A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Chapter 12: Undead Burg-er

Chapter 12: Undead Burg-er

The moment I fell down I nearly regretted not leveling up my dexterity. But before I could deliberate any further I leaped into action. Turning my motion of falling down into a roll then turned around on my heel and swung at the skeleton closest to me with my morning star with all my strength.


The moment my weapon came into contact with its skull the skeleton was flung away and scattered into bones then I immediately backstepped to dodge a stab aiming for my face. I turned on my heel once again and struck the offender with a heavy overhead blow. Which completely shattered its cranium.

But during my attack, I was slashed in my side by another skeleton and boy let me tell you, having absolutely zero armor does not enhance the experience at all. I rolled over the skeleton I just downed to make some distance and in the tiny window of time I got, I chugged my Estus flask for the first time.

The moment the literal liquid flame entered my body I felt most of my wounds close. And surprisingly the Estus felt kinda nice, like warm high-quality orange juice and nectar. But immediately after my chug the big man had arrived and swung down on me. I rolled backward narrowly avoiding bisection once again.

Now there was no backing up as my back was up against a tomb and the giant skeleton swung his blade toward my head horizontally. I ducked under and with all my strength I swung my morning star toward his knee causing his legs to temporarily dismantle.

My stamina was running low at this point so after incapacitating the giant skeleton I turned toward the item and tackled the skeleton in my way with my shoulder then grabbed his light frame and threw him toward the rest of the skeletons chasing me.

While they were occupied I put all my strength into my legs and bolted toward the item in a last-ditch effort. Damn these skeletons and their light frames making them faster than me. And right as I was about to be caught again I finally managed to reach my coveted item.

The moment I grabbed the item I immediately leaped off the cliff without looking back.

Of course, I didn't do this intelligent maneuver without any plans in my mind whatsoever. And while I would do this without a plan just to spite my enemy I actually had a plan this time.

Did I test the feasibility of this plan? Of course not. Who do you think I am?

'Please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please work!'

I pulled out a homeward bonedust and used it, hoping that it would work midair, unlike in the games. And to my relief, the warm glow surrounded me and transported me to the Firelink shrine bonfire before I fell all the way down to Blighttown.

The moment I appeared at the bonfire I slumped down with relief. I really didn't want my first death in my human form to be from plummeting into a poison shit swamp out of my own volition.

''Well, well, well I didn't expect you to make it back here alive. I certainly thought those skeletons would have claimed your life. You sure are a lucky one, but luck won't save you forever. hah hah hah.'' Said Mr espresso deppresso.

''Me neither.'' I just replied curtly to avoid more interaction with the very personification of pessimism.

I pulled up my log to check out the messages I missed during my dance with death.

< You have acquired:

2 Large Soul of a Lost Undead


Winged Spear

Caduceus Round Shield



Well, well, well color me surprised! I actually managed to grab everything even in my adrenalin-fueled suicide run. It seems even adrenalin and panic cant hinder this hollow from chasing booty.

Popping the two Large Soul of a Lost Undead I leveled up once more spending 1038 souls to raise my strength to 18. Now that that was out of the way I could finally inspect my new beautiful weapon. Which was also the reason I was pumping my souls into strength. Taking a breath to suppress my excitement I brought out the zweihander.


Woah boy! This thing is heavy as hell! Let me tell you this, this thing sure as hell doesn't weigh like a zweihander from earth, and on top of that, It's longer than my whole body thing is over 2 meters(7ft+)! It felt heavy, sturdy, and most of all, /powerful/.

/I love it!/

With my new sword in hand, I started my journey to the Undead Burg(er). I made my way up the Firelink shrine stairs and I was met with a hollow warrior. And the moment the hollow charged toward me I took the chance to test out my new weapon. As he stepped in range I swung my Zweihander horizontally.

And fucking cleaved him in half.

I felt like a giddy child who just found presents under the Christmas tree. But I didn't let that distract me much as I readied my blade against the axe-wielding hollow who jumped down the stairs and leapt at me with his axe above his head.

In response, I just angled the tip of my blade toward him in a way that as he was coming down he impaled himself on my sword. After he kebab'd himself I pushed him off my blade with my foot and sidestepped a firebomb that was thrown at me.

Putting my zweihander back in my inventory I took out my trusty morningstar and charged toward the undead soldier. When I got in his range he thrusted his sword toward me which I brushed past then kicked him to break his balance. After that, I swung my morningstar toward his skull and that undead soldier was no more.

Having dealt with the undead soldier I rushed up the stairs while dodging the one or two firebombs thrown at me. After I reached the firebombing hollow, I took out my Hollow straight sword and jabbed it into its throat. Then I immediately turned around to meet the axe hollow who was charging at me with his axe raised. A sidestep'n stab took care of him.

Walking up the aqueduct stairs I put away my sword and took out my Caduceus Round Shield and held it up with both hands as yet another axe hollow jumped at me. Although I winced from the weight of his blow I still grabbed his axe and kicked him off the stairs and into the void.

After checking that all the enemies were completely dead I made my way into the aqueduct itself. The moment I walked in I turned around to the giant rat rushing toward me and threw a brick at its ugly mug. As it was stunned I rushed it and stabbed its forehead with the winged spear I summoned into my hand.

Walking a bit further I grabbed the Soul of a Lost Undead off the corpse then turned around once again and started walking toward the Upper Undead Burg(er) entrance.

Finally walking up the stairs I am met with the scene of civilization in what feels like years at this point. Although could you really call it a civilization if no one is alive? I dunno, maybe I should ask that question to Big Hat Logan when and if I rescue him. He should be really smart with his big hat right?

But even while monologuing I still paid attention to the hollow warrior axe and hollow warrior blade charging toward me. When blademan came in came within range I just summoned my zweihander above my head and slashed down, splitting him in half like a block of wood.

I received a pleasant surprise when the hollow actually dropped his shortsword which I picked up the moment I saw the blue flame-looking thing. And while I was distracted by loot, the cheeky axe hollow tried to pull a jump attack on me.

''Not so fast buckaroo!''


While he was in the air I pulled out a brick and threw it full force at him breaking his jump. And when he landed I stabbed his throat with the shortsword of his friend. Though due to the noise our fight made I caught the attention of the firebomb hollow. Who, living up to his namesake, threw a firebomb at me.


After sidestepping the firebomb I threw my shortsword at his skull and thanks to my throwing skill lodged it into the man's head, killing him. After that, I went and took care of the hollow inside the house with my morning star. And I of course did not forget to retrieve my shortsword.

Kicking the barrels to break them I jumped down the ledge and grabbed the Large Soul of a Lost Undead then jumped down once again into an alley and before the patrolling hollow could do anything I threw my shortsword into its head, killing it.

Turning to my left I opened the door and went upstairs for a Soul of a Lost Undead on a corpse. After looting that I went back into the alley and took a right to reach the ledge where the hollows who were pretending to be sneaky were hanging off.

And unable to resist the urge I took out my club and hit their hands before they could climb up and watched them plummet to their deaths. And after crossing the bridge, to my pleasant surprise, there were more hollows just begging to fall to their deaths. And it would be cruel to ignore their pleas, wouldn't it?

*Splat!* *Splat!*

But unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to drop all of them as two of the beef jerky-looking fellas managed to climb up before I reached them. But I was undeterred as I dodged their flailing sword strikes and using my 18 strength picked them up and chucked them off like their brethren.

Feeling satisfied with my reverse fireworks show I continued forward and grabbed rubbish off the corpse then climbed up the ladder up the wall and followed the path to grab a humanity then jumped back down this time heading toward the fog wall covering the entrance of the building for some reason.

Maybe because of the giant-ass drake that will swoop down after I pass it?


After passing through the fog gate I went behind the stairs and grabbed yet another soul of a lost undead. Then I went upstairs and mentally prepared myself for the encounter with the hellkite drake himself. then stepped through the door.


Boy, let me tell you, they certainly did not do justice to this lad's actual size in the game. He is larger than the 18-wheeler that killed me in my past life that's for sure. Honestly, I applaud myself for not turning tail and just dipping out the moment I saw the giant thing.

Thankfully before I changed my and hot-footed out of here the drake flew off. And I was free to pass onto the rest of the Upper Undead Burg(er). As I walked forward the hollow on top of the tower shot at me with his crossbow which I rolled under.

I threw some bricks at the wooden barricade to draw the sword-wielding Hollows' attention then charged at them. And when I got close enough I brought out the zweihander and slashed them both in half.

< Your skill {[ basic Swordsmanship lv.1 ]} has leveled up! >

< {[ basic Swordsmanship lv.1 ]} -> {[ basic Swordsmanship lv.2 ]} >

Dodging another crossbow bolt I put my zweihander back into my inventory and brought out my straight sword and stabbed the sword hollow who was charging at me. After that, It was simple to just walk up the stairs and kick the crossbow hollow off the tower and down to Lower Undead Burg(ir).

Now that I had dispatched all the relevant enemies I turned left and entered the room with the bonfire to rest.



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