A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 27: Deadman's Blade

Chapter 27: Deadman's Blade

I awoke in a cold sweat next to the bonfire.

I could still sweat which meant I was human. That's good. I had unwillingly passed out in front of the bonfire and unfortunately, it seems PTSD nightmares don't care about whether you consent to the sleep.

Whatever, it just fueled my desire to never sleep again further.

But now I want to check what the in the funk I got from that nightmare of an ambush where literally every single inhabitant of the undead parish minus Andre came for a piece of my juicy undead cake.

That better have been worth it or we are going to have problems system.

< You have completed the quest { Surrounded }>

< Requirments exceeded, adjusting reward... >

< You have acquired: 8 Humanity, 10,000 souls, and the title {Hundred Man Slayer} >


< Hundred Man Slayer >


Effect: When facing more than 10 enemies at once alone you temporarily gain +5 to all stats.


Eh, I'll take it. It's not like I plan to get myself into situations where I have to face more than 5 enemies at a time anymore but in case that does happen again, this will be pretty damn useful. And another thing is my soul count.

[43,690 souls]


But besides that, I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have that many souls. Even though I had quite a frick ton of hollows in my rampage I should have gotten 30k at most. Whelp, just another question to my box of mysteries I guess.

I guess I'll put that right next to why Logan's hat is so big.

Speaking of mysteries, (which seems to have become a common trope in my life here) what was the blue aura that saved my life? I was already familiar with it of course but that was not possible, or at least shouldn't be. My tearstone ring had broken.

But my best guess is the censored notification that I suspiciously got immediately after my ring had broken. I don't know what caused it but you won't see me complaining about it.

And regarding my absurd amount of souls, although I could spend them all to level up now I decided against it and instead decided to head downstairs, where the sound of fire and hammer hitting metal could be heard.

And when I descended downstairs (after putting on some proper clothes of course) I was met with an unexpected sight once again. Just as the hollow merchant had all his goods displayed, unlike his game counterpart. It seemed like the same thing applied to Andre too.

Andre had completely transformed this room of the church into a proper smith with tools, a forge, a quenching station, and everything else needed to make proper armor and weapons. To be honest the natural craftsman inside me was kinda jealous. When he noticed me he stopped hammering his straight sword and spoke.

''Well, you must be a new arrival. I'm Andre of Astora. If you require smithing, speak to me.''

Now that I think about it... Instead of just having Andre forge my stuff, why don't I learn from him? After all, with natural craftsman, I am basically a prodigy in anything production-related and that paired with the decades of experience Andre has could be quite a fearsome combination.

But first I needed him to fix some of the stuff I own that I did not have the confidence or skill to fix properly without breaking or damaging it beyond repair.

''Uh, yeah I was actually wondering if you could take a look at these.''

*Clank *Clatter* *Clang* *Thunk* *Clank*

I then unceremoniously dropped most of the damaged valuable equipment I had on the ground. Even the ones I fixed myself as I don't trust that I did a good job. When the small of equipment hit the ground Andre looked at me with a surprised expression.

''Eh? Just where did you keep all this stuff? I don't see any bottomless box on you.''


''Fair enough. Now you say you want me to repair these? I would say it would cost about 8 thousand souls. Anything else?''

''Yes actually, I was wondering if you could teach me some smithing.''

''Hmm, you want to learn some smithing from me eh? I'd say it's been a few decades since I last took an apprentice. But you certainly look like you have some potential in ya, and I wouldn't mind passing down me arts. Fine, I'll try to teach you what I know while fixing your equipment.''

Hearing his compliance made me release a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I was kind of nervous about whether he would refuse or not.

''Thank you, Andre.''

After a bit of preparation, Andre showed me around his forge, showing what tools were used for what. The importance of maintaining your tools and forge. While he fixed my equipment he taught me how to hammer properly. I also assisted him with miscellaneous tasks around his smithy while he worked, like a good apprentice.

When my items were fully repaired after several hours of forging, it was time to learn the thing I wanted to learn the most.

Reinforcing using titanite.

''There are two types of weapon reinforcing. There's reinforcement, and there's ascension. Reinforcement is simple. It strengthens the weapon and nothing more. A simple task for any blacksmith. Hell, you could even do it yourself with a smith box. But ascension is a finer art. It alters a weapon's properties. Ascension is the territory of we blacksmiths; a smithbox just won't do the trick.

Start out with reinforcement. When you get good enough with it you can try ascending equipment. Until then you can pay me to upgrade, fix and ascend your items as you've noticed, this land is flush with the mad and wicked. You won't make it through the night without employing my services. Hah hah hah!''

I watched him while he worked on the weapon. To see how reinforcing looked like I had given him my morning star. He first got the metal red hot. And after that, he heated up a shard of titanite and then started the process of etching the shard of titanite to reinforce the weapon.

Usually, a higher percentage of titanium meant better metal.

Due to the fact that I may have given him the most pain in the ass weapon to reinforce I took a while but by the end, I was met with a new-looking morning star that was slightly more tougher and dangerous.

<Morning Star +1>


And so the days went by.

I spent quite a few days soaking up the well of smithing knowledge that was Andre of Astora. By the end, my blacksmithing skill had skyrocketed. And alongside that, when he wasn't teaching me smithing I asked him to teach me some hand-to-hand combat.

He was quite confused that I knew he knew CQC but relented to teach me nonetheless.

And boy let me tell you that, that old man can throw hands and then some.

Even with boxing gloves, it felt like his punches were more like morningstars smashing into me than actual fists. And this was a friendly spar mind you.

To see what he can do when he is serious you just have to look at the titanite demon right outside, missing a leg and a head. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he did that barehanded.

But now that my skills have improved I had something to do.

I brought out my first sword. The thing that brought me out of the asylum. The blade that symbolizes my unwillingness to break that led it to still not breaking even after the abuse after abuse it suffered against hundreds of foes. But it was on the verge of shattering


< The Deranged Hollow's blade >

A weapon that while its quality of the material is certainly lacking and its smith is inexperienced. The Deranged Hollow's pure dedication and focus that went into making the weapon make up for his lack of experience and material. It is a mediocre straight sword with unusual durability unbefitting of its material yet matching its wielder.

Having bathed in the blood of many infernal beings as well as a lesser dragon alongside having been scorched by the flames of the hellkite drake has given this sword increased fire affinity.

It is on the verge of breaking.


-Increased Durability(Medium)

-Fre Affinity(Minor)


Although it had changed somewhat the blade was still mine. The wrapless handle, stains of blood. Slightly crooked blade. As well as cracks and scorch marks adorned the blade. Even though it was battered it was still alive.

Just like me eh?

I brought the tens of shards of titanite that I got from Andre and started working. I heated up the blade until it was red hot alongside the titanite shards. I hammered out the cracks and bends on it while slowly integrating the titanite into the blade alongside some high-quality steel.

The result would be a bigger heavier blade which was what I aimed for.

I was concentrated to the fullest, not letting my attention waver even once while remaking my sword.

Remaking myself.

It took 5 grueling hours of non-stop effort but it was over. I had made the blade and sharpened it and even wrapped the handle in drake leather. The result was a scorched black greatsword.

< Your skill {Focus lv.9} has leveled up! >

< {Focus lv.9} -> {Focus lv.10(max)} >

< Your skill {Blacksmithing lv.10(max)} has evolved into

{ (Intermediate) Blacksmithing lv.1 } ! >

Finally, my blade was done.


< Deadman's Blade >

The miracle blade of the Deranged Undead made in impossible conditions now reforged by himself into a proper blade fit for the prophesized Chosen Undead. Even reforged the blade still retains its unusual durability now boosted to nigh unbreakable levels. Its potential still remains immense and untapped.


-Increased Durability(Major)

-Fire Affinity(Minor)


In my hands, the blade felt perfect, its weight and power. It's overall feel. I threw a straight sword into the air and got into stance. And just as the blade was about to hit the ground I lashed out.

{Deadman's Blow: Slash}!


The sword was cut in half.

Hearing the commotion Andre came down from upstairs and seemed surprised when he saw the blade in my hands.

''Well, color me surprised. You actually managed to ascend a blade without an ember. It seems like there isn't much I can teach you in a short time frame now. I'm sure you have your duty as a chosen Undead to attend to.''

''Indeed, thank you for your teachings, Andre, I'll be sure to drop by every now and then.''

''Alright, I'll be seeing you then, be careful out there, and don't get yourself killed. Neither of us wants to see you go, Hollow.''

''Hahaha, I'll try.''

Saying that I left through the door and into the titanite demon's arena which was empty because Andre and I have already put the poor thing out of its misery for resources.

And finally, I stepped out into the annoyingly humid and misty outdoors.

''Whelp, Blackroot garden here I come!''


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