A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 20: Hellkite Drake and an Invader

Chapter 20: Hellkite Drake and an Invader

I am currently stuck between a rock, a hot place, and a shit place.

My only real options in progressing are either the depths, the catacombs, or the undead parish. And I won't be swimming through that shitmaze filled with curses, rats, and enough diseases to make 2020 blush. So the Depths is a nonono.

I /could/ try my hand at the catacombs but I would rather avoid that place without a holy weapon in hand. I could also try New Londo but that place is even worse. It's like that place was made of nightmares in physical form. I would like to avoid dipping my toes in ghost-infested corpse water for now thank you.

So I guess that means I have to... go to the Hellkite bridge. I already saw what that Drake looked like up close so I would rather not meet with the firebreathing 18-wheeler on wings on hostile terms. But it seems like I've got no choice now.

There is the option of busting down the door to Havel but...

I would rather take my chances with the overgrown lizard rather than Havel the Co-, I mean the Rock. And even if do manage to survive the encounter with him I don't fancy my chances against a hydra several times the Drake's size

I geared up with my black leather set, hollow soldier helmet, and Zweihander then set off to the Taurus demon arena, swiftly diving the people that opposed me. But as I was making my way through the Burg as usual I was met with a notification I certainly didn't expect.


The moment I saw the message and heard the distant noise of a summon sign activating I immediately went into battle mode and switched out my zweihander for my Deranged Hollow Straight Sword and hollow soldier shield. In corner of my vision, I saw a figure swathed in a red glow as he sprinted toward my location.

This wasn't very good, from what I see he is faster than me and probably way more experienced at hunting sane undead. He wore modified thief armor and wielded two scimitars. I could only mentally prepare myself for what was to come as I was unused to fighting opponents with actual intelligence.

Several moments later, he was right at my face and I saw his eyes, they were mostly hollow. There wouldn't be much use of reasoning with him. The moment he stepped on a ledge opposite of me, he leaped off it and brought his twin scimitars down on me.


Of course, I managed to dodge this telegraphed move but it didn't end there as the moment he landed, he twisted his body and slashed with his blades as I barely managed to raise my shield to block them. But it seemed my strength was higher than his. While he severely outclassed my dexterity. I would say his stats are about 30 dex to 18 str.

While he rained his numerous slashes down on me thanks to his superior speed, I stayed on the defensive while occasionally trying to get a hit in or two but all of them were dodged by the slippery bastard. And it was not an easy task to block his hits as the difference between our strengths was negligible.

I got slashed a few times and all of them hurt like a bitch. But thanks to my trait it didn't hinder my combat capability. And the moment he got impatient and went for a heavy blow, I made my move.

He went for an X-shaped slash so I brought up my shield, but just as the blades hit I let go of it, confusing him as he expected to make contact with a solid object. And the moment I let go I summoned a table and kicked it toward him.


But as expected from a veteran combatant even though he was confused, he still managed to cut the table in half before it got to him.

But what he /didn't/ expect was, while he was preoccupied with the big distraction my hand would grab his face of all things. Gotcha bit*h.

Before he could even think to retaliate, I smashed the back of his head against the wall with full force.


And now that he was concussed(Filthy low res, dex build) I lifted him up by the face. I am about to show this filthy dex build the true power of a strength build. And so with all my strength I activated {Deadman's Blow} and slammed the dex builds head into the floor so hard it made a small crater on the floor.

*Crack* *Smash* *Pop*

Due to the Invaders, low resistance and vitality stat his head popped like a water balloon against the shattered floor. Thankfully invading red phantoms don't have real blood so I don't have to clean myself again.

[DARK SPIRIT ''Michel Misbegotten'' WAS VANQUISHED]

< +5,840souls >

After dealing with the invader I resumed my walk to the bridge. My thoughts were occupied by the recent invader, I mean, it made sense, after all, why wouldn't there be phantoms in this world? But I just didn't expect one this soon. I already knew the offline red spirit encounters but I didn't really expect non-ingame red spirit encounters.

Putting those thoughts aside I finally reached the end of the Taurus Demon's arena. I went through the door and into the tower. Before going down the stairs I didn't forget to pocket the boxes and the soul of a large undead.

After going down a few sets of staircases I came across a large opening. I didn't try the door in front of me as I knew it just led to Lower Undead Burg. Instead, I headed left toward the balcony-like structure with the glorious view of the grossly incandescent sun.

And I saw, /him/.

Standing there in his full glory as he faced the sun. He just radiated an aura of welcoming and warmth. When you thought of the word chosen undead or hero this is the kind of man that would come to your mind. The kind of man that makes you feel safe and protected just by being in his presence.

No homo.

I went up to him and greeted the man, the legend, Solaire of Astora.

''Hello there.''

''Ah, hello! You don't look Hollow, far from it! I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent of the Lord of Sunlight. Now that I am Undead, I have come to this great land, the birthplace of Lord Gwyn, to seek my very own sun! ...Do you find that strange? Well, you should! No need to hide your reaction. I get that look all the time! Hah hah hah!''

It is surprising that anybody like him is left in Lordran. I know very well myself how this world sucks the empathy and emotions out of you.

''No, not at all.''

''Oh, ah-hah! So, I didn't scare you? I have a proposition, if you have a moment.''

''Sure, shoot.''

''The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined. In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance? So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?''

Hearing that made me feel a bit... weird. Ever since I have come to this world I have been struggling along alone by myself with no help or assistance from anyone. The most I got was Gerald offering me some advice. So the offer to help voluntarily caught me a bit off guard even though I knew it was coming.

''...Yes, yes, I would like that quite a bit, Solaire.''

Hearing my words the joyful man exclaimed once more.

''This pleases me greatly! Well then, take this. We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land. The flow of time itself is convoluted; with heroes centuries old phasing in and out. The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure. There's no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact. But, use this, to summon one another as spirits, cross the gaps between the worlds, and engage in jolly co-operation!

Of course, we are not the only ones engaged in this. But I am a warrior of the sun! Spot my summon signature easily by its brilliant aura. If you miss it, you must be blind! Hah hah hah!''

Saying that he gave me a white sign soapstone. Which I gratefully accepted.

''Thank you Solaire, I appreciate it, I really do.''

''No need to mention it, friend It's the least I could do. If you want to engage in some jolly cooperation You only need to use my summon sign or ask me if our worlds are to cross. For now, I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!''

Saying that we bid farewell and I went on my way to the bridge with bated breaths. I already saw the Hellkite Drake in person and that thing is not something I feel confident in throwing hands with. Readying myself for death, I sprinted toward where I knew the stairs would be in the middle of the bridge.


The moment I heard the roar, the flapping, and the sound of fire coming down I instinctively knew it was over. And the moment the fire made contact with my flesh I was invaded by the sickening smell as I got cooked alive. My blood boiling and my eyes melting out of their sockets. I think I received some messages from the system but I didn't notice.

It was soon over thankfully as my undead body couldn't withstand the flame for much longer.

*Cough* *Cough* *Wheeze*

''Fuck that.''

That was the most physically painful death I have ever experienced. My resistance was just high enough for me to not die instantly. But it seemed I gained some unexpected gains from this.

< You have acquired the trait {Elementary Fire resistance lv.1 } ! >

< Your trait { Elementary Fire resistance lv.1 } has leveled up!2x >

< { Elementary Fire resistance lv.1 } -> { Elementary Fire resistance lv.3 } >

Yeah, I'm gonna need that trait to evolve before I have any chance of surviving a single breath from that bastard. But I would rather get stabbed in the balls before I experience that again. Hmm, maybe there is a different way to train this trait?

One that doesn't include drakes preferably.

But then again it would be too inefficient and I could do better things with my time rather than cook myself alive. Like fixing my absolutely ruined armor.

Because of that fucking lizard I had to spend over 3000 souls to fix my armor using repair powder.

I think the best option for me right now is upgrading my current arsenal to be slightly more fitted toward enduring a dragon. First is actual armor.

I assembled myself a temporary smithy similar to the first setup I had at the asylum but with actual tools instead(that I robbed from outer burg). I then brought out the numerous trash drops I had like spare shortswords, additional armor, and stuff, and melted them down.

I then used the melted metal to reinforce the most complete set of hollow soldier armor I had. Making it heavier and more durable as well as looking slightly cooler. I did the same for the helmet, turning it into something like Solaire's bucket helmet but shoddier.

I added some metal plates onto some leather gloves I had to make myself some gauntlets. After that, I added some more metal plates into some leather trousers I got from outer burg to make some reinforced trousers.

Overall it was pretty shoddy, heavy, and kind of uncomfortable but it worked.

And lastly, I made myself a surprise tool that would help me later.

Now, it was time to hunt that dragon wannabe.


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