostly dead way'.

So any feeling of arousal got replaced with the haunting feeling of emptiness soon after. Anyway, I knelt down in front of her.

<Join Covenant: {Chaos Servant}? >

'Uh huh.'

< Your skill {Great Fireball} has evolved into {Great Chaos Fireball} >

I felt the skill inside me evolve into a new form with more power. Giving me a small and brief wave of joy before it was stomped down. I still stood in my position and offered her humanity. Less to upgrade my covenant rank but more to lessen her suffering.

<Offer 100x Humanity ?>


Even giving away this much humanity didn't faze me. My humanity count just got larger and larger even when I barely did anything for some reason

And suddenly she looked very relieved. Like how someone feels when they come home after a long day and come out of the shower. She also seemed way more energetic now, saying something I couldn't understand. But suddenly.

<Calculating... Adjusting... Success!>

<You have acquired the skill {Language}>

''-It hurts no longer.''

Well, that's a surprise. The system usually doesn't give any handouts. I wonder if it took pity this time. But hearing the Fair Lady's tone sparked a tiny flame of happiness in my cold dead heart. I was just glad I could ease someone's pain.

Unconsciously I moved my hand and put it on her cheek. Rubbing it gently. Like instinctively petting a cute animal.


She was confused at first but leaned into my caress.

''U-um... You aren't my sister are you? Who might you be?''

She looked a tad embarrassed and confused but didn't object or recoil from me. So innocent. Seeing such a kind soul bound to a hideous malformed spider and then plagued with blight disgusted me to no end. Not at her of course. But the age of flame that let this happen.

''Thank you very much regardless! It doesn't hurt any longer! I thought it had been too late. But I feel like a lot better. C- could I please know who you are?''

''...I am the Chosen Undead. I am a hero of sorts. I did what I could to help suppress your blight but I am sorry I couldn't do more.''

She waved her hands in front of her rapidly, or well, as fast as her deteriorated body could. It was cute, and I definitely didn't look at her parts while she did so. I am better than that.

''No, no even this is enough, I wouldn't want to burden you with anymore mr. Undead! Thank you very much for helping me. I just wish I could do something in exchange.''

I let out a small chuckle. Something I had missed being able to do in the last few months or so.

''Don't worry, the covenant rewards are already enough.''

As I said that I withdrew my hand and she suddenly looked distressed.

''U- um, if it isn't too much of an inconvenience could you keep doing that? I- it feels nice.''

Chuckling once more, I resumed stroking her cheek and petting her head. I stood there for a while just making conversation with her and petting her. Her innocence and kindness felt like a punch in the gut for me. She kept asking me how the outside was, as she couldn't move or see. I tried my best to tell her about the outside world as I tried to make it sound at least appealing. Doing my dammed best to channel whatever humor I had left.

Although talking with her gave me pain hearing her laugh for the first time in what must have been years made it feel like it was worth it. But eventually, I had to leave, promising her I'd be back. As I left she gave a cute wave behind me.


I had finally arrived back at the shrine when I heard the noise of slimy teeth clattering together. I went to investigate and found an oversized disgusting reptile in place of my favorite spot in the shrine.

''Ahh, hello. Was it you who rang the Bell of Awakening? I am the primordial serpent, Kingseeker Frampt, close friend of the Great Lord Gwyn. Chosen Undead, who has rung the Bell of Awakening. I wish to elucidate your fate. Do you seek such enlightenment?''


The serpent looked annoyed at my rejection. Just as I was annoyed at him for getting rid of my pool.

''By the Lords Are you certain? Well, perhaps I was wrong. There can be only one chosen undead. I will continue my search You are freed from duty. But then again, you did ring the Bell of Awakening. I will stay here a while. Speak with me if you should change your mind.''

God, I hope that serpent fucks off soon. Just his very presence is annoying me for some reason. I turned on my heel and moved next to the bonfire, tuning his annoying noises out.

But what I didn't notice was the conflicted gaze of the crestfallen warrior.


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