A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation

Chapter 279: Ascension (2)

Chapter 279: Ascension (2)

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A powerful spatial storm surges beyond us.

After boarding the replicated Nether Crossing Ship, I grab the helm.

'The controls are...easier than the original.'


Recalling the memory of having sailed the Nether Crossing Ship before, I cross through the spatial rift along with the replicated ship.


The Nether Crossing Ship protects us from the spatial storm.

Instead of the interdimensional passage I saw crossing the Ascension Gate, it's just a void existing within the Head Realm.

For typical cultivators at the Heavenly Being stage,

That is, cultivators who do not use the Ascension Gate, how do they ascend?

It's simple.

Those who can feel the pull of fate are the cultivators at the Heavenly Being stage, and the 'Middle Realm' naturally attracts strong cultivators.

If one can catch this flow and head 'above,' their ascension is successful. If they fail to grasp it properly, they foolishly drift in the void and die.

That is the typical 'ascension.'

'I can feel it.'

The attraction from the 'Middle Realm' is calling for me.

Normally, I should ride this pull and seize the opportunity to ascend in one go.

That would naturally require staying in the void to observe the flow of this pull.

But I have no time for that.


I raise the Colorless Glass Sword.

Once again, the Three Great Ultimates appear behind my head.


To put it simply, ascending is like shooting an arrow on a battlefield.

Overcoming numerous obstacles and hitting the target.

Feeling the flow of attraction is like recognizing the enemy commander.

Riding this flow is like calculating the wind direction, obstacles, and distance before shooting the arrow.

That is 'ascension.'

But I...


Spatial waves split apart under my sword strike, creating a massive path.

It's a path leading to the Middle Realm.

'In a sense, I'm not shooting an arrow, but firing a cannon.'

Wind direction?

Obstacles? Distance?

None of that is needed. Just pierce through everything and hit the target directly.

Like a brutish tank, we split the void and ascend.

'It's done, we're on it!'

The pull emanating from the Middle Realm!

The space I reached the last time I ascended through the Ascension Gate.

The place cultivators call the Interdimensional Void!


Countless scenes rush by our surroundings, heading downward.

The vast universe, the shape of the stars...

Everything is just as I had seen before.

However, what's different this time is...


I am ascending through the spatial storm, feeling the pressure with my bare body without any defense.

Jeon Myeong-hoon is physically weaker than me, so he is protecting his body with spells and holding Yeon Jin in one arm, shielding him together.

I stand at the forefront of the replicated Nether Crossing Ship, enduring the strongest spatial pressure entirely with my bare body.

'Was the view like this before?'

Previously, the space was so harsh that just enduring it felt like it would drive me insane.

But now, I am ascending through the Interdimensional Void leisurely as if going on a tour.

Suddenly, far beyond the mixed scenes of space in my sight.

Something is wriggling over there.

'That is'

It's something I had seen before.

A strange lifeform swimming through the spatial waves of the Interdimensional Void, imbued with the energy of the Heavenly Being stage.

'It makes sense now.'

The first time I ascended, the green-armored wooden man I met was wary, saying, 'Isn't this a monster from outside the world that has entered in human form?'

And when I was a governor for the Human Race occupied territory, I had some access to information about the Heaven-Earth Palace.

The Human Race Grand Alliance planned to turn the Void Spirit Pond into a Flying Immortal Platform like the Heaven-Earth Palace, making the documents accessible. Through them, I could see one of the duties of those managing the Heaven-Earth Palace's Flying Immortal Platform.

'To prevent the strange lifeforms drifting in the Interdimensional Void from entering the Middle Realm.'

That was it.

'What exactly are these creatures that the Heaven-Earth Palace is trying to block from entering?'

The Heaven-Earth Palace is not managed by the Human Race alone, but by the 'Heaven and Earth Tribes' as a collective.

In short, the writhing mass-like strange lifeform is an entity that the 'Heaven and Earth Tribes' together try to prevent from entering this world.


It's when I'm looking at it.

Suddenly, I feel 'its' intentions with my fourth sense.




From afar, I see the strange lifeform swimming freely through the spatial pressure flying towards us.

'Damn it, it didn't even glance at me last time, why now...?'

Thinking back, I had reached Treading Heavens at that time so while my actual power was at the Nascent Soul stage, my cultivation realm was just hovering around the Qi Gathering stage.

Is it because of the spiritual energy inside me?'


I ponder what to do with the incoming strange lifeform.

But then, Jeon Myeong-hoon extends his hand.


A red lightning flashes through the Interdimensional Void, instantly frying the strange lifeform.

"Wait, Jeon Myeong-hoon. Hold on a bit."

"What now, why."

"Do you even know what it is to so recklessly?"

Just then.


With a chilling shriek, the strange lifeform, having pierced through Jeon Myeong-hoon's lightning, charges at the replicated Nether Crossing Ship.

Jeon Myeong-hoon's expression is one of utter shock.

I too, startled, reach out my hand.


The power of the Five Elements swirl in my hand and shoot towards the strange lifeform.

A blow that would be fatal even to a typical cultivator at the Heavenly Being stage!

However, the strange lifeform does not dodge the attack but continues charging straight through it. I frown, drawing the Formless Sword.

'It has an immense resistance to the Five Elements. This isn't normal.'

Then the answer is to grind it down with physical force.



It's when I split the creature's body with the Formless Sword.


I feel a strange sense of dj vu from the creature.

"What is this? It feels familiar..."

With that thought, I raise the Formless Sword again to completely slice up the creature's body.

But at that moment.



The bisected creature does not die but suddenly starts thrashing around wildly.


As I wonder, something familiar bursts forth from the creature's entire body.



It's Heavenly Tribulation.

The creature is emitting Heavenly Tribulation from its entire body.

Seeing the familiar golden Heavenly Tribulation, I'm startled.

'This, this is not just'

It isn't just one simple golden Heavenly Tribulation.

From the creature, a familiar 'colorless' Heavenly Tribulation is also being emitted.

Surprisingly, this colorless Heavenly Tribulation appears to share the same properties as my Formless Sword.

After emitting Heavenly Tribulation from its entire body for a while, the creature entirely explodes due to the Heavenly Tribulation.

Or rather, since it also contained the power of my colorless Heavenly Tribulation, it didn't explode but rather seemed to slice itself up.

With the unexpected turn of events, I stand dumbfounded, watching the remnants of the creature being swept away by the spatial storm.

'What in the world was that?'

And then I finally realize where I have felt that strange sense of dj vu from the creature.

'Hon Won, Wi Ryeong-seon, Black Dragon King Heon Uum, Gyu-ryeon...'

Integration stage.

Or perhaps it's a feeling similar to the 'domain' power sensed from those who had attempted the Integration stage.

But the actual power it possessed was at the level of the Heavenly Being stage.

I ponder the identity of this creature and sigh, deciding to focus on ascending for now.

There might not just be one or two of such strange lifeforms, and there's no rule saying stronger ones don't exist.

And shortly after.

As expected, these mindless strange lifeforms continue to attack us.

'To think having so much Heaven and Earth spiritual energy causes such annoyances.'

Apparently, normal Heavenly Being stage cultivators have to deal with these strange lifeforms while ascending.

Or flee from them while ascending.

Or escape from them while ascending.

'I'm realizing it anew, but it's no wonder that ascenders are given special treatment in the Bright Cold Realm."

Breaking through all this and succeeding in ascension means one is truly a formidable cultivator.

I simultaneously realize again just how incredible people like Jin Byuk-ho, Azure Tiger Saint, and White Bone Ghost Devil are.

'Even though there were quite a few Heavenly Being stage cultivators in the sect, carrying the entire sect members to ascend adds enormous pressure... To do so while protecting them from these strange lifeforms during ascension is truly remarkable.'

It's mind-boggling.


Fortunately, these creatures seem extremely susceptible to the power of the Heart Tribe, so swinging the Formless Sword causes the Heavenly Tribulation inside them to surge and explode on their own.

'Young-hoon Hyung-nim must have ascended quite comfortably.'

It's while I continue to ascend with these thoughts.

"Master, there seems to be something big down below."

Hong Fan points downwards.

As he said, a presence surpassing even the Grand Perfection of the Heavenly Being stage can be felt below, so Jeon Myeong-hoon and I move together.

Jeon Myeong-hoon assists me, and I wield the Formless Sword.

Jeon Myeong-hoon takes a breath and says,

"It seems like that monster down there might be the last one around here. I don't feel any more energy besides that one."

"Alright, let's push a little harder."

Then, we head to the rear of the replicated Nether Crossing Ship to prepare for the attack.


My Heavenly Tribulation mixes with Jeon Myeong-hoon's Lightning Path Method and strikes down.


The creature at the level of the Four-Axis stage bursts into pieces, and Jeon Myeong-hoon defends against the Heavenly Tribulation emitted from the strange lifeform with his Lightning Path Method so it wouldn't reach the replicated Nether Crossing Ship.

And just as we are about to move forward again,

"Wait, Seo Eun-hyun. Isn't there something over there?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

I follow Jeon Myeong-hoon's finger pointing [downward].

And then

And then

"Huh, uh?"

"Master!!! Master!!!"

I wake up to Hong Fan waving one hand towards me.

"What, what is it?"

My head is a mess.

Looking around, I am still on the replicated Nether Crossing Ship, continuously ascending.

For some reason, there's vomit all around me, and whether Hong Fan had slapped my cheek to wake me, my cheek is numb.

I realize that my consciousness has momentarily cut off.

'What in the world? My consciousness suddenly flew away for a moment'

And then I know 'why' my consciousness had disappeared.

'I saw [something]! I saw what Jeon Myeong-hoon pointed at! And then.'

Uh, ughhh!

I suddenly feel nauseous as if my stomach is turning over, and I vomit outside the replicated Nether Crossing Ship.

"Ugh, gheuurgh!"

I remember!

No, not exactly!

But, certainly!

I certainly saw something really, extremely, exceedingly, profoundly disgusting and revoltingly repulsive.

The revulsion hasn't completely passed, and I can't stop vomiting.

'What, what is it?'

What exactly did I see?

But since I can't remember at all, I shake my head and ask Hong Fan.

"Hong Fan, how long was I unconscious for?"

"Fortunately, it's only been half a day. Master and Sir Myeong-hoon did not wake up, so the replicated Nether Crossing Ship took on all the spatial pressure, and now its durability is almost worn out."


I hastily run to the front to withstand the spatial pressure.

"What about Jeon Myeong-hoon?"

I ask, feeling that the replicated Nether Crossing Ship is considerably shakier than before.

Hong Fan replies to my question,

"I'm going to wake him up now. I thought it was more important to wake Master up first."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

I glance at Hong Fan's hand.

'He must have slapped my cheek hard enough to break his own hand.'

My cheek, trained in demon beast methods, is more solid than steel.

Probably in terms of sheer hardness, it's harder than Hong Fan, who is a demon beast himself.

Hong Fan had struck my cheek hard enough to shatter his own hand.

Thump, thump!

Soon after, Hong Fan starts to slap Jeon Myeong-hoon's cheek, who is rolling around on the deck.

Shortly thereafter, Jeon Myeong-hoon also wakes up.

"Jeon Myeong-hoon, are you okay?"

"Uh, uhh? Uh uh..."

However, Jeon Myeong-hoon seems somewhat dazed, and unlike me who vomited immediately upon regaining consciousness, he appears to be in a strangely tranquil state.

Somewhat flush-faced, he still seems to be in a state of bliss.

I realize he isn't fully sober yet and say,

"Hong Fan. Hit him more."

"Yes, Master."

At that, Hong Fan, a demon of the Transformation Stage, ruthlessly slams his full power onto Jeon Myeong-hoon's head.


Jeon Myeong-hoon's head inevitably explodes, and after regenerating his head, Jeon Myeong-hoon speaks with a dissatisfied face.

"Damn it, use words, words! I was coming to my senses!"

"...Jeon Myeong-hoon."

I ask with a stern face.

"Do you remember 'what' you saw during the ascension? You just lost consciousness."

"Ah... what I saw?"

It's then.


Jeon Myeong-hoon suddenly starts crying.

"Uh... why is this happening?"


I furrow my brows, not understanding as I read his intent.

'A sense of loss?'

Right now, he's experiencing a profound sense of loss.

"I think... I saw something incredibly blissful. I don't know exactly what it was... but it felt so nostalgic. Yes... like when I was a child, playing joyfully under the care of a maid, and when the maid sister would read me fairy tales It felt so genuinely... happy like those old times."

He clutches his chest with a hollow feeling and says,

"Well... it seems it was a hallucination. Perhaps one of those bizarre life forms used some illusion on me. It was my fault for being careless. Sorry."

I feel strange hearing that.

'Why did he see the exact opposite of what I did?'

I seem to have seen something truly horrific and disgusting.

Why then did he see the exact opposite?

It's incomprehensible.

'An illusion from the lifeform?'

I somehow feel that wasn't it.

'If it was an illusion cast by a lifeform, we would have all been eaten and annihilated, causing my regression. But that didn't happen.'

It definitely had to be something other than a bizarre lifeform.

I feel uneasy, yet at the same time, somewhat relieved.

'At least... it's not a dream.'

After waking up from the salt pillar, I had been anxious that 'this very moment' might still be a dream within that salt pillar.

What if this is still a dream within a dream?

But just having seen that horrific thing made it clear.

'This is definitely not a dream.'

I can't know for sure, but what I saw was something that could not possibly manifest in a dream.

Something so dreadful that its mere appearance in someone's dream would be a desecration.

That was what I had seen.

'I am not dreaming right now.'

Confident in this, I sigh with relief and make sure not to look down again.

We continue for several days, being careful not to look 'downward' as we ascend from the Head Realm to the Middle Realm.

'We're almost there.'


Gradually, the attraction from the Bright Cold Realm grows stronger and clearer.

Soon, we should see the dimensional barrier of the Bright Cold Realm.

Just when I think so.



Jeon Myeong-hoon and I simultaneously gather our strength.

A massive bizarre lifeform appears above us, opening a mass of flesh that seems to be its mouth.



'It's a monster at the late Four-Axis level!'

Somehow, it had hidden among the spatial storms of the void, avoiding even my sight, and suddenly attacked us.

'Such diverse abilities.'

I click my tongue at the bizarre abilities this monster possesses as I draw out the Formless Sword.


Its mouth has already engulfed the entire ship we are on.

However, I give it no thought and swing my sword directly.


I hardly exert any force.

Perhaps because of that, the monster does not split apart, but signs of Heavenly Tribulation brewing furiously are evident all over its body.


Finally, the creature swallows us completely.


And as we plunge into the monster's body, we all exclaim in astonishment.

Surprisingly, there is a [world] inside the strange lifeform.

Not a real world, but a tiny one.

A small world, about 10,000 square meters, that should rather be called a pocket dimension.


There's a tiny island there.

About 100 square meters, truly minuscule.

The island is surrounded entirely by seawater.

And the sky is a night sky, filled with strange constellations I have never seen before.

"Just what in the world are they?"

"They felt like Integration stage cultivators, but to think they have a domain within the body like Integration stage cultivators as well."


I exclaim as I see the Heavenly Tribulation boiling in the sky.

"Hoh, even if Integration stage cultivators experience the Heart Tribe's Manifestation, they don't have Heavenly Tribulation seething within their domain like this... Strange."

These are bizarre creatures that accomplished what Integration stage cultivators couldn't, yet they possess energy and strength only equivalent to the Heavenly Being and Four-Axis stage.


The colorless Heavenly Tribulation falls, filling the entire world.

We defend against the Heavenly Tribulation and wait. After a while, we feel the small world inside the monster gradually collapse.

It's collapsing on its own, unable to withstand the Heavenly Tribulation Bomb.

Cheeeeng, Cheeeeng!

The night sky splits open, and through it, we can see the familiar void we had come from.

'Just a little more to the Bright Cold Realm..'

That's when it happens.



Suddenly, I feel the immortal beast essence blood within me stir wildly.

The blood is reacting to a pull.

'What's this?'

It's telling me not to simply follow the pull of the Middle Realm but to follow it instead.

But at the same time, I feel the Nether Crossing Ship, although a replica, whining as it's infused with ghostly energy, suggesting another path of attraction.

'What is this?'

Before I know it, I can sense a dimensional barrier far away, endless like the sea.

Breaking through that barrier will lead us to the Middle Realm.

The Bright Cold Realm.

Entering there will likely bring us out at the Flying Immortal Platform of the Heaven-Earth Palace.

However, I feel a premonition that following these other pulls will lead us to a 'different' place, not the Flying Immortal Platform of the Heaven-Earth Palace.

'What should I do'

After a moment of contemplation, I decide to head towards the Flying Immortal Platform of the Heaven-Earth Palace.

I'm not alone. I have Jeon Myeong-hoon, Yeon Jin, and Hong Fan's lives to consider, and there's no need to gamble.


I strike the dimensional barrier with the Formless Sword.


The replicated Nether Crossing Ship fails to withstand the final impact and shatters, scattering beyond the dimension, and we finally succeed in ascending to the Bright Cold Realm.

Translator Notes: I decided to lock chapter 277 to 1 coin and reduced this chapters price by 1 coin to prevent confusion. Btw, I recommend waiting around 5 minutes after an advanced chapter is posted to start reading. This is because currently, theres an issue with editing the chapters so if theres any problems that occur when uploading, I have to resort to deleting and reuploading.


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